The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 151 Witch Cemetery (4122)

At the gate of the castle, Ivita noticed that the equipment of the soldiers she sent out was still there, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If all the equipment is picked up by the enemy, he will lose a lot of money.

Ivita asked in confusion: "We are just mere townspeople, why did you fail?"

"A small town shouldn't have the resources for exotic plants and knight's secret medicine."

"There should be no knights in that town."

Griffin Knight smiled bitterly. "Sir, there is more than one witch in that town, and they really dare not confront us."

"They just warmly invited us to enjoy dinner at their home, and we accepted their invitation while remaining vigilant. But unexpectedly, they put something in the meal, and those who ate it became dizzy. "

"Even if you're not unconscious, you won't be able to fight with all your strength."

Knight Griffin said angrily: "We forgot that the other party is not a noble, so he does not have to abide by the laws of the nobles."

"Even if we eat from their table, they don't have to abide by the laws between nobles regarding guests."

Hearing this, the old witch walked back and forth at the gate of the castle. Suddenly she said to Ivita: "It's the Sleeping Curse."

"They probably put a sleeping curse on the water and used that water to cook."

"There's at least one official witch in this town."

Ivita nodded to the old witch. The Hearthstone Witch was still knowledgeable.

Iveta asked the second question curiously. "In that case, how did you escape after being under the Sleeping Curse?"

Griffin Knight and several young people were a little ashamed.

Seeing that the young people didn't speak, Knight Griffin had no choice but to speak himself: "We are very lucky. The people in that town have a custom festival that is not found in the outside world."

"This is the holiday where everyone in the town goes out to celebrate."

"We waited for the effect of the Sleeping Curse to wear off and took advantage of this moment to escape."

After hearing this, Ivita had no choice but to nod her head. The Griffin knight plus five knight attendants, plus twenty well-equipped soldiers, this army is already the largest number he can use besides all the troops. A powerful force.

If you are still captured by that town, it means that unless you go there yourself, you can't change the outcome.

But the problem is, for a small town of Kapa, ​​for a piece of news, even news about the Chitose Fire, I don't seem to need to bet everything, I must get it.

The old witch shook her head, "No, no, it's impossible for witches to be so densely packed together in one place, unless there is a wizard tower there."

She suddenly grabbed the armor at Griffin Knight's shoulder and stared at Griffin Knight fiercely. "wrong."

"Did you see the towers erected in that town?"

"No." Griffin Knight looked confused. "What are you doing?"

The old witch immediately shook his shoulders and said, "Tell me everything you saw in that town, quickly!"

"I want it immediately!"

"I need all the details."

Griffin Knight was shaken so dizzy that he could only quickly recount all the details of what he saw.

He mentioned that every household there was gathering wool and they were all shepherds. He mentioned that the houses in the small town of Kapa were neatly arranged, most of them were a mixture of wood and stone, and the townspeople were generally wealthy.

In the center of the town, there is a large and spacious building, which seems to be the place where they usually discuss and hold meetings.

He also said that when they finally evacuated, they stood on the hills near the village and looked down from a distance. They saw a cemetery of stone monuments that was almost no smaller than the village.

Knight Griffin scratched his head and said, "It's strange that the sky in this graveyard of stone monuments is always covered with dark clouds for some reason."

"And lightning also fell, almost hitting the tombstones in the cemetery several times."

As soon as he finished speaking, a knight attendant beside him touched his head and said, "But what I saw at that time was a cemetery shrouded in fog."

"Master Griffin, why are the scenes you see different from the scenes I see?"

Among the crowd, a soldier shouted loudly: "No, adults, I saw that it was an empty flat land with nothing on it, like a dead land. I don't know why, but there was no light in the sky above that land." Not a single bird can be seen.”

"When I saw it, I felt so scared."

"Why did you see the cemetery?"

Faced with the three theories, Ivita's exploration team quarreled. Everyone argued, saying that they were right.

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing.

But now this sentence seems to have become a joke here.

Everyone saw three different scenes in the same place.

Yvetta frowned and stopped the quarrel. "Everyone has done a good job. Each soldier will be rewarded with 10 pence."

"The knight's squires rewarded me with three shillings."

"You can go back."

The soldiers cheered the lord's reward, but they did not expect that there would be a reward.

Only Griffin remained at the gate of the castle.

Ivita saw the old witch thoughtful, so she took the two of them back to her study on the second floor of the castle.

The maids brought tea, and Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch, "Do you know something?"

Behind the windows, there are residents carrying bricks and other materials purchased to rebuild the village. People are busy there.

A soap factory and an expanded blast furnace are also under construction.

The entire territory has entered into rapid development.

The old witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, I probably know what that cemetery is."

"That town is not simple. We really can't touch it for the time being."

Griffin Knight said: "Sure enough, I knew there was a cemetery. Let me just say I saw it right."

The old witch said: "Mortal eyes are extremely untrustworthy. Their spirituality is too low and they are too easily influenced and distorted. The higher the level of a knight, the less likely it is that the things he sees will be distorted."

"Haha, I knew what I saw was right." Knight Griffin became happy after hearing the old witch's explanation.

The old witch stared at him seriously. "No, quite the opposite."

"There is no evidence whatsoever that the cemetery you see is what the cemetery actually looks like."

Griffin Knight's smile froze.

Ivita also reacted.


The sights seen by the mortal soldiers were the most distorted, followed by the partially distorted sights seen by the knights' attendants, and then the sights seen by the Griffin knights.

But who knows whether the scene seen by the official knight is real?

Still, it was only a partially distorted scene.

Griffin Knight also thought of this, and he became frustrated. "My lord, I'm sorry."

"It turns out that we went to the town for a tour, but we haven't found any useful information yet."

"But what is that cemetery?"

The old witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, every witch is independent."

"Even in the apprenticeship stage, I want to steal everything the teacher knows so that I can start my own business."

"It's very rare for a group of witches to gather in one place."

"Since there is no wizard tower there, it means that it is not a home for learning witches. In this case, they still gather together and even fall in love with ordinary people..."

When the old witch mentioned the word 'love each other', she felt sick.

The old witch said: "Anyway, there must be a reason. Now I know, that tomb is the famous witch's tomb!"

Ivita stared at the old witch in confusion.

The old witch continued to explain and said: "I told you before that every witch who wants to become an official witch needs a soul with native magic, magic source and spiritual mist structure."

"The problem is that getting the source of magic requires a certain amount of luck, or a lot of resources and financial resources."

"Digesting the source of magic requires more personal talent and the courage to take huge risks."

Ivita thought about swallowing the water dragon's fang.

Do you still need to take risks with this thing?

I didn't feel any risk at all.

The old witch also glanced at Ivita with a complex look. Someone is special. "So some witches began to think about how to reduce the spell risks they need to bear and how to reduce the difficulty of obtaining the source of magic."

"Finally they figured out a way - sharing."

Ivita felt dizzy.

Is this a witch’s version of shared bikes?

Can we actually share the source of magic power?

Iveta said: "Do we still need to share this thing? I always thought that at least every witch has at least one."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone sighed. "This is the flaw of genius."

"You speak as if you can't eat anything from this world. For ordinary witch apprentices who are not talented enough, this is their best way out."

Ivita coughed.


He became Emperor Hui of Jin.

He actually said "Why not eat minced meat".

It is probably a common problem for all lords to become more and more separated from the bottom.

This is also the advantage of Ivita. He has different experience of ordinary people's life from the lords who have enjoyed privileges since birth, so he is better at thinking about ordinary people than nobles.

It's not that most nobles don't have enough sense of responsibility, but their education from childhood has limited their thinking.

However, Ivita has never been exposed to magic.

He has always used his own scale to imagine the lives of ordinary wizards and witches, which would deviate greatly from the reality.

The old witch coughed, changed the topic, and continued: "What Griffin Knight said just now made me guess several possibilities, but I think the most likely one is that the cemetery is the cemetery of witches who share the source of magic."

Ivita nodded. "So that's it. The witches in that town stayed together because they wanted to share their magic power."

"Then they should have developed a cultural system similar to family values ​​in order to maintain cohesion."

"So, it's a witch town?"

Ivita felt troubled. If she wanted to explore the ruins of the altar in the small town of Kapa, ​​she would have to break into the town.

But, we have to face those witches.

Of course, he may be able to achieve these goals by relying on transactions.

But trading with witches is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger.

A witch town is indeed not something that I can touch at will. The secrets and laws about the Chitose Fire seem to have to be put aside.

No wonder Pan asked the Boar Knights to destroy the altar over there.

But why did God Pan destroy the altar over there?

Where did those witches come from and why did they live there?

Are they the descendants of the Three Witches of the East?

The old witch continued: "The witch cemetery will take in the dead witches of the witch family and bury them in the witch cemetery."

"This is equivalent to creating a small afterlife. Every witch will leave her magic power there before she dies."

"Over time, the witch cemetery will generate the power of the ancestors. The power of the ancestors is shared."

The old witch said: "The advantage of doing this is that even the little witches can share part of the power of their ancestors to strengthen their magic power."

"Such a gentle source of magic power will undoubtedly reduce the risk of some witches who are not talented enough to be promoted to official witches."

"But in the final analysis, this is nothing more than a group of old, weak, sick and disabled wild wolves clinging together."

The Hearthstone Witch was extremely disdainful of this. "Witches who cannot be independent are useless and have no value of survival."

"Witches who advance through the Witch Cemetery will be trapped in the power of their ancestors for life."

"It's hard to continue down the path of the great witch."

Ivita wondered: "Why?"

The Hearthstone Witch bowed to Ivita and said, "Because if you want to become a great witch, you need to create some false laws."

"Or steal the power of some subsidiary laws. It doesn't need to be too much, but at least there must be some."

"The souls of the witches who are bound by the witch cemetery are no longer independent. How can they stand on the top of the law and give orders to others."

"It should be noted that those who cannot order themselves can only be ordered by others."

Ivita nodded, thoughtfully.

He said to Griffin Knight: "Okay, I understand the situation. I really can't blame you for this matter."

"Go and rest, my good knight."

Griffin Knight lowered his head in shame and exited the room. "I'm sorry, Lady Ivita."

After he left, the old witch suddenly said to Ivita: "I want to explore that witch town. Sir, please allow me."

"It's too close to our territory and I'm worried about the impact on our territory."

"My subordinates are willing to go through fire and water for you!"

Ivita shook her head, "I refuse."

He was afraid that the old witch would never return.

As for what the old witch said?

Just listen, if you take it seriously, you will lose.

Ivita said: "Put aside the matters in Kapa Town for now."

"I'll think of something else."

"Now, I still need you to be by my side to guide me in learning water magic."

"Only by completing the water palace magic, I won't have to worry about someone hiring an assassin to attack me while I'm sleeping."

"How is that possible? Amelia's Mirror Spirit will remind you that hostile enemies are approaching." The old witch was stunned for a moment, then smiled as usual, as if she had not been rejected just now.

As expected, it is more difficult to leave the Demon God.

Still need to find a scapegoat.

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