
Void Bait (Level 1 Monster Summoning Technique):

Type: 1st level spell/version limited

Cost: 1 mana


After a standard action, you throw a "bait" with a limited contract and related requirements into the contract star realm.

If a being responds successfully (level 1-3), it will be summoned to the present world.

Please note: Health with intelligence greater than 10 points will not respond under normal circumstances.



Ghostly Face of Disaster (Ghostlight):

Type: 1st level spell/version limited

Cost: 1-2 mana points


As a swift casting action, you can spend 1 mana to create a will-o'-the-wisp of fearful power or spend an additional 1 mana to create a temporary mana mask that embodies your protoss elements.

The current effect of the Disaster Ghost Face: 1-3 points of mental damage are triggered each time, and additional fear (1st ring)/hungry (2nd ring) effects are added.


Yi Xia looked at the information displayed on her retina and didn't know whether it was good or bad for a moment.

Yi Xia gained 2 new skill points, but Yi Xia was not in a hurry to use them.

As he came into contact with more information related to witchcraft, the more scattered information appeared in his mind.

Just like modern technological civilization, everyone has a different understanding.

But it is obviously not a simple matter to interpret it completely at once.

It involves all aspects, and requires someone with sufficient knowledge and wisdom to make any attempt in this area.

Wu Jin's career information is certainly not that scary.

But as a truly ancient extraordinary profession, the scattered information it has accumulated over the long years is also amazing enough.

Although Yi Xia only obtained the basic information about his professional inheritance, he still needed enough time to digest it.

Even giant dragons are no exception to this.

And with the gradual improvement of professional understanding, some of the habits of Yi Xia, a hardcore gamer, began to become faintly restless.

You've already gained a foothold before, maybe you can try some new operations?

Yi Xia felt some information about the branches of qi and blood that emerged in her mind and fell into deep thought.

Of course, before that, he needs enough killing experience and sacrifices as experimental materials.

In some aspects, witchcraft is not a benevolent supernatural profession, just like the disasters that appear at the same time.

But just like a necromancer, he can also become a master healer in certain fields.

Witches are chaotic beings that wander between good and evil.

This is the inheritance information of this profession, which gives Yi Xia the stereotype.

Just like people always think that a powerful mage will be a thin old man with a white beard and a white robe, it is a kind of professional label that is not so accurate.

In the Internet age, this behavior has been widely extended and used in many keyboard battles.

So, speaking of which, what exactly are goblins?

Yi Xia was a little unsure.

This concept of monster is really too broad.

From the bomb maniacs of Azeroth, to the brutal infantry of Erathia, from the experience babies of Baldur's Gate, to the Chaos Scourge of the Greenskin Horde.

The upper and lower limits of this thing are extremely unstable.

But anyway, let’s give it a try first.

Rational thinking didn't seem to have the upper hand at this moment. The fire that had been burning in Yi Xia's chest from morning to now needed something to calm it down.

However, using bare hands is obviously a bit too hasty.

So Yi Xia rummaged around in the room for a long time.

Finally, I found a small fire extinguisher I had bought at a firefighting seminar.

This thing has never been put to use since I bought it.

This is naturally a good thing.

And now, it will exert its last remaining heat three months before its shelf life...



"Teleporting players into the dungeon: Tide of Goblins (simple)..."

"Transmission successful."

When Yi Xia touched the back of his head with some uncertainty, feeling a vague phantom pain, he suddenly realized that he had indeed arrived in an extremely open wilderness from his room in an instant.

The stars overhead were brightly emitting heat, but they only looked dazzling.

The temperature didn't seem to be much higher than that in Yi Xia's room.

Yi Xia calmed down his turbulent emotions, and the heavy fire extinguisher in his right hand gave him some confidence.

Of course, the spell book was also summoned by him.

There was some weird smell in the air, a weird smell like something burnt and mixed with feces.

Anyway, it doesn't smell very good.

The surrounding terrain is relatively flat, mostly dry and unknown vegetation.

Yi Xia walked forward cautiously. The sound of dead branches breaking under her feet made Yi Xia nervous.

From Yi Xia's perspective, monsters might suddenly appear everywhere around them.

But even though she was so careful, Yi Xia suddenly felt empty under her feet while walking!

He only felt the scene around him spinning, and then he fell into a pothole with flying dead branches and dust!

There were tingling pains in many places on my back, as if something had penetrated me.

Fortunately, Yi Xia didn't feel much pain due to the sudden surge of adrenaline at this moment.

He struggled to stand up and looked behind him, only to see his hands covered with blood...

Then Yi Xia felt something passing rapidly inside her body. Soon, the pain in her back seemed to disappear.

Yi Xia noticed that in his comprehensive network panel, the original 100% health value changed to 71%.

At this time, Yi Xia heard some strange noise.

Soon, he saw green goblins with ferocious faces appearing above his head.

They kept making some annoying sharp noises, and then stared at Yi Xia greedily with their small blood-red or dim eyes.

Then, the goblin with his head stuck forward got a can!


The goblin wailed and disappeared from Yi Xia's sight, while the surrounding goblins took a few steps back in unison when they saw that the situation was not good.

But they didn't just run away.

There's always a price to pay for hunting big game, and the price isn't falling on them just yet...

At this time, the goblins heard some kind of strange call.

The next moment, the mana particles in the air stirred rapidly in a way that the goblins could not detect!

A huge wild boar suddenly appeared next to the trap made by the goblin!


With a roar that sounded like a prologue, the wild boar rushed towards the group of goblins who were watching furtively with a tank-like momentum!

As a result, the goblins dispersed.

But there was still one goblin who couldn't avoid it, and was suddenly jumped up by the wild boar!

Then, it fell heavily to the ground, and there was no movement after a few hits.

But taking advantage of this moment, a goblin suddenly jumped up and quickly climbed onto the back of the wild boar!

They screamed and used the crude weapons in their hands to directly pierce the wild boar's eyes!

At this time, from the corner of their eyes, they caught a glimpse of Yi Xia, who crawled out of the hole in a rather embarrassed manner and looked unhappy...


Glancing at the thick and sharp rocks underneath that made people feel chilled, Yi Xia's hand tightened on the fire extinguisher.

I won’t record it this time…

Yi Xia, who originally planned to record the progress of his first land reclamation, thought in his mind.

Then, Yi Xia noticed the goblins who were huddled together and looking at him.

In a daze, it was like seeing Yasuo with five white lines.

After being slightly stunned, Yi Xia directly activated the magic power in his body.

Disaster Mask!

The next moment, the goblins who were watching Yi Xia warily were suddenly stunned.

They saw the strange mask that suddenly appeared on Yi Xia's face.

In an instant, in the eyes of some goblins, the entire sky seemed to become dark, and a ferocious, huge monster appeared behind Yi Xia!

They screamed several times louder than before, and then ran away like big mice that met a cat one by one!

Some goblins felt as if their stomachs were burning for a moment.

They stared at the wild boar that was now blinded and driven into madness with far more greed than before.

Then, he pounced on it without any reason and started biting!

New book, please vote for recommendations...

——From the bald man who has had all his vacations temporarily cancelled.

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