The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 223 Four kinds of natal magic! Lightning fire magic!

After Ivita determined the type of thunder magic contained in this elemental flower, he read the spell in the magic book to contain the elemental flower. He recited it once, and suddenly the thunder elemental flower flew up on the spot like a butterfly, and flew in Ivita's direction. The right eye of the tower turned around.

Iveta said: "It seems that the elemental flowers will be attracted to the thunder pool in my right eye. Planting the elemental flowers into the thunder pool in my right eye is also a good choice."

Thinking of this, he closed his left eye, stimulated the lightning magic in his right eye, and used the lightning magic to attract the thunder element flower.

Suddenly, the thunder element flower flew into Ivita's right eye, like a transformed light blue butterfly falling into the thunder pool.

Soon, the thunder element flower extended its roots, planted into the thunder pool, and merged with Ivita's power.

At this moment, Ivita felt powerful magic emanating from the thunder element flower, and it was continuously transmitted to her body, nearly doubling her total magic power of thunder and lightning attributes, and indirectly affecting part of her body. The properties of thunder element magic.

Ivita raised her hands. In her left hand was ordinary lightning, sparks of electricity flashing in the palm of her left hand. In her right hand was a blue lightning, with deep darkness in the lightning. It was Lan Lei.

Ivita opened the window with her magic hand, pointed it at the sky, and used the lightning spell. He specially used this kind of mist thunder.

Suddenly, bolts of lightning shot towards the sky like a tide. Each of these misty thunders was a blue thumb-sized pillar of light. The attack was a step up from ordinary lightning magic, and it was more condensed in form.

It has the power of thunder magic and the vigor of wind magic.

The sky around the roof was ionized.

"No wonder the elemental flower is a treasure that all witches are fighting for. This source of magic power hardly requires me to do anything. When I wanted to accept it as the source of my own magic power, I really did it. "Iveta said: "There is no risk of magic, it can be absorbed quickly, and it is a relatively advanced source of magic power. There is no requirement for the talents of wizards and witches. This kind of thing is indeed a treasure."

Ivita changed the direction of using thunder magic. He aimed at a huge tree outside the window. Suddenly, a pillar of light struck it and penetrated the tree.

But unlike ordinary lightning-struck trees, the entire trunk of the tree was not only struck by lightning, but almost every inch was destroyed by lightning.

Thunder magic, which incorporates the wind element, inherits the attack density of wind magic.

Every bolt of lightning magic actually attacks the fibers of the tree. The entire tree did not fall down after the lightning strike. However, if you look closely, you can see that the inside of the trunk of the tree, which can only be held by several people, is empty, only the burned tree. The skin is supporting.

Ivita used the lightning spell at the sky with all his strength, and suddenly a thunder snake flew out from his right eye. There was a faint bulge in the middle of the snake's forehead, which seemed to have ungrown horns. The blue snake body was in the air. The sky lingered, and lightning struck down under the sky to protect it.

Ivita looked at the terrifying thunder magic, and it was hard to imagine that it was the original lightning spell.

When I first used the lightning spell, it was just the most common apprentice-level magic. But now I am afraid that other wizards will see this scene and think that Ivita has used some more powerful thunder magic spell. Woolen cloth.

Ivita looked at the thunder magic outside the window and thought deeply.

"Since the power has been so greatly improved, let's change the name of this magic and call it [Lightning Fire Magic]. Now the lightning fire magic has caught up with the power of Dragon Palace Magic and Firebird Magic. This is probably the reason why Lan Lei and The elemental flowers and the thunder pool add to my magic, but I’m afraid it’s also because it’s my natal magic.”

Ivita felt a sense of judgment transmitted from the thunder snake, "The magic of my life requires me to have an understanding of magic."

"My belief in magic, but I didn't go through this stage at all. I directly possessed my own magic because I became a titan dragon."

"In other words, the current natal magic actually belongs to the original Titan Dragon. It gave the lightning spell faith."

"The Titan Dragon's thunder magic at that time had the intention of judging mortals. My current lightning attribute magic, Lightning Spell, also has this spiritual intention."

Ivita became confused. "It's just that I don't even know my understanding of magic now."

"You can't ask that titan dragon, because that's me."

Thunder snakes swim in the sky, and thunder and lightning fall wherever they go.

The residents of the small town of Kapa initially thought that a storm was coming, and many people rushed out of their homes to collect their clothes. In this era, a piece of clothing with good fabrics can often be worn by several generations.

But soon, they discovered that there was light and thunder in the sky and there was no rain.

Everyone was cursing the horrible weather, but they didn't expect that the instigator was testing his magic in a separate villa-type house.

In the cemetery, Frankska looked at the snakes in the sky and couldn't help but sigh, "Ivita's power has become stronger."

"That thunder snake feels too dangerous."

"Milani, I always feel that a barony cannot accommodate Ivita. Do you think his next target will be where Ambrose is?"

Milani looked at the lightning snake in the sky and suddenly smiled. "It can't be Ambrose, I gave my ancestral territory to Ivita."

Frankska looked at her. "Are you willing to do this?"

Milani smiled and said: "Let the pirates face the Razer in the sky. I hope their expressions will not be too ugly when they see this Razer again on a stormy night."

Frankska nodded. "Indeed, this can be considered a good thing for both us and Ivita."

In the small town of Kapa, ​​God Pan glanced at the Razer outside the window on the second floor, and then closed his eyes quietly.

However, he silently recited a name in his mouth. "Ivita..."

On the first floor, Iveta felt that her Fire Bird Magic and Dragon Palace Magic had actually been upgraded to natal magic, and even war-attribute magic - throwing magic. Now only the heaven-attribute magic and the destruction-attribute magic were left. Magic has not yet been upgraded to natal magic.

Ivita felt that after being promoted to natal magic, the power of her four attribute magics had approximately doubled in power.

He decided to test the power of the other natal magics after a while. The first priority was to figure out why after he transformed from a titan dragon into a human, four kinds of magic suddenly became natal magics, and he didn't know it yet. Are these four natal magic beliefs consistent?

But I seem to be lacking this crucial memory.

However, he has a solution to this problem.

Because he can let Vampire Wilson use mental compulsion to forcibly awaken his memory and see how he possesses his own magic.

He has a gnosis fog structure and a huge spirituality, so Wilson's mental compulsion can't actually affect him.

But he still had to be prepared to have the Hearthstone Witch keep an eye on Wilson.

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