
Yi Xia took a long breath to indicate that she had reached her limit.

Of course, whether the young female boss next to her believes it is another matter.

Today I tried to start a live broadcast for Yi Xia.

Because there is no relevant experience, the effect is not very ideal.

After all, for an averagely attractive man, he was eating and drinking all the time, and there wasn’t even a live broadcast with background music.

In terms of attracting attention, there is really no control.

Yi Xia doesn't care about this.

Just an entertaining attempt.

Even though you have extraordinary powers, you still only want to make money?

Yi Xia probably couldn't understand it.

Among the plots he has imagined in the sea of ​​​​consciousness over the years, the last one should be chivalrous and heroic, saving beauty.

Of course, since I started working, the situation of making money has become more and more serious.

Fortunately, the emergence of integrated networks has completely stopped this trend.

After checking out and going out, the hot smell outside hit the store.

Thinking of the inspiration she had gained at the buffet, Yi Xia returned to the basement first.

He was ready to try some new method to tutor the practice of magic.

But before that, he needs some props:

A Western wizard costume and a wand or something that looks like a wand.

If that doesn't work, what about a pen?

Yi Xia did not search on a certain treasure, but directly opened the city's online flea market.

When working, express delivery is the brightest light in dark days.

But now, Yi Xia is too lazy to wait for the express delivery.

As a first-tier city, Liucheng’s online second-hand goods city is relatively developed.

A year or two ago, when the government didn't have much control, Yi Xia still liked to go shopping when she had nothing to do.

Later, after the official issued the "Notice on the Control of 'Chaos' on Online Platforms", Yi Xia rarely watched it.

He doesn't buy anything, he just comes here to take photos for free...

Yi Xia didn't look at the pushed keyboards, women's clothing, etc., and directly searched for wizard uniforms.

It turned out that there were actually quite a few for sale, and they were all in complete sets.

Liuxi Community?

Yi Xia compared his body shape and found a shop with a size similar to his.

The seller is a college student.

In fact, only college students and the like who have a lot of free time have time to play this.

Of course, many times, the other party’s purchase is a temporary one.

That’s why online flea markets have become popular again.

Yi Xia is more difficult to understand. This may be related to the fact that the amount of his treasury has never exceeded 10,000?

Through the platform, Yi Xia made an appointment with the other party.

At about 7 o'clock this evening, I made an offline delivery at a milk tea shop in Liuxi Square.

Yi Xia thinks it’s good.

Sometimes, Yi Xia inevitably feels a little emotional that she has met a good time.

The emergence of special effects has prevented the promotion of witchcraft medicine from being suppressed by official forces.

The emergence of culture such as the second dimension has allowed some "real" guys to take advantage of comic exhibitions.



Liucheng West Plaza/As long as you don’t see it, it’s a 0-calorie milk tea shop

"Classmate Li, are you from Liucheng?"

Yi Xia looked at the young man sitting across from him. He was now preparing to complete the offline transaction of the wizard uniform with him.

This young man's name is Li Nai, a seller of wizard uniforms.

"First of all, you should call me comrade..."

Hearing Yi Xia's question, the other party, who seemed a little afraid of awkward conversation, blurted out immediately.

The tone was sonorous and powerful, completely different from Yi Xia's voice when they introduced each other before.

Yi Xia:......

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there have been too many red police calls recently, and I can't think straight."

The next moment, Li Nai reacted and immediately apologized.

Yi Xia felt that the other party's feet might be a little uncomfortable at this time.

After all, there are still some technical difficulties in carving out three bedrooms and one living room on the smooth floor of a milk tea shop...

"Studying vocal music?"

Yi Xia seemed to understand somewhat.

The subtle scene of a young man shouting "Ula" with authentic taste while waving a red alert vaguely appeared in his mind.

"No, just have fun by yourself."

Probably having a lot of experience in social life, the other party instinctively took a sip of milk tea to try to relieve himself.

Yi Xia nodded, looking like a big shot.

Even now, Yi Xia still admires this kind of guy who can add colorful mods to the DLC of ordinary life.

"Are you planning to make a cosplay?"

The other party tried to bring the topic back to the original topic, and took out the packed wizard uniform from the seat next to him.

Yi Xia nodded:

"So be it."

Yi Xia didn't feel too impatient. He noticed a certain temperament from the other party.

It was immersed in another kind of romantic emotion that transcended the real world, so that it seemed quite clumsy and slow in reality.

At this time, Yi Xia suddenly noticed the mobile phone that the other party had been holding next to him.

Shooting a video?

Or live broadcast?

Yi Xia looked at it and ignored it, as long as he wasn't photographed.

Afterwards, the two quickly completed the transaction and left one after another...



A night of silence

next day

Yi Xia got up early and ate some steamed dumplings.

Today, the weekly free copy was refreshed, and he could start a new round of excitement.

However, things seem to be changing this week?

"It is detected that the player's challenge level has changed, the character has left the novice guidance stage, and the weekly dungeon is refreshed."

“Based on your outstanding performance in the last round of novice weekly free copy/secret treasure house (apprentice), you will get one opportunity to choose this weekly free mechanism.”

“You can choose this week’s free mechanism among the following mechanisms as your reward:

1. Secret treasure house:

The dungeon drop rate has been greatly reduced, the dungeon boss will no longer have a clearance treasure chest, the weekly free store/weekly free rewards are activated, and challenger rewards can be obtained after triggering certain conditions (relevant dungeon props of rare or higher quality must appear)

The free mechanism will be triggered next week: Obtain the Challenger Treasure Box

2. Endless trials:

The general experience gain of the weekly free dungeon is reduced. Characters can challenge unlimitedly during the duration of the weekly free dungeon. Each time the level is successfully cleared, the trial level of the level of difficulty will be +1. After the weekly free dungeon ends, the character will gain based on Generous universal experience rewards for all difficulty trial levels.

The weekly exemption mechanism will be triggered next week: clear at least 10 normal levels

3. Brave Challenge:

The weekly free dungeon will no longer meet the requirements for clearance, and characters can only complete the dungeon once per calendar day.

After entering, a small amount (normal difficulty), a large number (hard difficulty), a large number (infernal difficulty), and a massive amount (epic difficulty) of mobs will continue to be refreshed in the dungeon, and every ten rounds, a monster with a halo, A boss monster with abilities related to the battle flag.

The mobs and bosses will no longer drop treasure chests, but will produce brave currency (cannot be brought out of the dungeon). Characters can use the brave currency to strengthen themselves or increase the refresh rate of mobs/leaders/rare elites.

Characters can choose to settle at any time. After settlement, the characters will receive generous rewards based on dungeon kills and rounds (comprehensive network disaster coins, general experience, magic props)

Every 10 rounds, the probability of rare item rewards appearing after settlement increases.


Looking at the information appearing on her retina, Yi Xia fell into deep thought...

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