The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 110 Can you become a fire dragon? Low-dimensional gods are not real gods!

Ivita thought hard, why did Chitose throw the Broken Steel Sword to her?

The eldest princess covered her mouth and bent over. She raised her head and glanced at Ivita, who was standing still. She frowned and said, "Your life is your own. Make a decision quickly. This may be our last life." a chance."

"Last... chance..." Ivita touched the sterling silver necklace in his jacket pocket, and he suddenly remembered that he also had a cat elf.

"By the way, since I can't figure out what Chitose Fire means, just make a wish to help me figure it out."

Ivita took out the sterling silver necklace and said in the language of the ancient Kancanian people, "I want to make a wish."

Suddenly, a green flame lit up on the necklace.

A long-haired elf cat with sleepy eyes appeared from the flames. It reluctantly opened an ice-blue cat eye. "Who is calling me?"

"Say your wish and I can grant any wish you have."

The next moment, when it turned its head, it saw the huge flame giant appearing in front of them.

"..." Elf cat. ", you don't want me to deal with that flame giant, do you?"

The old witch stared at it. "Can you change your appearance lines? What I hate most is false propaganda, which affects my judgment of the target I want to attack."

“It’s because there are so many braggarts like you in this world that if I want to defraud people, I have to work hard to observe a person’s financial resources. Even this has become a skill!! How ridiculous! !”

The elf cat was furious, and its hair stood on end. "Stop farting here."

The eldest princess and Ivita were both speechless.

These two are a living treasure.

Ivita became serious. "I'm not asking you to deal with the Fire Giant. I want to know if there is a way for me to defeat the Fire Giant now!"

In the dark room on the second floor of the city hall, religious guards wearing red armor held weapons in their hands and pointed at the door.

The bishop of Parvega felt uneasy and said to Antiochus: "Archbishop, do we really not have to help the people of Parveca?"

"Palvega pays a large amount of money to the church every year and is one of the most pious cities in Ambrose."

Antiochus shook his head and moved his pieces on the chess board. "Vaulting horse, it's your turn to go."

"But..." The bishop of Palvega felt a little ridiculous.

The people below were fighting for life and death, but the Archbishop of Antioch and himself were playing chess here.

It's just ridiculous.

Archbishop Antioch looked up at him and said, "What, do you have an opinion?"

"No no...I'm not..."

Bishop Palvega stood up quickly and kept a slight bow.

The Archbishop of Antioch did not look at him, "Have you ever considered the political consequences of us, representing the Pope, helping any party here?"

The Bishop of Palvega opened his mouth slightly, as if he was struck by lightning. He did not expect this.

The Archbishop of Antioch taught earnestly: "Everyone knows that the conflict in Viscount Ambrose's independent country is not just a conflict within his country, but also involves the countries on the peninsula and the Black Magic Forest."

"If we go down personally, it means that the Pope and all the church states have to choose a side."

"At that time, the intensity of the war will not just be in a city hall, but will spread throughout the world. It will be a world war!"

Bishop Parvega's heart skipped a beat, and he bent down sincerely this time, not only to apologize for his superficiality, but also to admire the wisdom of the Archbishop General of Antioch.

Antiochus said, "Go on playing chess."

"I guess in the next seven or eight sets, they will be finished."

"We can leave after they decide the winner. Before that, we have to trouble everyone here to continue playing chess with the two of us here."

"No matter who wins or loses today, it does not affect that they are the God of all things and the lamb of the church. Therefore, the church really has no reason to support any of them."

"Doing nothing is the greatest deed. Did you know that?!"

"Let the Lambs develop naturally. God will decide whether it is good or bad. As long as it does not threaten the cornerstone of faith, even if they want to study why the sun rises and sets, and why humans live, grow old, sick and die, it has nothing to do with our church. In front of the school city For several days, they asked the Pope to issue a warrant allowing them to publicly dissect the corpses for study, and after paying a large sum of money in indulgences, the Pope agreed.”

“Because we as the Church know that we cannot stop the natural progression of the world.”

Antiochus said: "A long time ago, there were many heresies and heresies in this world. Countries had different beliefs. There were even the most evil druids. Those people betrayed... In short, they were competitive and competitive. They always want to outdo others, so they get beaten to pieces. But our church never takes the initiative to stir up troubles or join in the fights."

“Just because we know that the God of our church is the God of all things.”

"This is the only true God."

"We, who were invincible, waited for them to bloom and fall, but in the end only our church was left. This is how we do things."

Antioch noticed that below the first floor, Lord Proul's side extorted private armed forces from major guilds. The addition of more than 4,000 troops quickly reversed the situation. Lady Alice and Captain Paul's troops fell into absolute chaos. At a disadvantage, the hunter master they sent soldiers to invite has not made any movement so far, and even no one can be seen.

Antiochus shook his head and laughed. "It seems that Palvega is going to fall into the hands of the nobles."

"That's fine."

"That little friend is also a noble. Even if the noble faction wins, they will probably only recruit him. After all, his territory guards the Western Region."

"If their nobles win later, when we go out, don't forget to offer God's blessing to those nobles and recognize their legal rule."

The bishop of Palvega was stunned for a moment. "What if Lady Alice wins?"

"Then give her God's blessing. Although, I think she has lost now. I saw the soldier she sent out to ask for help was killed by a knight of the nobles. In fact, she had already lost at that time. "Antiochus moved his troops forward.

"If you miss one move, you will lose the whole game."

"My pawn has crossed the river. You have to be careful and put your mind on the chessboard. Please concentrate."

"Otherwise it would be no fun for me to win."

"You have to focus on the things you can control, such as playing chess with me."

The elderly bishop of Parvega smiled bitterly.

What is this thing called?

So, playing chess is the most important thing for the church now, right?

Inside the mechanical clock, in front of the three wizards, the elf cat suddenly felt like a miner in a coal mine.

It's like an oppressed serf!

One cat with three human owners.

Maomao finally helped them find the location of the Water Dragon Fang, but before they could rest for long, they were forced out to work again.

The elf cat originally wanted to express that it could not fulfill Ivita's wish.

As long as it refuses, it can hide directly in the necklace.

But the elf cat found that it couldn't make this sound no matter what.

Then, it was shocked to discover that it might actually have a way. "According to the law of wishing, if I have the ability to fulfill the wish of the wisher, I cannot refuse the wisher."

The elf cat's big blue eyes stared at Ivita with a look of disbelief on her face, because this situation was rare.

The elf in the treasure cannot refuse the wish-maker's request, but also really doesn't know how to fulfill the wish-maker's request.

Ivita asked strangely: "The law of making wishes?"

Is there such a thing?

The elf cat nodded and said: "The law of wishing is a subordinate law of the law of the good king and the law of the evil king. The law of the good king and the law of the evil king are subordinate laws of the universal law of the civilization of fire. These are man-made laws, not natural laws. "

"But in short, since I can't refuse your request, it means that with the combination of information and power the three of us have, there must be a way to deal with the flame giant."

"Please tell me all the relevant information you know. I may be missing some information. As long as I know this information, I will be able to help you fulfill your wish."

The elf cat doesn't know why, but he can see the eldest princess.

Maybe it's because it is in a special state of fire power.

The three people immediately told the elf cat what they knew.

Ivita focused on introducing the flame sacrificial site, the Broken Steel Sword and other contents.

At the same time, the elf cat's ice-blue pupils burned with dark green flames, "I know, I saw it."

"Your wish has been granted."

The elf cat turned into flames, jumped in the air, landed next to the Broken Steel Sword, and then transformed into a cat again. "Because the Broken Steel Sword is forged in flames, it can ignore the Chitose Fire, and the person holding the Chitose Fire can also walk into the body of the flame giant."

"The heart of the flame giant's chest is the source of its power. There is a flame of a thousand-year-old fire imprisoned there. The original body of this flame giant was punished with an extremely cruel torture. He was forced to swallow it. The flames of the Chitose Fire."

"The body burned and turned into a monster."

"Master, you have to hold the broken steel sword, walk into the body of the flame giant, and liberate the flame. This is the only way to kill it."

The elf cat became more and more tired, and even at the end of the sentence, his head began to tilt. "I asked why. That flame giant gave me a very friendly feeling."

"It turns out that... it's because... the three eastern witches from the civilization of fire used blood magic to sacrifice their blood to the flames."

"The thousand-year-old fire is essentially a branch of the fire civilization."

"Master, you have to survive. You can go in with your magic accessories and don't have to worry about being burned by the fire of the law. You will know the reason when you go in."

The elf cat turned into a ball of green flame again and floated back to the necklace.

The old witch and the eldest princess repeatedly said to Ivita: "It's too dangerous!"

The eldest princess said: "How can you take the words of a mere wish-making elf seriously?"

"That's the fire of law. If the wishing spirit makes a mistake, you will be burned to ashes as soon as you step into the fire of law."

The old witch suddenly thought of it. "Maybe not."

"Because if the elf is wrong, all the magic items on Mian's body will be destroyed by the fire of law in an instant."

The old witch's eyes lit up. "Then His Highness should be stimulated by the flames and turn into a fire dragon!"

The eldest princess couldn't turn her head around. "What fire dragon? You mean Iveta can turn into a dragon? Iveta, is there something wrong with this old woman's brain?"

Ivita also figured it out, yes, even if the elf cat said something wrong, he would not necessarily die if he entered the fire of law.

He said to the eldest princess: "Ah, yes, for some strange reasons, I briefly transformed into a fire dragon, so... maybe I can become a dragon."

The eldest princess immediately figured it out. She looked at the magic ring on Ivita's right hand and Weimar's iron sword necklace on her chest.

"So the magic items on your body are actually acting as a seal."

"Since there is such a powerful trick, it should be used as soon as possible."

"The fire dragon is the symbol of the Kingdom of Alsace. We are allies of the fire dragon clan. More than one generation of us has been married to dragons."

"But I didn't expect that you could actually turn into a dragon. What is this? Atavism?"

As he spoke, Princess Alsace reached out and held his right hand, about to take off all the rings on Ivita's hand.

This frightened Ivita to step back repeatedly, and said hurriedly: "Wait a moment, princess, I will probably be unconscious after I turn into a dragon."

"I might attack you all, and there are unknown risks for me."

"I don't want to turn into a dragon unless I have to."

After hearing this, the eldest princess immediately put back the rings she had taken off half way through, and she felt sorry for them. "You can't control yourself? That's such a pity. I originally wanted to see how you turned into a dragon."

"Maybe then I can find a way to turn myself into a dragon."

"The dragon in the Enchanted Black Forest is a real dragon."

Ivita asked strangely: "Are there any fake dragons?"

"Yes, my teacher [Black Witch] once spread the stolen dragon's blood into a low-level world as numerous as sand for an experiment, where he used the dragon's blood to create millions of false gods, and then used the stolen dragon's blood to create millions of false gods. The phoenix blood is used to create the so-called godhead." The eldest princess was familiar with Ivita, so she revealed a little bit of private information. "Low-dimensional gods, dragons and wizards, and phoenixes are not real."

"We created it all."

"When you reach a higher magic level, it will be easier for you to come into contact with such experiments."

Ivita was astonished by the horror of the Enchanted Black Forest.

"I want to try it. Maybe this is the original intention of Chitose Torch returning the sword to me." He picked up the broken steel sword and walked towards the flame giant under the gaze of the old witch and the eldest princess.

A group of villains followed Ivita automatically.

"We will follow you too! If you become a dragon, we will help you and guide you out of the flames."

"Please let us go with you."

Ivita was moved in her heart and gave orders to the little people. "I order you to retreat from Gear No. 3333. This is an order from the Legendary Sword. You must obey it immediately. You have already paid enough blood, please do not add another unnecessary sacrifice."

The little people immediately whispered among themselves. Some of them were hesitant, some were moved, and some were even more excited and wanted to be loyal to Ivita.

High in the sky, the villain king wearing a clock crown on the Iron Throne was furious. "Guards, why don't you obey my orders?"

"And those people below, what are they doing? I am the only dignity in this country, and I am this country!"

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