The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 140 Wood’s magic seal

The old demon hunter said crazily: "Queen of Hearts, you are just too narrow-minded, that's why your head is so angry."

"Hurry up and let my child go. I will steal the treasures from the candy house for you. Ah, you broke the contract and you are going to kill me..."

"Let my child go!"

Ivita stood behind, observing the situation with the old witch. The old witch said to Ivita: "I'm afraid he can't tell the time anymore."

"He probably thought it was twenty years ago."

"My majesty, his spirituality is also in a mess. It is simply very chaotic. It is more complicated than ordinary people."

"This man has gone completely crazy, so he can't display much of his strength."

As he spoke, orange flames appeared on the end of the old demon hunter's sword. His sword struck the knight swords of six knight attendants at the same time. A '\u0026' pattern appeared on the six knight swords at the same time. .

The old witch raised a brow. "His mixed spirituality actually still retains the instinct to use the Fire Demon Repelling Seal."

Fiery red marks appeared in the middle of the six knight swords, and scorching flames erupted from them, causing the swords to break from the middle. The six wrought iron knight swords were cut off by him in an instant.

The knights and attendants were stunned.

Because they have not yet learned how to fight without weapons.

Griffin Knight stood in front of them, stopping the old demon hunter who was about to continue attacking, and at the same time scolded them angrily, saying: "Don't be in a daze."

"Back off."

At this moment, a bolt of lightning penetrated the old demon hunter's chest. At the same time, Black Wolf took the opportunity to cut his right hand with a big sword, and a green '③' pattern appeared on the old demon hunter's right arm.

Then the old witch threw a ball of fire at him.

Being attacked by three people at the same time, before the old demon hunter could react, the muscles of Griffin Knight's whole body swelled. With the blessing of his extraordinary heart, every muscle fiber of his super-fiber muscles was supplemented by nutrients. Then all his strength burst out, starting from his feet, then to his waist, and then to his back. In an instant, his sword slashed at the old demon hunter's chest, and even the air briefly whimpered.

Sword Skill: Cut with one stroke!

As a white wave appeared in the air instantly and then disappeared, a long and terrible wound was cut on the old demon hunter's chest. The blood from the wound spattered out and poured on every knight who came close to him.

The old demon hunter released his sword, his eyes still confused, and shouted, "Queen of Hearts, I hate you."

"Why did you curse my son and turn my son into a beast!"

"I'm going to kill you..."

"Kill you..."

The old demon hunter got up from the ground and stared at Ivita and the others with red eyes.

Iveta understood at this time that this guy was completely irrational and there was no other way but to kill him.

Letting this guy out would threaten the safety of the residents in his territory.

"Hei Lang, kill him."

Iveta snapped her fingers, and the lightning magic remaining in this guy's body suddenly exploded again, paralyzing his whole body and making him unable to move.

At the same time, the black wolf raised his crossbow and shot him in the chest.

A green ③ pattern appeared again on the old demon hunter's chest.

Ivita asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Your Highness, this is the Wood Retreating Magic Seal of the Griffin School." Black Wolf said: "This seal will absorb the magic power in the body of the person who is hit and form a poisonous seal. It is a seal specially designed to restrain magical creatures and people with magic power in their bodies. , for ordinary people, it can only make them sick, and the knight's physique can be immune to the seal of the Griffin School."

The black wolf watched sadly as the old demon hunter spit out black poisonous blood, staggered, and finally fell to the ground helplessly.

"The demon hunters have the power of the seal in their bodies, so they also have magic power."

"This wood retreat magic seal is extremely poisonous to him."

"Because it didn't work against the knights before, I didn't waste the demon hunter's little magic power."

Ivita nodded. That's it. It seems that the demon hunter is naturally weak when fighting knights, and the opponent is overwhelming when fighting magical creatures.

A third-level demon hunter died in their hands like this.

The reason why it was so easy was mainly because he was already crazy. In addition, it was a group fight. Even if he was not crazy, he would probably die.

It will just be more troublesome.

Ivita saw a group of souls rising from the corpse, and then quickly being submerged into the mirror itself. When she did not deliberately operate it and just kept the magic running automatically, the mirror became one with the soul.

The soul of this old witcher has become deeply connected with the mirror.

After absorbing this soul, the Candy Spirit Mirror suddenly became more magical. Ivita's thoughts moved slightly, and he seemed to feel that his sight reached every corner of the castle through the mirror.

His gaze followed the mirror and flew over the castle.

The next moment, he opened his eyes, and his sensory functions returned to his body, focusing on his surroundings.

Black Wolf searched in this mirror space, and he actually found a black package. He opened the package and saw that there were some potions and manuals inside.

Hei Lang said in surprise: "It's actually the learning method and matching potion of the Fire Retreat Magic Seal of the Iron Wolf Demon Hunter School."

"Lord Ivita, as long as I take this fire magic-repelling potion, I can have the fire magic-repelling seal."

"A demon hunter has the seals of two schools of thought!"

Ivita nodded, "Very good, then these things will be given to you."

"As for the body, it's for the Hearthstone Witch."

Iveta had already seen that this guy was looking forward to seeing him, but she didn't want to ask what the old witch wanted to do.

She has helped him so much, but he will still be accommodating to her in such a small matter.

After clearing the witcher in the mirror, Iveta breathed a sigh of relief, opened the one-way door, and let everyone return to the study.

In the study, Ivita looked at the knights' attendants whose swords were broken.

The knights and attendants felt guilty about their performance, so they did not dare to look at Ivita.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we were negligent this time."

"We didn't expect that he would break our weapons with one sword..."

Ivita said, "You did a good job this time, Griffin. Take them to get a sword made of cast iron."

"As a reward for these young people for their heroic actions, I hope they can continue to fight to protect their territory in the future."

The knight's squires were excited.

Griffin Knight stared at them fiercely. "Follow me. Without weapons, you are just like sheep."

"There's nothing to be happy about. It's just that the adults are generous."

Ivita watched them leave the study, knowing in her heart that the Griffin Knight would teach them a lesson with a dark face, and all she had to do was play a good person in front of them.

Ivita said to the old witch: "Let us go to see the banker Tartax has brought."

The old witch sniffed the smell of her clothes and said, "Your Majesty, are we going to go there smelling of blood?"

Ivita was stunned for a moment, "I was negligent."

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