The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 192 The strategy of fighting for blood magic and alpha wolf

God Pan opened his hood. The weird appearance and the strange horns on his head made the knights and knights stunned for a moment. Due to historical reasons, the knight did not recognize God Pan as an ancient soul at all. identity of.

The great knight drew his knight's sword, and then thrust the sword into Pan's chest. "Alien, die!"

Believers of the God of All Things have regarded Pan as a creature similar to some kind of enemy of God because of his strange appearance.

However, after the two and a half meter long knight sword was inserted into Pan Shen's chest, Pan Shen showed a helpless expression, and then his body quickly turned into wood. In less than half a second, Pan Shen His body has now completely transformed into a wooden man.

And the wooden man's feet gave birth to roots of plants, and then the wooden man began to grow branches and leaves from beginning to end, and each branch and leaf was lush and lush.

This wooden man suddenly turned into a tree, and the tree had arms and legs and could actually move, and launched an attack on the cavalry unit led by the great knight.

The great knight shouted to the subordinates around him. "Charge forward!"

Ten minutes later, Pan was on the other side of the village, standing on the roof of a broken wooden house, watching the knights work together to cut down the tree man he summoned and burn it into a torch.

Pan Shen sighed. The most powerful thing about knights is their ability on the battlefield. Therefore, when fighting with knights, it is easy to be dragged into the battlefield environment.

The tree man just now died under the repeated charges of the knights.

Although he is an ancient soul, there is a great knight who has mastered evil energy among the opponents. If he fights head-on with that cavalry unit, even if he can win, he will be seriously injured.

This is the strength of the army.

"Oops." Pan Shen suddenly realized why the Hearthstone Witch suddenly disappeared. She was not only greedy for life and afraid of death, but ran away when she saw the big knight, she still wanted to leave herself alone.

"That guy must be chasing the cemetery wizard. She feels that enough blood magic has been collected now, and she wants to intercept the blood magic that is enough to force the Iron Thorn Fairy to show up."

Pan Shen looked very strange. "Does this guy not trust me and think I won't let her get blood magic?"

He originally thought that the Hearthstone Witch was a rare honest witch, otherwise there was no way to explain why this guy had been following Ivita, but he didn't expect that this guy was so cunning and cunning.

It's all a matter of mind.

How on earth could Iveta control her!

Pan Shen was standing on the roof now, but he laughed strangely. "Actually, I won't let her get blood magic."

"It would also be good for me to have the Cemetery Wizard summon the Iron Thorn Fairy."

"Unexpectedly, I was accidentally hit by the Hearthstone Witch and broke my game."

In a small town thirty miles south of the village where all the Cemetery Wizards were killed, more than a thousand people in this town were all killed.

The five cemetery wizards watched Baron Beta's army. After burning, killing and looting the entire town, they continued killing towards the south.

The wizard apprentices in the five cemeteries were extremely happy after their conspiracy succeeded.

"With our strength, how can we kill so many people. But as long as we provoke each other among the villagers and the army, and make the army think that the villagers want to attack them, we can use Ambrose's contradictions to satisfy our bloody needs. The conditions for magic.”

"This town is where the Iron Thorn Fairy first appeared. Look at the five enclosed stone pillars at the end of this street. Those stone pillars are where the Iron Thorn Fairy once turned into a fairy. As long as the energy of blood magic is placed On those five stone pillars, you can bypass the Iron Thorn Fairy’s rules and forcibly summon her.”

The leader of the cemetery wizard apprentice laughed ferociously, "The normal way to summon the Iron Thorn Fairy is that when a person's heart is broken and in extreme pain, at this time of midnight, when he comes to the mouth of the well, there is a very small chance that he will be able to summon the Iron Thorn Fairy. I saw the Iron Thorn Fairy inside."

"But we have to deal with Ivita, so we can't wait that long!"

said the other four wizards. "As long as the Iron Thorn Fairy is summoned, that Ivita will definitely not live long."

"let's go."

"Although this time we will lose all our magic power, this is Teacher Hu Ge's order. He has been kind to us all for saving lives and rebuilding our lives, and this trip can be regarded as repaying his favor."

"Well, Teacher Hu Ge's enemies are our enemies, and with this contribution, we will receive resources in the future, and it will not be difficult to restore our magic power."

The five of them were talking and walking. Who knows, an old witch wearing black robes and sinister eyes suddenly walked out at the end of the street.

The five wizard apprentices looked at the old witch standing in front of them and blocking the five stone pillars behind them, and they all felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The leader of the wizard apprentices said: "Who are you? Why do you appear here now? Have you been...always..."

The hearts of the five cemetery wizard apprentices continued to sink.

The old witch laughed triumphantly, her eyes fixed on the red crystal ball in the hands of the leading wizard apprentice. The red crystal ball was filled with the energy of blood magic that was produced after the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Since you are going to deal with His Majesty, you should understand who he is and who am I?"

"I did follow you all the way and watched you all the way. I did a good job, so now you should return the blood magic power you collected to me."

The cemetery wizard apprentices were dumbfounded.

Your Majesty?

Are you calling that Ivita?

And what does giving back mean?

Why can someone talk about robbery so confidently?

Seeing that they didn't respond, the Hearthstone Witch reached out and waved, and one person's arm was immediately broken. "Hurry up and give me my stuff, I'm running out of patience!"

"Return it immediately and I will give you a way to survive."

Only then did the five wizard apprentices feel that the witch standing in front of them was shrouded in terrible magic. She was like a withered devil that swallowed people in the night.

The leader of the wizard apprentice nervously spat out three words. "The great witch..."

The other four wizard apprentices were all shocked.

The wizard lord named Ivita could actually deploy such a powerful witch as his help.

The five wizard apprentices looked at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes.

The leading wizard apprentice wanted to play some tricks and was about to speak when suddenly the Hearthstone Witch snapped her fingers. He was in a trance for a moment, and then he saw his arm beginning to twist in the opposite direction.

His bones and joints crackled, and his bones were broken.

"Ah!" he screamed in agony.

The Hearthstone Witch proudly said to them: "While you were on your way, I secretly planted some [Hearthstone Flower] seeds on you. In this way, you have become a plaything in my hands. Now it is time to take care of you." What I stole from here was returned to me.”

The leading wizard apprentice gave up resistance and immediately asked: "We were wrong, Master Witch. Please let me go, it hurts so much."

"How can we refuse an order from someone like you? You just said you would give us a way to survive..."

The Hearthstone Witch snapped her fingers, returning his arm to normal.

In this way, the other party could only offer her the crystal ball filled with blood magic with a frustrated look on her face.

The five wizard apprentices looked hopefully at the old witch holding the crystal ball, hoping that she could fulfill her promise and let them go.

Who knows, the Hearthstone Witch raised her head, glanced at them in surprise, and said: "Huh? Why don't you fight? I should have said that there is only one way to survive, which means that only one of the five of you can Live, live as my apprentice."

The five people looked at the old witch in shock and fear.

A wizard apprentice stumbled and said, " said you would give us a way to survive. We thought you were giving a way for the five of us to survive."

"Obviously your arithmetic skills need to be improved. How can you survive with five people?" The old witch's face was full of jest and viciousness. "I will return in half an hour. At that time, if you are all still alive, I will kill you all. You have my seeds in your body. You cannot escape from my grasp. You will not be able to return to the cemetery in time. ”

The old witch turned around, and then carefully rubbed the red crystal ball in her hand.

Then, she looked at the five stone pillars at the end of the street, and immediately stretched out her palm to that place. The thorns on the five stone pillars suddenly grew wildly. After a while, the original street was covered with a pile of magic thorns.

Even the five original stone pillars were sealed and automatically sank into the ground.

The old witch's eyes were cold, "Why do you still want to deal with the Demon God?"

"court death."

"Even if you really summoned the Iron Thorn Fairy, so what, but I don't want to be in so much trouble, so it's better to kill all the trouble."

The five stone pillars were sealed, and the Hearthstone Witch cleverly linked the method of destroying those thorns and unlocking her seal with her blood.

In this way, if you can't hurt the Hearthstone Witch and get her blood, you can't break the seal of this place.

The Ambrose people can no longer take the shortcut here and use blood magic to force out the Iron Thorn Fairy.

In this way, the problem here is completely solved.

The Hearthstone Witch frowned, the only trouble was that God Pan.

The five wizard apprentices, with the help of the army, slaughtered more than 10,000 humans, and the blood magic energy was enough to make even God Pan covet it.

The Hearthstone Witch had never believed in Pan. She believed that Pan’s contact with the Demon God must have a special purpose.

The old witch thought for a moment and decided to hide the blood magic for the time being.

She wanted to find an absolutely safe place to avoid being discovered by Pan.

On the street, five wizard apprentices heard the old witch talking about the devil.

They were all stunned.

In the history of the Black Magic Forest, there is absolutely no shortage of precedents for magical accidents that provoked the subspace demon.

The five of them suddenly looked at each other fiercely.

In other words, boarding the old witch's ship is equivalent to boarding the devil's ship.

So, maybe changing the family is actually a very profitable thing.

Even if it's not for his own life, just for their future, he might be able to change his family.

The only witch apprentice among the five people said in panic: "Wait a minute, we are from the same sect."

"Our surrender to the Hearthstone Witch just now was just a temporary measure. We should find a way to get the blood magic back from her now."

The leading wizard apprentice also relaxed to her and said, "Well, we are all the teacher's students and we cannot betray the teacher."

"Don't forget that when we set out, we all knew that we would lose all our magic power during this trip, but I..."

He lowered his head in disbelief and saw the witch apprentice who had just spoken hit him in the chest with an explosive spell. The witch apprentice sneered. "Aren't we taking this mission for the sake of our future? We took this mission in order to win the teacher's favor, but now I don't want any resources, if Ivita is the devil."

"Then following the Demon God is the best choice."

"You can only survive by always following the winner."

"The idea of ​​using the army to collect blood magic was mine, so I should get that chance to live!!"

Because the witch apprentice struck first, the five of them were afraid that if they didn't take action, they would be beaten to death by others, so all five of them started fighting.

The Hearthstone Witch looked back at them and laughed.

She also accepts apprentices for the sake of Ivita, because Ivita will soon become an official wizard, so she has to accept apprentices in advance.

Because she wants to tell Ivita through this apprentice what is the difference between a formal wizard and a wizard apprentice.

In the city center of Marlina, Ivita and the alpha wolf, the leader of the wolf pack, looked at each other from a distance.

Ivita used throwing magic to fight off a werewolf that rushed towards her, and walked towards the brown-haired Alpha wolf.

Seeing this, the Alpha Wolf slapped his paw on the shoulder of the official knight fighting him. The sharp wolf claws and terrifying slap knocked the armor off the old knight's shoulder.

This super wolf, the wolf king of Pavel's pack, has power over the regular knights.

Ivita thought that the other party was provoking her, but who knew that the other party suddenly bit the shoulder of the knight whose shoulder armor was knocked off, then turned around and ran away.

On the way, the wolf king also encountered three ordinary soldiers and a knight attendant.

The werewolf let out a rapid howl and waved his wolf claws. Each claw was dozens of times more powerful than the most powerful boxer on earth. In just a moment, he actually tore the bodies of three ordinary soldiers into pieces. .

Another knight squire fought with the Wolf King three times, but when the knight squire slashed the wolf king's arm, the wolf king seemed to feel Ivita approaching it, and was too lazy to dodge the sword, leaving the knight squire alone. The sword cut his arm.

At the same time, he used his left claw to grab backhand, and actually tore the knight's squire's arm armor directly, and then flew off his entire arm.

Because of the speed and the strength, the knight's attendant felt his eyes blurred, and then he saw an unknown arm flying in the air, and then he discovered that it was actually his own arm.

The wolf king knocked away the knight's attendants and fled, and the entire wolf pack lost their fighting spirit. As the wolf king fled, the werewolves who relied on the wolf pack all fell into fear.

Ivita saw that as soon as she got closer, the Alpha werewolf ran away instead of fighting, wounding two people and killing three people in a row.

Suddenly, Ivita became angry. "Run away when you see me?"

"Where is it so easy to escape?"

Ivita raised his right hand, and the magic power of the lightning spell remaining in the air suddenly regrouped in his hand and turned into a lightning javelin, which was shot out from his hand. At the same time, Ivita had a sudden thought and thought. The harming spell was attached to the thunder javelin.

Suddenly, the lightning javelin penetrated the left chest of the escaping Alpha wolf. The Alpha wolf fell down, then got up and ran away immediately.

Iveta originally wanted to use Firebird magic to chase the wolf king from a distance, but after thinking about it carefully, consuming so much magic power in this strange environment would put herself in danger, so she stopped This thought.

After all, the old witch, Griffin and Black Wolf are not with him now, and he does not have any troops with him except a water dragon soldier.

So, for safety reasons, forget it.

Mainly there is no benefit.

Helping the city fight off the wolf king was already a sign of kindness, and secondly, it was because the wolves were attacking everyone indiscriminately.

However, even if he kills the Wolf King, he will not gain any material benefits.

As the Wolf King retreated, the wolves also collapsed in an instant, and the humans counterattacked wildly. However, because of the werewolves' powerful immortality, they could basically endure huge damage and forcefully evacuate from here.

Even the werewolf previously controlled by Ivita was awakened by the howl of the Alpha Wolf before escaping, broke away from the control, and fled quickly.

At this time, the president looked at the corpses on the lawn and in various houses. He covered his head and was going crazy.

How is he going to explain it to everyone?

Ivita clapped her hands, dusted them off, and began to search for Christine and Maximian in the chaotic scene.

Sure enough, in the north corner, he saw the two people who had made their way to the ornamental garden in the center of the lake, plus Jenny who was nervously observing the situation.

By this time, Maximian had transformed back into a black bear, but his appearance had changed.

He became larger and looked more like a human. The hair on his body was no longer all black, but black and white, and white bear hair grew into strips on his limbs.

His bear claws are also longer, and the color of his pupils has also changed to black.


Maximian's incarnation as a black bear roared loudly at Christine, and she stood there stunned for a while as if someone had punched her in the head.

At that time, the black bear man turned around and ran away with his sword and Jenny in his arms.

Ivita walked over, and Christine had recovered from her dizziness.

Kristen looked ugly. "Ivita, have you seen that guy has become the ancestor of the black bear people, and he actually has spell-like abilities."

"The roar of the ancestor of the black bear people can make me dizzy."

"He will pass this ability on to his descendants!"

Kristen said: "Damn it."

"We need to kill him quickly!"

"This is the responsibility of each of us as humans."

Iveta felt ashamed, wondering what this had to do with herself, "Well... I don't think it's us, it's you."

"This is the hunter's business and has nothing to do with me."

"But I still want to thank you for reminding me that there were werewolves around."

Christine turned to look at Ivita, crossed her arms, then pursed her lips and said, "I knew the wizard was unreliable."

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