The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 115: Blackfire's mission

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Xu Yang gave Sally two ice creams and then tested her magic.

There is a symbiotic relationship between rats and ordinary rats, and they can easily summon nearby rats to approach. Sally found a litter of rats wandering in the industrial park, sent them to the rat village, and left a white rat for testing.

Xu Yang stuffed the mouse into a glass box with a size of 8 cubic meters. Then, under Xu Yang's order, Sally input a large amount of biological magic into the mouse, and at the same time observed the changes of the mouse after receiving the magic.

3 seconds: The size of the mice swelled significantly.

10 seconds: The muscles of the mice were significantly enlarged, their body size doubled, and the white hair could not cover the enlarged body size and appeared sparse.

15 seconds: The mouse expands further, and the transparent glass box is too small for it, making it very anxious and distressed, and starts to turn around and scratch the box.

19 seconds: The body of the mouse has filled the glass box.

"Do you want to continue?" Sally frowned.

"Continue." Xu Yang ordered.

24 seconds: The body of the mouse expanded wildly, but could not break through the limitation of the glass box, the skin was close to the box, the muscle texture was clearly discernible, and the subcutaneous blood vessels almost burst.

In the care of ratism, Sally stopped the magic power transmission, ran over to open the box, and released the giant white rat. Before, its body was full of the box, so the bones broke, and it began to bleed internally, screaming and screaming. Sally continued to support it with bio-enhanced magic, which made its wounds heal and its body expanded again, turning into a 6-meter-long pale squirrel with blood-red eyes, staring at Xu Yang angrily.

"Roar!" the giant white rat hoarsely shouted.

"I'm taking it back to Rat Village." Sally stroked the giant white rat's fur.

"Can it grow further?" Xu Yang was curious.

"The magic power is exhausted," she said, "...and, no matter how big it is, Rat Village can't support it."

Sally's biological enhancement magic is very rare and very practical, which can greatly improve the target's vitality, size and endurance, which is unimaginable.

If her magic power is not limited, I am afraid that she will create a behemoth that is enough to cover the ground and cover the sky.

Under Farosa's guidance, Sally can grow even more. Xu Yang thought to himself. Farosa can use divine power to promote witches, but Sally is not compatible with her. After all, she is an independent mouse witch and will not depend on others.

"Deaddicts or something, you are taking it." Xu Yang looked at Sally, she looked very good.

"Of course." Sally nodded, "...I still want to do something."

Yoshioka Sumi did not participate in a series of tests. She helped the company debug some equipment and network systems, and then went to Farosa. She became more and more handy with the ink beasts, and gradually was able to control their specific appearance. Take the form of a beast, a human, or a machine.

After the witch test, Xu Yang went to the big office to extract the key information in Mateo's body and integrate it with the information collected in the previous optical optics to provide ideas for the next step.

Several large-scale electronic terminals have been installed in the office of Nisto Industrial Park, with multiple computer functions, and a common network system has been launched to connect various devices in the factory.

Here, Xu Yang wants to restore the content stored in the Mateo information chip. As a fighter of the Black Fire Innovation, his memory must have very important information stored in it.

Xu Yang was not alone, Lila was by his side.

When Farosa was busy with her witch department and managing the witches under her command, Lila took up a lot of Xu Yang's free time.

"Master," Lila assisted Xu Yang to read Mateo's file chip, "most of the information has been locked."

"I can crack it, it's fine." Xu Yang used the digital mind's unpacking program to slowly crack the key left by Heihuo Innovation. He noticed that Lila was always staring at him, as if to see through his soul, "... What's wrong with you?"

"I feel very eager." Although Lila's voice was electronically synthesized, she could hear the ups and downs of emotion.

"You are so bold."

"Please feel free to punish Lila who is so naughty." She approached Xu Yang.

While interacting with Xu Yang, he had to be distracted to crack the black fire key. Thanks to the strong brain processor, it could be manipulated in multiple lines, otherwise it would definitely be a two-line defeat.

Getting along with Lila feels completely different from Farosa. Farosa is selfish and can always see her cunning nature and habit of lying, but Lila has no reservations.

Physically, Farosa's body is almost perfect, with just the right proportions, tall and plump.

Lila is currently occupying an empty crane robot. Although it is of high quality, it is not a dedicated companion robot after all, and most of the body is cold and hard.

Judging from these conditions, Xu Yang originally thought that Lila was inferior to Farosa, but only later discovered that Lila provided rich and diverse functions.

Vacuum, electric current, sharp thorn, hot and cold, with the blessing of modern technology, there are many kinds of tricks.

Even if Xu Yang was strengthened and his body was strong, he couldn't resist such a strong interaction.

The metallic feel is amazing.

After finishing the work, Lila sorted out the clothes and introduced the excess residue into the built-in burner for destruction.

Xu Yang lay back on the chair, feeling that everyone was drained, and slowly deciphered the password with his idle thoughts.

"Master, please continue." Lila whispered in Xu Yang's ear, "No matter what excessive demands you make, Lila will not go against your will."

Hearing this, Xu Yang regained his strength and tried various experimental functions repeatedly in the office.

It was originally expected that the black fire key would be unpacked in 10 minutes, but it took 2 hours to analyze it.

Xu Yang gasped, uploaded the unpacked files to the terminal, read them all, and then scanned them with his digital mind to quickly capture key pieces of information.

The secret operations of the Black Fire Innovation in the islands were revealed, and Xu Yang was secretly shocked. Although this information is not the full picture of the mission, it can also infer the three important tasks that the Black Fire Innovation is currently carrying out.

Their primary task is to sell arms. Blackfire Innovation, as the world's leading military enterprise, is the most important business of selling and selling military weapons and vehicles. Its buyers are all over the islands and large companies, and there are many sales outlets.

There are too many poor ghosts in Aizu City, and they do less work, and almost every street on the ground can find arms dealers from Black Fire Innovation.

In order to increase arms sales, Heihuo Innovation deliberately provokes conflicts between companies, encourages them to solve problems with extreme violence, and triggers small-scale company wars. They are out-and-out warmongers, named Xu Yang secretly beware.

There is no doubt that among all the giant enterprises, the black fire innovation style is the most tyrannical. Once they are provoked, they will face the most direct and cruel military attack.

The second task is to test advanced robots and the "phantom project."

The so-called advanced robots are synthetic humans like Mateo, equipped with the fourth-generation AI developed in secret, which is AI that can perfectly imitate human emotions. They are not the best in performance, but they are extremely good in simulating emotions. , which will help Black Fire to innovate the future mass production of artificial humans to replace key populations.

In other words, they tried to create synths that corresponded to the company's executives, kidnapped them, killed them, and replaced them with the company's own synths.

As you can see from Mateo's case, unless you kill them directly, or attack them with an electromagnetic pulse, they will not attract attention at all.

On the other hand, the "Phantom Project" is the red-armored witch mass-produced by Black Fire Innovation. In addition to 101 and 102, Xu Yang also read information about several other magic witches.

"Code 97: Ability is a huge bone claw, lower position; sent to Anjiu City Arena for a death fight, insisted on being killed after 10 rounds, and made a profit of 14.5 million for our company.

Code 98: Ability to strengthen intelligence and calm mind, cub; transformed into a hacker witch, was discovered by the defense program during the process of hacking into the Kyoto Infinite Intranet has been executed.

Code 99: The ability is insect control and reinforcement, lower level; used to protect the safety of 715420_a.

Code 100: The ability is laser release, superior; Encountered with Milaya, executed.

Code 101: The ability is teleportation, lower level; act together with M45.

Code 102: The ability is to strengthen the power, lower position; act together with the M45.

Code 103: Ability to shape the miniature world within the body, lower rank; grow at 715420_a. "

The dossier ends here, but the information revealed is worth noting.

These red-armored witches are "children of phantoms" that Heihuo Innovation can mass-produce by applying special means. From the files read, they are completely used by Heihuo Innovation as tools, and they don't care about their lives.

The so-called M45 is Mateo No. 2, and they acted with No. 2 until they were defeated by Xu Yang.

As for the so-called "Miraya" mentioned in the information, Xu Yang found limited information. He only knew that she was a witch from a certain company that was responsible for the islands, but she didn't know which force she belonged to and what kind of magic power she possessed.

The big doubt is why 100 was executed after meeting Milaiya?

100 As a rare high-ranking witch, her ability is also a useful laser, but she has fallen to the point of being killed by her own people. Xu Yang frowned. The magic power of that Milaiya must be rare and special.

The confrontation between witches must be the most important thing in the future development. Farosa is powerful, but the speed of shooting is slow and the range of magic power is small. If you want the blessing of divine power, you need the help of a group of witches. The other witches are all inferior, with limited strength, and their shortcomings are still very obvious.

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