The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 171 Cemetery’s Counterattack and Secrecy Spell Puss in Boots

A black mist rose in the cemetery.

Then, Milani Singh walked out of it, and she said to the wizards and the elders of the wizards: "I'm sorry, as Teacher [Horacolas] said, the wizards I led have all Died by Ivita’s water magic.”

With Milani's admission, the wizards in the cemetery started discussing.

Fortunately, [Horacolas] helped Milani shirk the responsibility, otherwise the wizard group's anger would have been vented on her now.

The leader of the cemetery [Hugo Russo] understood: "Milanni, tell us everything about the previous situation."

Following Milani's narration, the wizards all let out exclamations of exclamation.

They did not expect that the sacrifice chosen by their ancestors this time would be so powerful.

Thirty wizard apprentices were brutally murdered.

Some of the cemetery wizards lost their sons, some lost their daughters, some lost their husbands, some lost their father or mother.

They all hated Ivita.

"That Ivita must be killed! Only in this way can the blood debt be repaid with blood!"

"Ivita killed my father, I must avenge my father!"

"That's right, we want him to pay the price!"

"Ahhh...I want him to give me my daughter's life back."

A female wizard finally couldn't bear it any longer. She lay on the ground and cried bitterly.

Milani watched these mad wizards with cold eyes.

These wizards completely forgot that they were the cemetery wizards. Under the instructions of the leader [Hugo Russo], they took the initiative to attack Ivita, but they were killed instead.

To be fair, it's a strange thing for a relative of a murderer to blame the victim for resisting, while killing those murderers.

Milani regretted in his heart that the wizards in the former town of Kapa were not so extreme.

During the time when her teacher controlled the cemetery, the Witch Cemetery and the town of Kappa were still peaceful places. At that time, the wizarding group only wanted to protect secrets and live a good life, rather than trying to strengthen themselves by exploiting others.

Ever since the elder [Francesca Guerra] helped the leader [Hugo Russo] come to power, the entire Witch Cemetery has been filled with an atmosphere where the strong decide the fate of the weak, and people gradually succumb to the pursuit and get higher than others status.

In today's witch cemetery, even those wizards with mediocre talents and who know that they cannot be a master have to strive to become a master.

However, the word "Zhongshangren" they invented already shows that they are very strange.

The leader [Hugo Russo] started thinking. "Well, Iveta created another spell."

"If he can join the cemetery and become our ancestor, then everyone can get the new magic he created, whether it is the fire magic or the water magic that Milani said."

"Now we need to capture Ivita alive as soon as possible."

"As long as we can catch him, nothing will be a problem."

The elder [Francesca Guerra] raised his disabled right hand and reminded: "Now how can we fulfill the instructions of our ancestors and capture Ivita? According to Milani's description, I think her judgment at the time was very accurate. If Croaker and the others had listened to Milani's advice, their deaths would not have been in vain."

Someone from the nearby wizarding group burst into tears and cursed the dead Croak.

The elder [Francesca Guerra] glanced at her, and then continued: "We still have nearly two hundred wizard apprentices."

"So, if we want to capture Ivita alive, do we need to mobilize all our forces?"

"It would be safer to dispatch at least more than a hundred wizard apprentices. Otherwise, the current tragedy is likely to happen again."

The wizard apprentices in the cemetery are not as good as the real wizard apprentices, and they know this.

But after all, they were thirty wizard apprentices, and they were all killed at once.

This frightened the elders of the cemetery.

The cemetery today is not what it was back then.

Hu Ge thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "It is impossible for us to dispatch most of the wizards in the cemetery to hunt down one person."

"Although this is the safest thing to do."

"But the cemetery has accumulated countless secrets over hundreds of years, but it also means it has accumulated many enemies."

"If we use too much force at once, our enemies will definitely seize the opportunity and take advantage of it. This is too risky."

Thousands of years have given the cemetery a lot of heritage, but everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Hugo Russo offers another solution. "But we have not only accumulated many enemies, but also many allies. We can seek help from Puss in Boots."

"We've helped Puss in Boots' owners before, and now it's time for him to help us."

"I'm going to send three wizard apprentices to [Maddalena] to find Puss in Boots."

"I heard someone in that city paid a high price for Puss in Boots."

"Just Asel, Sass, and Chase, you three can go."

Athol, Sass, and Chess all saluted Hugo Russo, "Yes, teacher."

Milani's pupils suddenly narrowed.

She noticed that these three people were all disciples taught by Hugo Russo. In other words, these people were his confidants.

But the most dangerous thing is probably Puss in Boots.

If the cemeteries find Puss in Boots, then Ivita will be in real danger.

There is nothing in this world that Puss in Boots cannot do.

Although the relationship between Puss in Boots and the cemetery is not very good, it did owe the cemetery a small favor many years ago, and it is estimated that it will repay this small favor now.

Hugo Russo continued: "We also need to ask our ally [the Iron Thorn Fairy] for the blessing of the Flower Fairy."

The wizards all let out exclamations of surprise.

The elder [Francesca Guerra] reminded him: "The Iron Thorn Fairy's blessings come at a price."

"Although we have become allies with them because of our ancestors, the last time we asked the Iron Thorn Fairy to help us give blessings, he had to make five outstanding cemetery wizards permanently lose their magic power."

"The enemy last time was Pan..."

"Why do we have to do this?"

As soon as she finished speaking, all the candles in front of a tall tombstone spontaneously ignited without fire.

The elder [Francesca Guerra] was a little scared. "The ancestors are angry..."

Hu Ge was also stunned for a moment, and then he became confident. "It seems that there is no problem with my judgment at all."

"Even my ancestors support me."

"Leave the task of finding the Iron Thorn Fairy to..."

"Please wait a moment." The Mad Hatter [Horacoras] suddenly came over and said, "I think we should all add a secrecy spell to protect our secrets."

"I always feel that there seems to be a traitor among us. Don't forget Pan's incident. It was because of the traitor that we suffered such heavy losses."

Milani's heart skipped a beat. Oh no.

She didn't expect that [Horacoras] would suddenly make such a move.

Then how could she inform Ivita!

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