The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 145 Lion, Camel and Baby Spirit

In the study, the two people who were supposed to be enemies were pretending and submissive in a strange balance, maintaining a polite conversation between the master and the guest.

Ivita quickly realized that this guy was trying to trick her.

If you admit that you sent people to harass and attack the Mountain Boar Knights' troops, it would be tantamount to provoking them on your own initiative.

Noble law will no longer protect itself.

At that time, the fragile balance between him and the wild boar knight is likely to be broken.

And although even if a battle starts here, the mountain boar knight who has been consumed by the mirror spirit may not be his opponent, Ivita has no intention of fighting the mountain boar knight here.

Because if the mountain boar knight is killed here, the mountain boar knights in their own territory will launch a riot.

And his purpose is just to ask the boar knight to lead his troops and leave his territory.

Besides, the Mountain Boar Knight has one last extraordinary organ that he doesn’t know about.

Defeating this Boar Knights will not do you any great good.

Those who are good at fighting do not start war easily!

After making a decision, Iveta spread her hands and said to the wild boar knight: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"You should take care of your own troops on your own. I have no obligation to take care of your troops for you."

The Great Mountain Boar Knight looked ugly, knowing that the other party would not admit that he sent people to attack the Mountain Boar Knights.

There is no point in spending any more time here.

The mountain boar knight did not expect that the boy he had only met once would be able to talk to him like this in just a few months.

He was still angry.

A kid who could only run away in front of him a few months ago could now threaten him.

The Great Mountain Boar Knight turned around and wanted to push the door out, but Ivita suddenly pressed the door with her magic hand. Heavy pressure fell on the door panel. The Great Mountain Boar Knight turned around and held the hilt of the sword, with a threatening look in his eyes. Lengmang. "You won't let me leave?"

"That's not the case." Ivita said, "It's just that the boar knight and I hit it off and wanted to talk more and communicate."

He raised his hand, and a chair automatically moved to the side of the wild boar knight.

The Great Mountain Boar Knight had a dark face and simply put the Bamboo Rat Knight on the ground and sat down by himself, because he understood that he could not leave here so easily today.

"What do you want to do?"

"Do you want me to lead the troops out of your territory?"

Ivita nodded. "Yes."

"By the way, what do you want to do when you enter Ambrose?"

The Great Knight of the Wild Boar responded coldly: "Viscount Winchester invited us here, and the deposit he gave us alone was 500 gold pounds."

He paused and suddenly said: "Generally, the fee for asking our knights to do something is 5,000 gold pounds to 7,000 gold pounds."

"This mission is quite special. It is likely to be a long-term mission, so the treatment will be even more different."

"Of course I don't think you have the ability to pay for our knights, but maybe one day in the future you will need a hired knights."

The Great Mountain Boar Knight didn't know what happened to him, but he suddenly started advertising his own business with Ivita.

This may be his instinct as the leader of the Wandering Knights.

After all, Ivita is a lord, and after the war, he will squeeze into the circle of nobles and celebrities.

Telling him this information is also to let the lords and nobles in this circle know the reputation and price of the Wild Boar Knights.

However, the mountain boar knight still coughed to relieve his embarrassment.

Ivita also didn't expect that the other party would actually tell her the hiring price of their knights.


Although the Boar Knights had conflicts with the Hearthstone Witches, and he was suspected of killing the Boar Knight's nephew, this didn't seem to be too important.

The two sides are not completely mortal enemies.

Although they are enemies now, the Boar Knights as mercenaries may not cooperate with Ivita in the future.

There is some relaxation between Ivita and the Great Boar Knight.

The Great Mountain Boar Knight said to Ivita: "Give me some paper and pen."


At this time, the Bamboo Rat Knight lying on the ground showed signs of waking up. Similarly, Ivita lifted the charm spell in his body, allowing him to wake up faster.

The Great Mountain Boar Knight frowned and said while writing his order: "He should still have a kind of magic on him. You should dispel it for him."

Ivita nodded. "That's a harming spell."

"The moment he leaves the soil of my domain, the spell on him will be broken."

The Great Mountain Boar Knight raised his head when he heard this and glanced at Ivita.

At this time, Ivita seemed a little unfathomable and unfathomable in his eyes.

Although the boy Manuel probably died in the hands of the man in front of him or the evil witch, it doesn't matter.

Just a nephew.

In fact, they usually don't communicate much, let alone any special feelings.

In his family, there are at least eighty such nephews, but this nephew is a little more prosperous.

Anyway, he's dead.

But Ivita's progress was too rapid.

Not only that, the man who was penniless a few months ago was now a baron.

This made the mountain boar knight doubt his life.

Because of this, the Mountain Boar Knight also had a suspicion that he could not determine that the young man in front of him might become his employer in the future.

The next step is relatively simple.

After the two reached an agreement, the Mountain Boar Knight asked the Bamboo Rat Knight, who had slowly woken up, to go find his troops and ask them to evacuate the territory with the Mountain Boar Knight's orders.

The Bamboo Rat Knight who had just woken up was a little confused.

However, he returned to the Order as ordered by the Boar Knight.

Ivita stayed in a study with the Great Knight of the Wild Boar, staying there all afternoon and most of the night.

At this time, Ivita also asked her maid to bring up the candy mirror.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that after the Xie Xin Mirror Spirit made such a fuss, the second stage of Spirit Mirror Divination, which originally took at least half a year to complete, had already completed the second stage.

Three images appear in the candy mirror.

The first is the image of a camel,

The second is the image of a lion,

The third is the image of a baby.

The soul in the mirror is constantly changing between this image.

Ivita opened the magic book on the desk that recorded the spirit mirror divination, looking for the characters corresponding to these images.

“The camel represents a sense of responsibility, a quality that allows humans to move forward with heavy loads;”

“The lion represents leadership, the prerequisite for ruling all things and creating new rules;”

“Babies represent innocence and are the reason why people will always keep improving.”

Ivita looked at the mirror and raised her eyebrows, "It seems that every wizard and witch's mirror divination technique has different three characteristics of the soul projected in the mirror in the second stage."

"The characteristics I project are actually the sense of responsibility to move forward with a heavy load, the leadership and simplicity to lead everyone."

The first two seem pretty good, but the last one represents the innocence of the baby, which makes it relatively difficult for him to understand.

The three images in the candy mirror began to overlap, and finally a woman wearing an elegant red dress appeared in the mirror. This woman had a golden lord's crown on her head. The dress was a little monotonous, but her appearance was extremely graceful and gorgeous.

The dress couldn't fit her plump chest, and her perfect figure was mouth-watering.

Her Danfeng eyes were full of arrogance.

This is the mirror spirit of Ivita.

The woman in the mirror glanced up at Ivita, opened her bright red lips, and said, "Hello, Master, I am your Mirror Spirit."

"You can give me a name."

"Names have power."

"It represents, I come into this world and then serve you."

In Ivita's eyes, this woman can score at least 95 points.

Ivita swallowed, but unfortunately, this was a mirror spirit in a mirror.

In other words, this is just a talking two-dimensional...

I can see her, but I can't touch her.

Ivita said: "In that case, let's call you Amelia Augustus."

Amelia Augustus laughed and seemed very happy, but even if she laughed, she was suppressing her emotions and paying attention to whether her behavior was appropriate.

Amelia Augustus said happily: "Master, I am willing to help you in your search for the law."

"I can see things in this room that are good for you and things that are bad for you."

"I saw that there should be a document on the mountain boar knight, which will be beneficial to your search for the law."

After the mountain boar knight heard about collecting laws, he was indifferent. He didn't even understand what this sentence meant.

After all, he only received martial arts education and was not sensitive to this knowledge.

Ivita looked at the Mountain Boar Knight, feeling troubled in her heart. Although her mirror spirit discovered this, the Mountain Boar Knight was not her subordinate, so how could she search for him?

Otherwise, forget it?

The Great Knight of the Boar looked at the mirror with fear and thought, what the hell is this from a wizard? The mirror can actually talk.

There is actually a beautiful woman in the mirror.

However, he has no interest in beautiful women. The Great Mountain Boar Knight is only interested in killing enemies and collecting bounties.

The Mountain Boar Knight took out a document from his clothes and said, "If you want to tell me that I have any documents on me, there is none."

"this one."

"This is a task that I rejected, and the reward was actually 40 gold pounds, so it doesn't matter if I show it to you."

"I don't want to cause trouble. Such inexplicable tasks often involve some trouble."

He threw the document to Ivita.

Iveta opened it and found that the words on it were particularly beautiful, as if they were written by a woman.

On this document, there is also an order requiring the Boar Knights to destroy the pagan altar in [Kapa Town].

Ivita remembered that this [Capa Town] seemed to be located between [Palvega] and her own territory.

The Great Knight of the Wild Boar recalled it and discovered the problem, "When my knights and I were in a tavern, a man in a black robe suddenly gave it to me."

"Beyond the Explorers' Guild."

"It's rare."

"The Explorers Guild is, after all, an important guild in the Republic of Forokana."

"Very few people will go beyond the guild to issue tasks, because having the guild mediate in the middle can ensure that both parties will not breach the contract."

The Mountain Boar Knight recalled: "By the way, that man seemed to have some strange marks on his face. He also spoke in a high-pitched voice and always emphasized that he was going to bed."

"What worried me the most was that at one point he was turning around and I saw his face peeking out from under his hood."

"He seems to be born with a deformity. He may have horns on his head..."

Ivita: "..."


Isn’t this person Pan Shen?

God Pan hired this wild boar knight to destroy the altar in the small town of Kapa?

Ivita looked into the candy mirror. "What's in the town of Kapa?"

Amelia Mirror Spirit shook his head, "I don't know. The nature of your divination is only at the apprentice level. Maybe if you improve the level of divination, I can know."

"But I know that there is something in that altar that will be of great benefit to you."

Ivita was lost in thought.

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