The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 206 Hair magic and the helpless dark group

An iron carriage stopped at the exit of the territory. At first glance, the carriage was half the size of an ordinary bus on Earth. It was composed of eight iron wheels at the front and rear. The interior space was very large, suitable for storing some strategic materials and performing spell casting rituals. .

The iron carriage is essentially a huge carriage, so four doors and windows that can be opened are set on the iron wall, and each iron window is sealed inside with a hinge and a mortise lock.

Since the old witch poured the blood magic collected by tens of thousands of people into death on this iron carriage, on the iron wall of this iron carriage, as long as you lower your head and look carefully, you can find red blood threads on the iron wall.

Ivita and others surrounded the iron carriage and cast spells on it, which once again enhanced the strength of the iron carriage.

But no one had any intention of riding this iron carriage to the cemetery. There was no other reason than that the carriage was too ugly.

In the eyes of everyone, God Pan pressed his hand on the back of the carriage, then whispered a spell, then took out a cheetah's heart with his left hand, and threw it into the iron carriage. The carriage immediately moved, its wheels rolled forward for a while, and then automatically moved back.

The Hearthstone Witch whispered to Ivita and explained: "Your Majesty, this is a druid's unique spell. It gives life to lifeless substances by digging out the hearts of other animals. But the maintenance time is only It can be as long as the animal's heart is still beating, which is usually only a few days."

Pan whispered to the iron carriage: "To the edge of the town of Capa."

He turned to Ivita and said: "Xiao Yi, please use your magic to contact the Tide Murloc and let it change its current mission goal. Instead of hunting down the Cemetery Wizard, it will protect our iron carriage."

Ivita nodded, immediately closed her eyes, and used the magic of the Dragon Palace to contact the tidal fishman and ask him to protect the iron carriage.

Then the Ice Witch summoned her moose sleigh again, and this time she invited everyone to ride aboard.

The sled flew very fast and very steadily in the air. Apart from the biting cold wind, this was the first time Iveta sat on this sled. Looking down at the forests and villages that had become shadow dots on the ground, she felt that she was standing high. , look far away.

He looked up at the dim dusk and the setting sun again, and saw a group of crows flying past them, actually flying alongside them.

Iveta didn't know how high the Ice Witch's sled could fly, but he suddenly became curious about what was above the sky in this world.

Will there be an atmosphere?

Or, if they fly all the way up, they will not reach the universe, but will enter a sky space that is different from the earth?

Ivita thought that maybe the heavenly world in this world was heaven.

Around early in the morning, the ice witch's sleigh arrived near the cemetery. The ice witch said that she had made the sleigh invisible.

That way no one will find them.

Come to think of it, every time the Ice Witch travels on a sleigh, she makes the sleigh invisible.

Otherwise, it would be too strange to ride a sleigh and fly in the sky.

Looking down from the sleigh, everyone could see that a large number of soldiers appeared near the cemetery. These soldiers were checking almost every corner of the woods outside the town of Kapa.

At the same time, they were still on the sleigh and saw these soldiers transporting batches of glass mirrors to the small town of Kapa.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "The soldiers should be looking for magic traps hidden in the woods, as well as the hiding places set by the witches."

"Haha... This is really a big deal, using the army to search every corner of the forest. And they also discovered the weakness of the Celestial Sphere of Destruction."

Iveta saw it. Whenever a soldier in the woods discovered the magic hidden under the tree stump, he would call his companions over and destroy the tree with iron swords. Some people would be hurt by the magic, but more The soldiers relied on their numbers to destroy the magic hidden at the roots of the tree stump.

The magic traps set by the Witch Cemetery outside the town of Kapa are being broken one by one.

One soldier yelled, "I found a tree hole that can teleport people."

I saw him throwing a stone into the hole of an ancient tree, and the stone disappeared. This undoubtedly indicated that there was something wrong with the tree.

Then, the soldier called several more people, and together they chopped down the tree.

In this way, they destroyed the escape exit set up in the cemetery.

In addition, this strange army formed a dense phalanx, holding pieces of glass over their heads, and then began to approach the small town of Kapa.

The boundary between the town of Kapa and the forest is a piece of stone mushroom, which forms a circle around the town of Kapa.

The stone mushroom seemed to be a protective barrier in itself.

Can prevent mortals from entering.

Anyway, the army approaching the small town of Kapa was blocked outside.

But at this time, the witch hidden in the army casually threw a fire magic at the invisible barrier, and the invisible barrier broke through a hole. The stone mushrooms surrounding the hole began to burst one by one.

The army, numbering about two hundred people, immediately marched into the small town of Kapa with high spirits.

On the sleigh, the ice witch said: "Should we help them?"

Pan Shen smiled and said: "No need, there are still many people hiding nearby."

"The wizard who caused the earthquake before has entered the cemetery or something else."

Ivita said: "We just need to use this army to see the power of the Celestial Sphere of Destruction."

Everyone looked attentively.

The army that entered the cemetery through the magical gap in the barrier was immediately illuminated by black sunlight. Ivita and the others saw that the surrounding area of ​​Kappa Town was already filled with black light, and they could also see Kappa through the gap. There is a black sun in the inner space of the town, juxtaposed with the orange sun.

When the black sunlight hit the mirror held by the army, a lot of the light was reflected. For at least two minutes, the entire army was fine.

The witches mixed with the army burst out laughing. "This spell is nothing more than that."

"In the past few days, by observing the results of others entering the cemetery, I deduced that the magic loophole should be a mirror. Now it seems to be true..."

"The elemental flower is mine!"

At this moment, the mirrors held by the army crackled and cracked.

Everyone in the army screamed in horror.

"My arms are so hot. I can't hold the mirror anymore. What's going on?"

"Ah, you can't touch this black light. As soon as my fingers touch this black light, it will directly turn into debris. These debris are like fragments of ashes."

"No no no..."

Under the erosion of the black sunlight, the mirrors shattered piece by piece. The constant sound of shattering mirrors, coupled with the screams of the soldiers, made the [Talvaga] witch who led the army look extremely ugly. .

In less than ten minutes, almost all the mirrors were broken into pieces. A large number of soldiers in the army died. A small number of soldiers who wanted to turn around and run outside the stone mushroom circle did not take a few steps. Their bodies turned into The ashes became fly ash floating in the air.

Everyone outside was shocked when they saw this scene.

This scene is extremely tragic, but it is a scene that every intruder will inevitably experience after failing to succeed.

The Celestial Sphere of Destruction made breaking into Kapa Town a very costly move.

Witch Talwaga screamed, and the black light of destruction shone on her body, wearing down her spirituality every moment. Fortunately, she didn't go too deep, and she still had time to escape.

But just when the Tarwaga Witch was about to run out, suddenly an old woman stood in the gap.

The old witch had green teeth and a wicked smile on her face. "Want to leave? If you can't, just die in there."

Witch Talwaga's face changed drastically, and she roared angrily: "I have no grudge against you at all, so what's the point of letting me die here?"

"Let me go quickly."

She turned into a white dove in an instant, flapping her wings and trying to fly out.

But the green-toothed witch's hair suddenly fluttered automatically as if in the water, floating like a ribbon, and automatically tied to the white dove like a rope. No matter how the white dove beat its long hair with its claws, All in vain.

The Green Fang Witch itself is more powerful than her, not to mention that the Talwaga Witch is still under the black light and continues to lose a huge amount of spirituality and mana.

Not long after, the Talwaga witch died under the black sunlight. Her natural magic that turned into dozens of white doves was constantly destroyed by the black light and could not survive forever.

After seeing this scene, the old witch with green teeth smiled triumphantly, as if she felt very accomplished. "With one less opponent, I have one more chance to get the elemental flower."

"Idiot, you don't even understand such a simple truth."

Iveta, who had watched the whole scene, had a strange expression on her face. Is this what she calculated?

Please, you haven’t even been able to set foot around the small town of Kapa.

On the sleigh, the Hearthstone Witch said: "Did you see it? This is the consequences of being the first to be the first. Everyone here will only get worse."

Iveta suddenly said: "Have you noticed? After the green-toothed witch's hair was exposed to the black sunlight, only the ends of her hair were burned, and her hair did not turn into ashes."


Christine thinks the Green Teeth Witch is shameless. "This old fellow has lived in Ambrose a long time."

The Ice Witch explained to Ivita: "The Green Fang Witch is a great witch. Her natural magic is her hair. She is the ruler of the most famous water ghost in Ambrose. Her hair is both her natural magic and her hair." The source of her magic power is also the support of her law. Her hair can resist the celestial ball of destruction, we can understand it."

Ivita nodded. "Then we will act in secret and observe further."

Pan agreed and said, "What Iveta said makes sense."

"If we break in now, we will easily be attacked from both sides by the dark creatures in the cemetery and outside the cemetery. Never believe in the moral character of these guys who harm others and do not benefit themselves. If we go in and they can't, they will only attack us. Come so that no one can enter the cemetery.”

Ivita smiled bitterly.

This is too introverted.

The characters of these witches are really like some high-level demonic groups on earth that even hairy crabs want to report.

Ivita saw that at this time, the Green Teeth Witch began to try to enter the town of Kapa in her own way. She first tried to wrap her arm with her hair, and then stretched her entire arm through the stone mushroom circle. Suddenly The black sunlight hit her hair, making a sizzling sound.

But her hair did only have signs of burnt blackness on the surface.

Ivita thought he was going to succeed, but Milani was surprised and said: "Can she forcefully break into the cemetery with the hair of a water ghost?"

But not long after, under Iveta's doubtful gaze, the green-toothed witch retracted her hand in pain.

She untied her hair, only to find that her entire left arm was almost cooked.

The green-toothed witch screamed in pain, "I am too old and have too little hair. These hairs are too sparse and cannot completely wrap my arms, and a small part of the black light still leaks in. Damn it."

Iveta immediately understood the reason. Because of this guy's hair volume, it was impossible to wrap the hair around her arms without being light-tight.

Water ripples suddenly appeared under the green-toothed witch's hair. At first, Iveta thought she was using water magic, but what she saw crawling out from under her hair were people covered in water and looking emaciated.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Those are water ghosts, poor people who drowned in the Po River. Legend has it that all the water ghosts in Ambrose are commanded by the Green Fang Witch."

Iveta noticed that most of the water ghosts crawling out from under the green-toothed witch's long hair were half-grown children.

The green-toothed witch ordered the water ghosts to crawl through the circle of stone mushrooms and into the cemetery. Nothing happened to these water ghosts under the black sunlight.

But soon, white smoke came out of these water ghosts.

The water ghosts quickly transformed into the form of water elements.

But it was no use, they just lasted longer than ordinary flesh and blood bodies, and were also evaporated by the sun.

When the green-toothed witch saw that all the water ghosts she sent out had disappeared, she was so angry that she cursed. "Does it mean that even the body of the water element and the body of the undead can't withstand that celestial sphere?"

"Bastard thing."

"No, I can't break this formation alone. I have to find some scapegoats to get in."

The Green Teeth Witch saw that the stone mushroom shielding spell that had been broken by magic was about to repair itself. She waved her hand, and powerful water magic and undead magic impacted on this invisible barrier. Then almost half of the stone mushrooms cracked, protecting The shielding in the small town of Kapa has almost completely disappeared.

As soon as the shielding spell was destroyed, the dark creatures that were ready to move couldn't bear it anymore. A vampire suddenly rushed out of the woods and rushed into the town of Kapa, ​​shouting, "I am immortal." Vampires are not afraid of this black sun.

On the sled, Ivita had a strange expression. This guy was really confident.

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