The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 20 Inferior Dragon Heart

In order to learn magic better, when the old witch was collecting dragon flames, Ivita stood aside and observed her movements.

But in fact, he also wanted to confirm the amount of dragon flames that the old witch took from him.

After all, honesty is a rare thing for witches.

The great witch of Hearthstone used thirteen glass bottles to contain the dragon flames from the corpses of three official knights. After she finished slowly finishing the dragon flames, her forehead was covered with sweat.


"Finally finished collecting."

"These three corpses are no longer of use. The dragon fire burned all the extraordinary organs inside. Even I can't extract a trace of extraordinary substances."

She kicked down a knight corpse. After the knight corpse fell, it caused a domino effect. The other two knight corpses were also hit in turn, and then fell to the ground and shattered.

Then, she found a somewhat incomplete and deformed heart from the fragments of Knight Manuel's body.

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes showed a fiery look. "This thing contains powerful dragon magic. It can be said to be an inferior dragon heart."

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. You just touched him and caused his bloodline to mutate to this extent!"

What a great power this is.

At this moment, the old witch was not only afraid of Ivita, but also worshiped Ivita's power.

The old witch said excitedly: "Other organs can no longer be used, but this alone is already a priceless treasure."

Iveta interrupted her excitement and said: "It sounds pretty good. You can keep this heart for me, I'm not ready to sell it yet. Maybe it will be useful to me in the future."

After all, he once transformed into a dragon, and the dragon heart might be of great use to him in the future.

As for the dragon flame, let's use it to exchange money and trap the witch first.

After the old witch heard this, she was immediately discouraged.

But she also knew that indeed, the dragon's heart might be of great use to Ivita in the future.

Especially at this stage when the wizard apprentice is promoted to the official wizard.

Ivita continued: "Hearthstone Witch, the four magic ornaments you gave me can only offset eight dragon flames, but now there are five more."

"You need to spend money to buy these five extra flowers."

The Hearthstone Witch stiffened because she really had no money.

As a witch, she had no habit of saving money, and her previous magic reserves were almost consumed in the magic awakening ceremony.

However, she didn't have the guts to bargain with the devil.

Moreover, she couldn't resist her interest in dragon fire. If she could study dragon fire, maybe she could discover the secret of advancing to the fourth sequence of professionals.

The Hearthstone Witch asked: "Your Majesty, dragon fire is a priceless thing on the market, so it is difficult to set a price. How much do you want to bid?"

"But dragon fire is a priceless treasure to those who need it. To those who don't need it, it is just a dangerous and difficult substance to handle."

Ivita had no intention of embarrassing the Hearthstone Witch. After all, this guy was half of her subordinate.

He thought about the prices of things in this world. "Rayleigh said this house is worth 40 gold pounds. That dragon flame should be worth a house."

"So you should pay me 200 gold pounds."

The old witch nodded. "good."

This price is already very cheap.

She felt that the devil was giving her things for free. If the witches in the witch coven knew the price, those old bitches would go crazy about it and accuse the devil of sabotaging prices.

Things are rare and expensive, and dragon fire is very difficult to obtain, so the price will definitely not be cheap.

"Your Majesty, I don't have any money right now. I can pay on credit. Don't worry, I will be by your side during this time anyway."

The old witch was on the verge of crying. She also wanted to run away.

At the moment, she can only take one step at a time, hoping to find her beloved disciple in the independent country of Viscount Ambrose, and then work with her to find a way to solve the big trouble of the devil.

Ivita was a little moved.

Why, because he owed Black Wolf a lot of money, and he owed Rayleigh a lot of money, but no matter what, there was still someone who owed him money.

This made Ivita feel that she was no longer the debtor king.

In the afternoon of the next day, Rayleigh was ready to head to the Independent Country of Viscount Ambrose with Ivita and the others.

Since the house couldn't be moved around, he simply packed up the ruins and sold them to the village chief of a nearby village at a low price.

He sold it almost at the cost of materials, for only 18 shillings.

But Reilly didn't care, because this house had given him a good future.

In the future, as long as Ivita can seize territory and become a lord, he may become a low-level noble and regain his family's surname.

As for the employees of the post house, most of them have been dismissed by Rayleigh with some money.

These employees are all villagers from nearby villages, and it is impossible for them to follow Ivita and the others.

Only one employee remains.

Reilly took the employee to the carriage and said to Ivita on the carriage: "My respected master, this is Alicia."

Iveta sat on the carriage prepared by Rayleigh. When she looked down, she saw a woman with fair skin, long light linen hair, and wearing coarse clothes standing next to Rayleigh, with a timid woman behind her. 4 or 5 year old boy.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Rayleigh's face. "This is the master. Alicia is my old employee. She was kicked out of the house by her father for some reasons."

"I don't have a place to live at the moment. I usually live in a post office."

"So she wants to apply to you, can she come with us?"

Ivita glanced at this woman and stopped caring. The reason why she would be kicked out of the house was obvious at a glance.

It is not difficult to guess why a young girl has a child without a father.

However, there is no need to bring any burden with you.

The old witch turned her head away, not caring at all.

The demon hunter Black Wolf immediately retorted. "Reilly, you should know that we ourselves are still being hunted. We went to the independent country of Ambrose to find territory and troops."

"We are not going to enjoy the scenery."

Riley opened his mouth but said nothing.

Alicia suddenly said to Ivita: "Sir, I know a lot of things, and I think it is worthwhile for you to take me with you. Because as long as you take us in, I will be of many uses."

"I'll settle the score."

"I can cook everything a person can do, clean a house, wash clothes, I can drive a carriage and feed a horse. I know the difference between high-quality grain and ordinary grain, and I know how to take care of weapons."

She benefited from working in a group of explorers before, so she also learned a lot about maintaining weapons. This is actually a craft that can be used to make a living and be passed down to the family.

"If you hire me, I won't charge any wages, as long as you can give us a bite to eat."

Alicia had seen Ivita bargaining with the old witch, and she knew that only by showing her worth in exchange could she be taken.

She needs a place of refuge.

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