The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 188 A family of dark night creatures! A group that is parasitic in human society! (5092)

The guests applauded one after another, and the guild leaders of the city council looked ugly, because they originally wanted to use the marriage of the senator's son [Giofre Abate] and Jenny to make [Maddalena City] Alliance with the Elder Republic.

Now this plan has completely come to nothing.

The leader of the bricklayers' guild angrily said to the president: "This is outrageous. You have gone too far."

"The Elder City Republic is the largest buyer of white cloth in our city. If you offend them, you will cause big trouble."

"Is this what your guests did in our city?"

The president's face changed slightly when he heard this. He had just thought of this.

But when the president thought that the guild leaders of these city councils actually wanted to benefit the city by plotting against his daughter, he became angry. He was determined to protect Ivita and his daughter, and said: "Senior City Republic The Senate will not fall out with our friends just because of an illegitimate child."

"The guests I invited here are the guardians of the Western Region who the Viscount wants to win over. Please don't anger the distinguished guests."

Several guild leaders were so angry that they stamped their feet and cursed the president. They had no choice but to ask the servants to carry the son of the senator to a doctor in the city for treatment of his injuries.

Originally, they had a good discussion, but who knew that so many things would happen halfway through.

First, a beast appeared out of nowhere to steal the bride, and then [Giofre Abate] appeared to challenge Ivita to a duel.

If Ivita was just a civilian, they would prefer [Giofre Abate].

But Ivita's status is not ordinary, so they can only open their eyes and watch the natural development of the situation and remain neutral. As a result, things have become like this.

Several guild leaders looked at each other. There was no doubt that Jenny's father also wanted Jenny to marry Viscount Winchester.

This is a sight that urban factions must not see.

Therefore, even though they are unwilling now, they can only support Jenny in marrying that beast.

It would be better than if Jenny really married Viscount Winchester and caused the city's guild faction and noble faction to lose balance.

The president on the side did not know yet that several of his old friends had made up their minds to get past his father and marry his daughter Jenny to someone from a non-aristocratic faction.

On the contrary, when he saw [Giofre Abate] being deposed by Ivita, he was still happy, thinking that he had killed another toad that wanted to eat swan flesh.

As long as he drives away the black and white cow cat, he can decide on his daughter's marriage today and completely get rid of the witch's curse for her daughter!

On the other side, the street fighting venue disappeared under the feet of the water dragon soldiers, and then a red dragon pattern appeared on the forehead of the water dragon soldiers.

Under the blessing of this pattern, the Water Dragon Soldier lay on the ground in pain, its body undergoing huge distortions.

The power of a formal gladiator is very powerful.

Ivita felt that this power was being strongly injected into her Dragon Palace magic, and the Water Dragon Soldier as the carrier mutated.

Among the crowd, a beautiful middle-aged lady wearing a golden low-cut skirt suddenly said something. "Such a powerful magic power, but how can the water element mutate?"

Iveta glanced at her and was shocked to find that she couldn't feel any magic power on this guy.

But if she was not a witch, why could she see the changes in her Dragon Palace magic at a glance?

The beautiful middle-aged lady seemed to realize that she had made a mistake, so she immediately turned around and left.

At the same time, Baron Taktik stared at her from a distance. If Iveta hadn't noticed him by chance, she might not have noticed him.

Baron Taktik seemed to know that middle-aged and beautiful lady.

Ivita instantly realized that the undercurrent of this dance had not stopped, but had become more violent.

The son of the elder was just the first to be eliminated and the most stupid person in this seemingly easy dance, but in fact, if he made the wrong move, it would turn into a situational war.

Ivita focused most of her attention on the Water Dragon Soldier, which had soared in strength. At this moment, the Water Dragon Soldier's body had about doubled in size. After its already huge size had grown in size, it could already be considered a behemoth.

The guests approached and observed the water dragon soldier with fear and curiosity, and commented on the strange and huge water element beneath it.

Iveta could feel that this water dragon soldier had not just grown in size.

It possesses all the power of a formal gladiator. Not only does all its comprehensive qualities increase a lot, but it also seems to be able to use the core skill of a gladiator [Insanity].

In addition, judging from the feedback given to him by the water dragon soldier, this water dragon soldier also possesses another core skill of the gladiator [sacrifice].

It seems that the original effect of this ability is that the more serious the gladiator's physical injury, the stronger and faster the gladiator will be.

Ivita thought about the previous battle between the son of the senator and the water dragon soldier. He indeed became more and more courageous in the later stages, beating the water dragon soldier's head forcefully again and again until his body could no longer withstand the [madness] ability.

I'm afraid, at that time, he had already activated his [Sacrifice] ability.

Ivita was suddenly curious about what abilities the third-level gladiators at the end of the gladiator profession would have.

But the third level gladiator is the end of this career. Just like the hunter profession, the gladiator profession can only reach the third level at most.

Iveta thought that whether it was [Madness] or [Sacrifice], these spell-like abilities were artificially designed when this profession was created.

As long as the gladiator reaches a certain level, he will automatically have this ability.

I just don’t know what will happen if the Water Dragon Soldier uses [Crazy Skill] and [Sacrifice Skill]?

Will the Water Dragon Soldier's eyes also turn red?

Thinking of hunters and witchers, Ivita couldn't help but look at the extreme racist Christine. Who knew that Christine was actually covering the wound in her abdomen and walking towards her.

Christine whispered to Ivita: "Hey, wizard boy, I think you are going to die."

Ivita raised her eyebrows and said to her, "You want to kill me?"

Christine sneered and whispered: "Are you kidding me? A wizard is barely a human being. I don't have time to waste my time on you."

"But when you were fighting that gladiator just now, I actually smelled the breath of the night in this ball."

Ivita looked at her doubtfully.

Christine explained to Ivita in a low voice: "The breath of darkness is the dirty smell of those inhuman creatures that always hide in the night. I have been hunting them for a long time. They like to hunt ordinary humans, and I like to hunt them." Killing them is fair, right?”

Iveta curled her lips and said, "So be it."

Christine whispered: "They must have their own purposes lurking among humans, but I don't know which kind of night creature they are, so I can't target them. Now you have become the target of public criticism because of this water element. I I’m afraid they’ll do something to you.”

"So I came here to remind you."

"Don't cancel the summons of this water element."

Iveta looked at Christine in surprise. She didn't expect that this little girl was quite generous. Although she didn't deal with her at the city gate, if she was really in danger, she could come over to remind her.

This made Ivita's favor towards her rise a little.

Christine gave Ivita some grass, and then said: "Put it in your pocket quickly, don't let others see it."

Iveta asked strangely: "What are they all about?"

Christine said: "Oak leaves for vampires, dogtail grass for leopard women, tea leaves for lizard men, sunflowers for night fox women, chicken tongue grass for beetle men, duckweed for mantis women, etc. .”

"Basically, I will carry grass that can suppress the common Dark Night clan."

"I don't know what kind of night creatures are here. When you encounter them later, just throw all the grass out."

"Anyway, if one of the grasses restrains them, it will cause huge harm to them."

Ivita became confused, "Why are these Dark Night people afraid of some kind of grass?"

Christine hesitated for a moment and said to Ivita: "That's because the Dark Night clan is basically an artificial race created by witches using witchcraft. The races I just mentioned are all superior races that emerged from these artificial races. By."

"In fact, there are many more creatures of the night that have disappeared into history."

"These magical creatures cannot be regarded as real life. Vampires are just zombies and need to suck human blood to survive. Although leopard girls can eat meat to survive, they require humans to reproduce. Lizardmen are all transformed from humans, and even She will also look for an ordinary human to be her master for no reason. The Dark Night Fox Girl must rely on the essence of a man to survive. These magical creatures are only created by being cursed by witches for various special reasons."

"A long time ago, they were a race of servants of witches, but witches rarely respected them and did not use them as weapons."

"Because the witches just cursed them casually to vent their anger."

"But those notorious druids, a long time ago, out of fear that witches would discover the potential war capabilities of these night creatures, used the sunlight reflected during the full moon as a medium to curse all night creatures, making the dark night The creatures have natural enemies in nature, and the connection between these night creatures and the witches is eliminated, which indirectly leads to these dark night creatures becoming independent and growing stronger."

"Some members of the Dark Night clan not only do not seek to lift the curse, but instead believe that the curse has given them powers that are different from ordinary humans."

"But in fact, all the Dark Night clan are just poor cursed humans."

"But because of the actions of the druids, if an ordinary person finds the corresponding grass, he can deal with those creatures of the night."

Christine seemed very happy when she said this, "You know, just because of this, I am different from others. I have nothing against the druids at all."

"Because they cursed all night creatures. Since there are no natural creatures in the biological world that can naturally restrain those dark night creatures created by witches, let the plant world grow plants that can naturally restrain them."

Ivita nodded, that's it.

Ivita took a strange look at her conference ring. What was strange was that this extreme human racist did not object to the druid.

The problem is that Druid's human experiments are more bloody and actually pose a greater threat to humans.

The Dark Night clan created by witches can at best be regarded as a group of magical creatures that are dependent on humans and cannot really threaten humans.

All those magical creature groups must rely on humans to exist. If the number of humans is small enough, perhaps these dark night clans will in turn protect humans and prevent humans from becoming extinct.

But what Druid's human experiments are doing is creating one intelligent race after another that is completely different from humans and can replace humans.

The human experiments of the druids are the most terrifying.

Iveta asked Christine tentatively. "Are the people you mainly hunt down the Dark Night clan? Have you ever come into contact with druids?"

Christine shook her head, wondering why Ivita asked. "I have never come into contact with druids. But in addition to hunting night creatures, I also hunt children of the forest. They are all monsters to me."

Ivita roughly understood the situation, and Christine had never been in contact with the Druids at all.

I don’t know what a druid looks like.

Ivita thought for a moment and remembered the anomalies he had discovered in the crowd before, and said to Christine: "I have a way to deal with those night creatures lurking in the crowd."

"I vaguely noticed something was wrong before. I think these night creatures should have a close relationship with Baron Taktik. We are standing next to the Baron now, so that we are not afraid of them suddenly attacking us."

"If they attack suddenly, we can also hold Baron Taktik hostage, or at least stand next to him to threaten the dark night creatures and make those dark night creatures take action."

Kristen's eyes lit up, "What a great idea."

The reason why she ran to Ivita and told him this information was not only because she really wanted to save him, but also because she was seriously injured and urgently needed to find a helper to help her deal with the night creatures around her.

And Ivita, who had just shown powerful magic and easily defeated an official gladiator, became the best helper in Christine's eyes.

Although she was unwilling to join forces with wizards, it was better than waiting to be surrounded by inhuman creatures.

So the two reached a consensus and stood beside Baron Taktik.

Baron Taktik looked strange.

Looking at the two wizards and hunters standing next to him, he wondered when he had become so popular, but he had no interest in a little sister like Christine who was full of evil spirits.

Baron Taktik tried to take a step forward, but the two men immediately followed him and stood beside him.

Baron Taktik looked strange. "What have you two been following me for?"

Christine and Ivita looked at each other and spread their hands towards him.

At this moment, Puss in Boots had returned, and he actually pulled back a carriage full of gold coins in front of everyone.

The two little white horses pulling the carriage all raised their hooves excitedly, while the guests were all envious and greedily looked at the gold coins in the carriage.

Puss showed the gold coins to the guests, and then said loudly: "Now that my master has obtained the gold coins of this carriage, who else here has more gold than him?"

There was no response from the guests, but instead they made sounds of exclamation and envy.

The president even rubbed his eyes, walked over, bent over and carefully identified the gold coins and gold bricks on the car. "These...all belong to that black bear?"

His voice trembled.

Jenny and Maximian looked at Puss in Boots in even more surprise.

Maximian struggled for a moment, but still asked Puss in Boots, "Did you steal these gold coins?"

"If you stole it, it doesn't belong to me at all."

Puss in Boots applauded in public and patted the ground with his leather boots. "What a man with a sense of justice. Let's see if Maximian has the virtues that a knight can possess. Faced with the temptation of a carriage of gold coins, who among the people present can let go of his heart faster than him? Greed?"

Ivita nodded, Maximian's character was quite good.

Many guests actually nodded. Although the black bear man looks weird and different from human appearance, it seems now that he does have a good character.

Puss in Boots said to Maximian: "Don't worry, the sources of all the money are legal."

He walked up to Ivita, and his cat face came close to Ivita's face. The furry cat face was almost only a few centimeters away from Ivita. "Thank you, Mr. Ivita, because of your help, my master can get this money."

"The agreed time for borrowing your identity has come."

"You have the right to know what I did with your identity."

Ivita listened to Puss in Boots talking about a lot of his magnificent feats. Puss in Boots said: "I used your identity to take away most of the gold from the treasury of Alsace, and then took away the castles of two counts. Some orchards. A castle for my master, and a castle for you."

"Because these things were taken in your capacity, these properties are considered to have been obtained through legal means."

Ivita blinked.

These castles and the like have been usurped by others, but they still have a claim to them in name.

Who knew that Puss in Boots would use his identity to rob two counts' castles and come back.


But I did make money.

Because these things have already been taken away by others.

He wasn't so stupid as to think that Puss actually took his property.

However, Ivita was still frightened by the power of Puss in Boots, and he even thought about becoming the master of Puss in Boots.

Unfortunately, Puss in Boots seems to only be looking for masters from those who are weak-willed and need to grow up.

But I am not considered weak-willed.

Iveta thought in annoyance, but she didn't expect that an opportunity would be lost if her character was too firm.

But if you think about it, Puss in Boots does not help his master without restrictions. He must abide by the rules of the elves. If it is not necessary, he may not help his master obtain money in this way at all.

Suddenly, the president yelled angrily. "That's not right. I am a rich man myself. I don't need this money."

"My daughter Jenny will not be a slave to money, she is a true princess."

"I hope the man who marries her has a castle worthy of a princess."

Puss in Boots unexpectedly expected that the president would continue to make things difficult for him, so he hugged his chest and said, "Meow~ My master has a castle, and it's right next to your city. Meow~ Let's follow me out and have a look."

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