The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 95: world war

The representative of Tianshu made a report at the regular meeting of the Eastern Hemisphere, and pointed out the activities of Mateo and others in the explosion of the Shenkong Building with decisive evidence, which fully proved the inescapable responsibility of Black Fire Innovation in this action.

Correspondingly, the representative of the Black Fire Innovation took a more conservative attitude and was unwilling to bear the accusation at all, while the Kyoto Unlimited Party expressed its anger with an unprecedented severe attitude, demanding a huge compensation of up to 100 billion funds, and announced that it would start mobilizing immediately. Property Damage Management, ready to avenge Blackfire Innovation's brutality.

Tianshu and Gaoge Kyushu also stated that they will not sit back and watch the further expansion of Black Fire Innovation in the Islands, and will mercilessly crack down on unhealthy and unsafe company operations, and will participate in the next military operation.

"An unprecedented conflict is about to break out." Xu Yang knew the weight of these news, "... an era when people in the company couldn't work if they wanted to."

The corporate alliance will usually coordinate this, de-escalating the magnitude of the war conflict, but due to the gaffe performance of the corporate alliance in the "error crisis", it officially loses its prestige, and the major corporations will ignore its guidance and participate in the conflict one by one. .

The corporatism has developed into a bottleneck period, and there are fewer and fewer valuable breakthroughs. They have tried their best to exploit the company's people to maintain operations, but the consumption shrinkage on a global scale is still unavoidable, and large companies have to rely on the issuance of consumer coupons to force consumption. Their over-saturated productivity alleviates the ultimate problem of overproduction.

The best way to divert conflicts is still a corporate civil war, and it is a world war that is more violent than before, with hundreds of millions of casualties.

As long as one or two giant companies fall, other giant companies can survive by devouring corpses, relying on military orders to develop, relying on sharp population declines to relieve pressure, and relying on post-war recovery projects to grab profits.

They estimate that they want to blow up one or two areas back to the primitive era, so that the residents above can start to develop food, clothing, housing and transportation, start population expansion, and start consumption from nothing, so as to create demand and satisfy capital appetite.

What to do, only fight. In Xu Yang's view, if there is no emergency intervention, there will eventually be a giant enterprise that has the last laugh in the brutal battle, defeating all opponents and becoming a "super giant enterprise", which not only merges all and realizes the highest form of monopoly, but also will All resources and all production are concentrated under one will, forming an extremely terrifying composite entity. At that time, it is not a question of whether ordinary people should go to work, but whether ordinary people are worthy of living.

Back to the previously rented warehouse hideout, 101 and 102 hid here, Kong Tai leaned against the door as a guard.

"Yo." Comte noticed Bacchus. He and Bacchus both worked under Mateo before and were her superiors. "What about you."

"I didn't think it was you," Bacchus was stunned for a moment, his past thoughts came to her mind, and she couldn't help but smile, "Brother Kong."

"It's good to be alive." Kong Tai knew that now was not the time to reminisce, especially since he was a surrenderer, it was inconvenient to cause discussion.

"Are you done?" Ge Chengqian came out of the back room and looked at Xu Yang.

"Of course. Oh, are those two girls okay?" Xu Yang asked.

"The two of them were a little anxious when they heard the news." Katsuragi folded his hands on his chest, "By the way... I thought about it for a long time while you were away, and I think it's time to leave. I want to start my own gang... ...Now that the rats have subsided, I have to go back to Katagi, where I also know some good guys and like-minded friends, and I'm going to start from scratch."

"If you want money, tell me anytime." Xu Yang said.

"Of course, you can't do it without money." Ge Chengqian scratched his hair, "For recruiting troops, we will definitely borrow your money. We will raise some money, find a way to figure it out, and then ask you for it again, of course, definitely will pay back."

"Don't be too outspoken, we have always been friends, I believe in your credibility." Xu Yang nodded, "Call me if you have any questions, I have a mobile phone now."

"Thank you for taking care of me along the way." Ge Chengqian came over and hugged Xu Yang hard, "Hey, there will always be time for separation! Don't be too sentimental."

"Goodbye." Xu Yang said with emotion, "...Take care of yourself. The days ahead will be even more crazy and chaotic. Your gang can keep people safe."

"This is also my long-standing wish," Katsuragi nodded firmly. "The gang is a big family. The purpose of this big family is to shelter the scattered small families and give them hope."

"You can definitely do it." Xu Yang's tone was sincere, "You are not what you used to be."

Comte glanced at Bacchus.

"And your future is on this black ship," he said. "Come see me when you have time, forget Mateo, and start a new life."

"I can't remember who it is." Bacchus smiled, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to Farosa. This is the person who should be carefully served in the future.

After saying goodbye to Katsuragi and Kong Tai, Xu Yang entered the warehouse and saw 102 huddled on an old sofa while 101 looked serious.

"We were filmed." 102 cried to Xu Yang, "We will be caught!"

"You did it." 101 pointed to Mateo and the two witches in red armor recorded on the TV screen. "Although it is very rude, I want to say that this is a blow to our safety."

"Just change your armor." Xu Yang said, "After all, you all wore face masks in your previous activities, so you can't photograph your faces. I'll buy you new clothes and new armor as an induction gift."

"Joined? Where to go to work?" 102 heard the news, "How much is the salary?"

"The Witch Department." Xu Yang intends to let Farosa take care of the witches and organize them in the form of a company department, "Farosa, Minister of the Witch Department, how much do you plan to pay them?"

Farosa thought about the intelligence and short videos she had collected these days.

"The trial period is 1,000, and the regularization is 3,000." Farosa said confidently.

"It really is a lie!" 102 fell on the sofa, "I'm going to die of poverty!"

"Do you have a cash card?" Xu Yang asked.

"There is an unrelated cash card, which can be used by entering the password." 101 took out her cash card, which only had 2,500 funds on it.

"I'll give you the settlement fee first." Xu Yang transferred 100,000 to 101's card, "Now take off your armor first, and don't let anyone see it."

"Wow, so rich!" 102's eyes lit up when he saw the numbers.

She happily took off her red armor, 101 hesitated, and slowly changed the armor.

Underneath the armor, they wear tight black one-piece gelsuits, which outline a youthful, infinitely possible body. They are twins with brown hair, only 101 has long hair and 102 has short hair. They both look sweet and innocent, and 102 has light freckles on his face.

Their lifespans were short, and Xu Yang felt a burst of sympathy when he thought of this. According to 101, as artificially created witches, they only had 5 years left to live, which was too cruel for them and had to be changed in the future.

Leaving the garish red armor on the shuttle, they were assigned to Farosa.

"Teleportation and great power." Farosa looked at 101 and 102. "You are the servants I really need. As long as you are grateful and humble, this **** will take care of you."

"What's wrong with her?" 102 asked Xu Yang.

"It's alright," Xu Yang said, "I'll be able to get used to it later."

"I'm not kidding, these two potential children are a pair of treasures," Farosa said. "Once their magic power is properly developed, they can break away from the ranks of the lower witches and be promoted to the upper and the ruler. level."

"You mean, can you help us advance to the top?" 102 stopped, "Really?"

"Yes." Farosa said in an unquestioning tone.

"I have to, I have to hurry," 102 looked eagerly, "how to do? I have to become stronger so that I can protect my sister! I have to protect her!"

101 was expressionless, just hugged 102 hard.

"You've never had to do anything," she whispered.

Back in the burrito and hat shop, Cui Junyou and the others had planned to rest overnight. After seeing Xu Yang back, Cui Junyou caught up as soon as possible.

"You're back, the sisters are online now," he said.

"Oh, that..." Xu Yang recalled that Cui Junyou once said that he would introduce a character related to the Lundenheim change 100 years ago. According to his serious Just kidding, "Woman...witch?"

"Indeed." Cui Junyou boarded the shuttle, "A witch whose belief is no weaker than the two of us. Are you ready?"

"What are you going to prepare?" Xu Yang was puzzled for a while.

"Prepare to fight corporatism to the death." Cui Junyou was extremely serious, "I only hang out with the most staunch anti-corporatists. Originally it was just me, the sisters, and a Tequila poet. I think this list can be added. on you."

"Ready." Xu Yang nodded. The cloud of war is approaching, and giant companies are fighting each other, which may be the biggest opportunity to eliminate corporatism.

"Communications with her must be kept secret. I deal with her on the deep anonymous web using a specially made browser, and I dare not use any medium that will reveal the address. Corporateism is watching us, and we must be cautious."

"How can it be so mysterious." Xu Yang sat in the seat, Cui Junyou took the mobile phone and cut the page to show Xu Yang.

The screen changed, and a heroic woman appeared on it.

She has pale blond curly hair, wears sunglasses, holds a cigarette, and has a small prosthesis embedded in her face, which seems to be to cover up the scars. It's a bit cool. The past and present features are intertwined on her face. Identify what era she is from.

"Yo, hello!" She noticed Xu Yang and waved to the screen, "Welcome to the big channel that ruined corporateism, my name is Celita Yivani."

"He said you had something to do with the Lundenim Incident." Xu Yang recalled that heart-wrenching historical action, "What kind of correlation method is it?"

"I am one of the initiators." She said, "I am 130 years old." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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