The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 164 Viscount Ring The Hearthstone Witch begins to involve!

Milani briefly introduced the other two magics. "Broken magic is magic that splits a person's body. It's very vicious."

"Black bow magic is to use magic on a bow and arrow to make the bow and arrow become a black magic. The arrows shot by this bow and arrow will be difficult to be cured."

Ivita understood.

Therefore, among these three magics, only the magic of Destruction Cloak is a defensive magic, and the other two magics are offensive.

But now that I don't lack attack methods, the other two magics are very useless to me. Even if I learn them, I will only learn one more magic like the Lightning Curse and the Damage Curse.

But he lacks the means of defense.

Now the only defense method he has on his body is a piece of defensive white magic given to him by the fairy.

The black magic cloak is more suitable for me. It can defend, melee attack, and fly. It is very versatile.

If you say that you will definitely have six natal magics, then it is best for one of the natal magics to be defensive in nature.

After all, the body and life are actually the most important.

Everything else is secondary.

Ivita said to Milani, "Give me the magic of the Cloak of Destruction."

Milani glanced at Ivita and said, "Well, okay. This is exactly the meaning of our alliance."

"But before that, I also have a request."

Ivita sat on the chair and raised her eyebrows, "You say."

"Your territory is actually the only way in and out of Ambrose," Milani said.

"There is a batch of materials in the cemetery, which will be transported to Kapa Town through your territory recently. The batch of magic materials are [Kyanite] and [Red Boiling Vine]. You can keep those magic materials for yourself, but I want to Let you kill everyone who transported this batch of magic materials for me. These people are all close associates of the current leader of the cemetery."

Milani was indeed a witch. When she formed an alliance with Ivita and made up her mind to seize the cemetery by force, she would show no mercy.

Since they are enemies, both sides are fighting each other to the death.

Milani picked up the pen and paper on the desk and drew a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard. "This is the appearance of the male wizard apprentice escorting [Kyanite] and [Red Boiling Vine]."

"Let your troops do it."

"A formal knight is enough to kill a wizard apprentice on a frontal battlefield."

Ivita took the portrait and placed it on the table. "absolutely okay."

"By the way, what do kyanite and red boiling vine do, my good friend."

Milani seems to have been old friends with Ivita for decades. After they formed an alliance, the two of them at least appeared to trust each other on the surface.

Milani smiled and shook his head and said: "It can't do anything. These two materials are useless in many magics. They are mainly used to maintain a ritual magic."

"In the small town of Kapa, ​​we call this kind of ritual magic a cemetery ceremony."

"This is a type of ancestral magic."

Ivita curled her lips, then what you said nicely is that the hijacked magic materials belong to me.

Co-authoring this magic stuff doesn't work for me.

Iveta immediately said: "Then, I will sell them to you for thirty gold pounds, okay?"

Milani was a little surprised. "Can."

Milani then enchanted a quill, which began writing on the paper of its own accord.

"Goodbye, Ivita, my friend."

"This quill will automatically write all the spells and precautions for the Cloak of Destruction."

"And...this land deed and ring are given to you."

Milani gave Ivita a yellow parchment scroll, and used a quill to sign his name on the transfer certificate that had been written on the scroll. At the same time, he also gave Ivita a brass ring. There is an inscription on the inside of the ring [Family is Strength—Singer Family].

On the outer side of the brass ring, there is a long carved animal pattern. These animals are mainly tigers in various postures.

Ivita accepted the brass ring. It seemed that this was the viscount ring of the Singer family, which represented the status of the head of the Singer family.

Ivita put it on the index finger of her left hand, so that he had four rings.

The curtains on the study window were blown up by the wind, rolled up, and covered Milani's body. When the curtains were restored the next moment, Milani had disappeared into the study.

Iveta looked at the candy house mirror on the desk, "Has she left?"

Mirror Spirit Amelia said: "Master. She has left the castle and is quickly leaving our territory."

The beauty in the mirror is wearing a red dress and looks stunning.

She seemed to have set up a bedroom in the mirror, which was quite luxurious, with a red blanket spread on the floor, and gold-woven goose-yellow curtains on the windows.

Ivita looked at the dormitory in the mirror and raised her eyebrows, but said nothing. She just said to her: "Pay all your attention to Milani."

"Tell me if she's still hanging around my castle."

Amelia's mirror spirit was in the mirror, sitting in front of her dressing table, and then said: "Yes, Master."

After a while, the quill stopped writing and fell to the table.

Ivita picked up the magic spell written on it and took a look at it.

This cloak of destruction requires a lot of magical materials, which made Ivita frown.

Because there is a magic material in it, and it's not just a matter of money.

This magic material is ten bushels of human blood.

Moreover, it is a cloak woven from at least five materials.

Iveta thought that fortunately not much blood was needed, and there should be thirty more corpses in her castle now.

At that time, the old witch and the housekeeper [Akaranda] opened the door and walked in.

The old witch said to Ivita: "I asked Akalanda to help me, and sure enough, this old man has never let me down when it comes to housework."

"The corridors on the second floor have now been completely cleared."

"I also collected materials from the corpses of the wizard apprentices."

Akalanda handed Ivita a document, "My lord, I am honored to fulfill the order you gave me. I have an urgent report for you."

Iveta took it over and saw that the document was actually a letter of visit.

The mayors of the Thirteen Prefectures and their troops will arrive in two days, and this letter is a message to themselves in advance, telling them that their troops will not cause trouble and there is no need to worry about the troops from the Thirteen Prefectures.

The army of the Thirteen States, a country far more powerful than Ambrose, is finally coming!

In the letter, there was also the mayor's apology to himself and his request to visit his castle at that time.

Iveta put the letter on the desk with her backhand and said to the housekeeper Akalanda: "In two days, distinguished guests will be coming to the castle. Please try to arrange for someone to repair our second floor corridor as soon as possible."

"Also, Hearthstone Witch, see if there is anything wrong with this magic."

The old witch strangely took the stack of paper handed over by Ivita. After she noticed that it was a magic spell, she suddenly widened her eyes strangely and looked at Ivita, as if to say, do you have a new witch?

"Where did you get that?"

Iveta said: "An ally."

"I made some little deals with her."

"See if there is any problem."

"I haven't seen the problem for the time being. It should be true." The old witch felt a sense of crisis. She was considering being promoted to a senior witch recently.

Why does it feel like someone is trying to get her involved in the position of Magical Advisor to the Demon God?

The old witch said: "But just in case, you can first find me a former apprentice and let her learn it and see what happens."

"I can simplify the spell and let her do it quickly. She doesn't need to really learn it. Anyway, we just need to be able to see if there is any problem."

"I do this all the time."

Iveta was extremely surprised, as expected of you.

Being your apprentice is one hell of a job.

Ivita said: "Okay, then do as you say."

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