The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 124 The Fury of the Republic of Frocana 3406

Mrs. Alice tried hard to suppress her excitement, stepped forward, and inspected the cast iron ingots carefully.

The blacksmith guild in Parvega has its own methods and tips for judging the quality of iron ingots. Iveta saw them surrounding the iron ingot, hitting the iron ingot with a small copper hammer, and listening carefully to the sound of the iron ingot.

With each knock, the expressions on the faces of these five people became more excited.

In order to prevent accidents, Mrs. Alice even entered the carriage again, picked out a cast iron ingot from the bottom of the basket, and took it out to continue their test.

Finally, the five people looked at each other, and there was an eerie silence.

Mrs. Alice took the initiative to speak. "Ivita, your supply of goods is unexpectedly excellent. You will get praise wherever you get it. It is our luck that you can come to us to cooperate. I apologize for the people we detained before."

"These are indeed cast iron. A hundred pounds of ordinary pig iron is worth 3 shillings, and a hundred pounds of wrought iron is worth 5 shillings."

"Iron that has been forged and quenched once is worth 6 shillings, iron that has been forged and quenched twice is worth 8 shillings, and iron that has been forged three times is worth 10 shillings. However, the latter prices are all priceless, and the source of high-quality iron has always been. It’s relatively scarce.”

Ivita waved her hand. "The seizure of my people and goods was done by my lord. It is none of your business."

Ivita took out the one-handed cast iron sword from the carriage, walked to Mr. Holman's side, and took away the wrought iron sword he carried with him.

Although Mr. Holman didn't understand, he didn't say anything because of Ivita's identity.

Under everyone's puzzled gazes, Ivita raised two swords and struck them together at the same time.

There was a buzzing sound of collision in the air. The cast-iron sword in Ivita's hand was intact, but the wrought-iron sword he held in his right hand had a huge hole.

Ivita handed the cast iron sword to Mr. Holman. "I'm sorry for breaking your sword. This sword is my compensation for you."

Mr. Holman bent down and held the sword in both hands, "There is no need for the Baron to care about trivial matters."

He smiled.

He is a businessman, and businessmen value profits the most. A cast iron sword is much more expensive than a wrought iron sword.

Not to mention the endless supply of cast iron swords.

Ivita turned around and said to everyone:

"I think now everyone should have a more intuitive understanding of weapons made of cast iron."

"That's how great its performance is."

"Everyone imagine, if our guild produces swords like this on a large scale for a long time, how much benefit will it bring to Palvega?"

Mrs. Alice's eyes lit up. "This will become a symbol of Parvega's quality."

"It can drive [Palvega]'s sales of weapons made of other materials, and even sales in other industries."

The rest of the group also started discussing.

"The war is coming, and then Ambrose's shortage of high-quality weapons will be even greater. I seem to see the rise of Palvega. Our city will become richer, even more than the cities before us. Becoming the fifth city and the fourth city!”

"If Palvega can really continue to produce such weapons on the battlefield, then we will expand rapidly in other industries. Perhaps we can become, besides Ambrose City, the largest city in the Ambrose Plains .You must not forget the damage caused by war to the urban economy."

"Other cities' economies will shrink because of the war, but we can make a fortune during the war."

These Xingdongs are actually already thinking about how to surpass other cities when the intensity of the war increases.

As the city expands, their business can expand.

The upper limit of guilds in each city is determined by the upper limit of the city.

Mrs. Alice considered it for a moment, then turned to Iveta, who had remained silent and allowed them to discuss, stretched out her left hand, opened her palm, and said: "In that case, let's set the price, plus your transportation cost and labor. Including costs, cast iron should be ten times more expensive than wrought iron.”

"The prerequisite is that all the cast iron must be sold to us."

The merchants' eyes flickered, the price is so high?

But it's also reasonable.

This contains monopoly money.

After hearing this, Ivita thought for a moment and realized that the price of a hundred pounds of cast iron was 2 gold pounds plus 10 shillings.

The price is probably in line with my expectations.

But when it comes to monopoly, he is not very acceptable.

"I can only guarantee that I will only sell to you under the premise of existing production." Ivita said.

Before Alice spoke, he said: "If you can eat all the produce in our territory, of course I can keep selling it to you."

"But if I can't afford it, I will look for other cities that can afford it."

Ivita said: "But I will try to avoid Palvega's competitors and nearby cities and territories."

"That's it."

Lady Alice laughed. "sure."

"Then we can buy this cart of cast iron."

The cast iron of the carriage Iveta brought weighed about 1,200 kilograms, and the approximate weight calculated by Lady Alice using a scale was about the same.

So she paid Ivita 30 gold pounds.

Watching the shining gold coins enter a small pocket, the impact sound of each gold coin is so clear and sweet.

Iveta happily took the purse and said, "Mrs. Alice, you told me before that you would give me one hundred gold pounds as reward."

"Well, I promised you this kind of thing before on the street. In addition, because of the mayor's promise to you, you don't need to pay commodity transaction tax and transit tax. In the future, you come to us to sell things. You can take back as much money as you want without any taxes." Alice was full of smiles and took out a money bag she had prepared and handed it to Ivita. "You need to take stock. I will not be responsible for you after you leave here."

She said to Ivita slightly jokingly.

Ivita shook her head. "No."

"Your reputation is worth much more than a few gold coins."

He believed that Lady Alice would not do such a thing to him.

How stupid a person must be to play tricks on something like this.

For a big businessman like Mrs. Alice, the most important thing is not money, but reputation.

Reputation can be exchanged for money.

Lady Alice quipped: "How regretful the mayor would be if he knew what a huge deal he gave up."

"Well, I will gradually increase the production of cast iron in the future." Ivita said.

The existing blast furnace should be able to produce twelve carriages of cast iron every month, which means it can earn 360 gold pounds.

Originally, the barony only received about 700 gold pounds per year.

In the future, the cast iron business in the territory is expected to bring in about 4,320 gold pounds per year.

This income has exceeded the income of many ordinary viscounts.

In the past, the barony could only engage in the low-end business of mining iron ore, so most of its income had been squeezed. Iron ore was not valuable, even worse than the worst iron material - pig iron.

Because iron ore is essentially just excavated stone, it needs to go through many processes before it can be turned into iron.

Ivita suddenly thought of something and said to Alice: "I would like to ask, do you have a mirror worth a hundred gold pounds?"

Mr. Holman's eyes widened. "A mirror worth one hundred gold pounds? Lord Baron, do you want the queen's dressing mirror?"

This is not the case.

It's just that the spiritual mirror divination requires such an expensive mirror.

Ivita said to Mrs. Alice: "I need a mirror that really meets the price, rather than a mirror that has temporarily increased the price just for me. Madam, do you have any relevant recommendations?"

Mrs. Alice frowned and thought carefully. "As far as I know, Palvega can't be that expensive."

"Even if someone really sells it at such a high price, it is mostly out of the intention of refusing others to buy it, or to make things difficult."

"It's not that the seller thinks that this mirror is really worth so much money."

"For one hundred gold pounds, with good luck, it is already possible to buy a small village."

"What a luxury."

Mrs. Alice shook her head and smiled bitterly. "There are no such mirrors in Palvega."

Ivita also became distressed.

Otherwise, he should learn another divination skill.

However, the old witch knows three kinds of divination in total, and the most normal divination is the mirror divination.

If you want to learn other divination techniques, the old witch will definitely persuade you to go to the city of Ambrose to find her beloved disciple.

The key is that her beloved disciple also took the blame for killing the Grand Viscount.

Who dares to find her?

But try to create a fake transaction, such as finding a servant and asking him to sell the mirror in his hand to him for one hundred gold pounds.

It would be too risky.

Ivita still remembered that the Hearthstone Witch told her that her apprentice turned into a chimera because of the risk of spells.

Something that is already very risky, if we continue to be so tricky, we really don’t know what will happen.

There is no need to take such risks.

While Iveta was pondering what she should do, Alice suddenly remembered something and her eyes lit up. "Iveta, do you know [Maddalena City]?"

"Maddalena City?" Ivita shook her head.

Lady Alice laughed and said, "Maddalena is the third largest city in Ambrose."

"The main economic pillar of that city is the textile industry, and Maddalena's fabrics are first-class in terms of feel and color."

"The reason why I tell you this is because something big happened in Madalina City recently."

"The daughter of Maddalena's weavers' guild is fourteen years old, and the president of the weavers' guild wants to marry her off."

Lady Alice explained. "This is not a strange thing. But because his daughter has been cast a vicious spell by a witch - if she reaches the age of fourteen and is still not married, a beast will appear on her fifteenth birthday. Then, marry her away."

"So the textile workers' guild has sent out invitations to young and handsome boys who want to find husbands. A banquet is held in the middle of every month, and it is said that many people have gone there. The reason why most people go there is not because of weaving. The President of the Industrial and Commercial Guild wants to see the excitement. He wants to meet the girl who is about to become Mrs. Beast, so many dignitaries will go."

“You might find an opportunity there.”

"But you'd better send your men."

"Because it's too dangerous outside recently."

Lady Alice said: "Didn't the Lord say before that the Viscount was plotting all the cities? In the past few days, news has come in one after another that there are actually several cities in Ambrose that were instigated by the Viscount to rebel, and the aristocratic faction won."

"His behavior is said to have angered the Republic of Frocana."

"The governors of the Republic of Phlocana are even prepared to provide greater help to the major cities of Ambrose."

Ivita said: "It's so stormy."

Step by step, these external forces are expanding the conflict within Ambrose.

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