The Witch of Zongwang: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 49: When people lie in bed, their cooking skills really improve (two updates!)

"Used successfully, you gain a non-combat occupation: basic chef."


Basic Chef:

Occupational level: 1 (to advance to the next level requires 15 cooking skills and consumes 100 professional experience points)

Professional experience: 0

professional skills:

1. Extraordinary cooking skills (lv1):

Characters can exert extraordinary effects of extraordinary ingredients when cooking.

2. Cooking skills (7):

The character's basic ability to produce various types of cooking determines the upper limit of the chef's relevant level.

Current recipes: None


"Tips from the Internet: Extraordinary recipes at the apprentice level can be unlocked directly by characters."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder information that was refreshed on his retina, and he felt an urge to try.

But 7 points in cooking skills?

Yi Xia thought about it and realized that she knew how to boil boiled meat slices and various mixed and mixed dishes that could not be copied.

Is the judgment a bit low?

Maybe, because I haven’t practiced for many years, some of my hands have become raw.

Yi Xia judged.

Then, he opened his comprehensive network panel and rummaged through the chef's recipe library on it.

Mernard fish dish?

The materials are too troublesome, and what is this magic berry?

Are the orcs full of fish soup?

It's a bit rough. Is this thing really edible?



Yi Xia leaned on the chair and looked through various extraordinary recipes.

He felt that he needed to slow down.

Apparently, there was something complicated about the composition of the extraordinary recipe he purchased.

In addition to human authors, there are many alien inventions.

Yi Xia suddenly felt that looking up at the stars was not so outrageous.

Soon, Yi Xia found a recipe that was barely satisfactory:


Convenient dry food for kittens:

Type: Extraordinary Recipes

Level: Apprentice level (requires 5 cooking skills points)

Ingredients required for the recipe: large pieces of fish or cat food, a little salt or preservatives, a lot of oil (animal oil is best)

Food effect: After eating, the character's medium health and physical strength will be continuously restored (refer to the character's maximum health).

Recipe specific information: Prepare large pieces of fish or cat food, wash them (this step can be omitted for cat food), and grind until...


Although the name does not have much artistic color, it looks more like emergency dry food during marches and adventures.

But Yi Xia thought the taste wouldn't be too bad.

Although he has never come into contact with the Cat People, he is quite familiar with this race, which is as popular as the elves in the multiverse forum.

Perhaps the other information Yi Xia knows about the Kitty People race may not be so accurate.

Just like even on earth, it is difficult for people to judge the real life of similar people on the other side of the ocean through various types of information.

But when it comes to eating fish, the pickiness and professionalism of the cat people are obvious to all.

Later, Yi Xia tried to add it to his...spell book.

Yes, becoming a chef was not a sudden decision made by Yi Xia.

He has long thought about how to use his expertise in this limited spell book.


Ancient recipes:

Limited deflection: Recipes of extraordinary level or above can be cast as 1st to 5th level witchcraft (materials cannot be dispensed with), and can trigger related metamagic feat effects (multicasting, spell enhancement), etc.


Without too many surprises, as Yi Xia's thoughts flowed, a new page was added to his spell book.

It has a warm, soft atmosphere, like the sizzling sound of firewood.

It makes people think of beautiful things like meat and butter.

On the initial page, the power of witchcraft is quietly immersed.

It is destruction and strength, but also rebirth and protection.

The magic power in Yi Xia's body flowed freely, so the spell book automatically turned to the page that symbolized the recipe.

Then, a large piece of fresh fish disappeared from Yi Xia's backpack.

Yi Xia felt the power of magic stirring.

To be honest, he was really confused about the changes in this area.

In a true sense, you can only cast spells based on your feelings.

"Tips from the comprehensive network: You are casting a spell: Kitten People's Convenient Dry Food (0 Ring)..."

"The release is successful, you have obtained extraordinary food: kitty people's convenient dry food."

"Tips from the Internet: The dim light surging in the spell book seems to hide some secret knowledge. You seem to have learned something (cooking skills +1)..."

Looking at the information appearing on her retina, Yi Xia sensed some fleeting inspiration in her mind.

The real person is lying on the bed, cooking skills are rising...

Dreams come true so quickly.

Yi Xia couldn't help but sigh as she felt the kitten's convenient dry food in her backpack.

However, it is not completely uninvolved.

Yi Xia felt that at least the refining mana was provided by him.

If you think about it this way, a little bit of cooking skills should be taken for granted...

Yi Xia paused and continued cooking.

Well, at least today, I have to finish all the fish meat...



When Yi Xia finished finishing a pile of fish, there was already a red glow outside reflecting the sunset.

It’s almost time for the partygoers and college students to go home after get off work.

I could only catch a glimpse of some aunts and uncles nearby, walking slowly carrying vegetable baskets.

Occasionally, a young couple who rented a house nearby would pass by and laugh for a moment.

Yi Xia leaned on the public seat like an old salted fish.

Maybe it was because I had handled too much fish before and it had some fishy smell on it.

Yi Xia had just sat for a while when she saw a civet cat jumping out of nowhere.

There are quite a lot of cats in the suburbs, and of course they are far from common.

When there are too many people, the cat doesn’t know where to sneak away.


Yi Xia looked at the civet cat squatting next to her with shiny fur.

He rummaged through his backpack, but couldn't find any fish pieces that had survived.

But if kittens can eat something, cats can eat it too, right?

Yi Xia thought for a while and put his hand into his pocket.

Then, he used his mind to take out a small piece of Kitten's portable dry food.

Sure enough, there is a specialization in the art industry, but Yi Xia just took it out.

The civet cat, which was still watching, ran over directly following the smell.

It rubbed Yi Xia's feet while making a whirring sound, as if there was a small motor inside its body.

Yi Xia teased it for a while, then threw the dry food in her hand to it.

Seeing the civet cat nibbling it with relish, Yi Xia suddenly felt a kind of chef's joy.

Well, it’s just a cat with good taste.

Yi Xia said in her heart.

Then, Yi Xia saw the girl looking for her from the alley with an anxious look.

Yi Xia looked at the girl with an innocent face as she grabbed the civet cat by the back of its neck.

Then with an angry look on his face, he accused this guy of taking the opportunity to escape from the house.

Hearing the shrill screams of the civet cat, Yi Xia felt that it was indeed a glutton.

"Sorry for causing trouble for you."

Probably noticing Yi Xia's gaze, the girl raised her head and said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay. I really like your cat. It's such a good cat."

Yi Xia smiled.

"Your toads are also doing well."

The girl also laughed when she heard this and squinted her eyes.

Then, she looked over Yi Xia's shoulder.

He was probably in a hurry to get back to cooking, so he just said polite words and left with the cat.

Yi Xia's smile did not change.

He just looked over his shoulder, where Chiyang Toad Gu was looking at him with the same innocent expression...

What a pity, it was me who met...

After a long time, Yi Xia shook his head.

He sometimes looks at Master and Disciple.txt, but it doesn’t mean that he will play a wave of Master and Disciple LVG in Earth OL.

A new era is coming, but what does this have to do with him, the bearer of the old era?

Extraordinary perception...

Yi Xia thought, he also had to figure out his basic attributes.

Although skills and spells are his strengths, basic attributes cannot be lost.

Of course, the value of attribute points in the early stage is not that great.

In this regard, Wu Jin has his own tricks.

That is - eat!

Yi Xia touched his belly. In this regard, he felt that he and those ancient wizards were at least on the same starting line...

In this world, there are not so many extraordinary beasts.


Yi Xia suddenly thought of the effect of Jiazhuo devouring souls and restoring mana.

Moreover, now that there is an extraordinary recipe, he has a new way to deal with it besides eating it raw.

Yi Xia licked her teeth, feeling like she had something to do...

The inspection was finally completed today, and I was relieved.

Then the editor informed me that the book should be on the shelves within the next week or so.

There will be updates when the time comes (I’m sure)…

Then, please count the votes (whisper bb)

——from Baldhead

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