The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 200 Elemental Flowers Bloom, Magical Tide and Leopard Girl Clan

After Christine left with the hunters, Ivita and Maximian both breathed a sigh of relief.

When they both returned to Maximian's castle, they found that the three bear cubs who had escaped earlier were actually hiding in the corner of the castle. The three little black bears were hugging each other, giving each other a sense of security.

Ivita noticed that the ice witch was approaching her, so she said to Maximian: "I will not enter the castle."

"But you said that we will be allies in the future."

"Does this still count?"

Maximian's eyes lit up, he extended his palm to Ivita and said, "Of course. I won't lose money by being an ally with a powerful wizard like you."

"Do you have any enemies now? Do you need my help?"

Ivita thought for a moment and shook her head, because Maximian's position in Marina City was not yet stable.

If he left here at this moment to help him deal with the Witch Cemetery, it might worsen his situation.

Iveta said: "You don't need to help me now."

"Just wait. When your black bear army is formed, we will have plenty of opportunities to cooperate."

Ivetta shook Maximian's outstretched left hand.

Maximian smiled and said: "Thank you, Ivita."

"I'm going to develop beekeeping in the orchards around my castle." He licked the corners of his mouth. "In the future, when you return to this city, you might be able to taste the honey I made."

Ivita thought for a while, and indeed, since the black bear people's food was honey, they had better start their own beekeeping industry.

As for where the early money came from, he had a very wealthy father-in-law and a lot of gold coins from Puss in Boots.

After bidding farewell to Maximian, Ivita returned all the way to the city of Marina.

Because of the previous riots, the city guards were still dealing with the unrest in the city, and there were not many soldiers patrolling the city walls.

Therefore, Iveta easily returned to the city and came to the inn where her carriage was.

At that time, the ice witch who had followed Ivita came out of the shadow of the stable. She held a gold cat coin in her hand and said, "The gold coin thrown by Puss in Boots is an illusion. But it won't fool me for long. I found out."

"But I really didn't help much this time."

Iveta pursed her lips, suppressing a smile. "Actually, it helped. You froze the two cemetery wizards and saved me a lot of trouble. But now you have to unlock the magic on them. This is the agreement reached between Puss and I."

The ice witch said coldly: "Then what did he promise to give you?"

Ivita said: "Pussy Boots promised that if we do this, he will appear and help us when we are most in danger against the cemetery."

The ice witch didn't think twice. "Okay, that's a good deal."

She snapped her fingers and then said to Ivita: "I have unlocked the ice magic on the two cemetery wizard apprentices."

"They are no longer ice sculptures. As for their future life and death, it has nothing to do with me."

Iveta looked at the ice witch and smiled: "It really has nothing to do with us. There are so many werewolves running away outside the city, and the wolf king is injured. The wolves need meat of sufficient quality."

"It's not safe for them to leave the city this time."

"But it has nothing to do with us anymore."

The ice witch showed no concern for the two wizard apprentices. "The matter of Puss in Boots has been resolved. Let's return to your territory quickly and meet up with Pan and the Hearthstone Witch. The Witch Cemetery should have discovered our actions."

"We need to act quickly."

Ivita nodded.

Suddenly, he looked up and saw an extremely brilliant aurora appearing in the east of the early morning night sky.

A ribbon-like aurora hung in the night sky, colorful, blue and purple, like a link pressing against the starry sky.

At the same time, a voice appeared in the ears of Ivita and the Ice Witch.

That is the rustling sound of flowers, plants and trees growing vigorously, and the sound of fruits growing rapidly.

A nearly substantial golden magic power shot out from the direction of the aurora. All plants that encountered this magic power grew rapidly in an instant, growing to at least one-third of their size. All grasses and trees that could bear fruit would bloom at this moment. result.

Even the redwood saplings grew up in this moment.

Ivita looked at this vision and frowned.

When the golden magic power passed through him like a tide just now, he felt that the thunder magic power, fire magic power and water magic power in his body had actually increased slightly.

This is just the magic tide caused by the mature elemental flower.

If he can get four elemental flowers, he will be even more powerful.

The ice witch looked in the direction of the aurora and said, "The elemental flowers are mature at this time."

"The aurora is the product of the entanglement of four elements. The four elements are light, thunder, fire, and water."

"Even if an ordinary person gets an elemental flower, he will immediately gain the power equivalent to a formal wizard and a formal witch. But at least four elemental flowers bloom at the same time."

"The four elemental flowers cycle together, and the magic power forms a cycle of its own. We call it [self-nature]."

"The self-native body can exist by itself without external objects, which goes against the laws of nature. Therefore, as soon as the elemental flower is born, it will actively attract all nearby magic users in order to let everyone separate the four elemental flowers."

The ice witch said to Ivita: "Since that elemental flower is in the cemetery, it means that at this moment, many witches are coming from afar, aiming directly at the cemetery."

"I'm afraid, big trouble is coming."

Ivita laughed. "No matter how troublesome it is, that elemental flower is also in the Witch Cemetery. What are we worried about?"

"The people who should be worried are the wizards at the Witch Cemetery."

"Let's return to the territory quickly."

Ivetta felt no rush for this moment.

Those witches and wizards who rush over will probably not get the elemental flowers, but will die instead.

The celestial sphere of destruction in the Witch Cemetery, the artificial sun, is too powerful. Now, I and my allies have cut off the people in the cemetery looking for foreign aid, but for a while, I have no idea of ​​​​attacking the cemetery.

It's just right to take those witches who want to rob the elemental flowers from the witch cemetery as the vanguard to see the strength of this celestial sphere of destruction.

Ivita also wanted to go back to her own territory first, take a look at the castle given to her by Puss in Boots, and also check the conditions of the soap factory and iron foundry.

The ice witch said strangely: "This isn't right either."

Ivita said: "What's wrong?"

The Ice Witch shook her head and said: "The Witch Cemetery needs elemental flowers because elemental flowers are used to maintain the consumption of the Celestial Destruction Sphere."

"But if that's the case, one elemental flower may not be enough. They need to make four elemental flowers come together and live forever."

"The power is circulated forever, but this goes against the laws of nature and will be punished by God."

"Although the Witch Cemetery is not a particularly powerful witch group, at least they have a long history and should not make such a mistake."

"Why is Witch Cemetery so stubborn now?"

Ivita shook her head. The ice witch was too ignorant of human nature, because she had been away from mortals for a long time and only kept company with snow monsters all day long.

It's not hard to guess.

Iveta said: "They may know that the self-nature is against the laws of nature, but human nature is greedy. There will always be some luck."

"Although I have not had direct contact with the current cemetery leader. I may feel that although he does things in a systematic way, he is actually extremely self-interested and full of greed. But on weekdays, when there is no crisis, this cemetery leader's behavior The characteristics may not be apparent yet.”

The ice witch asked Ivita: "Are we leaving this city now? The city is getting more and more chaotic. If we continue to stay here, we will only be involved in disputes that do not belong to us."

Iveta nodded, "But before I leave, I have to go to a place in this city to pick up something."

The ice witch looked at Ivita in confusion.

As far as she knew, Ivita didn't have many friends in this city. It was probably his first time coming to this city.

So, did you make friends in this city so quickly?

The ice witch acquiesced to what Iveta said without expression.

The moment the elemental flower matured, the golden magic tide swept at least one-sixth of Ambrose.

The witches and dark creatures who had been hiding in Ambrose for at least the past twenty years were not prepared to move or reveal their identities. The witches and dark creatures who were far away from the war began to make moves.

A village woman in a village is making winter cotton clothes for her husband and little son at home. Her face is getting older and there are more and more calluses on her hands. She has settled down to live a life without fighting against the world.

But when the golden wind blew through the village, she put down the needlework in her hands and looked out the window greedily. Her heart, which had withered due to decay, became younger day by day, and then her old appearance recovered. youth.

She stood up excitedly, looked at the aurora in the east and said, "Elemental flower?"

"The elemental flower belongs to me. Anyone who steals the elemental flower from me must die!"

She put down the needlework and cotton-padded clothes in her hands, as if she had made a decision in her heart.

Ten minutes later, her husband came home with his young son. When he opened the wooden door, he could only see cotton wool and rags on the bed piled with hay.

The man looked at the empty house and was at a loss. Only the little boy he was holding began to cry loudly and clamored for his mother.

Elsewhere, in one of Ambrose's top ten cities [Talvaga], the female speaker of the city council who was presiding over the city council suddenly froze mid-sentence.

Because it may not be visible to the naked eye, but she sees the magical tide produced when the elemental flowers bloom.

The female speaker raised the corners of her mouth, put her hands on the table, and lowered her head. A flash of red light appeared in her eyes.

Although she already has deep feelings for this city and wants to protect it, this city is less important than her own future.

She suddenly changed her previous advice to restrain everyone and said to everyone: "We should respond to Ambrose's call and send troops to directly support Ambrose, instead of just transporting supplies now."

"This is also in retaliation for the previous Viscount Winchester, who intended to subvert our [Talvaga] city council and deprive successive grand viscounts of the autonomy rights of our city. I can guarantee here that everyone in this city , all have a deep hatred for Viscount Winchester because of his injuries."

"I propose that the army be led by my husband..."

Her eyes flickered. The army could participate, but the first stop should be the location of the Elemental Flower.

Slightly north of Ambrose, there was an old witch with black hair and green teeth who lived in a nearby deserted hut. She was walking along the river with her hunched back. She had been staring at the river in a daze all day recently.

Because the Green Teeth Witch is a great witch who wanders in the Po River, a witch that Ambrose said specializes in pushing people who cross the river into the water and drowning. Looking at the corpses that have recently floated down from the upper reaches of the Po River, it is really a strange thing. Can be in a daze.

If the war harvests corpses for Po River faster than hers, then what is the point of her existence?

As Ambrose's green-toothed witch, she is known as the water ghost among water ghosts. She actually found that everything she did seemed to be a prank in front of the murderous knife of war.

Today, the Green Teeth Witch lowered her head and saw blood floating in the Po River from a distance.

This made the green-toothed witch's face change greatly. She bent down and dipped her hand into the blood, put it into her mouth and tasted it. It was human blood.

"The water of the Po River has turned to blood. This is war."

"What kind of water ghost among water ghosts, the green-toothed witch who scares children?" The green-toothed witch was immediately depressed. "In the face of war, I am a joke."

"My level of evil is too low."

"Ambrose's water ghosts are all finished. In the face of war, all horror stories are too common."

The Green Teeth Witch felt the magic power in her body declining, and she continued to weaken because the Ambrose people had no intention of fearing her.

She walked into the river and wanted to hold it there for an hour before committing suicide by jumping into the river.

At this moment, the Green Teeth Witch suddenly felt a powerful wave of magic power. The golden magic tide passed through her body and pushed into the distance like a sandstorm.

At this moment, the Green Teeth Witch felt the huge vitality appearing in her body again, and she looked dreamily in the direction of the blooming elemental flowers.

"Power... magic power no weaker than war."

"If I had it, I could save twice as many children from drowning in Ambrose every year!"

The Green Teeth Witch found a new target, and immediately turned to the river and said: "My water children, let us fight hard again, I want to capture the elemental flower!"

Suddenly, the surface of the Po River tributary suddenly changed from calm to extremely violent.

At this time, countless witches and other dark creatures were attracted by the elemental flowers to the witch cemetery.

In the witch cemetery, Hugo immediately held a brief meeting in the witch cemetery, encouraging the cemetery wizards to firmly believe in their common homeland and defeat the powerful enemy again in the days when the elemental flowers bloom. .

Hu Ge said to the wizards: "We have the blessing of our ancestors. The spirits of our ancestors tell me that we will still win this time."

"For thousands of years, no one has forced the cemetery into a desperate situation, but every time we came back in the end and wiped out our enemies."

"Because the cemetery has thousands of years of accumulation!"

Among the wizards, some witches laughed, and some wizards looked at leader Hu Ge with pride.

Because Hugo Russo was right.

For thousands of years, the cemetery has never been defeated.

For thousands of years, all the enemies targeting the cemetery have declined one by one and been eliminated one by one.

In Ambrose at least, the cemetery has always been the largest community of wizards and witches.

Thousands of years of victory have given the wizards a firm belief that the cemetery will definitely win.

Hugo began to assign tasks to more than 180 wizard apprentices. These wizard groups are the most precious wealth of the cemetery. Which wizard society in Ambrose can have so many apprentices?

"First, send twenty wizard apprentices to guard the elemental flowers until our elders collect the elemental flowers." Hu Ge was reading the names of the wizard apprentices who guarded the elemental flowers. Except for Milani, they were basically his confidants.

The curly-haired dark-skinned elder with a big nose immediately said: "Don't worry, everyone, it won't take long for me to collect the elemental flowers with the magic bottle. It will only take a week at most."

Leader Hugo said to the rest of the wizard apprentices: "The rest of them are all sitting in the cemetery."

"Await my orders."

"A strong enemy is about to attack because of the elemental flowers, and there is also a murloc monster running around outside. I hope you all stay safe during this period and don't go out."

"In addition, we will give up the task of capturing Ivita for the time being. Although this is an order given to us by our ancestors, the cemetery has too much time to take care of itself now, so we must defend first." Hu Ge also couldn't figure out why it seemed like there was a net covering him. Let the cemetery, which was supposed to go out everywhere, can only stay in its hometown.

Hu Ge knew how unruly these wizards were. He emphasized: "Because it is a war period, the cemetery adopts a military management method. During this period, anyone who disobeys my orders will be executed, no matter what they are." identity!"

The wizards immediately started whispering.

Because Hugo's order was too overbearing. They were free and independent wizards and witches, not his servants.

He actually issued such an outrageous order.

Everyone usually calls each other family and helps each other all the time, but could it be said that Hugo has regarded them as his own army!

Frankska shook her head slightly, she felt that this order would be counterproductive.

Milani, on the other hand, sneered.

The proportion of Hugo's cronies among the cemetery wizard apprentices is constantly declining. As long as it drops further, he may no longer be able to control the cemetery as he does now.

Hugo dismissed all the wizards here, and then he left the cemetery and went to the small town of Kapa.

Kapa Town is a particularly wealthy village with a population of more than 2,000. Everyone lives and works in peace and prosperity, and treats their neighbors as brothers and sisters.

The streets here are wide, with a lot of green plants in the middle, and every house is as big as a villa.

For thousands of years, the Witches' Cemetery has protected this wealthy town from any force that would deprive it of its wealth.

Today, Hugo walked to the center of the town. In the center of the town was a church. On the top of the church stood the sacred number 4, which represents the God of all things.

Looking at that number, Hu Ge didn't look good, but he still knocked on the church door.

The reason why the church is in the center of the town is because generally speaking, when a town is first established, it is centered around a certain building and then slowly expands.

The first building built in the town of Kapa was the Church of the God of All Things.

The history of Witch Cemetery far exceeds that of Kappa Town. Originally, there was no Kappa Town here. Witch Cemetery is a hidden force, but the wizard group of Witch Cemetery will have descendants. Over time, these descendants will be here. A small town was built next to the cemetery.

Hugo waited outside the church for a long time, but he still refused to step into the church door.

After a while, the priest wearing white clergy clothes pushed open the ornate iron door of the church. Behind him were the tall church dome and the stained glass windows decorated under the dome.

The priest's face shape is a Chinese character face, but his eye shape is red and phoenix eyes.

The priest said to Hugo with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be the mayor. Mayor, come and sit in the church. Why can't you come in and sit down every time you pass our church and listen to the townspeople?" Where is the simple wish?”

Hu Ge had a cold face. "Stop pretending to be a saint with high moral standards in front of me, Leopard Girl. This will only make you ridiculous. Does your god know that you are not a human being? Does he know that you are not a man?"

The priest's face turned cold and he was a little angry, but thinking of the other party's identity, the priest continued to be patient and said with a smile: "The God of all things is the God of all life, and everyone is the creation of the God of all things. "

"So the God of All Things doesn't care whether I am a human or a leopard girl of the dark night race."

"Your God of All Things may not care about this, but the church definitely does." Hu Ge revealed it mercilessly. "Let's be honest, a group of enemies are going to deal with the cemetery recently. We have given you the Leopard Girl clan shelter for so long. Now it's time to repay us."

Hu Ge said: "I want the Leopard Girl clan to help me kill people and kill all the enemies in the cemetery."

"Otherwise I will report your existence to the church."

The priest finally couldn't help it and roared angrily. The sound he made was actually not a human voice, but a leopard's voice.

The human body of the Leopard Girl clan is male, but once transformed into a Leopard Girl, the gender will change again.

the priest roared. "You... how dare you threaten me."

"You are a person who dare not even enter a church, so you are going to report me!"

"Hugo! Don't think I don't know what tricks you've been up to."

He approached Hu Ge and glared at the great wizard, his face vaguely turning into a leopard. "you……"

After getting close to Hu Ge, he seemed like a deflated rubber ball, unable to say: "Okay, our Leopard Girl clan will help you eliminate your enemies."

"But you absolutely cannot report me."

Hu Ge raised the corners of his mouth. "Don't worry, you are so useful, I can't bear to let the church destroy you."

"The Leopard Girl clan is a natural killer. Even the hunter group can do nothing to you. If you hadn't offended the church and were hunted down by Cardinal Antioch, you wouldn't have begged us like a lost dog. Protect."

"The previous cemetery would never treat us like this." The priest glared at him. "Please show us basic respect."

Hu Ge sneered. "But now I'm in charge."

"Every ruler is different. This is how I rule you. What else can you do besides obey my rules?"

Hu Ge turned and left.

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