The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 212 The Blood of Cemetery Ancestors and Traitors

Iveta opened the iron window and looked at these wizard apprentices who were guarding in front of the elemental flowers. At this moment, without any politeness, she used a hundred magic hands to turn into gravity, grabbed the stones in the weeds, and then Smashed at those wizard apprentices.



Like a cannonball, the stone turned into a straight afterimage in mid-air and hit the wizard apprentices.

These wizard apprentices all paused their movements and stopped in place. The thumbs of both hands were pressed against the thumbs and the index fingers were pressed against the index fingers. They pointed the triangle made by their fingers at Ivita and muttered something in their mouths.

Dozens of stone shells hit them in front of them, but they seemed to hit an invisible barrier.

At this moment, Ivita saw rows of translucent ghosts in front of the wizard apprentices. These ghosts were also repeating the spells of the wizard apprentices.

It is this act of the ghost repeating the incantation that strengthens the power of the twenty people's incantation into the power of the incantation that the ancestors in the cemetery are with them.

Behind Ivita, a red and black fireball appeared in the hand of the Hearthstone Witch. She threw the fireball at the wizard apprentices.

But the fire magic was also blocked by an invisible barrier.

At the same time, the Hearthstone Witch also saw a bunch of ghosts standing between her and the twenty wizard apprentices in the cemetery.

The Hearthstone Witch tilted her head and looked at the twenty wizard apprentices or witch apprentices with evil eyes. "I'm in a good mood today. I want to let you live. Who among you wants to live? Please come forward."

Pan, who was in the iron carriage, rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard the Hearthstone Witch's "One Way to Survive".

The wizard apprentices remained unmoved and continued to chant the spell.

Iveta said: "The spells these guys chant are just ordinary shielding spells. This is just defensive apprentice-level magic."

"A kind of force magic. But their graveyard ancestors, with them, amplify their power."

"This will make things very troublesome."

As Ivita spoke, she used a hundred magic arms to transform into different shearing, compressive, and tensile stresses to attack the wizards' shielding spells, but the invisible shield remained motionless, seemingly completely ignoring her own magic. hand attack.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "No wonder Hugo dared to close the Celestial Sphere of Destruction, let us come over, and let us get close to the Elemental Flower."

"So that's what happened."

Yvetta did not respond to the Hearthstone Witch's words because he felt it was wrong.

If that's the case, based on Hu Ge's past actions, there must be traps.

You need to be careful yourself.

At this time, Ivita saw among the ghosts standing between herself and the wizard apprentices, a beautiful woman wearing a black witch robe and a witch hat suddenly left her position, walked to the left, and He kept staring at himself with two eyes, as if he was interested.

Ivita looked at her, raised her eyebrows, and was about to speak.

The other party, however, put his finger to his lips to signal Ivita not to speak.

She stood on the far left side of the ghosts, and then pointed to her right side with her left hand, as if to indicate that Ivita should pass.

But Iveta didn't know who this guy was. He was from the enemy's camp and was still fighting. Naturally, he couldn't get over.

'The ghost walked among the ghosts with a calm demeanor, and all the ghosts were avoiding him wherever he went. ’

Ivita thought: 'Milanni and Frankska said that the ancestors in the current cemetery are mainly Hugo's mother. Could it be said that this ghost woman is Hugo's mother, but why is she pointing me in a direction? ? ’

Iveta was thinking about it when she heard a loud noise in her ears, and saw twenty wizard apprentices pointing the triangles wrapped around their fingers at the Hearthstone Witch. Suddenly, the Hearthstone Witch flew backwards, It hit the iron carriage hard.

There was nothing wrong with the iron carriage, but the Hearthstone Witch got up and held her waist.

She was outraged.

"Damn you brats." Hearthstone Witch looked at them fiercely and said, "I originally wanted one of you to survive, but who knew you were so stupid, and now I won't even give you a way to survive!"

When the cemetery wizards heard this, they immediately looked at each other, and everyone began to be afraid.

The opponent's enemy is so cruel and ruthless.

Fortunately, everyone had a firm consciousness just now and did not listen to the witch's slander.

Thinking of this, they aimed at the Hearthstone Witch again and knocked the Hearthstone Witch away again.

The Hearthstone Witch crawled out of the earth again, disheveled and pissed off. "Damn it, if I hadn't been attacked by magic now, you would have died!"

Ivita was speechless.

He looked at the wizards in the cemetery. "If I say that when I kill Hugo, I will leave the cemetery immediately and will never hurt you."

"Can you give up your resistance?"

"I know you will say no, because it has no benefit or harm to you, so you don't need to gamble."

Ivita said: "Then I will give you some more benefits. If you give up resistance now, you will all get more resources in the cemetery in the future. Because Hugo is dead, and you will become the new elders of the cemetery. "

Ivita said grandly.

The cemetery wizards were about to ask you why you could do this. Who knew that Milani stepped off the iron carriage, looked at them and said: "What Ivita said is exactly my promise to you."

"Don't you know it yet, but Ivita is the one who started the fire."

"Hugo wants to kill the fire starters, and has already killed countless fire starters."

"Hu Ge is the enemy of our cemetery. If you give up your resistance now, I will not only let go of the past, but I will also be able to reuse you in the future."

The cemetery wizards were dumbfounded.

Milani, as the leader of their new generation, actually surrendered to the enemy.

Moreover, the hateful young wizard in front of him was actually the one who started the fire.

The cemetery wizards began to struggle, but these people were all die-hard fans of Hu Ge. After discussion, they all convinced themselves.

"Ivita, Milani, we are loyal to Hugo, not to the Chitose Fire and the Cemetery."

"We only owe allegiance to those we can see."

"The cemetery and Chitose Fire are too imaginary, but Hugo is a real person. We are pragmatic people, so we are only loyal to him. Whoever started the fire, go to hell."

Milani sighed and said to Ivita: "I am very disappointed in these people. It seems that these people have betrayed the cemetery."

Ivetta said: "It's not without its benefits, you see."

Milani looked back and saw the ghosts of the ancestors in the cemetery. After hearing the words of the cemetery apprentices, they walked away for most of them.

The cemetery wizards fell into a panic.

"Ancestors, why are they gone?"

"Come back quickly, ancestor!"

"What's going on? Why don't our ancestors protect us? This is a cemetery!"

Ivita laughed and said to them: "You can't enjoy all the benefits, be a traitor, and have the ancestors of the cemetery protect you."

"Since you have enjoyed the benefits of being pragmatic and ignoring morality, you should no longer expect your ancestors to help you."

The faces of the cemetery wizards all looked bad, and some of the cemetery wizards' faces were red with shame.

They even began to hesitate. "Did we really do something wrong? How about we get out of here."

One wizard even left the elemental flower with hesitation, left his companions, and quit summoning ancestors in the cemetery.

But there are still wizard apprentices who are very stubborn. They said confidently: "We still have the protection of half of the ancestors in the cemetery. What are we afraid of! As long as the ancestors protect us, we will still be invincible."

Ivita guessed that the remaining half of the ancestors were forced to stay by Hugo's mother.

The female ghost wearing the wizard's hat looked up at herself again, looking at herself with a smile in her eyes.

Ivita has been able to confirm her identity.

I just don't know what she wants to do.

Could it be said that Hu Ge's mother also has her own plan?

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