The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 92 092. Charing Cross Station

At noon, the Hogwarts Express arrived at Platform 9 and 3/4 of King's Cross Station in London.

Scott and his friends took off their wizard robes, changed into Muggle clothes, and got off the train together.


A low call came.

Scott and his friends looked in the direction of the voice and saw a wizard wearing dark wizard robes and a gloomy face striding over.

"Oh, it's my dad."

Milton whispered.

Mr. Graves came closer, glanced at Scott and his friends coldly, and said to Milton directly: "Let's go."

His cold attitude made Scott and his friends a little embarrassed.

They were still hesitating whether to be polite and take the initiative to greet him, but he had already turned around and left.

"Sorry." Milton looked at the three of them apologetically, "My dad..."

"Hurry up and catch up."

Mr. Graves turned around and urged Milton.

"Go, see you after the holiday."

Scott smiled and waved at Milton.


Milton forced a smile and quickly followed Mr. Graves. The father and son quickly disappeared in the crowd.

"That's Mr. Graves?" Eddie whispered in an incredible tone, "What happened? He was not like this during the summer vacation!"

Scott and Roger certainly didn't know the answer to this question.

"Remember, he was very kind and friendly to us during the summer vacation, and thanked us for making friends with Milton!"

Eddie's mouth didn't stop yet.

"Look at him now, I think he looks at least ten years older, and there are permanent wrinkles on his eyebrows..."

"Let's go." Scott patted Eddie's shoulder, "Let's go out of the platform first."


Eddie smacked his lips and stopped talking about Mr. Graves.

"I'm just a little worried about Milton." He said, "Did something happen to his family? I think this is also the reason why he chose to give up music."

"Maybe, but we can't do anything, right?" Roger said helplessly.


He ran to the other side of the platform to say goodbye to his girlfriend.

Scott and Eddie, who stayed where they were, looked at each other and sighed.

They understood that Roger was right.

Although they were worried about Milton, they could do nothing and didn't even know what had happened.

Not long after, Roger, who had said goodbye, returned to the team and the three of them walked out of the platform together.

Roger's father, Mr. Davis, and Eddie's father, Mr. Carmichael, were waiting for them outside the station.

When they walked out of the station, they saw the two fathers smoking together by the car.

They had become familiar with each other in the process of picking up and dropping off their sons in the past.

Due to his background, Mr. Davis was a wizard who could easily integrate into Muggle society.

He drove a normal car that couldn't fly, and wore a suit and tie. From his appearance, he didn't look like a wizard at all.

"Hey, how are you, guys!"

Mr. Davis found them, strode over and passed Roger who greeted him, and hugged Scott warmly.

"Oh, Scott, Roger wrote to tell us that you saved his life." He patted Scott's shoulder vigorously, "Thank you, good boy!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Davis, Roger is my friend, and Roger is exaggerating."

Scott was a little overwhelmed by his enthusiasm.

"Hello, Mr. Carmichael."

He took the initiative to greet the other gentleman.

"Hello, Scott."

Mr. Carmichael also smiled friendly.

Compared to Eddie's shrewdness, he looked much more friendly and gentle.

But Scott would not believe that a successful businessman would lack shrewdness.

In short, after a round of greetings, they finally decided to leave.

At the enthusiastic invitation of the fathers of his two roommates, Scott finally chose to take Mr. Davis's car and let him take him to Charing Cross Station.

So they said goodbye to each other, and the two cars drove in different directions.

In the car, Mr. Davis and Roger talked about some things that happened in the school in a relaxed tone.

"You are just like me when I was young, Roger," said Mr. Davis. "Your heart can only settle down completely when you meet the girl destined for you, just like I met your mother."

"I will keep looking, Dad," said Roger.

Scott couldn't help asking, "So it's not Caccini?"

"Yes? Or no?" Roger shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe my love for her will fade tomorrow, but it may also deepen. Who knows?"

Mr. Davis laughed and said, "That's right! I found that I couldn't leave your mother after dating her for three months!"

He also reached out and high-fived Roger.


Scott suddenly felt that he should not be in the car, but under the car.

He didn't want to listen to the father and son discussing each other's love history in the car.

When the car arrived at Charing Cross Station, Scott couldn't wait to say goodbye to the Davis father and son, got off the car and walked into the station.

After entering the station, the black raven on his shoulder attracted many people's attention.

Scott kept Rimbaud motionless, making people think it was a simulated toy.

He didn't rush to the ticket hall to buy a ticket, but first found the restroom and went in.

In the compartment, Scott took out a wand from the deformed lizard skin bag tied to the lining of his down jacket.

Although this wand and his own look black, they are much older.

This is obviously a second-hand wand and Scott's spare wand.

The existence of the spare wand is of course to facilitate him to do some small actions that he doesn't want to be discovered.

As for the origin of this wand...

There are always some students from poor wizard families in Hogwarts who don't mind stealing a relic of their deceased elders in exchange for gold galleons.

This wand made of ebony and dragon heartstrings is not much different from Scott's wand (ebony and dragon nerves).

Last school year, he asked Eddie to be the middleman and bought it from a Slytherin student.

Of course, the transaction changed hands several times during the transaction, and the seller didn't know who the wand was sold to.

Scott hid the wand in his sleeve, and after leaving the bathroom, he casually walked around the station.

There was a lot of traffic in the station.

Scott easily detected the presence of other wizards with his magical perception.

He deliberately passed by a wizard leaning against a pillar and held his wand behind the pillar.

"Super perception."

He whispered softly, hiding behind his large down jacket, and the wand in his hand drew an arc and touched himself.

With the blessing of the super sense spell, his already spread magical perception became more acute.

Then, he put the wand back into his sleeve and left.

Scott couldn't help but hate the rule that "minors are not allowed to use magic outside of school" again.

His actions just now were of course to use the presence of adult wizards to escape the surveillance of the Ministry of Magic -

When there are more than one wizard nearby, that kind of spell cannot accurately determine who used magic.

So in Scott's opinion, this rule is basically only aimed at young wizards of Muggle origin.

Scott continued to walk in the station,

but after using the super sense spell, he still didn't sense anything unusual.

In the station, the only wizards he could sense among the Muggles were the two he sensed at the beginning.

He turned around casually again, and basically determined that they were not coming for him.

But he did not jump to conclusions.

Then, he walked to the ticket hall and started queuing up to buy tickets -

Although he queued up to buy tickets normally, he actually did not relax his perception at all.

Not long after, he stood at the ticket window.

"Hello, where do you need a ticket to go?" asked the ticket seller.

"Hello, I need a ticket to the fastest..."

Scott suddenly stopped talking.

When he was about to say the destination, he finally sensed a slight fluctuation of magic that suddenly appeared not far from him.

It was a house elf.

"Hello?" The ticket seller urged.

Scott pretended to look for something in his pocket.

"Hello, a ticket to Maidstone the fastest, thank you." He handed the documents and banknotes in his hand into the window.

It seemed that he could not go back to Hastings directly.

Scott took the ticket and ID calmly, turned around and walked towards the platform.

And in his magical perception, the magic wave was always following behind him not far away.

Please recommend

Sorry, this chapter has been revised again.

The first version had some bugs, I didn't think it through beforehand, it's my fault.

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