The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 911: Midnight Raid·Rookie vs. Veteran

Arianne led ten thousand elite soldiers along the waterway, followed the coastline, and went roundabout behind Mans Reid.

In one night, her team traveled more than a hundred miles by sea.

A large army movement will involve a lot of logistics. With thousands of people, food, clothing, housing and transportation are a big problem. Ten thousand elite soldiers, living supplies are a big problem. Fortunately, Arianne was on his own territory, and the ship was always sailing along the coast, docking at any time to accept the help of local nobles and officials.

In the evening after one night and one day, the ship was not far from Yangji City. And Yangji City is not far from Bantiao Town, but more than a hundred miles away.

At this time, information about Will and others in the east also came. Will led the army into the desert, which made Arianne relieved. The temperature in the desert is extremely high, and drinking water is a major problem. Any foreign legion that enters the desert has not failed.

The only thing Will is doing right now is to buy the hearts of the lower class, not to harass, rob, or kill, and return money, food and land. This little favor can prevent the locals from introducing them into the quicksand, but it only slightly delays the life expectancy of failure.

Uncle Red Viper is no stranger to the desert. He grew up in the sandstone city, and has been playing in the desert since he was a child. Will, an outsider, so dying, even led his soldiers into the desert of Donne.

After receiving the news, Arianne was relieved, ordered the boat to stop, and waited for it to detour to Bantian Town after dark.

This is a waterway that is only about two hours away from Bantiao Town, and the boat speed will slow down at night, and it is not a real warship. The enemy has a legion of unicorns and cannot attack during the day. This will alarm the enemy. Wait until midnight and carry out a raid at night. The enemy raided the town of Plank in his sleep. This time, Arianne will raided the enemy in his sleep.

Also because of Arianne's late-night raid plan, Mans Reid's merchant ship loaded with supplies set off at night. In order to fear being intercepted, he went to the open sea and just missed Arianne's raid.

In the middle of the night, thousands of boats passed through the sea outside Yangji City, and joined more than 30 warships in Yangji City. Along the way, Arianne’s team received the support of the nobles along the route, and the source of troops increased by one thousand. People, fifty ships have been added. In Yangji City, the army increased by a thousand men and the ship increased by 30.

The thousand people in Yangji City were not the garrison of Yangji City, but because of Mans Reid’s attack, the nobles around Yangji City panic. Everyone moved into Yangji City. shelter. Not only the nobles and their families entered Yangji City, but also the common people, but also the fear of war and foreign legions, all their families entered Yangji City.

In just a few days, the population of Yangji City has skyrocketed. Although most of them are old and weak, women and children, there are also many noble servants and strong civilians.

These people are the source of troops.

When the Arianne ship was anchored in the bay not far from Yangji City, Prince Daolang of Yangji City received the news, so he quickly organized an army of a thousand men and 30 warships and handed them over Arianne went to command.

There is a home court advantage in fighting on his own territory, whether it is food, lodging, transportation, geographical environment and weather, Arianne is like a fish in water. The war hasn't started yet, and the number, materials, and morale of her army are on the rise, and the information provided by various nobles is constantly being gathered to Arianne.

The scout team in Sunji City has been following Mans Reid's fleet on the shore. When the fleet arrived in Bantian Town, no ships had left. Mans Reid was experienced and ordered the merchant ship to leave only after dark. The scouts of Yangji City could only watch from a distance. Among the hundreds of warships that lined up to the sea in the port, several ships quietly set off in the dark, they did not know.

Mans Reid must ensure that his troops stay in Dorn to fight, so the protection of the merchant ship is very weak and must not be known to the enemy when the merchant ship loaded with victory goods leaves.

As for the daytime, with the naval power led by two hundred unicorns and Asha, Mans Reid is not afraid of being tough with the Dorn on the sea.

The Shama cavalry in Dorne is very good at Mans Reid. As for the navy, the combat power is very average, that is, the level of fighting pirates and protecting merchant ships. The level of real naval operations in regular formations is very poor.

On the bank of the town of Plank, Triston's Shama Cavalry arrived, but they were almost exhausted. They ran all the way for hundreds of miles to Divine Grace City. They didn't see the enemy, and if you inquired, they all went down the river by boat. So they chased them all the way. Shama was okay and could persist, but it was difficult for people to persist without sleeping for two days and one night. The Dorn people are not the Dothraki people on the other side of the narrow sea. They don't have the ability to sleep right away.

Cui Sidan himself was also a boy, his eyes were darkened, but in order to chase down the enemy, he was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. He ordered the team to continue chasing and finally saw the enemy at the mouth of the Green Blood River.

Mans Reid's army lives on a ship in the harbor. The boat is far from the shore, riding a sand horse can't fly over it, nor can it shoot arrows. The ship that Mans Reid docked was an arrow away. This is a military plan, all designed in advance.

Tristan Martel was unable to fight, so he ordered to camp. The soldiers marched hurriedly for two days and one night but they were tired. The army ate and rested. He sent out scouts to collect ships along the Green Blood River. However, the entire Green Blood River ship was either requisitioned by Mans Reid or burned by a fire.

Cui Sidan's people mobilized the local residents and nobles, and spent all their efforts, but they only collected a dozen broken ships, and it was impossible to start any water war with the enemy.

Everyone can only camp and rest first, and then think of a solution tomorrow.

After Mans Reid and other merchant ships left quietly, the army was full. He ordered the gongs and drums to be beaten. The soldiers sang and drank in the bow, making provocations, drums and gongs rang out, and then sent out boats. The nearshore harassing Tristan's army prevented them from rest.

Cui Sidan's army now has 7,000 people, of which 2,000 are civilians and aristocratic attendants gathered over 600 miles. Many nobles in the eastern territory of Dorn heard that the prince led an army to hunt down the invading enemies, and took the only attendants and civilians who could fight in the family, and joined them on horseback.

Although Mans Reid and Will have formulated a strategy of no crime against the civilians, there are still most of the civilians and civilians on the six to seven hundred miles from the Elenwood military fortress to the town of Plank. All the nobles are willing to obey the lord's call and take up weapons to join the prince's army.

On Mans Reid's hundreds of warships, the night carnival mode was opened. Their noise and harassment had a great impact on the army on the shore, because every half a period of time, Mans Reid would make the soldiers beat the drums of offensive, causing the Doben people to get up from the tent one after another, Centurion They called out to gather.

As a result, when the Dornite team was reorganized, none of the opponent's soldiers came up, and the drum of attack stopped.

Cui Sidan was still a young boy, and for the first time he experienced the situation of playing against old fried dough sticks like Mans Reid, Shana, and Asha. He was so nervous that he was fully armed, thirsty but could not drink water, and his heart was full of chaos. Of various things.

Tristan waited for a long time, but the opponent didn't attack, but instead sang songs and drank wine on the boat, and there was a burst of noise.

After insisting on the formation for half an hour, Cui Sidan ordered the dissolution and everyone rested.

The Dornman was so sleepy that he fell asleep as soon as he entered the tent and fell to the ground. However, it didn't take long for the enemy's offensive shouts to resounded through the sky. It was audible for many miles, and countless small boats approached and the drums were deafening. Dorn’s seven thousand cavalrymen woke up from their sleep. They mounted their horses, lined up, and their swords were unsheathed. Everything was just right. The opponent’s boat retreated, the drums stopped, the bow was brightly lit, singing and dancing.


0911 Chapter 2 Sacking the Salt Coast

After doing so three times, Cui Sidan suddenly understood that as long as his cavalry regiment was on the shore of this port, he was destined to be unable to sleep tonight. The team marched hurriedly for two days and one night. None of them closed their eyes. If they don't sleep tonight, tomorrow morning, if the opponent fights decisively, they will be defeated.

The prince then ordered that the legion retreat fifty miles to camp, and cannot camp on the river bank, but must camp fifty miles from the river bank. The enemy had to make a surprise attack through fifty miles, and Cui Sidan also had enough time to prepare.

So, the seven thousand Shama cavalry retreated fifty miles.

When the last group of cavalry was gone, Mansa Reid ordered the warship to set sail, leave Plank Town and head west along the coastline.

In the lemon grove city that has been looted, about two hundred miles away, there is a city by the sea: Salt Coast. Mans Reid had planned to raid the Salt Coast tonight.

No matter how majestic and strong these cities are built, without a large number of troops to defend the city, it is easy to break the city. Just set up the siege equipment and the soldiers climb up the wall. A small amount of troops cannot defend the long walls. In addition to Starfall, Mans Reid and Will also left a good impression on the nobles, that as long as they surrender actively and all actions follow the command, they will not burn or slaughter the city. And Starfall just set an evil example.

To blame, it's that Starfall is so famous that it has become a spiritual symbol of the bravery of the Dorn people. The Sword of Dawn also gives Dorn people a sense of pride and great ritual sacredness. Destroying the Starfall and taking away the Sword of Dawn will have a powerful effect on the Dorn’s illusion that “No matter how strong the foreign enemy can conquer Dorn”.

Salt Coast City is the castle and territory of the Gogenles family. They are a very important family of nobles in Dornling. How prominent and important they are, Prince Daurang himself served as servants in this family and grew up from children to teenagers in this city.

The family crest of the Gogenes is a black snake with a red chicken snake on a golden background.

The lord of this generation of the Gorgeous family is Earl Tremond Gorgeous. He led the family’s garrison and followed Prince Arianne to guard the bones of the Irenewood family-the Irenewood military fortress. At present, the Earl of Gogenes and his family garrison are on Princess Arianne’s thousand boats.

Arianne’s army has increased from 10,000 elite soldiers to 2,000 ordinary soldiers. Arianne also planned to raid the enemies in Plank Town in the middle of the night under the cover of night. Earl Gorgenles was very worried about his Salt Coast City, but Arianne's army was like a mountain, rewards and punishments were distinct, and courageous, the Earl did not dare to bring his troops back to garrison his Salt Coast City.

The Salt Coast is a wealthy city. When the Mans Reid people were still on the Great Wall, they had thoroughly studied the map of Donne, route, military strength, noble surname, personality, territory area, number of people, one by one. The research is clear and back-to-back.

Mans Reid went from being a night watchman to leading many northern tribes with blood and blood feuds. When relying on intelligence, it far exceeds relying on his swordsmanship. Moreover, it is difficult for the bloodthirsty and warlike freedmen to defeat them by swordsmanship. What's more, Mans Reid has only one man with a sword. When he entered the freedmen, there was no family tribe as a backing.

However, he integrated all the northern tribes and became their common prestigious king.

After Mans Reid's harassment tactics forced the Shama cavalry back from the little prince Tristan, all the navies immediately set sail to the Salt Coast and attack this wealthy city.

If you want to defeat a powerful enemy, assuming that you can win the attack but you have suffered heavy losses, then there is a shortcut, which is to let the enemy have no food and lose money.

The looting of food and money from the nobles along the Green Blood River is the concrete realization of this tactic.

When the nobles have no food to eat, they will inevitably act on the civilians who have food to eat, whether it is robbing, borrowing or killing, at this time, it will arouse the resistance of the civilians, and this is what Mans Reid wants of.

They gave the civilians money and food, but the local aristocrats robbed it. That's right. The Dark Heart of Gaoyin City, Jero Dyne, has loyally followed the direction that Mans Reid and Lord Will hoped, meticulously, and completed perfectly. He killed his housekeeper, then slaughtered some people in the nearest village to the city, and forcefully snatched back some food and some furniture that might belong to Gaoyin City.

The navy led by Asha and the army on Skaggs Island in Shanna are very powerful fighters. The warships are not comparable to those of the fishermen in the coastal fishing villages collected by Arianne. Moreover, the salt coast On the south coast of Dorne, Mans Reid traveled westward and would not meet Arianne's fleet waiting to the north of Sunji City.

Mans Reid moved forward in accordance with the set goal, and at this time, Arianne's fleet also started and set off to Bantian Town to implement a dream raid in the middle of the night.

When Arianne's more than a thousand ships surrounded the port of Bantiao Town, except for the floating **** and dozens of broken ship wrecks, the enemy disappeared.

And about two hundred miles away from Bantiao Town, Mans Reid’s five thousand soldiers had already set up siege equipment and began to attack the city. When the soldiers divided dozens of roads and began to climb the city wall, the defenders The fighting stopped, and the acting city lord opened the gates and announced their surrender, in exchange for Mans Reid, Shana and Asha's conditions that they would not slaughter the city or burn the city as long as they surrendered.

In a short time, Salt Coast City broke.

Mans Reid, Shana, and Asha led their troops into the city. They captured all the nobles in the city and escorted them all onto war ships. Five thousand people ransacked the city overnight and demobilized the civilians in the city. People who refused to leave had their heads cut off.

The city of Salt Coast was so rich that it was looted until the sky was almost light, and the city was completely washed out. The sculptures and large pieces of furniture that could not be moved were all destroyed, and none survived.

For destroying furniture and sculptures, large-scale murals, Asha’s Iron Man and Shana’s warriors on Skagos Island are experts.

After daybreak, everyone returned to the boat. The harvest was so great that the soldiers were extremely excited. At this time, the flagship uploaded the horn sound: woo woo woo! woo woo woo woo! Ohh Ohh ohh!

The enemy ship is found in the eastern seas!

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