The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 160 The craziest man in the world, the hatter [Horacoras] arrives!

Croak quickly reacted first and said to all the wizards: "Our mentor [Horacoras] said that any magic has its loopholes."

"Everyone, calm down. There must be a flaw in this magic."

Seeing the water element gradually returning to its original state, Croaker's forehead was covered with sweat.

He suddenly said to the wizards: "I want to contact the teacher [Horacolas]. He will definitely help us find a solution."

"Help me control that water element and don't let it recover!"

He suddenly took out a shabby and old hat from his pocket. The hat had been crumpled into a ball.

Croaker rubbed the hat with both hands. The hat quickly stood up, and the original wrinkles on the hat had disappeared.

A brand new gentleman's hat appeared on the ground.

Then, Croaker put his hands on the top of his hat and recited a complicated incantation.

He rotated the hat clockwise, and the brim of the black gentleman's hat trembled on its own, as if a rabbit was shaking its ears. The hat seemed to have a life of its own.

Two cracks first appeared on the hat, as if the hat had eyes.

The brim of the hat kept shaking, as if trying to open his eyes.

The nineteen wizards of the wizard group are also working hard to cast spells on the water element, destroying the water element and recovering part of the body.

Objectively speaking, the combat effectiveness of this water element is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary water elements.

The most troublesome thing is that this guy cannot be destroyed and has the ability to repair itself.

This made the wizards feel as if they were fighting the elders in the witch cemetery.

Is this water element really a spell that a wizard apprentice can cast?

The summons of a wizard apprentice actually blocked twenty of their apprentice wizards!

In the study, through the mirror, Ivita and the old witch heard the apprentices saying a name [Horacolas].

Ivita keenly noticed the difference in the expression on the old witch's face. "You seem to have heard of this name. Do you know this wizard?"

"It's more than just acquaintance." The old witch sighed, and she said: "It turns out that he is from the Witch Cemetery."

"Oh, by the way, the Witch Cemetery has been hiding itself. Even I didn't know about their existence before, so this is normal."

"Very reasonable."

"The Hatter [Horacoras]... he also has another name, the Mad Hatter."

"It would be interesting if it was him."

Ivita sat behind the desk, raised her brows, and showed an expression that couldn't help but smile. Her handsome face and unique temperament had begun to show her charm.

"Why do you say that?"

The old witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, the Hatter is a very famous wizard."

"Their family is a hat maker, and the magic they are best at is the family hat trick."

"It is said that he has an ancestral hat that can travel to different spaces."

"But what made him famous was another thing. It is said that the husband of the Witch Queen, the fool king of the Kingdom of Potsdam, when he was young, used 20,000 gold pounds to invite the best hatmaker in the world to make him the best hat in history. Nice hat.”

Ivita raised her eyebrows and smiled bitterly.

Worthy of being a king.


Seven thousand gold pounds can make a huge comeback, but the King of Potsdam actually spent 20,000 gold pounds to weave a hat.

Ivita said: "Then he must have got his wish?"

"After all, it cost so much money."

The old witch shook her head. "The opposite is true."

"At that time, the hatmaker [Horacoras] was young and vigorous. He received an invitation from the fool king of the Kingdom of Potsdam and went to his court. He originally thought that he could do the job with his ancestral craftsmanship. Unfortunately, he You overestimated yourself and the intelligence of the Kingdom of Potsdam.”

"The fool king of Potsdam was not satisfied with the hats made by the hatter [Horacolas] in any case. He believed that those hats should not be worth twenty thousand gold pounds at all."

Ivita laughed. "After all, it cost 20,000 gold pounds, so customers naturally have the right to be picky."

"Yes, but this customer is also a willful and cruel king." The old witch said with emotion: "Then this matter is very dangerous. The fool king of Potsdam gave the final order to the hatter [Horacolas] He was ordered to make the best hat in the world within seven days, otherwise he would be killed."

"Under the pressure, the hatter [Horacoras] racked his brains."

"Eventually he figured out a way."

Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch curiously.

What he was curious about was how he could make the best hat in the world?

They spent twenty thousand gold pounds!

This money is not easy to get.

The old witch whispered: "The hatmaker [Horacolas] took the hat-making machine to the palace of the Kingdom of Potsdam and weaved air in front of all the guests. He told the king that he was using a kind of power that mortals could not see. Magical golden threads, this kind of magical golden threads can only be seen by those who are born with the character of a noble nobleman blessed by the God of All Things."

"And he made a hat out of it on the spot and put it on the king's head."

"No one can see the hat, because it doesn't exist, nor does the magic filament exist."

"When the hatmaker [Horacolas] asked all the ladies in the hall if they had seen the best hat in the world on the king's head, the ladies immediately said they had seen it and praised it one after another. What a nice hat.”

"They praised the unique style of the hat and the color of the hat. Then their husbands stood up and applauded the king's new hat, saying that the country would prosper because of this hat and everyone would prosper because of this hat. And be blessed by the God of all things.”

"Then, when the Hatter [Horacoras] asked the Fool King if he was satisfied with the hat he gave him, the Fool King actually told the Hatter [Horacoras] - 'I am very satisfied. Your masterpiece, I will make you an earl.'"

Ivita didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Those great nobles and kings were too vain.

To be fooled by such a clever guy.

No wonder the old witch said that if the mentor of the wizard group was the hatter [Horacoras], he might be able to see the flaws in his magic.

This person has a very active mind and is very smart.

At the critical moment of life and death, he actually used this method to weave the best hat in the world.

No matter how picky you are, you can only start to be picky when you see the real thing.

If you can't see it, you can't find fault.

But since the king has already won the praise of the full house of guests, perhaps, for the king of Potsdam, doing so has indeed allowed him to find the best hat in the world.

Ivita said: "Then what?"

"He can deceive the king for a while, but he can't deceive him forever."

"The king will react sooner or later!"

The old witch said: "Yes, Your Majesty. But before the king could react, he had sold all his property and fled with the twenty thousand gold pounds given by the king. After so many years, no one has found him, but no one has found him. To think he'd be hiding in a witch's graveyard."

Ivita was thoughtful. At this moment, the mirror showed the scene of the corridor on the second floor, and the hat cast by Croak began to spin crazily.

The wizard group became more and more frightened as they fought. Their magic was very powerful, but it could not destroy the water element.

At this moment, they all looked at the black gentleman's hat spinning crazily in place.

The craziest man in the world...the hatter [Horacolas] coming!

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