The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 13 The arrival of a terrifying existence!

Because there seemed to be someone behind him, Manuel Boar stiffened and raised his head. Only then did he realize that the second person in the room on the fourth floor was no longer in his original position.

In that position, there were only extinguished candles and strange marks on the wooden floor, as well as the remaining green flames.

Where is that boy?

Could it be that young man behind him?

But how did he appear in front of him and behind him in the blink of an eye.

No matter how fast that boy is, he can't do this kind of thing!

Manuel Boar turned back stiffly and looked at him with a scarlet eye. A golden vertical pupil in the scarlet light reflected his face like a mirror, as if to tell him that his death was imminent.

Under those eyes are terrifying fangs and terrifying dragon scales.

The person standing behind him is not a human at all!

But a dragon!

Then what is resting on his left shoulder is...

Manuel Boar glanced at it, and he felt his heart was stuck in his throat, because what was resting on his left shoulder turned out to be a claw from the dragon's claw.

Just resting on his shoulders.

However, the steel armor on his shoulders made by the dwarf master heated with volcanic lava had actually been cut open by the dragon's claws like tofu.

The dragon's claws scratched his armor, cotton-padded clothes and shirt, and his skin.

Manuel Boar had no doubt that as long as the dragon behind him exerted even a little force, his arm would be torn apart from the root of his arm.

Manuel Boar swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He tried hard to maintain his original posture, not daring to irritate the dragon. "Hearthstone Witch, why is there a dragon in your room?"

"You can't control him!"

"who is he……"

The Hearthstone Witch gave him a look of disdain. "The dragon behind you, no, the one behind you is the young man you thought was not worth mentioning before."

"Ah!" There were some strange noises behind Manuel Boar, which frightened him so much that he let go of the half-sword in his hand and let the half-sword fall to the ground.

This is a dragon.

It is simply impossible for a mere knight to fight against such a being.

When Manuel realized there was a dragon standing behind him, he gave up the will to fight.

He just felt that he was the unluckiest knight in the world, why was there a dragon standing behind him.

The knightly commandments of not turning your back to the enemy can be forgotten, because now it is not a question of whether to fight or not, but that he seems to be dead.

One moment he felt like he was going to rise, and the next moment he hit rock bottom.

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the dragon transformed by Ivita in horror. This dragon actually had six purple-red dragon wings on its back.

As a witch, her high-intensity mental power allowed her to better perceive the terror of Ivita at this moment.

In her spiritual perception, Ivita is even more terrifying.

With Ivita as the center, a natural coercion stronger than the [Fear Aura] formed. It seemed like a whirlpool or a black hole, forming a boundless suction that attracted everyone's attention.

In other words, Manuel did not look behind him voluntarily at all, but was forcefully attracted towards him.

Just like a ship near a deep sea whirlpool, it can only be forced to move towards the bottomless ocean cavity, dying like a puppet in absolute despair.

The Hearthstone Witch also saw behind Ivita, a terrifying giant beast with purple-red six wings hanging upside down. There seemed to be an even more terrifying existence hidden in the body of Ivita Dragon.

This dragon's body is just a tool to carry this terrible thing, a cover.

How could a magical awakening ritual that was only half completed give birth to such a terrifying existence?

Is it because the names of six gods are written on it?

The witch was so frightened that she wanted to strangle stupid Manuel Boar to death for letting the devil get so out of control.

She will be implicated to death.

The old witch turned her head stiffly to look at the six candles that had been extinguished, and started brainstorming, thinking about how to escape.

But how could she escape from such a terrifying dragon?

What should we do now?

The dragon suddenly picked up Manuel Boar. The originally shining armor on the poor knight was melted by the temperature of the dragon's claws, and turned into liquid and fell on the wooden board drop by drop.


Manuel Boar was so frightened that his desire to live kept him begging for mercy. "I...let me go, I will never be a warrior again."

"Let me go please."

"I will farm, fish and hunt, but I will never hold a sword again..."

"Mortal~" 'Ivita' looked at this man with his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have grown infinitely and turned into a giant dragon holding up the sky, while Manuel Boar turned into a very small Ant.

"Mortal, say your name..."

Mortal, say your name!

Mortal, say your name!

These words kept echoing in Manuel Boar's ears, and he suddenly realized that things might be more complicated than he imagined. Instead of a giant dragon, this might actually be an evil god! ,

Could it be that the Hearthstone Witch is performing a ritual to summon the evil god in this room!

And now the evil god has successfully arrived!

But he couldn't think too much anymore, because under the coercion of this sentence, he was forced to say: "My name is Manuel Boar."

When he finished saying this, he felt very uncomfortable and was vomiting blood crazily.

The blood was red at first, then turned blue, and then after a while, turned green.

In fact, his internal organs began to undergo earth-shaking changes, and he had reached the limit of a formal knight with three extraordinary organs.

But these extraordinary organs were withering rapidly and changing crazily and abnormally. His liver and kidneys soon became unrecognizable.

Then the extraordinary heart, which contained the seed of life, also grew deformities similar to dragon arms, dragon wings, and dragon tail during this mutation, and even dragon scales began to grow in the heart.

Manuel Boar scratched at the scales growing on his arms in horror. He didn't know what was happening, but it was terrible.

His whole body was collapsing and changing blood.

The dragon holding him wanted to transform him into another creature, as if he had become a slave species of some superior being.

The old witch was so frightened by this terrible change that she became silent.

Suddenly, the dragon grabbed Manuel Boar's arm, and a strange change occurred. A bolt of lightning suddenly shot out from his shoulder.

The dragon's terrifying eyes showed a regretful expression, as if he was regretting something.

Then, with a little force, Manuel Boar was crushed into meat paste.

At the same time, the door of the room suddenly closed automatically, and the candles that had been extinguished suddenly burned one after another. The remaining green flames suddenly rose and then turned into purple spiritual fire.

The old witch was surprised: "The ritual... was reversed. It had already failed, but the result was reversed."

The dragon walked to the middle of the ceremony, picked up the potion on the ground and drank it.

Then, large scales fell off his body, his wings disappeared, and his body gradually degenerated from a real dragon into a human, but he still retained the characteristics of a dragon.

The tree of life and spiritual energy, which was originally extremely twisted on the ground, turned over directly, with the head at the original end, and the original end at the previous top.

But after turning it over, the tree of life and spiritual energy maintained its balance and changed into its original tree shape.

And the color also changed from blood red to pure purple.

Ivita half-knelt on the ground, covering her head. "What just happened? The desire to destroy comes from the bottom of my heart."

"Where is the enemy? Where is the enemy?"

The witch hurriedly ran over and said flatteringly: "Your Majesty, you showed great power just now..."

"The fool who overestimated his capabilities has died in your hands..."

Ivita glanced at the witch in confusion. No, he had no memory of anything just now.

Just now he felt as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, and then a voice kept calling him, telling him not to sleep. Once he fell asleep, he would never wake up.

When he was about to wake up, the voice began to weaken again.

Until he was completely awake, the sound disappeared.

He glanced over the fragments of Manuel's body.

Did he just kill this guy?

its not right.


I was definitely unconscious just now.

Then who was fighting just now?

Could it be that he hired a beater himself?

Ivita looked at the names of the six god-kings on the Tree of Life. This was the first time these names had appeared in this world.

The change just now must be related to these six names.

Fortunately, my magic awakening ceremony was finally successful.

The witch remembered that several knights had also rushed up, but she didn't know where they were now.

So, she went to open the door and saw a terrifying scene.

There were indeed three official knights outside, but they were all dead.

Their horses were nowhere to be found, but the three knights kept crawling on the stairs, reaching out their right hands like pilgrims, trying to reach the wooden door on the fourth floor.

Their bodies had turned into charcoal, and the expressions on the dead bodies were full of fear.

Only some of the End Dragon Flame remained on their bodies.

For a moment, the old witch felt a deeper fear of the demon beside her.

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