The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 202 Ivita’s Lord’s Decree

A day and a half later, Ivita and Christine returned to their territory.

To Kristen's surprise, she realized that Ivita's territory was so special. It was located on the only main road into Ambrose's land in the west.

At that time, two carriages passed by the village, and Iveta noticed that the residents of the four villages had basically rebuilt the village. What was left was just some minor issues such as the division of farmland, which was rebuilt with red bricks and bluestones. The village composed of tall buildings seems to be living in a fairy tale world, with red walls and green streets, which is beautiful.

Compared with the villages built of hay, mud and wood in the past, it seems to be in two different worlds.

From the current village, it is impossible to identify the village that once belonged to the Barony of Morrow.

Christine said to Ivita: "I have been to many Ambrose territories, but your territory is indeed the richest."

"I really didn't expect that you are actually a good lord."

Ivita raised her eyebrows at her, "People don't look good."

Christine nodded thoughtfully.

Passing through the village, the two carriages came to the gate of the castle.

The steward Acalia and five male servants greeted Ivita at the gate of the castle. When Ivita got off the carriage, the steward quickly came up to say hello and told Ivita that everything was fine in the territory, except for the sudden There is an extra castle.

The steward said that he had asked the Griffin Knights to assign ten militiamen to garrison the castle that suddenly appeared on the other side of the mountainside.

After all, the castle was large, luxurious, and full of fortifications.

Therefore, Griffin Knight immediately went to protect the castle that suddenly appeared.

The steward also reported to Ivita that the iron foundry could already earn nine hundred gold pounds for the territory every month.

This number is growing every day, because it is not that the production of cast iron is not enough, but that the market is not very broad.

However, cast iron is actually a very popular commodity, so it is just a matter of time.

As for the soap factory, it is still in the stage of losing money on investment.

Ivita casually took off her dirty coat and handed it to the manservant beside her. The butler winked at the manservant and asked the tall manservant to help Iveta put on the clean clothes.

Ivita refused the servant to dress herself, but put it on herself, and said to the housekeeper: "This is Miss Christine, the hunter I invited for the territory. Christine, this is mine." housekeeper."

Kristine curled her lips, why did you invite me here.

It's like you paid for it.

But she did not choose to expose Ivita in front of the servants.

No matter what her personal relationship with Ivita was, she could not speak freely to Ivita in front of the servants.

Christine still has a sense of proportion.

The housekeeper quickly took the lead in saluting Christine, and then asked a male servant to go over and help Christine get her things.

Ivita asked the butler to arrange for Christine to stay in the castle, and then he said to the butler: "Starting from today, we must strengthen the territorial residents' awareness of wolves. Also, if there are territorial residents in our territory who plant aconite grass, they can follow the instructions The price of 3 shillings per mu will be subsidized.”

“But if it exceeds 1 acre, there will be no subsidy.”

We cannot give too many subsidies to the residents, otherwise everyone will plant aconite grass and things will be very troublesome.

When she was walking with Christine before, she told herself that aconite grass is not poisonous to humans, but is only highly toxic to werewolves and wolves. This is different from the fact that the monkshood on Blue Star is also a highly poisonous plant to humans. Perhaps this is related to the curse of the druids on the wolves.

Although the housekeeper didn't understand why Ivita asked the people to plant monkshood, he didn't say anything more. He just bowed his head to Ivita and said, "Lord Ivita, I will let you know what you mean. But this kind of thing requires you to sign a territorial decree.”

Ivita nodded. "If there's nothing else, let's leave it at that, Mr. Akalia."

"Later, I will ask Raleigh to give you my signed territorial decree."

He decided to go back to the study first and study the Cloak of Destruction while he had time to improve his abilities in order to cope with the upcoming war against the cemetery.

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment and said to Ivita: "Lord Ivita, there is a small matter that I don't need you to deal with, but I think I should tell you about it."

As Ivita walked, she said to him, "Just tell me."

The housekeeper lowered his head, carefully considered his words, and then said to Ivita: "That's right, this matter is quite strange."

"The day before yesterday, a small group of explorers from the north passed through our territory and wanted to enter Ambrose. The guards at our toll station had warned them several times not to act recklessly, but this group of explorers actually robbed the edge of our territory in the middle of the night. A villager’s family.”

"Of course, this group of explorers has been captured by our patrolling guards and imprisoned in the territorial prison."


Iveta raised her brows and glanced at the housekeeper. If this was the case, then according to the rules, he needed to be exiled and executed, so why bother telling him.

Ivita said: "What happened?"

The steward immediately said: "The more difficult thing to deal with is that the group of explorers went to harass the villagers in our territory and broke into their homes in the middle of the night. Instead, they were treated as thieves and killed two of them with sickles."

"The murderer was a man from that family."

"So here's the more troublesome thing. According to Ambrose's law, the murderer must pay with his life."

"But... Anyway, that man is now in prison, but many villagers have signed a letter begging me and Knight Griffin to spare his life."

The steward explained: "According to the laws of Ambrose, if someone from outside someone's territory breaks into your territory and violates the laws of Ambrose and your laws, you have the right to kill the intruder."

"But if your territory's citizens commit a capital crime, then the territorial lord has no right to sentence the territory's citizens to death."

The steward said awkwardly: "You have to report the situation to the Grand Viscount, and then wait for the Grand Viscount, or the Grand Viscount's team of secretaries, to decide the fate of this territory citizen."

Ivita frowned and said: "Ambrose is in great chaos now. Ambrose's central power is divided into two, so there is no need to report to Ambrose City."

"Anyway, even if we don't report it, who would know."

The butler smiled. "Of course. In fact, the report will not report the situation, it all depends on the consciousness of the lords everywhere."

"It's just Lord Ivita, how should you deal with the man who killed someone."

"Although it is understandable that the man killed the explorer. But if a person has killed someone, he will break through the moral restrictions in his heart. In this way, allowing him to continue to stay in the village is a disservice to other territorial citizens. Threatened."

Iveta also had a headache, how to deal with this person.

Kill him, he just resisted the robbers who invaded his house;

If you don't kill him, in the future, the people will fight because of trivial reasons, and everyone will have the courage to kill him. I also have to take into account the authority of the lord and the law. If I don't deal with him at all, it will not be justified.

That's the difficulty of being a lord.

When your words and deeds determine the fate of thousands of people, you have to make a careful decision.

A single misstep of the law is very likely to have very bad consequences, far more serious than killing one or two people.

Christine took a look and said to the hesitant Ivita: "In order to protect your family, you killed a robber. As a lord, what can you blame him for?"

"It's better to pardon him."

Ivetta shook her head at Christine. "What you said is indeed correct. I emotionally agree with what you said."

"But the law of the Independent Viscounty of Ambrose is that those who kill people will be punished with the death penalty."

"Although this law is basically ignored by refugees like explorers and nobles."

"But if he is pardoned today, it will undermine the majesty of the law. Then the people in the territory will follow the same example. If there is a slight conflict, they will pick up farm tools and kill those who insult his mother or father, or If someone else occupies half an acre of his land, he will have a reason to kill someone."

"Then the order in the territory will be chaotic."

"From the perspective of order, acts like killing cannot be taken lightly."

"But you can't sentence him to death for this kind of thing." Iveta patted her forehead and said, "He didn't commit any crime that warranted death."

"Ah, why don't you find him a job that doesn't require him to stay in the village, and can atone for his sins and support his family." Ivita said to the housekeeper, "Well, I happen to have the idea of ​​​​expanding the territorial guards. Now our territory's There weren’t even two hundred guards.”

"You let him serve as a soldier for three months for free and give him room and board, but you don't give him any food subsidies or military rewards."

"Also, confiscate the belongings of the explorers to compensate for the losses of the subject family, and then give all the money from the explorers to the subject family. Then, sentence the entire team of explorers who committed the crime to death. , to warn other explorers who want to cause trouble here."

The butler's eyes lit up and he said to Ivita: "Sir, your method is better."

"This not only punishes the villager, but it is only a small punishment and a big warning. It can also save you a lot of money."

Ivetta coughed and then glanced at Christine.

Butler, can you remove the last half of the sentence?

Don't I want to lose face?

The housekeeper was also a smart man and immediately changed his mind and said, "Sir, you are the most generous. Of course, how could this small sum of money saved be your purpose?"

Christine glanced at Ivita amusedly.

For the lord, frugality can be regarded as a virtue, so there is no need for Ivita to be secretive.

If a lord is frugal with himself but generous to the people in his territory, then he must be a good lord.

Christine had seen too many of Ambrose's second and third generation nobles, who were forced to sell off their ancestral properties and manor due to gambling and poor management, so she was not disgusted with Ivita's frugality, but rather An attitude of appreciation.

Ivita said to the housekeeper again: "It would be better to settle this little matter as soon as possible."

"By the way, in addition to this, you can also discuss with the Griffin Knight to recruit professionals such as wandering knights, wandering knight attendants, wandering warriors and wandering hunters from outside the territory. The first-level professionals can give about forty-eight dollars per year. A salary of gold pounds, and second-level professionals can be given a salary of about one hundred and fifty gold pounds per year."

This salary is actually not high.

Because the knights who are following Ivita now allocate land to them and make them loyal to them.

This is actually using land instead of money to pay them.

In other words, in this process, land is actually used as currency.

But if you purely use money to hire professionals, then the price given by Ivita is already on the low side, and it is basically difficult to recruit any serious professionals.

Recruiting professionals was something that a barony could not do. If it weren't for the huge wealth brought by the iron-casting business, Ivita would not have dared to be so heroic.

The housekeeper obviously understood this, and he said a little embarrassedly: "These conditions may not be so attractive to serious professionals."

Ivita said to the steward: "Then you can also declare to the outside world that I still have a viscounty territory overseas that is occupied by pirates. This recruitment they still intend to gather troops to take back my overseas territory."

"So, they have a chance to seal the land."

When the butler heard this, although he was confused about where Lord Ivita had obtained an overseas viscounty territory this time, he still said excitedly: "With this condition, even formal knights may be recruited. The conditions are very generous.”

What the knights are thinking about most is to establish military exploits in order to gain territory.

The condition given by Ivita, although it is a piece of pie, is a round and fragrant piece of pie that can make people linger.

No knight can resist this temptation.

In this era when the commodity economy is not yet very developed, land is the most valuable thing and the most expensive currency.

As long as he says this, custody can recruit many professionals.

But Ivita didn’t lie to them.

Although the expansion of the city guard force is more to prevent the war in the cemetery and Ambrose, it is also to lead troops to the pirate cross island in the near future to take back the viscounty that Milani transferred to him.

Ivita said to the steward: "In addition, you can also recruit some young men from within and outside the territory. As ordinary soldiers, their salary is four gold pounds and 12 shillings a year."

"About two hundred more people will be recruited."

"I will give you several of the lord's decrees signed by me later."

Ivita originally wanted to see his new castle first, but with so many things going on now, he might as well go back to the study to make a signature robot.

The housekeeper weighed it in his mind and realized that the price offered by Ivita to ordinary soldiers was much higher than the normal price.

Generally, the price offered by lords for soldiers was two and a half to three gold pounds a year.

This is roughly equivalent to a year's salary for a young skilled worker, which is considered an upper-middle income among local civilians.

Of course, soldiers have other additional income after all.

Ivita glanced at the steward and said, "I just want to give those ordinary soldiers more money, so that I can use strict laws to manage them so that they can do no harm to the citizens of the territory."

"If I don't increase their salary and make them cherish their current positions, no matter how severe the decrees I issue, the effect will not be very good."

The butler suddenly understood and showed admiration.

Ivita walked into the castle and entered the second floor of the castle. He came to the study, picked up the files and started working.

After signing a lot of documents and asking the servants to bring them to the butler, he began to look through the magic book of Destruction Cloak. When he learned this magic before, he found that no matter what he did, there would always be a detail that went wrong.

At that time, he knew that he might have gone astray, so he did not force the practice.

"Pan, the Hearthstone Witch, and the Ice Witch should be back soon. I can use the name of the alliance to ask them to give me a try."

Ivita thought. "There should be no problem with the spell Milani gave me, but why is there always an inexplicable resistance."

The war was coming, and he had to learn at least one defensive spell.

It is best if this defensive spell is more powerful so that he can protect himself.

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