The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 85 085. Fierce Fight! Duel Club

Stirner on the stage stared at Scott in the crowd and sneered: "Come up, genius."

He raised his chin and smiled arrogantly.

"Of course, if you feel you are not worthy of the title of genius, you can choose to refuse."

Hearing him say this, the Slytherins present burst into laughter.

Off the stage, Scott also raised the corners of his lips.

He walked towards the stage.

It is true that he has always been cautious, but that does not mean that he is weak or that he has to back down when faced with a direct provocation.

The so-called genius name was not something he called out by himself, it represented some people's recognition of him.

He may not care about that title, but that doesn't mean he has to bow his head under Strelna's ridicule here.

"That's not fair, Professor!"

While walking, Scott heard Roger protesting loudly behind him.

"Strilner is in seventh grade and he's three years older than Scott!"

Scott kept walking.

He knew what Roger meant.

Roger wasn't stopping the duel, he just didn't think Scott could beat a seventh grader, saying this to give him a reason to lose.

"Yes! Not fair!"

"Let me duel with Strelna!"

Many students began to support Roger.

There was even a seventh-year Gryffindor who volunteered to play in Scott's place.


Snape was unmoved. He glanced coldly at the crowd, forcing everyone to quiet down with his eyes.

At this time, Lockhart also said to Snape: "They are right, I think we can choose two young wizards of the same age for this duel."

"Don't worry, Professor Lockhart. Strelner was my chosen opponent specifically for Trollope."

Snape looked at Scott walking onto the stage step by step, with a fake smile on his lips.

"How can Trollope be called a genius if he cannot significantly surpass his peers?"

Scott, who was on the stage, smiled at Snape and said, "Thank you for your care, Professor. I will try my best."

Snape responded with a smile, "I hope you can live up to the compliments given to you by other professors."

"I will."

Scott nodded and said no more.

He turned his gaze to Strelner, who was standing opposite him.

"Are you very proud of yourself?"

Strelner came closer.

Taking advantage of his height advantage of being several years older, he looked at Scott condescendingly.

"People like you should be grateful to Merlin just for being lucky enough to be exposed to magic."

When he spoke, his lips only moved slightly and his voice was very low.

"Genius? Reputation in the magical world is not something that someone of your origin should earn."

Scott did not look at Strelner, but lowered his head and straightened his sleeves——

He doesn't want to leave the image of himself looking up to the other person in the eyes of others.

"Are you done?"

He asked calmly.

Then, regardless of Strelna's reaction, he turned to Snape and said, "Can we begin? Professor."

"Get ready," Snape said.

Scott turned around and distanced himself from Strelner.

"very good."

He heard Strelna say something through gritted teeth.

Scott walked to the side of the stage and turned around again. Strelner on the opposite side was also in place.

"Bow," Snape ordered again.

But both Scott and Strelna only shook their bodies perfunctorily, without bending their waists.

Then, both men raised their wands.

Scott heard cheers coming from under the stage.

Judging from the voices, there are many more people supporting him than supporting Strelna.

"Come on! Scott!"

"Kill him!"

Fred and George screamed extra loudly.

At this time, Snape began to count, "One, two, three."


Strelner showed great aggression from the beginning.

Snape had just counted three when a red light shot out from the tip of Strelna's wand.

The red light instantly spanned the distance on the stage, brushed the tip of Lockhart's nose as he took a slow step back, and penetrated the air next to Scott.

Of course, that's not to say that Strelner's spell wasn't aimed. But Scott avoided the disarming spell first.

This is another benefit of having strong magic perception.

The moment the opponent's spell is completed, Scott can simulate the flight trajectory of the spell through perception, so as to avoid it calmly.

When the disarming spell passed through the air beside him, the wand in Scott's hand already lit up with a long-awaited light.

The expression on Strelner's face changed.

"Armor protection!"

He cast an iron armor spell in front of himself at an extremely fast speed.

Scott flicked the wand in his hand cleanly, but unexpectedly the curse did not fly towards Strelner.

The light crossed the stage and hit a high-backed chair on the other side of the teacher's bench.

The chair instantly turned into a giant eagle and flew up.

Strelna, who was deceived into an iron armor spell, gritted his teeth and waved his wand at Scott again.

"Split into pieces!"

Scott moved lightly, and the cutting curse missed him again.

At this time, the cry of eagles sounded, and a huge shadow blocked the light above Strelna.

The giant eagle was swooping down from above his head, and its two sharp claws were clawing at his head.

Faced with such danger, Strillner did not retreat, but decisively waved his wand upward.


The swooping eagle was hit by the crushing spell and exploded, turning into sawdust and falling down triumphantly.

Strillner smiled triumphantly, not caring even if he was covered with sawdust.

And Scott was also laughing at this time.

Just as Strillner crushed the eagle, he cast two more Transfiguration spells.

At this time, two gray wolves had jumped up from the teacher's seat, landed steadily on the stage, and blocked the two dueling people.

They stared at Strillner closely, bent down slightly, grinned and revealed their gleaming fangs.

Strillner looked disdainful, "The so-called genius only knows this useless trick?"

He raised his wand again, "Just watch, I will crush your toys and the name of genius together!"

"If you can do it." Scott smiled.

Strillner shouted: "Smash to pieces!"

However, this time the gray wolf was not hit by the Crushing Curse like an eagle, it dodged flexibly.

The two wolves separated instantly and rushed towards Strillner from the left and right sides.

"Smash to pieces!"

Strillner's face was full of ferocity, and he cast another Crushing Curse.

And this time his target was Scott himself.


A running gray wolf jumped high, blocked the Crushing Curse, and turned into sawdust and exploded.

The other gray wolf accelerated to bypass the Armor Curse, ran in front of Strillner, opened its mouth and bit his leg.

At the same time, Scott also raised his wand.

"Split into pieces!"

The Cutting Curse hit Strillner in front of him, and the magic barrier that had been maintained for a while broke with a sound.

"Damn it!"

Strillner dodged the wolf's bite in a panic.

"Smash to pieces!" He cast the spell with difficulty.

The second gray wolf also turned into sawdust.

However, before Strillner could be happy, a red light instantly hit him.

Strillner's whole body froze, and the wand flew out of his hand and flew high.

There were cheers from the stage.

"You are careless, Mr. Strillner."

Scott reached out to catch the wand and smiled at Strillner.

"Perhaps you think I only know Transfiguration?"

After saying that, he turned his head and smiled at Snape under the stage again without looking at Strillner's reaction.

"The duel is over, professor."

He shook Strillner's wand in his hand.

"I don't know if I am a genius."

He said with a smile.

"But I can be sure that Mr. Strillner is definitely not."


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