The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 176 Ice Witch and United Magic

Iveta stood next to the ruins of the corridor on the second floor. He wondered why the old witch hadn't noticed anything unusual yet, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed normal that the guy didn't go to the second floor.

She probably had noticed the intruder a long time ago, but chose to hide.

Ivita said to Pan, "It seems that you know the origin of Puss in Boots very well."

"Why don't you talk about it and let us make preparations."

"I want to know its origin. It would be better if you also know its weaknesses."

Milani and Frankska both looked at Pan.

Pan Shen sighed, "Speaking of it, this is still a sad fate."

"Hundreds of years ago, Puss in Boots was just an ordinary black and white cow cat. It was adopted as a stray cat by an old man who had four sons. Three sons have grown up, and one little son is alone. "

"The old man had a lot of money and land during his lifetime, and before he died, he wanted to fairly distribute his inheritance to his four sons."

Ivita raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

Milani even said: "This is impossible. Pan, you said that Puss in Boots was once just an ordinary cow cat, but how is this possible!"

"It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary cow cat to live for hundreds of years, and it is impossible for it to be omnipotent and do whatever it wants."

Pan ignored Milani's protest and said, "Little girl, nothing is impossible in the Enchanted Black Forest."

"Be careful, don't say such words easily in the future. In other worlds, such words are not a big problem, but in the Magical Black Forest, here... you are totally wrong. This will make You have bad luck."

"The first rule in the Enchanted Black Forest - nothing is impossible."

Milani was stunned and looked at Pan Shen, not knowing whether what he said was true or false.

Ivita said to Pan: "Please go on and tell us how the Cow Cat became the Puss in Boots we are now."

Pan nodded, approached Ivita, and continued: "The old man will die soon. He has four sons. If all the assets are attributed to one son, then this son will become a rich man."

"But if the assets are divided into four parts, then all the sons' lives will become difficult."

"So the four sons all wanted to grab the old man's assets. The old man knew this before he died. He gave away his title and land - a knighthood on Cross Island and a small manor. The eldest son, he gave some properties in the Republic of Phlocana to the second son, and he gave his wife's dowry, a fleet of the Republic of Belisarius, to the third son, but when the fourth son came, he There is no property left.”

"All he had left was a cow cat."

Milani took a deep breath. She was a little impatient. If the person telling this story was not Pan, she would not be interested in listening.

On the contrary, it was the cemetery elder [Francesca Guerra] who was listening attentively to the history told by Pan, the living fossil.

If she could know Puss's origins, she could formulate a plan, or even a spell, against Puss.

Frankska guessed that Puss in Boots might be some kind of magical creature that was transformed using a spell. If she could read this spell, she might even be able to use magic to control Puss in Boots.

Ivita said to Pan strangely: "Then this old man is extremely unfair. He gave the eldest son a territory, a manor and a title, gave the second son an industry to rely on for a living, and gave the third son a whole fleet. But I just want to give my youngest son an ordinary cow cat."

Milani added: "In my opinion, that cow cat is not only worthless, but it's even good at eating."

Iveta thought: "So the old man already knew that the cow cat was special, so he deliberately left it for his younger son?"

Pan raised his finger, pointed at Ivita, and said: "As expected of Ivita, you are right."

"You guessed the truth."

"But the truth only made the younger son receive even more unfair treatment."

"In fact, the old man adopted the kitten a long time ago and named it [Cole Elliott]. He gave the cat his family name and obtained the title of aristocratic law. Agreed. Regarding the details of how he circumvented the laws of the nobility and took advantage of the loopholes, I will not elaborate here."

"The old man regards the kitten as his adopted son, thinking that he is his youngest son and his fifth son."

"His original intention in giving the cow cat to his younger son was because the younger son was the kindest and most filial, so he needed his younger son to protect the cow cat."

"In other words, instead of being a legacy, the cow cat is a liability."

Ivita nodded.

In fact, nobles of this era rarely encounter the problems of the old man in Pan's story.

This is the trouble of having many sons, a Versailles-like trouble.

Because of the God of All Things and the church, the monogamy system prevailed here, so the nobles had to worry about not having a boy to inherit the family business.

Who knew, the old man actually had four sons.

However, the old man was really cheating on his younger son. Not only did he not give him an inheritance, he also asked him to take care of the kitten.

Pan Shen said: "The old man found the Black Rose Fairy long before he died..."

Upon hearing about the Black Rose Fairy, Milani looked at Pan in surprise.

Pan Shen continued: "The old man made a wish to the Black Rose Fairy. He wanted the fairy to give the cow cat the power to protect itself. He wanted the cow cat to have the strength and speed comparable to a werewolf, and a recovery speed comparable to a vampire. , and the mind of a witch, so that the cow-cat can defend itself.”

Ivita's face became serious, so powerful?

Having said that, it feels like a lot of power is created by the blessing magic of these fairies.

What is the law behind the fairy clan?

Pan Shen said: "The younger son is very kind. Although he gets nothing from his father, he regards the kittens as his own family. He is so poor that he has been taking care of the cows and cats with all his heart, and even spent his savings on marrying With my wife’s money, I hired a teacher to teach this cat human knowledge and etiquette, and even human writing.”

"Later, in order to find a way out for himself, the youngest son of the Elliott family was so destitute that he had no choice but to go to sea and become a pirate."

"During his adventure at sea, he encountered another thing that changed Puss's life, but I don't know much about this story. I only know that when Puss set foot on the mainland again, he already had the blessing of the fairy and the elves. the power of."

"He became the most unique being in the world. He is both a cat and a human being. He is an elf and has the power of a fairy."

"Puss in Boots is unique from now on, doing chivalry and resisting evil."

"Pussy Boots also has a unique habit. Every once in a while, he will randomly find an owner with a weak personality and help this owner. Until the owner grows up to be independent enough, Puss in Boots will leave silently and swear to never be with his owner again. See you."

"But at that time, the owner changed his destiny because of Puss in Boots, and he often became famous."

Pan looked at Ivita and said, "Robin Girl's brother, Green Robin was Puss in Boots' last master."

Ivita shrugged her shoulders, Robin Girl had left her castle.

He has no control over where she goes from now on.

So let alone one brother, even if she had 10,000 brothers, they would still have nothing to do with her.

Pan said: "I guess Puss's special behavior of searching for and reshaping his master is related to the Elliot family's maritime adventures."

"But if you want to know what Puss in Boots encountered on the sea at that time, you need to go to Cross Island to find out the truth, which is now the base camp of pirates."

Ivita remembered that she still had a large viscounty territory on that island.

Milani suddenly trembled, and she finally understood why. She felt that the [Elliott] family sounded familiar.



that is not……

Milani said to Pan Shen: "You are talking about the [Elliott] family, right?"

Pan nodded gracefully.

Milani said excitedly to the confused Ivita: "The first King of the Seven Seas in this world is [Marco Anson]."

"But what most people don't know is that Anson was the family name he took when he started his own business."

"The Anson family is a branch of the Elliot family!"

Milani wondered: "Marco Anson, who dominates the seven seas, was just born in such a family."

Pan Shen picked up his finger and put it at the corner of his mouth, indicating that she should speak carefully. "As far as I know, all the five sons of the Elliot family later became terrible beings. In the story I told, they were all just young boys, but in reality, they were all It is an evil existence with hands and eyes that reach the sky, and it has been interfering with the pattern of a certain area."

Milani knew she had made a mistake, so she pursed her lips.

Ivita caught the key point in Pan Shen's words and said, "Is it possible that the Overlord of the Seven Seas [Marco Anson] is not dead yet?"

Pan Shen didn't want to talk about this topic, and said with some resistance: "His body was divided into nine pieces and kept by the nine counts of the pirates. His power was taken away by the sea witch, but this does not mean that he died."

"If I can put his strength and body back together and piece them together, I think it's possible that he can live again."

God Pan said: "The point is that Puss in Boots has the power of blessing magic and elves. If the people in the cemetery invite it to deal with us, it will be very troublesome."

Pan glanced at Ivita, Milani and the others and said, "We need to take the initiative."

"We need to find a way to delay the wizards living in the cemetery so that they can take care of themselves, and then we stop the cemetery from looking for Puss in Boots and the Iron Thorn Fairy respectively."

Ivita said in a deep voice: "How to do it?"

If the situation is allowed to develop, I am afraid that the wizard group in the cemetery will soon attack their castle.

Milani said to Ivita: "Ivita, can you hire a team of mercenaries? Because the wizards in the cemetery have the power of their ancestors, the threshold for them to become wizards is relatively low. In other words."

"Their bodies are more fragile than ordinary wizard apprentices. It would be best to attack them with a well-equipped army."

Ivita nodded, "Milanni, you are right, but mercenaries need money. If the people in the cemetery don't attack my territory, I will waste one more day of money."

Pan Shen interrupted the two of them and said, "It's not that troublesome."

"Combine our magical powers and create a new magical monster created by combining all our magics to cause trouble in the cemetery."

"This monster can keep the cemetery occupied while we go to stop it from looking for Puss in Boots and the Iron Thorn Fairy, and even dare not go out."

Ivita said strangely: "Combined magic? Our respective magical powers are not the same at all, and even the sources of magic are different. You are not even a wizard, you are..."

"Anyway, how can this be done?"

Iveta suddenly frowned, because at some point, the temperature of the air in the corridor dropped significantly.

Some ice beads have already condensed on the ruined walls of the corridor.

At this time, Ivita discovered that a very powerful ice magic was approaching her.

A voice came from the window on the second floor. "Pan, is this the expert you said you found?"

"Well, not bad."

A woman walked in from the window. She was wearing a luxurious white dress. The whalebone skirt was supported by a wooden frame and steel wires and was covered with complex white snowflake patterns, which was complex and beautiful.

The woman entered the second floor corridor as if winter had entered the castle.

The woman wears a white lord's crown on her head. She has a noble temperament like a princess, but her face is expressionless and her sapphire eyes are full of sharp seriousness. This look shows that she is a witch.

Ivita looked at Pan suspiciously.

Milani revealed the woman's identity. "Ice Witch..."

"Ivetta, are you friends with her?"

Ivita shook her head. "I've never seen it before."

Pan Shen spread his hands and introduced this new guest to everyone. "Everyone, this is the ice witch on the snowy mountain at the source of the Po River in Ambrose. She is the owner of the Ice Palace. She possesses powerful ice magic and is also the current generation holder of the law of the snowy mountain."

"You can call her..."

The ice witch suddenly spoke coldly. "No need to tell them my name, Pan."

"You can call me Ice Witch."

The ice witch suddenly looked at Ivita's left eye and frowned slightly. "You give me a very bad feeling. I hope you don't come within one meter of me, otherwise I will freeze you into an ice sculpture."

Iveta smiled, thinking that he had accidentally fallen into the trap of little Miss Alexei, and half of his body had turned into an ice sculpture.

At that time, little Miss Alexei seemed to have taken advantage of Wu Xinren's physique and borrowed the magical power of the ice witch.

Pan Shen said: "Don't be like this."

"We are allies now."

The ice witch said: "I have two students who were caught by the people in the cemetery. I came here not to take revenge on anyone. The flame of revenge will be frozen when it is close to the ice. I am just here to Enter the cemetery and take away two of my students."

"That's all."

Hearing this, Milani and the cemetery elders also breathed a sigh of relief.

Pan Shen said sternly: "But if we don't work together and fight independently, it will be impossible to enter the cemetery."

The ice witch nodded, holding a round transparent crystal ball in her left hand. "This is polycrystal."

"It is a treasure of the Snow Mountain Palace, born from the laws of the Snow Mountain..."

"It can unite our magical powers without producing any internal friction or conflicting energies."

"We only need to use a joint ritual, and we can use it to create a monster that has never appeared in this world."

"But some auxiliary magic materials are needed. Although they are common, I didn't bring them with me because of this."

Milani said aloud: "If we want to do something, it's best to hurry up, because if the elder and I go back too late, our plan may be discovered."

Ivita mused: "I can mobilize the army and tenants in my territory to help us collect magic materials in a few hours."

Pan Shen smiled with satisfaction. "That's the good thing about being a lord."

"The ice witch only has a few subordinates except for the silly snow monster, so she can't even get the magic materials together now."

Pan rarely denounces people directly, but Iveta took one look at the Ice Witch and discovered why Pan suddenly changed his style of doing things, because the Ice Witch had no mood swings at all...

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