The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 148 Elemental Flower Captured Female Rogue (4159)

The dwarfs screamed in horror, as if they had seen something terrible.

"The Witch Queen's mirror can also talk, and there is a person in it, a strange-looking man."

"I heard that if we look into the magic mirror, we will be cursed."

"The entire kingdom of Saxony is shrouded in a magic mirror, and everyone is a reflection in the mirror. It's terrible."

"We need to get out of this evil territory."

Ivita was a little at a loss. It turned out that these guys were so afraid of the spiritual mirror in her hand.

The old witch raised her eyebrows and took the initiative to explain to Ivita: "You see clearly, this is a spiritual mirror, not a magic mirror."

"The Witch Queen is not the only one in the world who can use mirror magic."

"We are also witches and wizards. They don't treat us as human beings and just ignore us."

The seven dwarfs gradually calmed down after hearing this explanation.

They did discover that this might not be the Witch Queen's.

Robin responded very quickly and asked the seven dwarf knights behind her: "You seven must protect me."

"I took the place of your princess and saved you princesses from jail."

"We are all thieves, we can't just ignore them."

"I have a treasure trove of elemental flowers that I can share with you. You know those flowers are very expensive."

"As long as you can take action, you can all turn from robbers to nobles."

As soon as she turned around, she saw seven dwarfs jumping to the window at the end of the corridor and knocking out a soldier guarding there with their swords.

However, they controlled the intensity, and the soldier only fainted and did not suffer any damage.

While the dwarfs were about to jump out of the window, they said to Robin: "If you want the brave and fearless dwarf robbers to help you, you must have a sincere and fearless heart, which only belongs to the future." Queen of Saxony – the heart of a Saxon princess.”

"Robin Girl doesn't fit the bill."

"Goodbye, Robin Girl."

After that, the seven of them jumped out of the window one by one.

Before each dwarf jumps, he will say something to Robin.

Copper coin two, said: "I actually like you the most among the brothers, but I still can't stand you. You are a thief, and we are robbers. You have ruined the reputation of our green forest heroes. Goodbye."

When Copper Coin Three jumped up the window, he accidentally hit a melon on his forehead, so he turned around and covered his forehead while saying: "The brave and fearless dwarf knights will all have bad luck when they meet you."

"Things like elemental flowers will definitely be targeted by many witches. We don't want them. The seven dwarf bandits only rob troops and food, never rare treasures, and we have already agreed to rob one for the Princess of Saxony. The army!"

When Ivita heard this, she raised her eyebrows. I also want you to help me grab an army.

The last dwarf, before jumping out of the window, looked back at Robin Girl and Ivita, made a face and said: "Goodbye, Robin Girl, we are going to find our princess."

"May you escape from this lord's prison."

"I hope this lord's prison will be big and spacious, and the guards will be tight, otherwise I will not be able to imprison Robin and Robin."

After saying that, he jumped straight down like a big winter melon.

The seven dwarfs disappeared in a very short period of time.

Robin's face turned green with anger. She clenched her fists and said, "I didn't expect that the dwarves would be such unloyal people."

"Helping the Princess of Saxony was the biggest mistake of my life!"

She was about to leave from the corridor, but the tall figure of the Griffin Knight blocked her.

Facing the serious Griffin Knight, Robin's heart sank. She turned to look at Ivita, took out a shilling from her pocket, then threw it to Ivita, then spread her hands and said: "Look , I pose no threat to you."

"I also gave you back the only money I stole."

"It was purely a coincidence that I came to your territory. The Boar Knights took me everywhere."

"So, just let me go."

The Griffin Knight's sword was at her neck.

Robin's brow suddenly drooped, because Ivita said to Griffin Knight at this time: "Keep her under strict supervision and ask a maid to check whether this woman carries any weapons. Remember, in order to prevent In the event of an accident, any private areas must be inspected.”

Robin Girl gritted her teeth. "Baron, I thought you were different from the Boar Knights."

"I didn't expect that you and he are the same person. You are worthy of being a noble."

"You nobles are the same no matter where you are."

"What do you want to do?"

Iveta glanced at her coldly. If she lowered her guard just because this guy was a woman and allowed her to hurt others or even kill her own people, that would be the greatest stupidity.

I consider the safety of the people in my territory.

I absolutely cannot tolerate this guy.

Ivita said: "Hei Lang, you also go and look at her."

Yvetta frowned, not knowing what to do with her.

First of all, this guy led seven dwarves to smash a lot of his furniture. This guy has to repay himself. This is why he stopped her in the first place.

Otherwise, Ivita wouldn't even bother to talk to her.

But, what is the elemental flower that the other party talks about?

What are the witches fighting over?


what is that?

Ivita asked the old witch, "What is the elemental flower?"

The old witch saluted Ivita and said respectfully: "Elemental flower? That is a very powerful and rare, but well-known source of elemental magic."

Greed flashed in her eyes, "Elemental flowers usually bloom in four blooms at the same time, not just one. If she really knows where the elemental flowers are, I should pry her mouth open."

"There are many legends about elemental flowers. Legend has it that the first people to discover the power of elemental flowers were a pair of quadruplet girls."

"They are just the daughters of ordinary cow-milkers."

“It’s hard work every day.”

"Until one day, when the four sisters were herding cattle, they discovered a plant with four flowers blooming on the hillside, and the plant bloomed in front of them, blooming four elemental flowers in succession."

"At this moment, the four elemental magic powers contained within the elemental flowers penetrated into their bodies, turning the four mortals into powerful witches that even formal witches could not approach for a while."

"From now on, elemental flowers are something that witches can only dream of."

"Your Majesty, although the four elemental attributes contained in the elemental flowers are random, if there is an elemental flower with the element of thunder and lightning, wouldn't that solve your fourth source of magic power?"

Ivita was delighted.

I didn't expect that catching a thief would lead to such an unexpected gain.

But it’s actually normal.

A thief.

There must be a lot to know.

The old witch chuckled and stared at Robin Girl, as if she was looking at a test subject. "Your Majesty, she is a third-level assassin. It's just that the power of faith in her body must have been exhausted by the Boar Knights."

"It won't take more than half a year to recover. In my opinion, she may have more than one toxin in her body to suppress her power."

"So don't forget that she can't even use the shadow step that a second-level assassin can use."

"Actually, this is just because after she fell into the hands of the Wild Boar Knights, the Wild Boar Knights consumed most of her power in order to guard against her."

"By the way, do you want me to hunt down the seven dwarfs?"

Ivita shook her head. Judging from the picture displayed by the spiritual mirror divination, this female rogue was not very familiar with the seven dwarfs.

The seven dwarfs are basically fun people.

There was no point in going to all the trouble of hunting down seven Lezi people who were destined to leave their territory.

Those dwarfs must have gone to find their Saxon princess.

The maid quickly went upstairs, and with the help of Griffin and Black Wolf, she got the guy into the empty room next door and started checking.

Ivita blindfolded Griffin and Black Wolf and asked the maids to take off her tight clothes and examine her intimate parts.

When Robin saw two men blindfolded and only a group of women without fighting ability, she immediately smiled, thinking this was a good opportunity to escape.

She could have run away from the window in the room.

Just jump out, it's easy.

However, unexpectedly, Ivita suddenly opened the door and stared at her with her left eye.

Robin's face suddenly turned red, she covered her private parts with both hands, and then bit her lip. "Asshole, you guy, I must kill you because..."

"You have no reason to kill me." Ivita said: "Because I am looking at you through the flame of the law. Don't get me wrong, I am just afraid that you will run away."

"Before you compensate my losses, as a thief, you cannot leave my territory."

"But if you pay the compensation, I can let you go at any time. But since you came to steal, you have to pay me at least ten times the property."

"You..." Robin Girl noticed that there was really a fire burning in the other person's left eye, and she suddenly felt relieved and felt that she was respected, but then she felt ridiculous.

This kid, what is he going to do?

Robin let the maids play with her body and took off her relatively tight clothes. One of the maids found a small dagger that was one-half smaller than a normal dagger from her armpit.

The maid was startled and immediately dropped the dagger on the ground.

Ivita snapped her fingers, picked up the dagger with her magic hand, and pulled it to her side.

Oh my god.

As expected, this woman hid the weapon on her body under the noses of the Boar Knights.

Good thing I checked her out myself.

Otherwise, if something happens in the future, it may cost a few lives in his own territory.

Ivita looked at Robin Girl with an even colder gaze. He felt that this woman was too dangerous. He could only see her vague outline through the fire of law.

Ivita disdained any plot against a woman who was born a green forest bandit.

Then the maids found more weapons on her body.

But unfortunately, nothing valuable was found on her.

Fortunately, she was worried that if she let the old witch spy on her, the old witch would take the opportunity to steal some treasures.

As Ivita thought, a hundred magic hands twisted these weapons in an instant.

Ivita said: "Okay, now pay me the money."

Robin was stunned, "You guy, could it be that you caught me just because I knocked down some of your furniture? You are too stingy and stingy. You..."

Ivita frowned. "Some furniture? Do you think I look like such a rich person?"

"I don't have the money to compensate." Robin Girl refused: "I am a grand thief. Every time I steal money, I will convert it into food and distribute it to the poor people. So I never have any balance."

After checking her body, the maids stepped aside and took away her clothes.

Robin felt a little embarrassed and stood there. She didn't know whether to just stand there in shame, or to ask the maids to get her clothes back.

She felt some regret.

The front foot finally took advantage of the fire and escaped from the Boar Knights with the help of seven dwarf knights. However, he had obviously escaped, but because he wanted to steal one from the lord's castle next to him, he unexpectedly escaped again. fell into the hands of this strange baron.

Robin female stared at Ivita angrily, "What exactly do you want from me?"

Ivita thought for a moment and came up with a solution. "I heard you mention elemental flowers before, can you use this news to offset my losses?"

"Don't even think about it!" Robin refused firmly.

Ivita thought for a while and felt that this was unfair, and said: "Then use the money you owe me in exchange for an opportunity for me to trade element flower news with you. How much money do you want before you are willing to sell it?" Give me a message?"

Robin Woman looked at Ivita with disgust. "Ten million gold pounds!"

"One more thing, I will not help any nobles."

"The nobles and I are incompatible."

Ivita sighed.

It seems that this guy will not be able to tell him the news about the elemental flower for a while.

That's fine.

Anyway, I haven't digested the water dragon's teeth, and I haven't sent anyone to explore the town of Pat. I haven't explored the water magic and the mist of gnosis yet.

For a while, I didn’t have time to look for the elemental flowers myself.

Ivita said to Robin: "Want to spend time with me?"

"Okay, then I agree."

"You can go to the prison and hang out with me."

"Don't be so aggrieved. You were a thief and you stole from me. As far as the lord is concerned, whatever I do to you is reasonable."

"Even if I sentence you to death, it won't be an exaggeration."

Robin knew that what Iveta said was good, so she just gritted her teeth and said nothing.

She didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of such a boy.

If the heroes of the forest found out, she would probably be laughed to death.

Damn it.

Ivita said: "Wear some simple clothes for her, and try to send someone to keep an eye on her 24 hours a day."

"Hei Lang, please keep an eye on her during this time."

"Don't give her too much food, or she'll have the strength to run away when she's full."

Black Wolf said: "As you command, my lord."

Ivita frowned and touched her chin. Why did she feel like a villain.

Forget it, lord.

If you don't act like a villain, how will this family eat?

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