The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 221 God’s Law, God’s Grace, and the Fourth Level Hunter (4209)

In the psychiatrist's consultation room, everyone looked at Pan Shen.

Ivita asked God Pan: "Since Babylon, the emperor of Chaldea, imprisoned the believers of the God of All Things, how could Babylon, the emperor of Chaldea, trust the prophet of the God of All Things to interpret his dreams? ?Isn’t he afraid of being deceived and misled?”

Pan sat on a stool and said, "That's because the emperor of Babylonia-Chaldea at that time searched for wise men in the country, but none of the wise men's interpretations of his dream satisfied him."

"No one in the country could interpret his dream."

"Only the prophet of the God of All can interpret his dreams."

In the curious eyes of everyone, God Pan continued: "The prophet interpreted for him the dream of the Babylonian-Chaldean emperor. First of all, I will explain the dream of the Babylonian-Chaldean emperor. First, the first giant beast came from Appearing in the red ocean, it was a huge monster with the wings of an eagle and the body of a tiger. When it appeared, it ate all the fruits around it with lightning speed."

"This is the first monster."

"Then came the second monster. This monster was a huge lion in its entirety, but it had 4,444 heads and a total of 27 horns. It emerged from the sea, like an iron wall, with fire breathing out of its mouth. When it appeared, it ate half of the first monster's body in one bite, then stepped on three continents and ruled tens of thousands of countries."

"This is the second monster."

Everyone in the psychological consultation room looked strange.

Ivita said: "What about the third monster and the fourth monster?"

Pan said: "The third monster is even more powerful. The third monster is a powerful cheetah. It has eight heads and 666 pairs of wings. It only has two horns. It appears quickly. , and disappeared quickly.”

"This monster carries the authority of God and has obtained...the law of God."

Ivita frowned.

God's law?

Instead, the Hearthstone Witch couldn't wait to urge Pan to continue speaking. "Tell me quickly, Pan, what is the fourth monster?"

Pan paused. "The fourth monster is the most powerful monster. It is far superior to the other three beasts and has supreme authority. It tramples and destroys countless things. It can destroy all the countries around it and destroy everything around it. It’s a terrible red dragon with thirteen heads but only one horn.”

"When it appeared, in the Chaldean Emperor's dream, even the sea parted, revealing a bottomless pit under the ocean. The fallen angels who had fallen to the Infinite Land would also come out of it at that time. , and devote all his strength to the red dragon."

While everyone was holding their breath, Pan Shen continued: "But the God of all things will also give God's grace to the red dragon so that it can gain the power to exist forever."

Ivita left the psychiatrist's seat, walked out of the desk, and came to Pan. "The red dragon should be a symbol of the ancient civilization, so the fourth beast should refer to the ancient civilization. Therefore, the fourth monster in the Chaldean emperor's dream points to the future appearance that can conquer everything. The enemy will destroy the ancient civilizations of all countries. Moreover, the ancient civilizations will also gain God’s grace and power that can rival the fallen angel king.”

"Tell me about the emperor's dream that the prophet interpreted, Pan."

"I want to know what the first three beasts are pointing to, and the horns, heads, wings and feet of these beasts seem to have some specific symbols."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that their efforts were finally paying off.

Because Ivita has begun to regain her memory.

God Pan glanced at Ivita calmly, and then continued: "The prophet interpreted the dream of the Chaldean Empire. He said that these four beasts represent four great empires that will appear in the future. The first one has an eagle. The giant tiger beast with wings points to the Babylonian-Chaldean Empire, because the Babylonian-Chaldean Empire used a unified language to conquer city-states in different regions and spoke different languages. This is equivalent to the Chaldean Emperor. I saw in my dream that the giant tiger with eagle wings would eat the scattered fruits.”

"And the second giant beast, the lion with 444 heads, was prophesying the fire civilization that had not yet been born at that time."

"The head represents power, and the number four hundred and forty-four is a divisor, which means infinite power."

"So once the civilization of fire appears, it is destined to eat up half of Babylon, the Chaldean Empire."

"The civilization of fire has twenty-seven horns, so they are destined to have twenty-seven wise emperors."

"The third civilization that received God's law, from the prophet's mouth, pointed to the ancient world that will appear in the future. Because the cheetah has 666 wings, it will fly at extremely fast speeds. Speed ​​conquers all, then dies, leaving only the law of God.”

"The fourth giant beast is indeed pointing to the ancient civilization." God Pan spread his hands, "I just don't know how Ivita guessed it right."

Ivita's eyes flickered, because he had also heard the story of the four beasts in another world.

But the four beasts there are completely different from the four beasts now, and I don't know what the connection is.

Ivita said: "But what is the relationship between this god and the four beasts?"

God Pan said: "Of course it is related. According to the church, the God of all things divided his power into [God's law] and [God's grace], and gave them to the third beast and the fourth beast respectively. The ancient world and ancient civilization emerged from among the beasts and became eternal beasts.”

"This represents the agreement signed between the God of All Things and the two civilizations, and now... do you think this agreement will disappear after the collapse of the ancient civilization?"

God Pan looked at Ivita and said: "Now our era - the era of the Magical Black Forest, is being gifted by the huge corpse of the ancient civilization. The ancient civilization and its laws have indeed collapsed, but some ghosts There are still ghosts of these ancient civilizations resurrecting in our current country again and again, and they never move forward."

“That’s why the church cooperates with all nations. Because in the eyes of the church, the grace of God in ancient civilizations and the law of God in the ancient world still exist in the current human society like an invisible ghost. "

“This is the relationship of the Church to the nations now.”

Ivita asked God Pan strangely, "But why did the God of all things only need to send prophets and appoint his own kings before, but now the God of all things needs the church?"

Pan Shen said quickly: "This part of the content is too complicated, and even I only know some superficial things."

"I only know that the Son of God once came to this world. After the Son of God was executed by mortals, his body became a saint and became the church."

“The Church is the incarnation of the Son of God of all things—the Word made flesh.”

"Therefore, the church has the right to manage the belief in the God of all things. The church believes that all beliefs in the God of all things must go through the church as a transit station in order to be true and correct."

God Pan stared at Ivita and said, "Now, have you finally remembered?"

Ivita smiled bitterly. "When a psychiatrist takes off his professional attire, he is no longer a psychiatrist."

"Now in this psychological counseling clinic, there are no more superior psychiatrists. Each of the seven of us is a patient."

Pan, Puss in Boots, and the Witch of Hearthstone laughed.

They succeeded!

Ivita, however, became serious towards Pan. "There are some things that I still don't understand. Did the God of all things create the real world?"

“What does the God of all have to do with law, and what is the difference between God’s law and ordinary and universal law?”

"And the grace of the God of all things seems to override the law of the God of all things, so what is grace?"

Pan nodded. "Good questions, they are all important questions."

"Unfortunately, I don't know."

"What the church has always preached is that the God of all things created all things in the world. But their church scriptures vaguely state that they are latecomers several times."

"Historically, it is true that law appeared before God. It is a trivial matter for universal law to suppress ordinary gods, but I have never seen the God of all things directly confront universal law."

God Pan said: "I guess God's laws are just some laws created by the God of all things when he came to this world."

"That's right. The church has always promoted that the God of all things will appear in different images in different worlds."

Ivita narrowed her eyes.

He also remembered something. In the Daniel chapter of the Bible, it was also mentioned that Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

There are also four beasts among them, but these four beasts are completely different from the four beasts mentioned by Pan God in terms of content and essential meaning.

Could it be said that the God of all things is really connected with God?

By the way, there seems to be a Santa Claus in this world, and Pan, as the god of agriculture and animal husbandry, has also appeared on the earth.

Pan said to Ivita: "Boy, now that you have woken up."

"Then take us out quickly. If this continues, we are afraid of being assimilated into your spiritual world."

"How do we get out of here?"

Ivita scratched her head, "The way I left here last time was by falling into a body of water. Maybe the way to leave this city is through water?"

Christine immediately said: "You said before that there is a statue fountain downstairs."

"That fountain can grant people's wishes, and there must be water in the fountain."

Ivita nodded and said, "Then let's go to the fountain."

Ten minutes later, they walked downstairs and came to the fountain.

Pan tentatively put his finger in the water of the fountain, and suddenly a whirlpool appeared in the water and sucked him in.

Puss said: "It seems that water is indeed the key and the door to leave here."

"We guessed it right."

Ivita looked at these guys leaving here one by one with a strange expression.

Before leaving, the Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, you have to come out as soon as possible. I always feel that God Pan has an ulterior motive. We cannot let him enter the cemetery first."

"This guy knows so much. Once he enters the cemetery first and takes the lead, it will definitely be very troublesome."

After saying that, the Hearthstone Witch also jumped into the fountain.

After the Hearthstone Witch also left, Christine and Ivita were the only ones left in front of the fountain.

Christine looked at the fountain and instead threw the hunter's knife into the fountain. Iveta watched the hunter's knife fall into the bottom of the fountain with a 'plop' and suddenly had a headache. He said to Christine: "What are you doing?"

"How embarrassed would I be if you left your hunter power in my spiritual world?"

Christine pursed her lips, and then looked at Ivita strangely. "There is something I have been trying, but I have always failed. But today, in order to help you, you told me something."

"This made me realize that maybe I had done something wrong before."

Christine looked at Ivita ghostly. "I spent five years, consulting many classical books, trying to break through the shackles of the hunter level - the third level, and become the first fourth level hunter. But I always failed."

"Now I want to take a gamble and see if the wishing well in your spiritual world can fulfill my wish."

This was also the reason why she suddenly chose to let Maximian, the ancestor of the black bear people, go when she first discovered that Ivita was the one Chitose Fire loved, so she sold him to him to save face.

At that time, she thought about using the power of the Thousand Years Fire.

Now, perhaps there is a more direct approach.

Christine turned around and jumped to the wall of the wishing pool. She kept making wishes in her heart, so that the hunter would have the fourth level corresponding to the high-level witch and the high-level knight.

She wants to do what humans cannot.

Then, the dagger in the wishing pool actually changed accordingly.

On the upper side of the hollow part of the dagger, a blood-penetrating groove appeared like a German sword.

And on the back of the dagger, there were protruding sharp inverted blades.

Kristine opened her eyes with a look of ecstasy, "It actually...succeeded."

"Because of the deal between the contract monster and the first-generation hunter, as long as one hunter can break through to the fourth level, earl level, the rest of the hunters will also have such a possibility. Although the road ahead is still difficult, only those who can achieve this achievement within a hundred years There are only a few people, but this is no longer a fantasy, it is possible.”

Christine looked at Ivita in confusion. "But this is just a wishing fountain in a small corner of your spiritual world."

"Why does it really work?"

"Ivetta, who...are you?"

Ivita blinked and looked at the Odin statue in the wishing fountain. He could feel the power coming to the Odin statue.

In fact, it was not him who helped Kristen, but Kristen who achieved herself.

Ivita suddenly thought that Odin, as the God-King of War, had the responsibility to meet powerful warriors and cultivate warrior spirits.

It was Christine's change in mentality that successfully attracted Odin's magical power, so she was able to successfully make a wish in this wishing pool.

If someone else made a wish in front of the statue of Odin, it might not be effective at all.

Iveta could only say to Christine: "I think people can only help themselves, rather than others helping you."

"Kristen, maybe you can break through to the fourth level because of your own strength."

Kristen smiled, turned around and jumped into the fountain water. "Forget it, I don't understand you, so I'm too lazy to think about it that much."

"You will be my brother from now on."

"I'll cover you."

"You'd better leave your spiritual world quickly, otherwise too many people will enter the cemetery before you."

Because it is May Day, the author =-= may only be able to update one page. It depends on whether the author has time to write the second one when he returns from dinner.

But I promise, there will be more updates tomorrow.

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