This ball of green ghost fire is the Netherworld Poison Fire.

After it was born, it wandered for thousands of years. By chance, it absorbed the vitality of countless poisonous creatures, thus giving birth to spiritual intelligence and reaching the peak of Dou Zong.

The Netherworld Poison Python, a sixth-level peak monster, was able to grow to this day because of the Netherworld Poison Fire.

A silent danger is quietly approaching Shi Yu, Yi Xian’er, and Li Hanyi.


The outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains.

Yixian’er lost one of her embroidered shoes and walked on the muddy road, her white feet covered in mud.

Shi Yu and the other two stopped when they passed a river.

Shi Yu used local materials, cut down a tree, and polished it into a five-meter-high wooden barrel to store water, barbecue grill, etc.

Li Hanyi leaned silently against a tree, holding the sword in both hands, looking very cool.

Yixian’er sat on a bluestone and washed the mud off her feet by the river.

Shi Yu glanced at Yixian’er’s white and delicate feet, like exquisite jade carvings, leaned over and picked up a piece of wood, dancing with his hands, and quickly made a pair of wooden shoes.

“”Yixianer, wear this. It should fit your feet.”

Shi Yu came over, put a pair of flip-flops on the bluestone, and turned away to do his own thing.

Yixianer looked back and noticed the pair of wooden shoes beside her, and then looked at her bare feet.

Yixianer’s eyes moved, and a deep warmth surged in her heart. She hadn’t felt this kind of care and protection for a long time.

“Thank you, Mr. Shi Yu.”

She thanked Shi Yu from behind, and he waved his hand without looking back, looking very cool.

Yi Xian’er took off the embroidered shoe on her other foot and put on the wooden shoe, which fit her foot perfectly without any tightness or rubbing.

Her eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and her two little feet swayed, and she couldn’t let go of the wooden shoe.

Yi Xian’er was actually quite scared.

She was afraid that she would get hurt.

She was a body of evil poison, and her blood was highly poisonous. If she got hurt, she might accidentally hurt Shi Yu and Li Hanyi.

Yi Xian’er was very careful along the way, avoiding sharp objects on the road.

Now, with this pair of wooden shoes on her feet, she doesn’t have to worry about this problem.

Her favorability towards Shi Yu has risen wildly.

If I had to describe it, Yi Xian’er’s favorability towards Shi Yu and her inferiority complex towards herself are like this.

Favorability + 99

Favorability + 99

Favorability + 99

Inferiority + 10

Inferiority + 10

Inferiority + 10


Shi Yu would never have thought that what he did casually would cause such a big change in Yixian’er’s heart.

Everyone in the chat group, especially Xiao Xiao Yan Lingji, was very worried about Yixian’er.

And Yixian’er also reported that he was safe.

And Shi Yu and Li Hanyi did not accept the exclusive red envelopes that Yixian’er sent to them.

Once the time limit is up, the items in the red envelopes will be automatically returned.

Chat group –

Xiao Xiao Yan Lingji:”I’m glad that Sister Xian’er is okay, it was so scary!”


Yixian’er:”You don’t know, Mr. Shi Yu is so powerful, so powerful! He is worthy of being a strong man in the world!”

Li Hanyi:”Indeed, Senior Shi Yu has the ability to know everything.” Yotsugu

Jianzi:”It seems that Shi Yu has gained two little fans. (Laughs)”

Xiao Xiao Yan Lingji:”Me too, me too! I’m really curious, I really want to meet Brother Shi Yu! (Crazy)”

Huang Rong:”100 one-star points, you can go.”

Xiao Xiao Yan Lingji:”Sister Rong, 100 one-star points, you are asking for my life. (rolling eyes) (speechless)”

Little Yan Lingji:”So far, I have only earned 100 one-star points through tasks and recycling functions. (pitiful)”

Huang Rong:”I have earned more than 500 one-star points. (proud)”

Little Yan Lingji:”Sister Rong, what’s the point of comparing with an eight-year-old child? Go compare with Sister Dong, Sister Hanyi, Sister Xian’er… Brother Shi Yu and the others. (contempt)” Huang Rong

:”No, I will compete with you! I only compete with those I can compete with. Bi~ (sticking out tongue)”

Little Yan Lingji:”Sister Rong is bullying a kid! (disdain)”

Huang Rong:”(slightly)”

Little Yan Lingji:”Sister Jianzi, how many one-star points have you earned?”

Yotsuya Jianzi:”Less than 200 points.”

Little Yan Lingji:”Oh, I’m the worst.”

Huang Rong:”Yeah, you’re very self-aware.”

Little Yan Lingji:”(biting you) I’m going to be powerful when I grow up, and I’ll surpass you, my bad sister.”

Huang Rong:”I’ve seen people making big promises for others, but I’ve never seen people making big promises for themselves. (snickering)”

Little Yan Lingji:”I won’t talk to you anymore! You stinky sister, you bad sister, you only know how to bully kids.”

Shi Yu:”Haha.”

Little Yan Lingji:”Brother Shi Yu, I have saved up 100 one-star points, can you help me beat up Sister Rong? (Please)”

Shi Yu:”6.” (Da Me)”

Huang Rong:”It’s so funny, you want Senior Shi Yu to take action with just 100 one-star points? People recycle a wave of props, which is thousands or tens of thousands of points. Do they think highly of your trifles? A brat is a brat. (Laughing)”

Little Yan Lingji:”Humph, I’m offline! (Rolling on the ground in anger)”



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