The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 104 The Rusty Curse and the Fire Demon War (4408 words)

The Great Witch of Hearthstone sprinkled some piranha seeds in the room. As soon as these seeds soaked in magic fell to the ground, they took root and sprouted on the wooden boards, carpets, and brick walls. The powerful magic seeds disintegrated. All obstacles that prevent the absorption of nutrients, even the sintered earth in bricks and the wool turned into leather in carpets, can absorb nutrients from them and grow quickly.

Following the spell from the old witch's mouth, the originally simple and classical lounge was instantly covered with piranha flowers and turned into a lush indoor garden.

To be safe, the old witch chanted the spell again, which turned into a black smoke lingering on the roof.

Ivita asked strangely: "What kind of spell is this?"

The old witch smiled and said: "It is a spell that only a great witch can learn. This is a rusting spell. It is a spell specially designed by witches to deal with mortal iron tools."

"The range of action is only about the size of a room and cannot be used outdoors."

"Mortals cannot see the black smoke at the top of this room, but if they hold iron weapons and step into this room, the weapons in their hands will quickly rust."

"But it's just a layer of rust on the surface of the iron sword. The rust can be removed with a little polishing, but this will prevent the weapons in their hands from cutting off the piranha flowers I planted here."

Ivita nodded.

Only the Son of Iron's weapons can harm her magical plants.

Iron is the nemesis of the Hearthstone Witch, but the Rusting Curse can make even iron rust.

Ivita noticed that this spell seemed to go beyond the use of natural forces, such as wind, water, and fire, and was similar to a rule.

So, a spell of this nature cannot be learned by a wizard apprentice?

The old witch suddenly stretched out her right hand towards the window of the lounge. After a while, a sparrow flew in from the outside and hit the glass window, causing it to shatter.

The sparrow fell into her hand.

"When you enter the mechanical clock, you are likely to encounter unforeseen dangers. I must do some divination first."

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment."

The nails of the old witch's left hand suddenly became sharp and sharp, and she scratched the sparrow's belly. The poor sparrow only had time to let out a scream before its belly was scratched.

Then the sparrow's intestines flowed out and fell into the hands of the old witch.

The old witch pulled up the sparrow's intestines and looked down at it carefully, as if looking down at a famous painting, carefully searching for every detail in it.


"Well, it's a bit dangerous..."

Ivita looked at the old witch curiously.

It's a pity that he hasn't learned divination yet, otherwise he could do the math himself.

After all, the divination skills of wizards and witches do not have external services provided by natural spirits, so their accuracy is very low. They can usually only be used as a reference, or as a psychological comfort.

Two minutes later, the old witch threw the sparrow into the fireplace, and a flame rose from the fireplace, turning the sparrow's body into ashes.

The old witch's left and right hands also lit up with flames, burning away all the dirt on their hands.

Ivita blinked. She didn't expect that fire magic could have such a use and could actually do cleaning work.

However, fire magic is really convenient. You can burn away all the stains on your body without having to do it yourself.

Having said that, the bacteria and parasites on human skin are also afraid of fire magic. No wonder witches look much cleaner than ordinary people.

The old witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, the result of my divination is that there is no danger for us to enter the mechanical clock."

"We can now enter with confidence!"

Ivita raised an eyebrow. "Are there any taboos I need to be aware of?"

The old witch shook her head. "That's what druids do. We witches don't do that."

Iveta asked her again for confirmation, a little worried. "I remember you said that your divination accuracy is only 30%, right?"

The old witch nodded and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, you remember it very clearly."

"..." Ivita was speechless. This accuracy was like scratching a lottery ticket. "I think you could do some divination again."

"Wouldn't it be possible to increase the accuracy of divination in a disguised manner by doing more divination?"

The old witch shook her head and said: "No, Your Majesty, any divination technique cannot predict the same thing, or similar things, in a short period of time, otherwise it will only get completely wrong results."

"It was not difficult to predict fate before the keys to the Holy See of the Church came. This was all due to the serious consequences of the time war. The act of predicting the future is like passing a needle and thread through a piece of tofu. Every divination will have some impact on the tofu of destiny, and even if the tofu can heal itself, the damage will still be there."

"But after the light of heaven came, destiny was strengthened."

"The accuracy of witches' divination has dropped significantly, and the accuracy cannot be improved by repeated divination."

"In this case, the divination of the druids is more convenient." Ivita sighed. The divination of the witches is still not as effective as the druids. With the help of the spirits of nature, the divination of the druids The accuracy rate is very high.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone said: "Your Majesty, although the divination of the Druids is reliable, it also has major flaws. They lost the civilized war largely because of their divination."

Ivita looked at the old witch in confusion, "What do you mean?"

The Great Witch of Hearthstone immediately said: "This is what my teacher told me when I was a child. In fact, she herself didn't even know what happened."

"It's just that she said that all spells must bear risks and pay the same price. The druids have such strong divination abilities, but they also have to bear the same risks, and they are very big risks."

"So, the druids must have taken some huge magical risks for their divination abilities."

"Moreover, I also heard her say that the accuracy of divination is too high. It is a good thing within a certain range, but it is not a good thing if it exceeds a certain range."

Ivita always felt that there was a deep secret involved.

However, it was more important to get the Water Dragon's Fang while they were in a hurry. They had better enter the mechanical clock quickly.

"In that case, let's go in." Ivita said.

The two people walked into the mechanical clock together. The process was very simple, just walk forward, because as long as they tried to approach the mechanical clock, their bodies would be forced to shrink in proportion.

They felt like they were moving forward. After walking for about 15 minutes, they finally approached a gear of the mechanical clock.

Throughout the entire process, the mechanical gear was like an elusive mountain peak standing in the distance.

At this moment, Ivita and the old witch were standing on a gear, with the metal ground beneath their feet.

Ivita stamped her feet, only to hear a banging sound coming from her feet.

"It's incredible. I have an unreal feeling. We are actually standing on a gear of a mechanical clock that is as tall as a person. And I think this gear is very big."

He looked up and saw gears that were 'magnified' countless times above his head. Each gear was like a continent floating in the air.

Suddenly there were ringing bells and warning sounds in the air, 'Warning, warning! ’

‘The fire demon escapes for the ninety-first time! ’

'According to the order of the Clock Crown, all warriors gathered at Gear No. 3333. The Fire Demon must be trapped in the three gears adjacent to Gear No. 3333, otherwise the Fire Demon can walk on all the gears, and our country will be Be destroyed. ’

Ivita was a little confused.

The inner world of this mechanical clock is quite full of science fiction feeling.

They were looking for the Water Dragon Fang this time, but they didn't expect to enter a place like this.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone was also dumbfounded. "Crown? Can a crown be condensed into such a small place? I don't believe it."

She said to the puzzled Ivita: "Logically speaking, as long as an independent government country that has independent laws can unite the crown, the crown does not actually involve the specific level of national government, because although the Grand Viscount Ambrose is only A viscount also owns the crown because he alone possesses the Thousand Years of Fire."

"Theoretically, no matter how small a region is, as long as it is an independent country, it can have its own crown. However, the strength and nature of the crown will vary depending on the size of the country and the number of laws it masters."

"But from my understanding... the smallest area must be at least as big as several villages and towns, right?"


“It’s not that there are independent ultra-miniature kingdoms among the mountains, but can a kingdom in a mechanical clock also have a crown?”

The old witch said: "Maybe they made the crown themselves. I must have overthought it."

Ivita said nothing because she did not know what a crown was or what its function was.

He was about to speak, but who knew that a door suddenly opened at the connection of the metal rod of the gear where they were, and a little man wearing iron armor came out fully armed.

He glared at Ivita and said, "I am the Grand Marquis of Tata. The fire demon is about to escape, why don't you guys catch up quickly!"

"You two don't be lazy!"

"Sealing the demon in the fire is an obligation that all of us must fulfill."

He seemed to regard Ivita and the old witch as the indigenous villains here.

Ivita and the old witch looked at each other, and the two decided to follow them to see what the so-called devil in the fire was that the ridiculous little marquis in this ridiculous kingdom of villains was talking about.

But one thing, Ivita was sure of, was that this mechanical clock, carefully crafted by a high-level witch, was indeed intended to seal a certain existence.

The Water Dragon Fang is probably to suppress this sealed object.

This means that while he and the old witch want to take away the Water Dragon Fang, it would be best if they can continue to seal the demon in the fire?

Hard to say.

Ivita decided to wait until she arrived at the scene, saw the demon in the fire, and then thought about what to do after understanding the situation.

On the first floor of the city hall, the mayor finally found Mrs. Alice. He dodged the soldiers in the melee, ran all the way to Mrs. Alice, and said breathlessly: "Mrs. Alice, I finally found you."

"I heard you know the esteemed Lord Ivita?"

Lady Alice nodded in confusion. "Well, he once saved me, and it was he who helped me shatter Lord Proul's hypocritical appearance."

"In addition, Lord Prower also hired the Little Lutheran Brotherhood to assassinate the wives and lovers of me and other guild leaders on the street."

"What!" The mayor's eyes showed anger. "Hateful Prol, that old man has always been stubborn and stingy, but I didn't expect him to do such an ugly thing."

"Mrs. Alice, I think you have brought an army. Do you have a way to solve this rebellion?"

Facing the mayor's anxious eyes, Mrs. Alice did not dare to make a promise. She could only change the subject and said: "Where did Lord Ivita go?"

"With his help, I believe we can clean up this rebellion soon."

"Master Hartrich, where is he again?"

The mayor of Palvega said: "Master Hartrich is a third-level hunter master and the leader of the hunter group in our city, but he should still be patrolling the south wall now. Lord Proll is looking for it. Only after knowing this can we dare to take action at this time."

"Someone must inform the master!"

Lady Alice immediately gave an order to a soldier protecting her, asking him to sneak out as much as possible and go to the south wall to inform Master Hartrich of the coup that had taken place in the city hall.

Seeing this scene, the mayor added: "Lord Ivita went to the depths of the city hall..."

Lady Alice said: "Then we should meet him as soon as possible."

"I will send soldiers into the depths of the city hall to find Lord Ivita and ask him to help us."

"The most powerful confidant around me, my biological sister, she is also a low-level witch, but she has disappeared. I want to find her."

"The presidents of other guilds also have their own private armies. If we can join them, we may be able to stabilize the situation immediately."

Under great pressure, Mrs. Alice thought and came up with a solution.

The mayor felt relieved when he saw that Mrs. Alice had a strategy. "These are all correct actions."

"Wait a moment……"

The mayor thought of the distinguished guests of the church, and he looked at the second floor in confusion.

When such a big thing happened, where did the church people go?

Why don't they care about anything?

On the other side of the first floor of the city hall, Lord Prower was surrounded by five formal knights. These knights were not Lord Prower's people, but troops supported by Ambrose's Baron Alliance.

Otherwise, how could Palvega's noble power be able to compete with the guild factions?

When Lord Prowl saw that the blood mist had cleared, he knew that Ivita was not dead, but Miss Alexei was.

He was furious and at the same time frightened that Ivita was not under his control at all. He even ordered the knights around him to hunt down Ivita.

One of the knights reminded him. "My lord, Viscount Winchester wants us to listen to you, but don't forget your own identity."

"Why do we leave the battlefield alone and go after an irrelevant person?"

Lord Prower said anxiously: "That unrelated person should be helping Lady Alice. He even killed Miss Alexei."

"I don't know where he is now or what he is doing, but I know that if we don't kill him, our plan this time may be seriously threatened."

The five knights looked at each other, and one of them said: "Okay, I'll go look for that Ivita deep in the city hall. I saw him next to Alice."

"I hope my actions were not meaningless."

"If I find him, I'll kill him."

Lord Prower said firmly: "It must not be meaningless, please sir."

At this time, a group of soldiers escorted some people in fine uniforms with fearful faces. The soldiers said to the Lord: "Your Majesty, we have captured the leaders of the various guilds hiding in the corner."

Lord Prowl turned, ecstatic. "Great, now that I have them in my hands, I won't have to worry about these people's private armies disobeying my orders!"

"In this way, Palvega will fall into the hands of our feudal nobles!"

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