The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 112 Am I the judge of Chitose Fire? 4485

After the flame vortex sucked Ivita into it, Ivita found herself entering an orange world.

In this world, the flames seemed to be compressed into liquid, and he seemed to be in an orange ocean. There were also some flames floating in the air in this orange ocean.

"Is this here?" Iveta looked around to see where this place was.

He found that the eldest princess was not behind him at the moment. Logically speaking, he was the eldest princess and the anchor of the world, so she would always follow him.

Unless, this orange ocean cuts off the mysterious connection between himself and the eldest princess.

A cold and somewhat sharp voice appeared behind him. "There is a flame of Chitose Fire in the body of the flame giant. Now you are in the body of the flame giant, so you can think of this as the outer world of the Chitose Fire."

"These orange liquids are flames compressed into a liquid state."

‘The flame is plasma, a high-speed reactant, and it can actually be compressed. ’ Iveta turned around and saw a woman wearing a black witch robe and a pointed witch hat behind her, looking at her coldly.

He had seen this woman before.

He had seen her on the dome mural of the Fire Sacrifice, because this woman was one of the three witches of the East.

Unexpectedly, I could see a real person in reality.

That's right, the three witches jumped into the Chitose Fire that day in order to protect the newborn law.

But he is in the outer world inside Chitose Fire, so it is not surprising to see one of the three witches.

"I am Ivita, greeting you." Ivita saluted. He didn't know what this witch represented to Chitose Fire, but expressing friendship to the other party and showing his politeness, after all, it was useless. Incorrect.

Don't hit the smiling person with your hand.

I hope the other party won’t ask me about stealing fire.

"You can call me - Melissa, and say hello to you, dear Ivita." One of the three witches of the East said, her eyes fell on the conference ring on Ivita's left thumb, " I don’t agree and chose you as the igniter.”

"Although we have many choices, you are not the only one."

"Ivita, I'm sorry for my rudeness. My prejudice against you has nothing to do with your ancestors stealing fire. Instead, it's the Druids who left us with such a bad impression. They are just a group of people who go around doing human body work. Experimenting madman.”

"They... are too scary."

"The Children of the Forest are their masterpiece together with the ancient gods. The horrific deeds of this group of lunatics are too numerous to describe. They have even created some existences through crossbreeding that have poisoned the whole world..."

"But Chitose Fire still chose you and Gaslot. Alas, it can only be said that there are too few outstanding talents, so that we and the Druid chose you two at the same time."

"Well, heroes don't care about their origins. Maybe I'm too prejudiced."

Melissa folded her hands, with her left hand on top, and placed it on her waist, similar to a gesture of greeting. She said reservedly: "You don't need to worry about what I say, because I am not even the spokesperson of Chitose Fire. Our activities The space is limited in the Chitose Fire, and I can't even stay awake most of the time."

"As a consequence of bearing this price, the magic power of our three sisters will increase day by day."

"We are the law and the law is us. Not many witches have reached this point."

"Chitose Fire chose you. This is not a serious responsibility, because even if you pass the assessment, you can choose to do it or not. Anyway, it just gave you a qualification. Everything is decided by yourself."

Ivita nodded. "I understand. Dear Melissa, what should I do now?"

It turns out that Gaslot has actually been awarded the qualification of a fire starter by Chitose Fire.

No wonder he stayed in [Palvega] for so long.

That day, he did not tell himself the full reason.

Also, he was still half a stranger to him, so he really didn't need to be honest with him.

It doesn’t mean that a good person has no vigilance.

Melissa pointed in a direction behind Ivita. "I am the interpreter of Chitose Fire."

"I convey the meaning of Chitose Fire."

"Now Chitose Fire invites you to become the judge who judges members of the Fire Protector family who betrayed the Flame."

"Your choice will determine the fate of this traitor."

From the midair in the direction of Melissa's finger, a young man appeared with his hands and feet nailed to a wooden frame. The young man was in pain so much that his tongue came out. He was so painful that he completely ignored his dignity.

His body was covered with iron chains, and the ends of the iron chains were hooks. These hooks penetrated into his muscles and bones, binding him firmly to the wooden frame.

The wooden frame and the tortured young man floated in front of Ivita from far to near.

Ivetta looked at Melissa in confusion.

What kind of trick is this?

"I thought this guy's soul had been burned out by the flames." Ivita said, he was also curious, didn't this guy sacrifice his soul to the Chitose Fire before?

Melissa shook her head and said, "The Chitose Fire is more complicated than you think, because the Chitose Fire is an independent regional law and has many subordinate laws."

"No one can say that they fully understand it, Chitose Fire."

"The Chitose Fire burned his soul just now, but if you put the wood into the flame, will the flame burn the wood into air?"


"In the fire, the wood will still leave ashes. Those are substances that are not worthy of being burned by the flames. What you have in front of you now are the embers left by the flames. So, this guy is still alive, just as a His independent soul was burned away by the Chitose Fire."

Ivita keenly noticed a key concept, and he immediately asked his question, because God Pan said that those who want to collect the law need to know as much knowledge about the law as possible.

This will be of great benefit to his career.

Ivita asked Melissa, "Burn an independent soul before becoming an ember completely falling into the Thousand Years Fire?"

Melissa raised her lips. "You are worthy of being favored by Chitose Fire. Even if the three of us collectively opposed it, Chitose Fire still chose you."

"You did notice."

"That's right. Before he took the initiative to sacrifice his soul and foolishly thought that he could atone for his sins, Chitose Fire turned him into a slave. In the sense of the secular government, he indeed became a slave."

"But in fact, there are still some small areas in his soul that cannot be controlled by the Thousand Years Fire."

"The reason is simple. Human beings are very magical creatures. They have gathered a certain number of laws several times in a row and condensed the universal laws."

Ivita noticed that the other person said it several times, not three times.

Sure enough, civilization is not just the ancient civilization, the ancient world and the civilization of fire.

Melissa continued: "Human beings in this world, as the main nation of so many civilizations, are no longer ordinary. Even if those civilizations declined one after another and were mysteriously destroyed for different reasons, these civilizations still made various laws and even The universal law remains within the human body, soul, and even their customs.”

"The human soul in this world is like a magical treasure house, in which there are countless traces of law left."

"Before he voluntarily gives up on himself, Chitose Fire cannot completely burn his soul."

Ivita asked: "Why were those civilizations destroyed?"

"I don't know." Melissa said: "Universal civilization is like the sky. How can a mere ant know why the sky falls?"

"As ants, we don't need to understand such profound things. Human energy is limited, but universal laws have infinite power. How can people use limited energy to pursue the cause of the destruction of infinite things?"

“The most troubled person would never think of searching for the cause of the destruction of universal law.”

Ivita became even more curious in her heart, why those civilizations with universal laws were destroyed.

Why, the monument to the tyrant Xiao says that those who pursue the law will be punished by God.

He will understand these problems in the future!

Even if he is just an ant at the beginning, as time goes by, this ant will eventually turn into a huge monster!

Ivita suppressed her curiosity about universal laws and turned to look at the pitiful soul that was pushed up on the wooden frame.

This young man's eyes were not as violent and chaotic as the fire demon's. They were like an animal. Here, he regained his sanity as a human being.

He looked desperately into the distance, his eyes motionless, not knowing what he was looking at or what he was thinking.

However, when Ivita looked at him, the young man seemed to see the person who saved his life, and there was infinite hope for the last hope in his eyes.

"help me……"

"Please save me. You are now the judge of Chitose Fire. Your order is what Chitose Fire means. You are the only one who can save me."

"It's been four hundred years."

"I've been tortured here for four hundred years."

"I made a mistake, but a person has been tortured for four hundred years. This should be atonement. I suffer here every moment. My body becomes a fire demon. As a dog of fire, the fire makes Whatever I do, I have to do, and I have to be tortured while working."

"Lord Ivita, please, help me. Please."

The chains began to pull outwards, pulling up the young man's limbs and hooking his flesh, causing him extreme pain.

Melissa said to Ivita: "This is the test. Now it's up to you to decide whether he should die now and his soul be extinguished forever; or should his soul be punished forever; or should he be punished for how many years before being executed?"

"It's all up to you, as the judge of Chitose Fire, to make a decision."

"Kill me! Kill me!" The young man was like a man who had been thirsty for many days in the desert. His eyes were shining and there were deep dark circles around his eyes.

Ivita frowned.

Because she doesn't know, Chitose Fire's purpose is to let herself decide the fate of the betrayer.

Are you trying to test your own values?

What are the standards for judgment?

Melissa saw his hesitation and said, "Just do what you think is a fair trial."

Ivita nodded, is the trial standard what I think is fair?

It seems that the purpose of Chitose Fire depends on my values.

But the key to the problem is not what I think justice is, but what Chitose Fire thinks justice is.

Melissa spoke again. “Don’t be swayed by speculative thoughts.”

"You are no longer in danger of life. When the woman behind you blocked the flame giant for you, you have passed the life-threatening test. That test is a test of your strength, but luck, subordinates and friends are all. It’s your strength.”

"This world is not a world where one fights alone. The power of an individual can never be better than the power of the collective."

"Since you can get a powerful witch to help you, you will get more people to take the initiative to help you."

"The following is just Chitose Fire trying to extract the filth from the ugly and degraded flames."

"Even if you don't pass this level, you will just be burned out of your memory and leave here."

Melissa said: "So, please don't engage in self-righteous speculation. Chitose Fire wants to see the true understanding of justice in your heart."

"So you are giving him the gift of an immediate end to his suffering - the death penalty."

"Let the traitor be tortured forever."

"Or, how many years do you want him to be tortured before being executed!"

The young man on the wooden frame continued to wail in pain.

"Kill me, please kill me."

"I beg you."

"I have suffered for four hundred years. I have done everything I can to protect Chitose Fire. I have been a dog for four hundred years. I can atone for my sins. Please let me die completely. Please. "

Ivetta looked away and looked at Melissa. "Can I ask what Gaslot's options are?"

Melissa shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm just a interpreter, I can't tell you."

Ivita thought about it, "Okay, then you have to at least tell me what crime this guy committed four hundred years ago."

Melissa said expressionlessly: "This is your right, Judge Ivita."

The next moment, a flame appeared in Ivita's right eye, and the flame jumped in the pupil, and then Ivita saw the scene four hundred years ago.

It was a dark room, and the windows were all boarded up, not even a ray of light coming in.

The young man was sitting on a stool, his head lowered and his pupils dilated. "You arrested...arrested my family?"

Sitting in front of him was actually Ivita's 'old friend' - God Pan.

A sly smile appeared on God Pan's strange face, "Yes, your daughter and son are in our hands, and your wife is locked in the cage of the centaurs. The centaurs are lustful by nature. I don't know what they will do." What do you do, if something happens, then I have to apologize to you."

"Can we negotiate now?"

"Young man, you come from a famous family and have a good life. If you don't want your life to be ruined, you need to do something for us."

"The Chitose Fire is about to go out. We want you to kill someone. Kill him so that the Chitose Fire will not be restored."

"No, you are enemies, I..." The young man resisted with his weak mind.

Pan walked behind him, took out a box, handed it to him, and opened the box in his hand.

That's a finger.

It's a girl's finger.

The young man cried out in collapse. "Ahhh!"

God Pan seemed not to hear the unpleasant cry and continued to smile and said: "I will give you a finger every day until you agree to our request."

"Next time, we're going to have another kid."


The young man knelt on the ground. This man, who had been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child, had never encountered such a scene. He gave up resistance directly.

"Okay, I promise you."

"But you have to ensure the safety of my children."

Pan smiled strangely. "I keep my word the best."

Next, the picture shattered, and the edge of the picture burned with blazing flames. That was the anger of Chitose Fire!

This is anger against betrayers.

Ivita finally understood what this guy had done.

But four hundred years ago, the person Pan wanted to kill couldn't be the person who started the fire, right? !

Ivita always felt that she would still face Pan.

Unexpectedly, in the Baron of Moro, the God Pan, who was always sleepy-eyed, at a disadvantage at the negotiation table, and even performed divination for himself, would be such an unscrupulous and cruel person.

We met briefly that day, but I didn't realize it.

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