The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 11 Charlemagne’s Army and the Great Witch’s Magic: The Garden of Piranhas

The black wolf demon hunter downstairs, after discovering the enemy's intention, immediately took off the crossbow on his back, and through the wall cut off by the knight's sword, he aimed at the four official knights and one of the final leaders who were leading the team outside. The knight squire in front fired continuously.

Manuel Boar, the official knight who led the team, caught the shot arrow with his left hand.

The official knight's dynamic vision ability is very terrifying, and his superhuman physique allows him to catch arrows with his bare hands.

"It's a five-bead crossbow made by the Clock Marquis. One such crossbow is worth two standard knight swords."

"Okay, I didn't expect to get such a harvest, it's mine."

He looked at the person who was shooting the arrow sarcastically, and was suddenly shocked to find that the person was actually dressed as a demon hunter. Then he noticed something was wrong with the weight of the short arrow.

"this is……"

"The magic potion trap of the Griffin is it possible..."

"This is not something ordinary demon hunters can do. Everyone, throw away the short arrows in your hands!"

But it's too late.

Because of the superior dynamic vision ability and reflex nerves of the knights, they all caught the short arrows shot towards their faces with their bare hands.

And there was a potion bottle as big as a fingernail hanging from the tail of the short arrow.

Then it exploded.

This potion bottle is a combination of chemical technology and magic technology. Once exploded, it will produce a shock wave covering 10 square meters.

The four official knights and seventeen knight apprentices of the Mountain Boar Knights were too close to each other because they had to maintain their formation and destroy the load-bearing wall of the inn. Therefore, when the five concussive wave potion bottles exploded, these knights They were all knocked off their horses by the impact.

The old witch's headless body comes down the stairs, she can't see now because she has no head.

However, her head was in the fourth-floor window and she could glimpse the scene downstairs, so her body could naturally respond accordingly.

She saw the panicked drinkers in the inn, the hunchbacked old man and the tavern owner Reilly hiding in the corner.

She also saw the Boar Knights. She used her fingers to outline lines of text in the air. These words vibrated harmoniously with the air, producing sounds.

"The magic potion trap of the Griffin School..."

"How many times have you passed the Nine Demon Hunter Trials?"

"No, it's impossible for a person like you to stay with a down-and-out noble. It seems you're not honest either."

"Cooperate, this is your Majesty's wish. If they disturb Your Majesty, things will not be good."

"These guys are not even one thousandth as terrifying as His Majesty's anger."

Manuel Boar of the Boar Knights got up from the ground. He pulled down the mask of his helmet, revealing a ferocious face made of anger. "An alliance of witches and witches, aha."

"I've known for a long time that witchers are not good things."

"Please leave these two guys alone."

"The witch's head is not here, and her heart must have been hidden by her. There is no point in killing a body here. She can find another body."

"Her head must be upstairs."

"The plan has changed. Stop destroying the building. You guys are covering me. I'm going to go upstairs and kill the witch head who is defenseless."

The black wolf and the witch were frightened at the same time.

Because upstairs there is Yveta performing a ritual.

They must not be allowed to go up there!

Manuel Boar mounted his mount and whistled at the same time, and twenty war horses rushed into the post house.

At the same time, the knights and knight squires threw away the too long knight swords in their hands, held half swords with their off-hand weapons, and followed the horses.

This kind of horse serves as the vanguard, and the subsequent tactics of the warriors come from the battlefield.

This is a tactic used in serious battlefields!

The witcher Black Wolf drew his sword and chopped off the heads of the three horses that charged towards him one by one.

The horse's head fell to the ground like a sack, splashing a lot of blood on the ground.

Black Wolf wondered: "These are excellent war horses bred from mortal horses and magical beasts. Why are they allowed to die?"

The old witch's remaining left hand was making gestures. In fact, it was her head located at the fourth-floor window that was chanting the spell, but it was her headless body that was casting the spell.

She suddenly used her left hand to draw characters in the air. Those characters vibrated with the air and made sounds.

"This is Charlemagne's military formation, designed to deal with powerful stragglers. Damn it, this is a tactic. Pay attention to your left front."

The witch's warning was too late.

A knight's attendant suddenly jumped out from under the belly of a war horse and stabbed the black wolf's thigh with his sword.

Then, another knight attendant jumped out from beside the war horse, and his sword penetrated the black wolf's left arm.

Black Wolf is a very experienced demon hunter, but at most he is used to dealing with monsters and has never fought on the battlefield.

However, these members of the Boar Knights are completely different from him.

They were used to fighting infidels, fighting cults, fighting merchants, fighting all enemy groups.

The art of war can never be matched by an individual fighting alone.

The Black Wolf Demon Hunter was in great pain. He used his big sword to block several swords that were poking at his fatal wound.

But his body was already covered in bruises.

The witch quickly wrote a few more paragraphs with her left hand. "Fortunately, they did not carry crossbows. Charlemagne's tactics were divided into the forward group of horses, the fighting warriors in the middle, and then someone shooting cold arrows from behind."

"Hundreds of years ago, Charlemagne used this method to kill many professionals."

"But bows, arrows, and crossbows are strictly prohibited by the church from being used in the Black Magic Forest. They can only be used when fighting against heretics."

"The Boar Knights took the church's money, so they probably won't blatantly disobey the church's instructions."

"And now my spell is ready."

The old witch suddenly straightened her left hand, raised it high, and spread her fingers.

A dark cloud gathered inside the house and appeared above her palm.

She waved her hand, and thousands of seeds fell on the stairs, on the wooden floor, in the bar, beside the drinkers, and among the horses and knights.

The dark clouds also followed, and it started raining inside the house.

This is the birth spell of the great witch - the piranha secret garden.

As the gray rain fell, buds sprouted on the wooden floor.

These seeds took root, sprouted, and quickly grew into piranha flowers that were taller than adults in a very short period of time.

The tops of these piranha flowers are still shining with a strange purple color, as if covered with a beautiful veil of mist, and their mouths are filled with fangs that grow upside down like sharks.

The first floor of the post house instantly turned into a large garden of piranha flowers.

One by one, these hundreds of Rafflesia flowers swallowed up the precious horses and attacked the knights at the same time.

"Our war horses were eaten by piranha flowers! Those war horses... are expensive!!!"

"Oops, these piranha flowers will attack us. Pay attention to defense and don't lose your formation! No matter how expensive a horse's life is, it's not as valuable as our lives!"

"Defend! Defend! Defend! Don't mess up the formation!"

"Someone has been swallowed! There is no way to save him. What are these things? I would rather fight a formal knight than a witch!! I don't want to become fertilizer for flowers."

The piranha flowers pounced on the knights, but it must be said that their discipline was strict, and in the panic retreat, they basically only suffered a few injuries.

Only five knight attendants who did not have time to return to the team were swallowed by the piranha.

The inverted teeth grinded their flesh like stone discs.

These knight attendants only have the seeds of life in their bodies and have not yet formed extraordinary organs. Their defense power is not much stronger than that of ordinary humans.

That's why armor is needed.

Unfortunately, these knight attendants did not have money to buy chainmail and iron plate armor, so they basically wore a helmet and an inflatable cotton armor filled with a lot of cotton and rags.

They are all cheap goods and cannot compare to the full body armor of formal knights.

At this moment, being swallowed by the piranha and having no reliable protection on his body, he was really in danger.

This is a great witch after all.

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