The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 101 Robbery Soldiers and Wishes (2425 words)

Ivita and the Great Witch of Hearthstone shuttled inside the city hall. This city hall is at least five stories high. In addition to the largest hall used for meetings, there are also many government agency rooms.

They walked through the stairs to the second floor, because the old witch had already explored the first floor and found nothing.

When they went to the second floor, they saw a group of unknown soldiers on the stairs, dismantling an angel statue with three eyes in the corridor. The head of the angel statue was also decorated with a thumb-sized The sapphire, it was the sapphire these soldiers wanted to knock off the statue.

Ivita looked at them, and the soldiers held their breath in fear.

Because they recognized Ivita as a friend of Lady Alice, and when Alice was chatting with Ivita, they learned that Ivita was a powerful lord and noble.

At this moment, Ivita was actually seen stealing property from the city hall, and these soldiers were very scared.

Ivita also recognized them, and he patted one of them on the shoulder, "Be careful, don't be discovered, and don't say you have seen me."

The soldiers' eyes changed from fear to surprise, and then they all gave Ivita a knowing smile.

"Okay, Lord Baron, we swear to God and the church that we will never say that we have seen you here."

"Ah, sir, you are such a good person. It would be great if our commander could be replaced by you. We would feel so happy in God's kingdom."

Even the veterans among them thought this lord was good and interesting.

Iveta smiled calmly and took the old witch to the second floor of the city hall.

Of course he would not meddle in other people's soldiers.

This is probably a kind of tolerance for other people's children. It has nothing to do with me anyway, but if it is our own army and military discipline is so lax, then it must be rectified.

The history I have read in my previous life all proves that using the method of relaxing military discipline to please the army will only make the army more and more arrogant.

In the end, it turned into a disaster.

The army must have its own discipline.

Otherwise, the army will be a knife that destroys itself.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone whispered to Ivita: "Your Majesty, do you want me to go back and kill those who have seen us?"

Ivita shook her head and laughed. "No need, no need to bother. These people will not tell us. According to the city's laws, those people have committed a capital crime."

"Besides, a few status soldiers can accuse an explorer who has nothing and wanders around, but they cannot accuse a baron who has real power in the territory."

"With my current status in Palvega, I am not someone they can blame."

"Killing people at will will only increase disaster."

Iveta said: "My principle is either not to kill people, or once they kill people, they must all be exterminated to avoid disaster."

The old witch was stunned for a moment and then stopped talking for a while.

She understood the total extinction in Iveta's words to mean something else.

There were some scattered soldiers on the corridor of the city hall on the second floor. Iveta passed them by, and both sides tried their best not to look at each other.

These people just want to grab things.

This is a disadvantage of poor military discipline, but most armies are like this. If you ask people to fight, they will definitely rob you.

Originally, it was a job to wear one's head in one's belt. Without military discipline, one's quality may not be much better than that of a robber or bandit.

If the army is forced not to rob when the army does not have considerable civility and discipline, it will easily lead to mutiny in the army.

The old witch opened the largest room in the corridor on the second floor, which turned out to be the lounge.

The old witch said: "This city hall was originally built by the city council to compete with the wealthy families and nobles of Palvega. Many rooms above the third floor have not been cleaned. They are full of dust, bugs and cobwebs. Normally, no one would go to the rooms above the third floor. I had only looked at them carelessly before, and generally speaking, there were just some old files piled up there."

"As Palvega's treasure, the Water Dragon's Fang will definitely be placed on the second and third floors. Anyway, it's on these two floors."

Iveta glanced around the lounge. The fireplace in the lounge was empty. There were gold leaves as decorations on the fireplace. The rest of the lounge only had a gold-red wool blanket on the ground. The blanket was covered with Parvi paintings. There are the flags of various guilds in the city, in addition to some common furniture such as sofas, chairs and stools, and a small floor-standing wooden vertical mechanical clock.

This doesn't look very special.

Iveta exited the lounge and pushed open a door next to the lounge. When she opened the door, she saw several male clerks wearing white shirts and gray leather shoes. They were hiding under the table and shivering when they heard the door open. They ran out in terror at the sound, passed Ivita and the others, and ran frantically toward the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.

As they fled, some paper flew out of the office. Iveta reached for it and saw that it was some account books recording tax collection.

He glanced at it casually, then put it back, closed the office door, returned to the lounge, and closed the door of the lounge to prevent soldiers from entering.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone suggested: "Your Majesty, how about I go to the third floor to look for you, and you look for me on the second floor?"

Ivita shook her head. "This is too inefficient. Even if the war is over, we still haven't found the Water Dragon's Fang."

"Use my wishing necklace."

"Let the elf in the necklace point out the location of the Water Dragon's Fang for us. I think it can always do it."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone reacted, yes, they still have this trick.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone thought for a moment. "To use the necklace spirit, no sacrifice is required, but we must determine the language of the place where it was made, and then tell it in the language of the place where it was made that you want to make a wish, and wipe the surface of the necklace three times."

"During this process, you need to spend some mana that is insignificant to the wizard, and it will recover automatically soon. However, if a mortal uses the necklace indiscriminately, there will be a problem of energy loss."

"But there is a price to pay for using the necklace elf. You must abide by the treaty on the necklace."

"Let me take a look. The words on this sterling silver necklace are... the language of the ancient Kankanhat people. Ah, they used to have activities in the Apulian region. Now this language should no longer be spoken."

"The above means..."

"You have to choose one of three and abide by a treaty until you give up this necklace."

"The first treaty: While you are the owner of the necklace, you cannot violate any contract with others. If you violate it, you will automatically lose your identity as the owner of the necklace."

"The second treaty: You cannot lie while you are the owner of the necklace. If you violate it, you will automatically lose your identity as the owner of the necklace."

"The third treaty: You cannot keep parrots while you are the owner of the necklace. If you violate it, you will automatically lose your identity as the owner of the necklace."

Ivita did not hesitate: "Choose the third option."

Because only the third one has the least restrictions on oneself, but there is actually no punishment in these three treaties. The biggest punishment is just losing the identity of the owner of the necklace.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone underestimated her in her heart. My Majesty, who was she going to violate the contract with, and who was she going to lie to? How could she feel so cold in her heart?

The old witch thought for a while and suddenly suggested to Ivita: "Your Majesty, parrots are actually quite cute."

"Why don't you choose the second option? It would be a pity if you can't raise a parrot. What if you encounter a rare magical creature, and that magical creature is a parrot."

Ivita stared at the old witch without speaking.

The old witch was startled and immediately said: "Your Majesty, your words are law to me. You can begin."

"The elves will confirm which treaty you choose, and I will read it to you in the language of the ancient Kankanhat people."

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