The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 116 Anna Witch who transformed the redwood sea (5166)

Fire starter?


Iveta continued to flip through the diaries hung by silk threads on huge springs. After reading the contents, since it was the person who started the fire, then the person who started the fire should also be the person who started the fire four hundred years ago.

This shows that the people who started the fire four hundred years ago at least understood how to keep the Chitose Fire burning.

Ivita was shocked.

Then this diary probably records why the Chitose Fire extinguished and how the Chitose Fire should be continued.

This is very important to Ambrose now!

The old witch, who was in the middle of the huge spring, suddenly screamed, pointing to the dark dead tree planted in the clay pot, and said, "This is a redwood tree."

"Why should a redwood tree be planted inside the Clock Kingdom!"

"The witch who created the Clock Kingdom has such powerful magic power, far better than me and far better than the ice witch. Why does she have to stay in the Clock Kingdom all the time? Is she still alive?"

"Are the terrible weapons the villains are talking about this redwood tree?"

"No, didn't you say that since the flames were ignited, there hasn't been a new redwood sapling in a thousand years!"

Ivita flipped through the diaries. After quickly reading one diary, her pupils narrowed slightly, and then she continued to flip through other diaries. "She is studying the redwood tree. This small redwood tree should have grown from the vast plains of the Ambrose Basin four hundred years ago when the Chitose Fire weakened."

"The person who created the Clock Kingdom should be the owner of these diaries, Witch Anna."

"According to the records in these diaries, Witch Anna seems to be looking for a special magic that allows the redwood trees to still grow in the environment of the Chitose Fire."

The face of the Hearthstone Witch changed drastically, and she said sarcastically: "That's still really awesome."

"Did she succeed?"

Ivita opened a diary with yellowed pages and found the relevant narrative. He read: "Witch Anna said: I was very sad when I was trapped in the Clock Kingdom. At first, I was very sad and stayed in the clock kingdom all day. In this room that was originally a clockwork box, it’s so ridiculous that I actually live in a clockwork box.”

"Time has healed my sorrow, and what is left is my anger. My chest is filled with only anger at this moment. The anger in my chest is only directed at one person, that is, the heroic mortal king - the Grand Viscount Ambrose. [Rosemond].”

"This shameless person sees us as a potential threat to his throne. He is so shameless. Who wants his position as a mortal king, who wants to manipulate him as a puppet?"

"People who are full of ambition and filth in their hearts will see everything as conspiracy and filth."

"He can't use his conspiracy to continue the flames of the Chitose Fire, but he can use his conspiracy to deal with the successful igniter."

"He cannot create new value for this country, but he can take away the value created by innocent people from innocent people, and then hypocritically take all the credit on his own head. He is really a shameless villain. "

"God of all things, why don't you open your eyes and take a look at what this shameless villain has done. Then you will definitely punish him."

"My husband and I successfully discovered the reason why the Chitose Fire declines, and we also discovered how to ignite the Chitose Fire."

"Thousand-year-old fire is also the most powerful type among regional independent laws. Thousand-year-old fire is full of secrets."

"But we discovered that it comes at a cost for being so powerful - every once in a while it's in danger of going out, even cyclically."

"However, Grand Viscount Rosemond betrayed us. He led his people to think that we were rebels, thugs, witches and devils."

"Then I'll make him pay."

"After I entered the Clock Kingdom I created, I knew that the Ambrose Legion in the Clock Kingdom would definitely monitor me for a long time, so I did three things in advance."

"The first thing I brought was a giant redwood tree seed."

"The second thing was that I deceived Rosemond and slept with the woman I transformed into for one night. From then on, he could no longer have any offspring, only a bunch of illegitimate children that he had already given birth to and were not recognized by the church."

"The third thing is that I brought a parrot without a mate into the Clock Kingdom."

“It’s all about fulfilling a purpose.”

The old witch was fascinated by what she heard, but she keenly discovered a problem. She looked at Ivita, who had kept her left eye closed, and then looked at the withered little redwood tree behind her, and said in disbelief: "She brought her into the Clock Kingdom. It’s just the seeds of the redwood tree?! Then this Witch Anna allowed the seeds of the redwood tree to take root and grow in the Clock Kingdom during the peak period of the Chitose Fire."

"Even if the little tree didn't grow up in the end and withered and died, it would be extremely incredible."

"Why is such a powerful witch trapped in the Clock Kingdom created by a mortal king?"

"I'm afraid that Witch Anna lost control of her emotions under the huge betrayal and did something that harmed the interests of all mankind." Ivita continued to flip through the diary. "This Witch Anna said—"

"My purpose in doing this is very simple, which is to make Grand Viscount Rosemond regret forever the mistakes he made."

"I want to study here how to adjust the laws of the giant redwood trees so that the Chitose Fire cannot suppress the sea of ​​giant redwood trees."

"I want redwood saplings to grow on this land again, and let the humans of Ambrose understand that these mistakes all come from the mortal king Rosmund they worship as a god."

"Therefore, I need to do the second thing, so that Rosemond will only have a group of illegitimate children, and will not be able to produce legal offspring with his wife, the eldest lady. In this way, Rosemond will definitely encounter misfortune in his later years and have no legal heirs. , the country will inevitably fall into division and civil war."

"He will die tragically in the days when the princes are fighting for the throne. He will sadly live to see his great work fall apart, as if it never existed."

"This is the cruelest punishment for all ambitious heroes."

"I worked hard all my life, only to be easily wiped out by my sons in my later years."

"But what's more important is that once this happens, the people of the Independent State of Viscount Ambrose will not pay attention to the Clock Kingdom. The civil war will make them lose the historical facts that are already hidden. In the end, the people of Ambrose The Clock Kingdom will be completely forgotten, which is what I hope.”

"They will no longer even remember how to restore the Chitose Fire, and why the Chitose Fire always goes out periodically. Once the unprecedented turmoil occurs, even if the entire Ambrose barely returns to its original state, its connotation and inheritance will inevitably change. Lost.”

"During this process, I also have a strong supporter who avenges me - Pan."

"I admit that I misjudged him before. He is actually a very good friend. He always appears by my side when I am most sad, giving me guidance, divination for me, and pointing to an ending that is beneficial to me. If I could have listened to him earlier, and I wouldn't have ended up like this."

"Once there is such a civil strife in Ambrose, I can study and transform the laws of the Great Sequoia Tree Sea here quietly and without any interruption."

"It turns out that I succeeded, and everything is going in the direction I expected."

"At the same time, I secretly killed the legion officers left by the Ambrose people in the Clock Kingdom, gradually led them to forget the historical fact that they were Ambrose people, and guided them to transform from the army to the kingdom."

"To tamper with the customs and make them forget the name of the Ambrosians."

"I originally wanted to guide them to hate the Ambrose people. Imagine how hundreds of thousands of warriors who have escaped the shrinking magic and have spent their lives fighting the fire demon come to the real world. What a powerful army this is. "

"I can sacrifice most of my mana to allow these humans who have adapted to the life of villains to adapt to the real world."

“But then I was still tired.”

"My husband, Lord Alcusi, is a native of Ambrosia. He loves this land. If he were still alive, he would definitely not agree with what I did. So I suddenly felt tired and thought that everything I had done before seemed It’s all meaningless.”

"So, when I was halfway through the process of transforming the history of the villains in the Clock Kingdom, I had no intention of continuing and let them develop naturally."

“I returned to the barrel and never left.”

Ivita closed the diary, her heart sinking. "really."

"When I found out that she just brought a seed into the Clock Kingdom, and saw the redwood tree here, I knew there was a big problem, but I didn't expect that what she wanted to do was to subvert Ambrose's foundation of order."

The Hearthstone Witch was also frightened.

The viciousness of this witch Anna obviously frightened her.

Anna the witch wants revenge on everyone in Ambrose in order to appease her rage.

The Hearthstone Witch breathed out, "Fortunately, she seems to have failed. At least not completely."

"Your Majesty, please take a look at her diary to see if there is any record of the reason why the Chitose Fire went out and how to keep the Chitose Fire burning."

"If we really find this method, even if we just sell it to the Ambrose people, we can gain huge wealth."

"Well, but where did the body go? That's wrong." Iveta searched around the room and found that there was no body of Witch Anna, nor the body of the parrot she brought in.

The old witch had come to the diary under the spring and started to flip through it. When Ivita was looking for the body, she opened a notebook and said: "I found it. Why is it at least a high witch level, maybe even a marquis?" This is why she, a super witch, is forced to be locked up here."

"Your Majesty, please read here that after the Grand Viscount killed her husband, Lord Alcusi the Firemaker, with poisoned wine and ten knights, he captured her two young children."

"The Grand Viscount [Rosemond] of the Independent Viscounty of Ambrose used the lives of her two children to force her to willingly enter the Clock Kingdom and never come out."

"Although Witch Anna is a powerful witch, she is alone, not very defensive, and weak. Therefore, after her husband dies, she cannot fight against the Grand Viscount [Rosemond] who has the resources of a country."

The old witch said: "This diary says that Rosemond promised to send her daughter to the snowy mountains to become an ice witch's apprentice, and may even inherit the next generation of ice witches."

After hearing this, Ivita sneered. "King Mortal had such a good idea. After being sent to the snowy mountains, Witch Anna's daughter will automatically lose her father's right to inherit worldly wealth and power, and she will stay away from Ambrose forever."

The old witch shook her head. "If what this diary says is true, then [Rosemond] also sent her son to the hunter's base camp [Adelaide Jungle] to become a hunter stationed in the jungle, which also allowed him to live forever. Lost inheritance.”

"[Rosemond] is one of the most famous grand viscounts in Ambrose, and everyone in Ambrose considers him to be the great revivalist."

"But after I learned the truth, I realized that he was just a villain."

"You're smaller than me."

"The most I can do is steal people's external possessions, but this person created such a tragedy because of his inner fear, and even let Witch Anna do such a dangerous experiment here! Damn it, he's trying to kill us!"

"To cut the weed, we need to remove the roots!"

Ivita shook her head, you two eldest brothers, please stop laughing at your second brother. "The rulers are more paranoid."

"Besides, there are actually figures of the Children of the Forest and God Pan here. Why do I feel that there is a conspiracy behind the break between Witch Anna and Grand Viscount Rosemond?"

The Great Witch of Hearthstone tasted it carefully and noticed something was wrong. "Your Majesty, everything is mentioned in this diary, except for why they discovered that the Chitose Fire is in danger of extinguishing periodically and how to ignite the Chitose Fire."

"Even if it was mentioned, it was torn out."

"Witch Anna doesn't want anyone at all. She knows the way to save Chitose Fire."

Ivita couldn't find the body and nodded with some doubts. "But where's the body?"

"Your Majesty, look at this, she seems to have research results..." The old witch opened the middle diary and read out. “Through my perseverance, I discovered that by sacrificing spirituality, I could change the laws of the redwood tree.”

"It's a pity that my experimental conditions here are limited. I can almost only use my own spirituality as the experimental material."

"But after I continued to consume my spirituality, I finally got results. Even though I had lost all my spirituality, even the corpse could not be preserved. I entrusted the results of the experiment to my parrot, and used my last strength to send them to the parrot. A parrot left the Clock Kingdom and gave my achievements... to..."

Ivita felt ridiculous. "To whom?"

The old witch raised her head, looked at Ivita and said, "Give it to God Pan."

Ivita was speechless for a moment.

Because he had a suspicion that the break between the most famous ruler of Ambrose [Rosemond] and the Anna witch couple was probably caused by Pan.

Ivita glanced at the withered redwood tree and said, "Take the diary and the redwood tree back."

"Maybe it can be useful, just put it in your carriage."

"When you go back, look carefully to see if there are any other mentions of Chitose Fire in the notebook. Maybe we read too quickly and missed something."

The old witch was overjoyed because she discovered that Anna Witch mentioned many transformations of magical plants in her diary. Anna Witch's witch level should be between the fourth and fifth levels.

Even just scattered experimental records and understanding of magic have greatly improved her.

Entering the Clock Kingdom this time, not only did Ivita gain three major sources of magic, she also gained a huge amount.

While the old witch was packing her things, Ivita sighed, she really wanted to develop her power.

The tragedy of Witch Anna and the others was that they really had no intention of rebellion, so they were easily manipulated.

If they have huge power and can usurp the position of Grand Viscount at any time, how could that [Rosemond] slander them so easily, confuse right and wrong, erase people's memory of Anna and the witch couple, and take the credit for himself? on the body.

Iveta sat on a dusty stool and waited for a while. Suddenly, his left eye was in great pain. He saw cracks on the eggshell in the sea of ​​fire on his retina, and something was beating on the eggshell. , to crack the eggshells.

The energy of the sea of ​​fire on the retina was absorbed by the egg, and even shrunk in size.

The powerful fire magic also interferes with the shrinking magic, which is the cornerstone of the Clock Kingdom's existence.

Therefore, the house they were in began to become distorted.

The space is no longer symmetrical, the house begins to change from a quadrilateral to a triangle, the ground becomes higher on one side and lower on the other, and many tables, chairs and stools slide from the high side to the low side.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone noticed this scene, quickly packed her things, and threw the most important diaries and the dead redwood tree directly into her carriage. "Your Majesty, your fire magic has been born."

"The birth of this magic caused instability in the Clock Kingdom."

"We must leave the Clock Kingdom immediately and return to the City Hall in the real world. Let's go quickly."

Ivita nodded, that was exactly what he meant.

The old witch used magic power again to draw a door in mid-air.

Iveta and her rushed through the door. The next moment, they left the mechanical clock and returned to the lounge on the second floor of the city hall.

At this time, the lounge was still empty.

Ivita noticed a piranha at the door chewing a corpse. Apparently, when they entered the Clock Kingdom, someone tried to enter the lounge, but was attacked by the piranha.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone listened for a moment. "Why are there no sounds of fighting or roaring?"

"Are we back too late?"

Iveta walked to the window of the lounge, looked down at the square next to the city hall, and found that there was still no one there, not even soldiers.

Under normal circumstances, there should be many businessmen and tourists in the square next to the city hall, as well as patrol soldiers who maintain the dignity of the city hall.

Ivita said: "I'm afraid it's still fighting."

"We'll find out what's going on when we go down and take a look."

"Just in time, I want to try my fire magic."

As the fire magic that has been fused several times becomes stronger, my control over it gradually becomes stronger.

This is probably related to the fact that the new magic that has appeared through several fusions has gradually been marked with strong personal characteristics. Now the newly born fire magic has almost no similar magic in this world, and has been completely marked with Iraq. Vita's personal imprint.

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