"Tips from the website: You failed to pass the first round of Flour War Division 1 and are in the process of dungeon settlement and withdrawal..."

"Based on the evaluation you achieved in the first round, you gained 139 career experience points."

"Your chef level has been upgraded to lv2."

"Your maximum cooking skill point limit has been increased to 80 (currently: 49)"

"Roe Deer Owl's Stomach Progress Feedback: You have swallowed a lot of magical cooking, and you have absorbed nutrients for growth."

"Your maximum health has been slightly increased/the current physical attribute points have been permanently increased and accumulated (87.3%)"

Looking at the prompt message that appeared on his retina, Yi Xia was already back in the basement.

He licked his teeth, which seemed to have a slightly sweet smell, feeling that he was still unsatisfied.

Although I was not full after eating, it still barely made my stomach feel a bit like the mortal period.

After the roe owl's stomach was raised to level 2, its effect was radiated to Yi Xia's native stomach pouch.

It had been a long time since he had felt something like food in his stomach.

Most of the time, more feelings about food stay on the tip of the tongue and throat.

As for after being submerged in the stomach pouch?

Like a stone thrown into a bottomless abyss, there is no ripple at all.

Sitting on the chair brought by Yin Ling, Yi Xia felt that she had mastered the normal way to open the daily copy.

Income too low?

It doesn't matter, their derived value is much higher.

At least, the ticket price of 150 comprehensive network disaster coins will definitely be paid back (I am sure).

Of course, it has to be a suitable daily copy.

For example, the previous cemetery was a complete waste of time for Yi Xia.

He didn't have the time to play house with a few dozen or less minions and leaders.

Speaking of which, I miss the fishman’s second day...

Yi Xia felt that the Murloc dungeon was more suitable for him.

After thinking about the enjoyable meal just now, Yi Xia looked at the scroll presented to him by Vardas Karloff, the Shovel of the Last Furnace.

As his eyes focused, new prompt information was refreshed on his retina:

"If an unidentified item is detected, should I spend 50 network disaster coins for identification?"

This type of non-monster drops and other related dungeon-related items obtained through comprehensive network links are all unidentified items.

Just like the jewelry Yi Xia obtained after breaking through the protection of the treasure chest through violence.

If the player does not have relevant knowledge, or does not have the skills to identify.

You need to go through the comprehensive network for identification.

According to the actual value of comprehensive network disaster coins, this price is still quite expensive.

In this regard, it is obvious that Zongwang does not encourage Zongwang players to use Zongwang as a free identification machine.

However, Yi Xia has the ability to identify.

He placed the scroll on the ground, and then tried to activate the mana in his body according to some instinct in his consciousness.

The next moment, his face was covered by the ferocious face of disaster ghost.

Yi Xia held the witchcraft flag and stood solemnly looking at it.

At this time, the thick cement wall could no longer block Yi Xia's view.

Some kind of ancient power becomes more active with the injection of witchcraft flags.

And the ancient inheritance that started in this land and lasted for thousands of years has awakened with this long-lost ancient call.

Suddenly, the sunlight outside seemed to become much darker.

Among the pedestrians passing by, some looked up strangely.

But I didn’t see the dark clouds covering the sun.

But I didn’t think much about it.

This is not the barbaric era where ghosts and gods lived together. No one would catch a glimpse of witches launching ancient rituals from the sudden changes in the sky.

After all, the new generation in the new era has gradually lost even the "native ability" to predict tomorrow's weather based on changes in clouds in the evening.

Because it is no longer needed...

Everything that is forgotten or discarded is not entirely because they are not useful.

It is the choice of the times and never stops for anything or any group.

The next moment, the darkness dissipated, and the cloudless sky returned to Liucheng.

In the basement, the firelight that lingered in Yi Xia's eyes gradually dissipated.

He looked at the scroll on the ground, and the relevant item information was immediately refreshed on his retina:


Weird dishes:

Type: Magic recipe/specialty recipe (this recipe has specialization points, and with the increase of specialization points, it can theoretically reach the master level magic cooking level)

Quality: light gold

Item Level: Level 10

Learning requirements: Level 1 chef, 40 cooking points

Specialization Points: 0

Basic requirements for upper limit level: level 10 chef, 10 points of master level cooking skills

Necessary ingredients for the recipe: flour or other related materials, water, oil

Magical cooking effects:

After consumption, a trace to medium amount of health will be restored in a very short period of time (referring to the character's current digestion capacity), and a random gain will be obtained based on the "eccentric" attribute.

Recipe-limited characteristics (exclusive to recipes of light gold quality and above):

Weird (holy):

The ancient power favors this magical recipe born from a certain little elf.

When making this magic cooking, the magic materials added as non-essential materials will add random attribute gains to the final magic cooking (it does not entirely depend on the magic material itself, there is a certain fate fluctuation factor)

Recipe description:



(This recipe is enchanted so that it can only be read by those with extraordinary chef-related abilities and permission)

ps: The shame of master magic cooking! Wrap the materials into a mess, completely ignoring the characteristics and taste of the materials themselves! This is not cooking at all! ——Master Chef-Correct Spoon-Kilit Sohogen

ps: We should look at everything with tolerance. After all, standing behind it is a powerful ancient existence... - Greedy Dragon Simondi Chis

ps: Wonderful craftsmanship? Harsh enough to control at the particle level? ... Exquisite diners and high-class chefs gather at a table, only coveting the rough texture that the tip of the tongue responds to instinctively, and don't care whether it is artistic enough - 9999+ hot reviews on the Internet


Looking at the item information appearing on her retina, Yi Xia fell into deep thought.

It seems that Valdas-Karloff's father beat him pretty hard back then.

However, he remembered this.

Even this kind of giving is two-way.

But that doesn't mean everything is as it should be.

In this regard, Yi Xia has her own standards.

Yi Xia thought about it, and when she mastered her skills, she would give some to Aunt Luo.

She helped him a lot when the Five Poisons were not yet fully developed.

Subsequently, Yi Xia, who met the relevant conditions, directly chose to study.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a lot of information that could not be carried in words instantly appeared in his mind.

When Yi Xia wants to put it into words or words, they will always disappear suddenly.

It was as if there was some invisible force blocking him.

Yi Xia was quite interested in this.

Unfortunately, he now has no idea how this thing works.

In this case, his "Witch Learning Method" will not be activated...

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