The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 380: Ice and Snow Bath · Six Walkers Valamir

Jon said, "...please...get out...!"

"Okay!" Ye Geying giggled.

With the sound of footsteps outside the tent, someone opened the curtain of the tent with a sword, and Da Jili's face was exposed.

"Jon, Brother Jeh likes you. If you like her too, accept her. Free people have no law of a green land. As long as you like it, you don't have to be responsible to her."

Jon's face flushed suddenly!

He will be sixteen in a few days.

"There are no illegitimate children among the free people." Da Jili said, "But Jekotin's arrow wound, you better wait for her to get well..."

"I know how to do it? Sister Gilly." Ye Geying said with a smile, "Thank you."

Da Jie Li said: "Well, Jon, you can reject her or accept her, all depends on your own wishes."

"Please go out." Jon was so kindly entangled by Darjeel, and he didn't have any thoughts anymore. He picked up Jekotin and kept carrying it into her own tent.

The Hound and others were not asleep yet, and everyone looked at him and laughed.

"She...come here...say something. Her arrow I took her..."

"No need to explain." Hound said.

"No need to explain!" Robert said.

"I should go to the vigil," Tyron said.

Da Jie looked at Jon: "Jon, there are too many shackles in your heart, and you are not free at all. People in the green land are like this." Her contemptuous eyes made Jon a little cramped. The words of Darjeeling and Jekortin disturbed Jon's heart. This was new knowledge that Ed Stark had never taught him. He felt that Darjeel and Jecortin were right or wrong.

Jon went back to his tent, tossed and couldn’t fall asleep, and finally reached the middle of the night. He couldn’t help being so sleepy. When he woke up in the morning, Jegobang slept beside him again, with red hair on his chest. before.


A few days later, most of Jegorod's arrow wound healed. In the eyes of Jon and others, Will's anti-inflammatory ointment was very magical. Jekotin's wound does not suppurate, and other medicines are used, and Jekotin's wound is good. Along the way, I did not encounter the warriors of the savage tribe.

"Do you need a bath?" Jegoint said, squinting at Jon on the side.

Everyone had been walking on the road for many days, and they were all sweaty. Jon and Robard's living conditions were good since they were young. They lived a real noble life. They were not used to bathing for many days.

Ye Gezhen's injury was almost healed, and he wanted to take a bath. The medicine on the wound on the body did not smell good.

"Okay, take us there." Da Jili said.

"I wanted to take a bath long ago, Ye Ge, you can find a pool or waterfall," Tyron said.

Darjeel and Tyron are a free man who grew up in the Wolfwood Mountains. It has long been a habit to take a cold bath in the ice and snow.

Among the freedmen tribes, most cavemen have body odor, but there are more people who like being clean and beautiful. You can see from the gorgeous hand-knitted clothes and accessories of Liberty, Liberty actually likes beauty very much, and most girls also like to be clean.

Just to take a cold bath in the ice and snow, Jon Robb and the hound felt a little frustrated. They marched and garrisoned at the Great Wall, mostly taking hot baths.

Soon, Jegotang led the team to find a waterhole.

The water pool was surrounded by snow and ice, and there was some thin ice on the water surface. Robert put his hand in the water pool, and the temperature of the water was warm, just like heated hot water.

Da Jili and Jekotin were watching a few men eager to try.

Jon embarrassed: "The water temperature is too low. If you wear underwear, your clothes will freeze on your skin. When you get up, it will freeze, and you will tear your skin when you take it off."

Da Jili's face was expressionless, and Jekotin couldn't help giggling.

"Jon, you really don’t know anything. Since you are taking a bath, of course you don’t wear clothes. Do you not wash? If you don’t wash, let’s wash it first." Freedmen are used to bathing in the mountains in the original state. , And men and women share baths. It was just that Jon, Robert and other noble children in the green land were not used to it, the two women endured not jumping off first, they waited for the men to wash themselves before going down.

This is already very restrained and comity.

Tyron took off the black cloak and then the black plate armor. The plate armor was thrown on the ground, making a heavy noise, like a rock rolling to the ground.

Darjeel went to set up a tent on the leeward side of the rock, and Jekortin ran to help.

Tyron stripped himself and plunged into the water, arousing high spray. The pool was not big, but it was deep, and Tyron swam to the middle, standing in the water, the water overflowing his head.

Seeing Tyron relaxed and relaxed, the hound jumped off a second time, and then Robert was trembling.

"I will return to the valley in the future and tell the knights that I am bathing in the ice and snow outside the Great Wall of Impasse. They will definitely not believe it."

Robb closed his eyes and jumped into the water. The water was warm, much more comfortable than being blown by the wind on the shore.

"Jon, come down, it's not cold at all." Roba waved.

Jon said, "Okay!"


On the other side, Darjeely said, "Yegotang, you can go ahead and see if there are any scouts sent by Ha Ma?"

"No need to go, they will only look for us along the Snow Creek Valley."

"Before I came, I heard Lord Will say that there is another alien in the Freedmen tribe who is more powerful than Oriel."

"Oh, Valamir, the Sixers," said Jekortin.

"Yes, if Hajn took the six pedestrians and the strong Magg, the giant leader, and didn’t find us, they would have thought that we were walking in the Seren Mountains. The alien passed his bear and shadow lynx, snow wolf, mountain eagle or other Any animal will find us soon."

"Okay, I'll go take a look!" Yekotin said.


In the mountain valley, suddenly came the roar of the ice wolf Bai Ling!

"There is a situation!" Da Jili immediately picked up the crossbow and put a short bow on her back.

With the bow and arrow in his hand, Jekortin ran to the voice, and said to Darjeely: "I'll go and see, you go and inform Jon."

"it is good!"


Before Jon Snow took off his pants, he heard Bai Ling's howling.

"Someone is coming!" Jon said, putting on his clothes quickly.

Tyronn, the hound, and Robert swim hurriedly to the shore.


A white shadow turned out from the front mountain wall, a huge white bear, on the white bear's high back, sat a thin savage, and beside him was a black and white shadow lynx.

Jon hurriedly threw down his clothes and picked up the long sword. Tyron and the other three had no time to put on their clothes, so they all grabbed the long sword and faced the enemy.


In the opposite direction, Bai Ling and several wolves screamed mixedly, and the screams were mixed in. It was obvious that the wolf and the wolf were fighting fiercely!


3 more today. The time is temporarily uncertain and will be updated before 8 pm.

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