The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 219 Entering the Lost City Again!

Everyone looked at the dark and deep maze and felt confused for a moment. The entire maze was as complicated as a kingdom.

Puss in Boots led everyone along a corridor and started walking forward. They walked a thousand meters and passed countless corridors and doors of cement houses, but nothing changed.

This is still an extremely complex maze.

Puss in Boots stood in front of a cement house, thought for a moment, and then pushed open the door attached to the cement house. After opening the door, he found that it was an empty room.

Beta Wolf walked in curiously.

Puss said: "Come out quickly."

The moment Beta Wolf entered, the giant blade hanging on the roof of this room fell down, and the giant blade directly cut Beta Wolf's left arm.

"Ah!" Beta Wolf jumped back suddenly, and at the same time avoided the second giant ax falling from the roof.

Beta Wolf, who was hiding outside, was panting. He saw his arm on the floor of the concrete house being burned by a ball of flame.

Everyone was also surprised.

The ice witch frowned and said, "This maze seems to have strong guards. They are guarding something."

Milani said: "Look at the writing on the wall of this room."

"But I don't seem to have seen such a word."

Everyone looked at the writing on the wall and could only shake their heads, because they had never seen such writing before.

Puss said to Pan, "Don't you have the ability to recognize any words?"

"That's it." Pan Shen narrowed his eyes and looked at the words on the cement wall. "This kind of writing seems to be some kind of sacrificial body, so it looks elegant, solemn and concise."

"But why is there such writing in the spiritual world of a mortal?"

The Hearthstone Witch's shoulders jumped in fright. She had already made up her mind to bury the secret of how she summoned Ivita to this world.

Pan read the meaning of the words on the cement house. "Only the chosen ones can exit this maze. All ghosts and gods from all directions are the guardians of the maze."

Pan explained: "This labyrinth is indeed guarded by guards."

"Someone has added protection to Ivita's spiritual world. I don't know why. Don't be too afraid. After all, the spiritual world is different from reality. There are more illusions here, but our magic power will also become stronger."

Everyone walked down with worries, and they opened a few more doors on the way, and there were different things behind the doors.

One is a little man-eating giant that rushes out as soon as the door is opened, attacking everyone in sight indiscriminately.

Some are wild wolves, some even have human soldiers behind the doors, and some have three-headed sea snakes behind the doors.

These things were not very powerful, so they were quickly eliminated. However, Pan Shen and the others felt that they had been in the maze for several hours and found nothing, which made everyone feel upset.

Just when everyone was anxious, Ripper Wilson made an unexpected move. He actually used the [Mental Force] skill on the soldiers who rushed out from behind a door.

Ripper Wilson showed his vampire fangs, and he bared his teeth at the soldier, "I don't want to stay in this maze forever."

"This is the spiritual world anyway. As long as I pass this soldier, I can forcefully plant the spirit into Ivita's body and force Ivita to let us leave the maze. I should have done this long ago!"

"Tell me how to get out of this maze."

His pupils met the soldier's.

Everyone was startled by his reckless behavior, and Puss in Boots walked over to stop him. "Wait a minute, this is Ivita's spiritual world. His spiritual world is mixed with too much power. If you use mental forcing skills, it will only anger the power hidden in his spiritual world. None of us know what those powers are. How powerful they are, and where are their limits.”

Puss in Boots kindly advised: "Meow~ Stop it quickly, don't make things worse."

Ripper Wilson became angry: "I'm different from you. I'm not Ivita's friend or ally. Tell me how to get out of the maze, tell me!"

The soldier wearing muscle armor looked confused for a while, and then his eyes suddenly turned fierce. "You'll never get out."

At the same time, the entire complex maze shook.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in the ground, and everyone - Pan, Hearthstone Witch, Puss in Boots, Ice Witch, Milani and Christine absorbed it. Only the Green-Tooth Witch, Vampire Wilson and Beta Werewolf remained in place. .

Ripper Wilson looked at the Green Teeth Witch and Beta Werewolf dumbfounded, spread his hands and said, "Are we abandoned now?"

"Why are there only three of us here now?"

The green-toothed witch collapsed on the ground. "We can never get out, we will just stay in this maze from now on."

"Maybe that's not bad."

The Beta werewolf said angrily to the two of them: "It turns out that I am the only normal person here."

He said to the two of them: "Cheer up. If we stay here all the time, we will only die. I don't want to be assimilated. We can continue to explore the maze, and maybe we can find Puss in Boots and the others."

Pan, Hearthstone Witch, Puss in Boots, Ice Witch, Milani and Christine fell all the way. Soon their eyes lit up, and then they fell into the blue sky, above the white clouds, beside the sun. , and keep company with the birds.

Everyone saw the huge concentric city in the plain below, with busy traffic, high-rise buildings, each building was dozens of stories high, and there were many cars on the road.

The Hearthstone Witch was shocked. "Where is that underneath?"

"I don't know." God Pan said: "It feels like we are in another world, which may be the world Ivita is familiar with. Ah, Ivita is calling us now. We are closer to Ivita's humanity. .”

Everyone fell to the ground.

They landed at the intersection, causing a traffic jam immediately. The middle-aged traffic policeman, who was satisfied with his thick hair on his head, came over, glared at a group of people, and said, "Why are you weird people blocking the intersection?" Mouth."

"You leave quickly or I will arrest you."

After that, he touched the horns on Pan Shen's head. Pan Shen narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at this man in "fancy clothes".

God Pan suddenly said: "Where is this place?"

The middle-aged man wearing a traffic police uniform immediately twitched his lips when he heard this. "What you say is so funny. Who knows where this place is? This is the [Lost City]!"

Pan Shen's eyes flickered. If it had been anyone else, the person in front of him would have been dead.

But this was Ivita's spiritual world, and he couldn't tell what would happen if someone killed people here. After all, Ripper Wilson had learned from his mistakes before.

And, although the spiritual world can't help but be weird, it's too weird here.

Where is this place?


Pan looked back and saw that the Hearthstone Witch actually lifted up a car that hit her. Of course, nothing happened to the Hearthstone Witch, and the front of the car flattened.

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the young couple in the car angrily, "Okay, you two are going to attack me, right?"

"Watch me shake you off."

As she spoke, she actually shook the car, scaring the couple inside to scream.

The middle-aged traffic policeman was so frightened that he quickly crossed the intersection and went to the traffic police booth to get his gun. He took out his pistol from the traffic police booth and pointed the gun at Pan Shen and the Hearthstone Witch. "Are you terrorists? Hahaha, I have been a traffic policeman here for so many years, and this is the first time I have met you people. I will arrest you today."

Pan and Puss saw what was going on, and quickly grabbed the old witch's shoulders and dragged her away.

Several people trotted all the way to a small corner.

God Pan was dissatisfied with the Hearthstone Witch: "You are too impulsive. What if your actions cause bad consequences?"

The Hearthstone Witch crossed her arms and said, "I am the victim."

Pan Shen said: "I know you are. But you are still a great witch. Being able to handle things calmly is the privilege of the strong."

The ice witch said to everyone: "This place looks like a different world now, but this should be Ivita's spiritual world."

"How do we find him now?"

Puss, smiled and pointed above their heads. "Yes, it's all effortless. We've found Ivita."

"Since we can find Ivita while running around in this city, it means that Ivita's consciousness is also looking for us."

Everyone looked up and saw Christine and Milani reading the names of the billboards above them.

"The Psychological Counseling Office of Lost Heart House is headed by Mr. Ivita, a graduate of Harvard University, who treats difficult and miscellaneous diseases such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and anxiety."

Everyone also saw Ivita's portrait on the billboard. Ivita, dressed in white clothes, was spotless and standing confidently.

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes lit up. "Finally found it."

"Let's quickly follow the arrow to find him and bring him back so that the Titanosaurus in the real world will disappear."

"let's go."

The Hearthstone Witch was afraid that if she continued like this, it would be revealed how she summoned Ivita into the magical dark forest, so she rushed to the fifth floor of the apartment building following the address prompted by the billboard.

Because they can't take the elevator, everyone takes the stairs.

Pan was amazed as he walked up the stairs. "The nature of this world seems to be more severely suppressed. These hard stones and the steel bars inside the stones make nature howl overwhelmed. If this is not Ivita's spiritual world, I will summon the tree king here, Let it destroy this terrible city of steel and stone."

The ice witch replied: "Perhaps this is also a form of nature. Could it be said that nature can only be jungles and mountains?"

Pan Shen smiled, there was no need to answer the question of road dispute.

Because if you continue to talk, you will have to fight for your life.

Soon, we reached the fifth floor.

All the rooms on the fifth floor have been opened, and they are all rooms of the Lost Heart House Psychological Counseling Clinic.

The young lady at the front desk wearing a black professional skirt suddenly looked embarrassed when she saw so many people. "Ah, there are so many of you. Which of you wants to see a doctor?"

The Hearthstone Witch immediately said, "We all need to see a doctor. We all have a disease."

With that said, she was about to walk in.

The lady at the front desk hurriedly stood in front of them and said to them: "Wait a minute, I'm sorry, guests."

"There are still patients at Dr. Ivita's place now. You need to make an appointment and wait for me to call you before you can enter. Hey, wait a minute."

The Hearthstone Witch pushed her away. "Get out of here."

"leave me alone."

At this time, Ivita, wearing a doctor's white clothes, walked out together with a middle-aged guest with a beard.

The middle-aged man with a full beard and a Mediterranean appearance held Ivita's hand as he walked out and said, "Mr. Ivita, if it weren't for you, my obsessive-compulsive disorder would never be cured. . The faces of the women I have personal relationships with always appear forcibly in my mind, making it impossible for me to work."

Ivita nodded to him professionally, "You actually feel guilty because you have too many lovers."

"From the perspective of a member of society, I think you are a scumbag."

"But from a professional perspective as a doctor, I want to tell you that there is no need for you to feel guilty. You are great, you are excellent."

"You are doing a service to all of humanity."

The man with a gray beard nodded excitedly: "Doctor, why do I now feel that everything you said is the truth?"

"You seem to have new patients coming, go and treat them."

Ivita nodded, then looked indifferently at Pan, the Hearthstone Witch, Milani, Christine, Puss in Boots and the Ice Witch.

"So, are there a total of six patients this time? Please come in and tell me your condition so that I can confirm which part of you has a mental problem."

The Hearthstone Witch rushed up, held Ivita's hand, and said: "Your Majesty, wake up quickly."

"You are a powerful wizard, not a doctor who serves people."

"You have defeated the demon incarnated by Hugo, and now that guy is hiding deep in the cemetery. The secrets in the cemetery, the most important secrets of Chitose Fire, are now undefended in front of you, waiting for your review. Hurry up. Get out of here with me."

Ivita broke away from the old witch's hand and looked at her indifferently. "Old man, you are ill."

"Have you started to have delusions?"

"Okay, according to your worldview system, now assume that psychiatrists are wizards and wizards are psychiatrists."

Iveta said to the Hearthstone Witch: "And what I want to do now is to let you open your heart and explore your secrets. You have to share all your secrets with me."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes lit up. "Your Majesty, does being a psychiatrist mean that you can know all the secrets of others? Is that so good?"

Iveta turned around, opened the clinic door, and said, "Of course."

"This is what a psychiatrist does. Others, please come in. You first go to the cubicle in the room, which is a lounge where I usually rest."

Iveta walked to her desk, opened her laptop, and started printing a psychological assessment test report on the printer.

Seeing that Ivita could not remember them, everyone had no choice but to walk into the office, wanting to take a closer look.

At least they had found Ivita.

As long as Ivita is awakened, they can solve this crisis and enjoy the fruits of victory over the cemetery!

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