The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 1 Fever Sickness and the Old Witch (please read more)

Black Forest, in a cabin in Truffle Town.

The old witch glanced at the young man on the bed. The young man in front of him was hot all over, with abnormal sweat on his face and chest, and his face was redder than an apple.

A demon hunter in the room, carrying a two-handed sword on his back, said, "Can he still be saved?"

"This guy is the target of my mission to protect. If he dies, where will I collect my commission fee?"


"This is my most unprofitable business. I originally thought that as long as I sent him to the kingdom, I could receive the bonus. Who knew that there was a rebellion in the kingdom, and he also became seriously ill."

The old witch lowered her head and carefully examined the young man on the hospital bed, and suddenly sneered. "It's a fever."

"As far as I know, it was created by one of my colleagues. Mortals thought it was a naturally occurring plague, but they didn't know it was a vicious spell."

The witcher scoffed. "More than half of the plagues on this land were created by you witches."

The old witch said bluntly: "I can save him."

"But I want this estate where you are."

The witcher had no problem with this. Anyway, the manor was the boy's property and had nothing to do with him. "I agree. When he wakes up, you can ask him to sign the decree yourself."

"Let him adopt the manor to you."

"But witnessing the adoption of the estate deed requires the approval of the church priest. Are you sure you can pass that test?"

The old witch nodded. "I have a solution."

"The people in the church are the most corrupt. As long as you give them money, they can let the devil make deals in the church. I am just a witch, so what does it matter?"

"Okay, I will save this child now. It will be the last good thing I do in my life."

"It's ridiculous that we witches can save people one day."

"It just insults my whole career."

Of course this is bullshit.

Because in fact, it was this old witch who secretly cast a vicious spell on the young man in the hospital bed.

When the old witch saw a helpless prince, she set her sights on his last property - this manor.

She secretly used a trick to seize this manor.

The old witch glanced at the boy on the bed with disdain.

This man was already dead, his heart had stopped beating.

Even a witch cannot resurrect a dead person.

But it doesn't matter, she can use necromantic magic to summon a low-level undead to enter this body, manipulate the undead, and make the body move.

Anyway, as long as the corpse can move in the eyes of the witcher.

After the witcher left, she could do whatever she wanted.

Witches never keep their promises!

Why should we abide by an agreement when we can get something through deception?

The old witch stretched out her hand toward the window, turned her wrist, and suddenly a chicken in the chicken coop outside the window was summoned by her, broke the window glass, and fell into her hands.


The chicken's neck was broken by her with one hand, and chicken blood spurted out.

The old witch lowered her head and smelled the chicken blood. "Well, it's an old hen that hasn't been pregnant."

She dipped a little chicken blood on her fingers, and then asked the demon hunter Black Wolf to pull off Ivita's collar, exposing the boy's chest.

She used her fingers stained with chicken blood to draw an inverse hexagram pattern on Ivita's chest, and then drew an eye in the middle of the inverse hexagram pattern.

These eyes are the eyes of the ancestral witch.

The reverse hexagram is the fallen magic circle.

Therefore, the combined language of the magic circle is - [Here I actively give up all God's protection of people and invite all things to enter this body].

"Ahem...Okay." The old witch laughed evilly. As long as she recited an ordinary soul-summoning spell, she could summon a low-level undead to enter the corpse, making the deceitful demon hunter beside her mistakenly believe that The little prince has been resurrected.


He still has this level of intelligence and is still a witcher.

The old witch quickly retracted her fingers and was about to recite a psychic spell. Who knew that at this moment, Ivita, who was supposed to be a corpse, suddenly opened her eyes.

‘Ivetta’ covered her head and got up from the bed. "Well, my head hurts."

"Where is...where?"

"Is a movie being filmed here? Where is my phone?"

The old witch's wizened smile froze on her face, and she looked in disbelief at the boy who suddenly got up from the bed and came back from the dead.

She was immediately stunned.

The demon hunter Black Wolf looked at the witch and marveled. "I didn't expect that witches can really cure diseases and save people. It's my first time to see such a good witch like you."

The old witch almost vomited in disgust at the word 'good'. She never does good things!

Doing good deeds will ruin her reputation and make her be ridiculed by her peers.

But the crux of the problem is not yet here. The old witch looked at the dead chicken in her hand in disbelief and at her bloody fingers. She was in a daze for a moment.

Did she just recite a spell?


Why does the corpse on the hospital bed move?

Could it be that she had actually recited a spell just now, but she had forgotten it?


She didn't recite the incantation at all just now!

A terrible suspicion appeared in the old witch's mind, and cold sweat fell from the old witch's forehead.

The fallen magic circle and the Witch's Eye just now can actually summon other beings to enter the corpse, but the chance is too low. Generally speaking, specific spells are needed to summon the designated undead.

But any magic comes with risks!

Could it be that her magic trajectory attracted the attention of some existence in the subspace, and followed her magic trajectory into this corpse?

When she thought of this, the old witch had the urge to pack up and run away.

She doesn’t want any manor!

And on the hospital bed.

Ivita was stunned. He must have been seriously ill at this moment. He was extremely ill. He had a fever of forty degrees and couldn't get out of bed.

But why did I wake up in a strange environment with a strong man and an old man in front of me?

At the same time, the memory of the original owner kept coming.

Ivita accepted the memory of the original owner and could somewhat understand the current situation.

This world is a bit similar to the Middle Ages, but more similar to the world in Grimm's fairy tales. Anyway, there are strange races such as witches, werewolves, vampires, giants, goblins, and elves.

People and monsters live together.

The identity of the original owner was that he was the only prince and the only heir of a kingdom.

However, he was driven out of the kingdom by the rioting rebel army.

His throne was deemed invalid by the mob, and the original owner himself was driven from his homeland.

It is said that the riot was instigated by some powerful officials, and now the mob is selling the vacant throne to the public. Whoever pays the highest price can get the throne.

According to the memory of the original owner, the throne was finally bought with money from a big capitalist who opened a cotton factory.

In the process, all the guards around him ran away one by one, and the loyal old servant who followed him also died of illness.

The original owner finally ran to this manor far away from the kingdom.

This estate came from his mother and was not the property of the kingdom, so he was able to retain this last piece of property and live here.

But it seems that this last piece of property has caused him to be targeted.

Ivita clenched her fists. He could feel the unwillingness of the original owner before his death. The soul of the original owner was wailing and screaming before he died, complaining that the capitalists used money to buy the throne that should belong to him.

Perhaps it was this unwillingness that made Ivita come into this body.

Ivita is a very responsible person. Since he took someone else's body, he must bear the responsibility of the original owner, he thought to himself. ‘Now that I have come into your body, you are me from today on. ’

‘I will help you to regain the throne that originally belonged to us! ’

When he thought of this, his body suddenly became relaxed, and his body seemed to be like a white cloud, becoming very light.

He swallowed up the last remaining obsession of the body and completely controlled the body, making the soul and body fit perfectly.

Ivita glanced at the witchers and witches in the room and pondered.

Sooner or later, he will take back his own country.

But if you want to do this, you definitely can't do it alone. You must have an army and territory.

You need to organize a force to take back your kingdom!

The demon hunters and witches in front of me seemed to be talented people.

You must find a way to allow them to stay, and it is best to make them swear allegiance to you instead of taking orders because of money.

"It's so hot, little master, you have a fever!" the demon hunter said, touching Ivita's forehead. "Your Highness, can you give me the commission you owe me before you die?"

"Your behavior really worries me."

"I'll have nothing to gain."

The expression of the old witch who was standing aside, wanting to secretly cast a spell and test 'Ivita', changed drastically.

She immediately stopped the spell.

Because she discovered something terrible.

That is, a dead person cannot have warmth.

The original Ivita must have died of a fever. She knew this better than anyone else. After all, she was the one who cast the spell on the original Ivita.

She knew better than anyone whether Ivita would die or not.

However, it is impossible for a dead person to have warmth.

Ordinary undead and evil beings cannot keep the body warm even if they occupy it.

What's more, you still have a fever, which is a very difficult and complicated matter.

To what extent is it necessary for the corpse to achieve fever function?

The old witch kept searching in her mind, trying to find a way from the magic she had mastered.

The conclusion is: fantasy.

That's a big problem.

What level does an evil spirit that enters a corpse and resurrects it have to reach to achieve this? ?

The old witch stared at Ivita in horror, her muscles all stiff, standing there like a wooden figure.

Couldn't the other party be an evil god from subspace?

Or are they old alien gods who were attracted by magic and came from the outer universe?

Anyway, this is not the first time that magic has caused an accident to a terrifying existence.

Any magic comes with equal price and risk!


Suddenly there was a sound of kicking on the door outside.

A rough voice sounded outside the door. "Evil Hearthstone Witch, my righteous Boar Knight has discovered you and is going to attack you!"

"Under God's will, suffer death!"

"And the owner of this manor who is harboring the witch, you can't escape either!"

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