The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 154: homecoming daughter

"It's okay." Xu Yang patted her shoulder, "It's all over, now you are really... so beautiful, completely different from before, how beautiful..."

Lila began to learn to breathe again, and she had an unprecedented sense of life.

Originally placed on the empty crane robot, she could clearly realize that she was manipulating a robot, like directing a marionette. Now this custom body is different. The circuit distribution adopts a new bionic concept, and the control system is refined to each mechanical module, which is completely similar to the manipulation relationship between the human brain and the human body, and is adapted to the advanced digital consciousness after "flying". far more than ever.

come to life.

Not only that, but from the appearance, this body has no seams, and the wire port and charging point can be hidden. She repeatedly observed her joints, and there are no seam marks. The skin is as delicate as a newborn baby, completely indifferent to a witch. different.

Even her own mind is clearer and more transparent. Code pages and complex calculations are hidden in the "subconscious". As long as she doesn't pay attention to the running process behind her, she can think like a normal witch.

Unprecedented ideas and ideas popped up one after another, and Lila felt extremely happy. These were all new ideas and concepts that were impossible before.

She was lying in Xu Yang's arms, and she didn't need any clothes.

"Master? Please... Check out Lila's new body." Her cheeks were flushed.

"It really needs to be checked carefully." Xu Yang nodded, facing Lila who was so perfect now, he couldn't hold it no matter what.

The warehouse has its own style.

the other side.

After investigating the whereabouts of Xu Yang and the ancient witch from the quarry, it took Milaya a long time to find Shinji Suzuki. The other party is currently detained at the headquarters of the city service company in Anjiu. A group of reckless gangsters live with him. Behind the bars, it looks like a herd of pigs.

She had to wait slowly in the waiting room for Shinji Suzuki to come out.

According to the current information, the Suzuki team has definitely had contact with the ancient witch and hacker Xu Yang, and what they have to do now is to investigate the news from their mouths.

Milaiya was exhausted by the trip to Anju City, and she was tired of the endless hassle in Kyoto's infinite jurisdiction, with processes, approvals and formalities everywhere, cameras and monitors in every corner.

The "Century Pure Land" system is like a pair of eyes above personal privacy and dignity, watching everyone's behavior all the time. As a spiritual witch, she is under stricter supervision.

In order to enter this building, Milaiya went through 3 rounds of security checks by different departments. Robotic hands and scanners checked every corner of her body. Fortunately, she was not a virgin by now, otherwise she would regret it for the rest of her life.

However, it must be so.

No matter how difficult it is, the ancient witch must be brought out.

The company alliance has awarded the ancient witch to the core of the lighthouse. On the one hand, Milaiya swore the ownership of the ancient witch on behalf of the core of the lighthouse, and on the other hand, it is also to win the favor of Dirnai.

She has been given a secret order to capture the self-righteous witch, Farosa de Aquilia, who is unforgivable.

Dirnai is a mysterious demigod who is behind the history of the lighthouse core. As a "peace messenger" hired by the lighthouse core, Melia gradually came into contact with this existence and formed a stable connection with her.

Dilnay's attitude was very simple, she wanted to bring Farosha to her side.

As long as Milaia brings Farosa back to New Taixi, she will help Milaiya break through to the upper position and be promoted to the ruler witch!

How could Milaiah not give up her heart and try her best?

Even after digging three feet in the ground, it was necessary to find out the whereabouts of "Farosa" and "Xu Yang".

She turned to a mirror in the waiting room. Milaiya's face was still bright and attractive, her lips were red as blood, her eyes were thick, her peaks were high, the deep grooves were striking, her legs were slender, and she was wrapped in a delicate black one-piece leather jacket. In the middle, it was round and round, stretched tightly, barely restraining this plump body.

Her magical power is unrivaled, commonly known as the "Eternal Slave", and can make anyone her slave by watching.

After putting on makeup in the small room, Milaya saw the "Shinmaru" air carrier shuttle in the sky outside the building, like a black whale using the sky as the ocean. Soldiers and witches are heading south, preparing to defend the Black Fire Revolution that may break out at any time. Such a crucial war will break the balance of power in the Archipelago.

The corporate war is about to break out. The optimistic people are hoarding gold, and the pessimistic people are hoarding clean water.

While waiting patiently in the waiting room, Milaiya suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

"excuse me."

A humble greeting came from behind.

Mi Laiya turned her head and saw a shy girl who was not tall, almost a high school girl, with a beautiful face, wearing makeup, and wearing delicate and expensive formal clothes, exuding a good smell all over her body.

island leaves...

Milaiya knew who she was, and was called the "daughter who returned home." Xisheng's exiled child in his early years returned to the family a month ago.

She has an innocent and clean life, and has not yet received "investment" from other forces, so it has attracted the attention of all forces.

In order to compete for the huge legacy left by Noriko Honma, many big companies are eager to enter the game. For the gamblers who failed to bet on the chips in the previous round, Kojima Ye, who just returned home, has become the best bet target. .

The Xisheng Investment Group has a huge influence in Kyoto. Noriko Honma's children are like countless tentacles that spread from this mysterious woman, reaching every department of this giant enterprise, from animation production, marketing, etc. From marketing to thought control and implant transformation, Xisheng's children exist in every key position.

This Kojima Leaf, currently working as a commissioner of Xisheng, connects the high-level executives of Kyoto Infinite and her mother, and communicates between the two.

Milaiya believed that this meant that Noriko Honma liked this daughter very much.

"Good morning, Miss Kojima." Milaya greeted Kojima Yezi, "I'm Milaya, the peace messenger at the core of the lighthouse, and I'm investigating the condition of the prisoner Shinji Suzuki, who is the operator of Suzuki Spring in Kataki District. He's also the leader of the yakuza gang Suzuki Group."

"I see." Kojima Yeba showed a lovely smile to Milaya, "Actually, I'm here for this too."

So friendly. Melia thought to herself. It is completely different from the elites of other Xisheng Group.

"How do you say it? Do you have any connection with this gang member?" Milaiya asked.

"Before," Kojima Leaf said, "I was taken care of by this 'Suzuki Shinji', and now I want to listen to Suzuki Shinji's confession. I'm afraid his words will damage Xisheng's reputation."

"I didn't expect Xisheng's children to go to places as chaotic as Aizu Castle." Mi Laiya said.

"It's an accident." Ye Ye said in a relaxed tone.

But in his heart, Ye Ye was nervous.

Shinji Suzuki of Suzuki Spring!

This guy is very aware of Xu Yang and his party, and will sell the news of Farosa and Xu Yang in one fell swoop.

Melia is also the "Messenger of Justice" sent by the core of the lighthouse, and must have come to trouble Farosa.

Oops...leaf bit her lip. How to do it?

If Milaya follows the clue of Shinji Suzuki to get back to Aizu Castle, it will only be a matter of time before Xu Yang and Farosa are exposed.

If Xu Yang is proven not to be dead, then Pan Ruiyin, who is lying, will be finished! Immediately, he will be punished with the highest punishment, and one of his partners will be killed like this, which is a bit scary.

Farosa has a bigger problem. If Farosa is caught, there are probably two outcomes.

One is that he would rather die than give up, the brain is made into a personality matrix, and the body is used as a consumable material.

One is to hit it off, cooperate with the company, and do things together. Farosa is a willful guy, who kills very neatly, and can also resurrect the dead, which will become a big killer in the company's hands.

Neither is good.

Rather than fall into the hands of the beacon core, they should control themselves. Kojima Leaf thought to himself. Everyone on the shuttle has value available.

"What are you thinking about?" Milaiya looked at Kojima Leaf playfully.

"It's nothing." Kojima Ye Ye was a little worried about Milaiya.

After all, the other party is a witch of the spiritual system. Once she secretly activates her power, she will be bad.

Ye Zi secretly sent a letter to his professional ninja using the communicator on his forehead, asking her to come and guard Today's Kojima Ye Zi has installed many new advanced implants and wears well-fitting clothes. , maintaining a professional smile, she has received comprehensive training and upbringing from Xisheng Group, and returned to become a part of the family. The skill files and knowledge information installed in her mind have made her way of thinking change drastically.


What a waste of time...

Obviously it makes more sense to make money.

Recently, Ye Ye has been paying attention to the trend of international trade and bulk futures prices, and tried to short the real estate market in Shanghai. Once the war broke out, many capitals would flee, which was the time for her to fish in troubled waters. The sons and daughters of Xisheng must prove their investment management vision before they can be appreciated by their mothers. In addition, it is also to accumulate the ability to protect themselves, so as not to be murdered by brothers and sisters.

Shinji Suzuki was escorted over in embarrassment, wearing a pair of electronic handcuffs that could not be broken free.

His conjecture about the big man was completely wrong. He thought that he could replace the Lijia group, get in touch with the "big man", and get half a position in Kyoto. He never thought that the "big man" hated the Suzuki group so rampantly into Anku City, directly Put them all in jail, I don't know when they will be released.

Oh my god! If he and Katsuragi Asa had guarded the Suzuki Spring together, they would have guarded the Suzuki family's property! Now if I go to Huangquan, how can I explain it to my ancestors!

Once the monsters sealed in the shrine appear, they will bring harm to the world!

"Hey...hey..." Suzuki Shinji was weak, unkempt, and his hair and beard had not been taken care of for a month, like a dead dog.

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