The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 126: The Law of the Water City, the Law of the Standard Bearer of Justice, the Law of Drawin

Margery glanced at the old witch strangely, as if curious, how could you end up going to court for a lawsuit.

In the court, the mayor was so angry that he blurted out to the lawyers from Forocana: "Regardless of whether Prol was coerced or did it on his own initiative, he launched a coup on the spot no matter what. Destroyed the town hall in Palvega.”

"It's always his doing."

"He can't escape."

Little did they know that this was a language trap set by two lawyers.

"Dear Judge, you said exactly what we wanted to say," Frocana's lawyers said.

"But if this is the case, according to Ambrose's [Rosemond Code], the subordinates who launched the rebellion only need to confiscate all their family properties, deprive them of all rights, and be exiled from the Viscount Ambrose Country, and will not be allowed to return for life."

"The problem with Lord Prower is that he is just a victim like all of us..."

The mayor finally realized that he had fallen into the trap, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

The jury from the side appeared to discuss.

In the jury system, the decision-making power actually lies with the jury.

All thirty people on the jury were discussing.

Some of the wealthy businessmen on the jury made shocking remarks and agreed with the arguments of the lawyers from Florence. Iveta didn't know whether they had received money or because they were really mentally ill.

Margo Lee, a fur trader from the Noble Merchant Republic, laughed, "It's useless."

"Those two lawyers are working in vain, because it is the jury that decides the verdict, and the jury generally does not select local people due to the principle of avoidance. In other words, most of the people present are from Palvega. We are big businessmen from other places, but the fluctuations caused by yesterday’s coup delayed the business of those of us and seriously affected our interests.”

"Even if you bribe one or two people, you can't bribe most of them."

"This is a futile move."

The jurors wrote down their verdicts in turn, and Ivita also wrote guilty and death penalty on the note handed over by the service staff.

Soon, the results were tallied.

The mayor's expression softened significantly, "Thirteen juries found you an accessory, two juries found you not guilty, but fifteen others sentenced you to death immediately."

"Prowl, I'm sorry to tell you that your tricks are not working."

The faces of the two lawyers from Frocana changed again and again.

Although this result was within their expectations, it was too difficult to defend the main perpetrator of the coup.

But after hearing the result, the two of them still looked ugly.

If they could win the case here and let Lord Prower leave Ambrose unharmed, they would be famous, but for Frocanna believed that the virtue of a citizen was mediocrity.

Therefore, the reputation of both of them is only harmful in Frocana, but their reputation can be used elsewhere.

But I didn't expect the result to be like this.

In the jury seat, behind Ivita was a middle-aged man in a straw hat, who said, "I probably know why those two lawyers want to help Prol with this lawsuit."

Ivita looked at him curiously. "Can you tell me more about it?"

The man laughed when he saw Ivita. "Lord Baron, of course this small matter is okay. I am an ordinary captain from the Republic of Belisarius. You can call me Captain Peyrol."

"If these two lawyers from Frocana win this lawsuit, I'm afraid they won't be planning to return to Frocana."

"Because they have gained a huge reputation for winning cases for the coup masterminds, they will be suspected and restricted once they return to Frocana."

"Flocana is a country that excludes outstanding people," said Captain Peyrol.

"But our Republic of Belisarius has always had the tradition of appointing reputable foreigners as high-ranking officials of the Republic. This is the [foreign appointment system] of the Republic of Belisarius. It is to prevent domestic families and forces from colluding and destroying the republican spirit. unique system."

"The two of them probably want to use this as a springboard to take important positions in my country."

Iveta frowned strangely. "So, all high-ranking positions in the Republic of Belisarius are foreigners?"

This actually works.

"That's it." Captain Peyrol said: "This is a subsidiary law under the [Law of the Righteous Standard Bearer]."

"A type of man-made law."

Margo Lee shook her head. "Then the situation in your republic will definitely be unstable."

"The [Water City Law] is more excellent, and the [Law of Drawing Lots] is a pan-regional law. The aristocratic commercial republic is far better than your republic."

The expression on Captain Peyrol's face stiffened, and he lowered his voice, suppressing his anger. "Your republic is indeed excellent, but that does not mean that the people in your republic are also excellent."

"I'm not talking to you."

"Besides, the National Bank of the Republic of Belisarius has wealth that you, the traders, cannot imagine. Our [Turin Law] is more just..."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Iveta coughed and attracted their attention back.

Ivita reminded the two of them, "We are still in the court of Palvega."

The two of them immediately nodded their thanks to Ivita.

If there was a real quarrel, it would really be unjustifiable. They would probably offend Palvega and be banned from entering the city.

The verdict of the court was that Lord Prower was still guilty and sentenced to death immediately, a death penalty faster than the others.

The lawyer hired by the Lord, seeing that there was nothing he could do, could only scold the judge for his lack of legal literacy, and then left the table helplessly.

A soldier, holding a spear, appeared behind Lord Prowl.

the mayor loudly announced. "Give this traitor the punishment of the law now and drive a spear through his dirty heart."

The soldier immediately raised his spear and stabbed the Lord hard in the heart.

The audience who came here specifically to watch had been waiting for this bloody scene, and their eyes widened.


The spear fell on the Lord's body, and sparks appeared as if it had touched steel.

His lordship was unhurt.

Instead, the spear head broke.

The soldiers were even more surprised and confused, not knowing what kind of monster the Lord was.

Everyone present was talking a lot.

The old witch was beside Ivita and said: "It's impossible. Three days ago, he was just a mortal. I could crush him to death with one hand."

"What's on him?"

With a dark face, the mayor asked the soldier to bring a big sword and use it to chop off his head.

This time the soldier swung his sword as usual, the sword fell, and the Lord's head fell to the ground.

The soldier was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but strangely found that no blood spurted out from the Lord's neck.

The Lord suddenly laughed, held his head in his hands, and put it back on his neck. He said proudly: "Look, can you sentence me to death?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

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