The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 106 It’s broken, we become cannon fodder!

Ivita and the Great Witch of Hearthstone followed the Grand Marquis of Tata and the others all the way up. Because they left the hundred gears managed by the Grand Marquis of Tata, they no longer had to stop to inform the little people.

The temperature of the gears was obviously higher as they went up, but the villain troops were still in high spirits. During the process, they also encountered other villains who were lined up in square formations, and they were also heading towards the so-called gear No. 3333.

But the reaction of the Great Witch of Hearthstone was very strange. She suddenly told Ivita that she could hardly walk!

Iveta looked at her strangely and asked her in a low voice: "What happened? Are you ready to escape?"

The old witch shook her head quickly and said: "Your Majesty, that's not the case. I am not such a person. Don't you feel the magic power passing by?"

"The fire demon seems to be something that naturally restrains witches."

"I'm not sure, but I feel like it's getting harder and harder as we get closer to it."

Ivita shook her head.

I didn't feel anything unusual.

The old witch looked at Ivita in confusion for a while, then seemed to have discovered something, and said with envy: "I understand, it should be your talent for fire magic."

"You seem to be immune to that fire demon's magical power."

"Although your current magic level is only a wizard apprentice, and I am a great witch, I am not immune to the fire demon, but you can ignore the power of the fire demon because of your fire dragon bloodline and fire attribute magic."

"I really envy a wizard as talented as you."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone rarely showed true envy.

When the Grand Marquis of Tata over there saw someone falling behind, he quickly walked towards them and said with concern: "What happened? Great warriors?"

Iveta frowned, calmly grabbed the old witch's hand, and transferred the fire magic to the old witch. The old witch's panting expression suddenly improved a lot.

She looked at Ivita with even more envy.

Ivita also understands that in this world, rank and profession cannot explain everything.

To a large extent, each profession has its own characteristics, and each level of wizard has its own strengths and weaknesses.

As long as you fully grasp the strengths and weaknesses, you are likely to defeat the strong with the weak.

For example, the old witch's secret garden of piranhas would be a desperate nightmare against a group of people without iron weapons. However, if they had iron weapons, the soldiers could easily destroy the secret garden of piranhas with their numerical advantage. garden.

But now I don't know whether it was because of the fire magic power that was given to me or because of the fire dragon bloodline in my body, but I actually ignored the power from the fire demon.

Ivita thought thoughtfully, 'No wonder the senior witch wanted to build a mechanical clock and use ordinary people to suppress the fire demon. I'm afraid it was because the fire demon could consume the magic power of the witches who were close to it. ’

‘This is the reason why the witch who created the Clock Kingdom used ordinary people as guards - it is not yet known whether the fire demon can consume the power of other professionals. ’

He had long discovered that the villains in these mechanical clocks were ordinary people, not even a professional.

Iveta was skeptical at first. This was because the clock's internal resources were lacking and could not support everyone becoming professionals.

But now it seems that the witch who created this clock kingdom may not have done it on purpose.

The Grand Marquis of Tata looked at the two of them strangely. "What's wrong with you two? Are you tired?"

"Don't fall behind the team, otherwise I won't be able to see you. If I can't see you, I won't be able to protect you."

"Don't worry we have to go through a longer trek, because we will be close to the [Mobile Ladder] soon!"

"As long as we get on the big ladder, we can go directly to gear 3333."

"Hahaha... everyone, come up."

Ivita and the old witch who had recovered a bit curiously followed them forward. They left through the metal door, left the metal shaft, and arrived on top of a gear. Ivita looked up and saw a very strange figure appearing in front of her. The huge iron gear is faintly visible, like a green mountain in the distance, only its outline can be seen.

Most villains even thought they saw a big mountain.

The huge gear was still rotating, and it happened to be in vertical contact with the gear they were standing on now.

‘The gear we are standing on now is a helical gear. The huge gear in front should be the transmission gear 2 in the middle part of the mechanical clock. ’

‘If it is a normal and qualified mechanical clock, the transmission ratio from the second wheel to the fourth wheel should be 60. ’

Iveta thought quickly: "The upper side of the second wheel should be the clockwork mechanism, the power source of the mechanical clock, and the lower side of the second wheel should be the pawl mechanism used to adjust the time."

"This second wheel is almost the most important gear in the entire clock mechanism. This gear is actually used by the little people in Lilliput as a tool to transport troops."

"No wonder they treat the two-wheel transmission gear as a ladder."

"That's quite an idea."

When a helical gear surface of the huge gear coincided with the gear surface under their feet, he and the old witch followed the large army and took the opportunity to go up. It turned out that each tooth step surface of the huge gear actually had some deliberately chiseled surfaces. steps.

They just have to walk up there.

The transmission gear in the middle part of this mechanical clock constitutes the best natural elevator for clock people!

In this way, there is no need to travel long distances, and you can quickly reach gear 3333 with the help of this transmission gear.

Under the rotation of the two wheels, Ivita and the others gradually ascended, with a huge semi-enclosed iron box suspended above their heads, which should be the clockwork box of the mechanical clock.

Several gears protruded from the outside of the clockwork box. On one of the huge helical gears parallel to the ground, there were indeed rows of armies of villains.

An army of these little men fighting a monster filled with fire.

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

Because the second wheel of the transmission gear intersects with the huge helical gear No. 3333, Ivita and the others can be directly transferred to the position of the helical gear and walk up along some small metal steps on the surface of the helical gear.

When Ivita and the others arrived at the so-called Gear No. 3333, they saw that tens of thousands of villains had gathered into a phalanx and marched towards the fire demon in the center of Gear No. 3333.

The fire demon in the legion is a man of flames whose whole body is burning. He can be said to be a giant among this group of villains.

With a random wave of his hand, it can set an army of villains on fire.

There is a huge iron chain on its back, running along its spine, deep into its body, and constantly pulling it upwards.

The fire demon is to resist the force pulling it upward, and the villain army is to assist the chain, forcing the fire demon to be dragged into the air by the iron chain, and to the bottom of the clockwork box.

There is a tooth hanging on a chain at the bottom of the clockwork box. The tooth is like a moon, hanging on the top of gear No. 3333, emitting a faint blue shimmer, suppressing the magical power of the fire demon.

That crescent moon is exactly what Ivita and the old witch are looking for - the water dragon's fang.

Ivita looked up at the Water Dragon Fang and said, "Sure enough, the Water Dragon Fang is used to suppress fire magic."

"Next, we just need to take it away. The premise is to deal with this fire demon first."

"Don't look at the fact that the fire demon is just wreaking havoc in the ridiculous little place of the Clock Kingdom. If it doesn't have the water dragon's teeth, it breaks through the seal and breaks the shrinking magic, it will immediately enter the real world and become a real fire demon. , I don’t know how big it really is by then.”

Ivita suspected that the fire demon would turn into a flame giant when he entered the real world, the kind that could burn down a city with one kick.

However, he looked at the fire demon in the sky hesitantly and fell into thinking. "That fire demon...why does it give me a feeling that I'm very familiar with and I've seen it somewhere before."

The old witch was puzzled: "Since your Majesty came to this world, I have been following you. You and I have never seen anything so terrifying. You see... I feel that my magic power is about to burn up involuntarily. That What is this monster with its body covered in flames, and why can it burn my mana! I am far away from it!"

"It's simply a witch killer. But if that's the case, why have I never heard of such a thing?"

Ivita also became confused. "But I've definitely seen it somewhere. Maybe it's not what it looks like now."

"Maybe when I saw the fire demon, the fire demon had other appearances."

The old witch hesitated after hearing this. The wizard's intuition should not be treated as an illusion.

But where exactly had Ivita seen the Fire Demon?

There was something that she had not seen before, but Ivita had seen it.

"It may also be a spiritual problem." The old witch realized the problem. "My Majesty has a huge spirituality that is almost impossible for mortals to possess. His intuition is much better than mine. He must have sensed something abnormal."

Above the spectacular military formations of the villain army, there is a metal spacer protruding from the bottom of the barrel. On the metal spacer is a small iron throne. On the iron throne sits a man wearing a metal head. The villain of the crown, he also has some guards around him to protect him.

The little king on the Iron Throne made the guards shout when he saw the troops of Grand Marquis Tata. "Charge forward, Grand Marquis Tata."

The Grand Marquis of Tata immediately saluted him. "As commanded, salute the crown of the Clock Kingdom."

"Everyone move forward."

The old witch suddenly frowned, and she said to Ivita: "It's bad, Your Majesty, this unit we are in is going to become cannon fodder."

Ivita saw that the fire demon had destroyed an entire army of villains, and he also felt that it was unwise to fight the fire demon at this time.

In this world, intelligence is also a powerful force.

Fighting an unknown enemy carries with it a terrible risk, and it would be better for them to observe first.

"Don't be afraid, no one noticed us anyway." Ivita whispered: "We will go to other legions later."

"Strike firmly."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone was extremely moved, as if she had met a close friend. "Your Majesty, you are so wise, your wisdom is as dazzling as the sun!"

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