The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 228 Treasures of the Ancient World Goodbye Bronze Mask! (6513)

Inside the temple.

Ivita glanced at Pan, and then said: "Wilson, you go through the bronze door first."

Ripper Wilson was puzzled.

Ivita explained to Wilson: "We don't know if the underground space behind the bronze door is dangerous, but you are already dead, and vampires are immortal, so you go in and explore it first. If you mind, then You don’t have to go.”

"Well, you're right." Wilson smiled at Ivita. He had just joined Ivita's camp, so of course he wanted to show off.

Moreover, vampires with immortality are indeed the best candidates to explore unknown areas.

Wilson first passed through the bronze door and walked down the moss-covered steps. He walked down for about fifty meters, and then shouted to Ivita and others: "Lord Ivita, it is very safe down there, there is no problem. "

"You can come down now."

Before Ivita could enter, Pan jumped in.

Seeing this, Ivita could only glance at Milani and the Hearthstone Witch. "Which of you is guarding the entrance will come down with me."

Milani had doubts because of the words of Elder Frankska, and she could not accept the truth about Chitose Fire.

She was afraid that what the elder said was completely true and she would not be able to accept it.

So Milani didn't have the courage to go down, so he could only say to Ivita: "Ivita, I'm waiting here."

"Waiting for your results. What did you see down there? Please tell me when you come up, okay?"

Ivita glanced back at her, knowing what she was worried about, so she nodded solemnly. "Don't worry, the truth may not be as the elder said."

Milani gave a very forced smile.

When Iveta left, the Hearthstone Witch saw this and asked Davina to guard here instead of her. She also wanted to go down and take a look.

In this way, Wilson, Pan and Ivita, as well as the Hearthstone Witch, all entered the bronze door.

The moment the four of them entered, the bronze door suddenly closed automatically.

Davina and Milani were shocked.

None of them thought that the bronze door would close automatically.

But in this case, how can Ivita and others come up again after going underground?

The underground space is very dark and deep.

Iveta felt like this place was like an underground cave. The walls of the stone mine were slippery and sticky. Sometimes when he walked down, he could touch something furry, which looked like something that had been living underground for a long time. Space spider.

If Ivita were a mortal, he would still be worried about whether the spider was poisonous, but now the spider was obviously frightened and ran away quickly.

As Ivita released her magic power around her body, the pressure generated by that magic power made all kinds of animals and insects in the cave feel scared and automatically retreat.

It was as if they were aware of a scourge. In a sense, the wizard was indeed a flood to them.

The Hearthstone Witch followed up and said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, the air in this underground space is mixed with a strange smell. I'm worried that there is flammable gas in it. We'd better be careful and don't use fire magic here. Good. Unless, we see the ever-lasting flame here."

Ivita nodded. "You think very well."

"After God Pan walked in here, he didn't know where he went?" Hearthstone Witch noticed that God Pan was missing. "Could it be that this underground cave has countless branches?"

Ivita thought for a moment and heard Wilson's voice calling to them. "Don't worry about Pan Shen, let's follow."

They soon meet up with the vampire Wilson, who discovers a mural in the cave cemetery.

In front of this mural, there are some scattered carbonized corpses.

Although there was no light, with the wizard's spiritual sight, Ivita saw the content on the mural. The content was exactly the same as the last few murals at the Flame Sacrifice. They all described the emergence of several prophets from an ancient world that was about to be destroyed. Fleeing to Ambrose, he noticed that there was an upcoming civilization to the south of Ambrose.

But the difference is that this mural also repeatedly emphasizes the concept of "container".

In the last mural, a blind woman appeared holding a box, with a line written below - "We took away part of the planetary civilization's law-bearing vessel and put it into other graves." 】

Ivita looked at the mural and murmured to herself. "Measurement? Ancient civilizations used the Pantheon to collect laws, so there should also be something in the ancient world that can collect laws."

"It's just the box on the mural. It should be just the box that holds that thing."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Your Majesty, if you want to collect laws, don't you also need a container?"

She glanced regretfully at the mural. "It's a pity that there is no mention of what this thing is or where it is on this mural. Otherwise, if you take it and take a look, it might be a great inspiration for your career."

Ivita shook her head.

Although it is a pity, there is nothing we can do.

If he really had a container, he might be able to take back the laws of the Kingdom of Alsace first.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch were taking a few steps to continue deeper into the cave.

Vampire Wilson stared at a corner of the mural, thoughtfully. "Wait a minute, Lord Ivita, and the Hearthstone Witch. There seems to be another mystery to this mural."

"I have seen it in some places." Wilson said: "I once saw a strange mural technique in a remote village called the Republic of Epirus on the southern peninsula. It is said that it was It has been passed down from the ancient civilization period. Local villagers will use a kind of photosensitive paint to make murals. Only when specific natural light is shined, the hidden content of the mural will be revealed, not even firelight. Don’t you think it’s very Is it weird?"

"Why is this cemetery filled with flammable gas? That's because the people who designed the cave cemetery didn't want anyone who entered the cave to ignite the flames."

Ivita thought of the key. "So you can only use light magic... don't use fire magic. Among the three of us, you are the only one who can use light magic."

Wilson nodded. "Yes, my lord."

"I'll try it right away."

He brushed his palm over the mural, and it glowed slightly. He first touched the lower left corner of the mural, but found nothing.

Then I touched the right corner of the mural, but still found nothing.

Wilson even suspected that his judgment was wrong.

But Ivita said to him: "Shine the light on the mural, on the box held by the blind girl."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes lit up. "Yes, that's right there."

Ripper Wilson pointed his hand at the middle part of the mural, above the box, and sure enough, a new mural content appeared in the blank part in the middle of the box.

The overall effect is as if the box on the mural has a perspective effect and you can see the inside of the box.

Ivita recognized it as a map at a glance.

If the inside of the box is a map with a route, it probably means that the prophets who escaped from the ancient world buried the container carrying the laws of the ancient world in another cemetery, and then The location route map was placed in this cemetery, along with the biggest secret of the Chitose Fire.

Iveta looked at the route map on the map, and her pupils suddenly narrowed because the location pointed by the route map was actually Cross Island.

Such a coincidence?

He originally wanted to go there to take back the viscounty to strengthen his own power, and then start preparing for war against the Kingdom of Alsace.

But I didn't expect that the prophets actually buried things there.

That's just right. When the time comes, if you go there by yourself, you'll be able to kill two birds with one stone.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "What kind of paper and pen do you use? Write down this map quickly."

The Hearthstone Witch blinked. "I didn't bring any paper or pen, and I didn't bring any with me on the carriage either."

The portable carriage is a type of regular transformation spell. It is a magic that can only be used in the formal wizard stage. However, the capacity is limited and it is impossible to hold everything.

Ivita knew this too.

Vampire Wilson said to Ivita: "Lord Ivita, you can use your memory to write down all the routes on these maps."

"Even if you can't remember some small details at the time, I can still use [mental compulsion] to help you recall the forgotten memories."

Ivita nodded, that was a good idea.

However, there is something wrong with letting people use [mental compulsion] on themselves casually.

At this time, Ivita and Wilson heard some kind of sound of cutting stone. They turned their heads and looked over, only to see the Hearthstone Witch making the tips of her index and middle fingers as sharp as a knife.

She actually turned her nails into knives, and then cut off the part of the mural on the box that the blind girl was holding from the stone wall.

Simply outrageous.

Wilson was shocked. He looked at Ivita and then at the Hearthstone Witches. Unfortunately, he had just joined this group, so he had no right to speak, and he did not dare to say anything.

But Ivita, after being shocked for a while, suddenly realized that this was not bad.

Instead of recording the map, it is better to just dig it up.

The Hearthstone Witch beamed with pride. "Your Majesty, this cave cemetery is no longer safe."

"The god Pan has been here."

"People from the cemetery may also come in."

"Although they may not be able to discover the secret of the mural, to be on the safe side, we should take the mural away directly so that they will never discover the map on the mural."

Ivita pouted, "As expected of you, Hearthstone Witch."

He saw the Hearthstone Witch put the square stone the size of a rubber ball into her carriage, but Ivita didn't say anything because he didn't know the rule-based transformation magic of the carriage.

However, he is only short of the last two natal magics, as well as the source of natural and war-attribute magics before he becomes a formal wizard.

However, the source of war-attributed magic was very easy to deal with. He felt that the war magic transmitted from Ambrose was getting stronger and stronger, almost forming a source of magic directly.

Because this war really involves too many people.

This is why wizards who can absorb war-attributed magic are the easiest to advance in troubled times.

The source of natural magic power can solve this problem on its own territory.

When Iveta saw that the matter was over, she said to the two of them: "Let's go."

"Wilson, you use light magic to light up this cave."

Wilson nodded, a light lit up in his hand, and suddenly all the scenes inside the cave were clearly visible.

First of all, the interior of this cave cemetery is really full of twists and turns, with countless branches, and the stone walls are covered with moss, and there is really a self-contained biological system here.

There are many eyeless spiders, eyeless centipedes, and eyeless insects here.

In this underground world, light perception is no longer useful.

Ivita looked up and saw a small fiery red line appearing on the top of the cave wall under the illumination of light magic. "Look above your head, there is another reason why we are prohibited from using fire magic here."

"I'm afraid they are forcing us to use light magic so that we can find the mark on the cave wall. This mark should be used to guide us."

Hearthstone Witch and Wilson both nodded in agreement, otherwise why would the designer use light-sensitive paint to draw a line on the wall.

Wilson hesitated for a moment and said, "Lord Ivita, in fact, there has always been a smell of corpses in this cave."

"The stench only comes from one direction. So I suspect that there is more than one sign that can point the way. But I don't know if the stinky sign of the corpse was the original intention of the person who designed this cave cemetery."

Iveta said: "It should be the original intention, otherwise how could a corpse have lasted for thousands of years and still emit a stink."

Wilson was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's right. I got into trouble."

Ivita even suspected that the previous generation of igniters, Anna's husband, found out the secret of the Chitose Fire through the smell after entering this place. This is very possible, because light magic itself is a rare magic, and neither I nor the Hearthstone Witch can do it.

If it weren't for the fact that he got the elemental flower, how could Wilson, a vampire, have the very rare light magic.

Therefore, the previous generation of fire starters probably did not discover the map from the mural.

The container in the ancient world is most likely still buried in its original place. You only need to follow the map to find it.

The three of them followed the red line at the top of the cave and walked forward for about five hundred meters. They saw some bronze pots and pans and something like a petrified barbecue grill in a passage.

Next to these things, there is a pile of human bones.

Someone actually lived here.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch and Wilson: "This should be the body of the slave who dug the passage here."

"Huh? Is there something?"

In the corner of Iveta's eye, she noticed two black things at the end of the passage. The two things suddenly and violently rushed toward her.

Ivita smiled contemptuously, he lowered his head and twirled the viscount ring on his middle finger, not taking it seriously at all.

The moment the two black balls of wool were about to hit Ivita, Vampire Wilson stood in front of Ivita, grabbed the balls of wool with both hands, and pushed the two balls of wool away from Ivita. meters away.

Ivita looked at the two strange balls of yarn and found that they looked a bit like a bunch of tangled hair.

"What is that? It's a bit strange."

The Hearthstone Witch came over and said, "It's a hair monster. Usually in places where there are many corpses, some strange monsters will appear because the resentment and corpse energy have condensed, and there are no church members to hold mass for them."

"These monsters are neither dead nor undead. They are actually alive. They are just psychic creatures, but they are a bit negative."

Wilson's pupils turned into gold-rimmed ink pupils.

Then, he roared angrily, and the two hairy creatures were crushed to pieces by his hands.

As long as the physical strength is strong enough, any psychic creature can be crushed to death directly.

The Hearthstone Witch said distressedly: "Although they are just two low-level psychic creatures, it seems a pity to kill them like this."

Wilson took out the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands. "Well, the hair monster can barely fetch a price on the black market."

"What do you want them for? I can save them for you next time, ma'am, if you need them."

The Hearthstone Witch was about to nod.

Iveta glanced at the Hearthstone Witch, "What? It turns out that this thing can still be sold for money. Then if you encounter it again later, catch it and give it to me."

The Hearthstone Witch's smile froze.

Wilton was dumbfounded. These two people... couldn't really be masters and disciples, right?

The three people continued to walk down the red line, but then they didn't encounter the hair monster.

They found that there were some artificially dug grooves in the passage. These grooves were located on the ground. Each of them was as big as a wine barrel, and there was something that turned black and smelled like wine.

Next to these grooves are some oval black severed limbs of unknown creatures.

There should have been a short battle here not long ago.

Ivita thought of Pan. "Pan has been here! He killed the monsters guarding here. Come on, let's keep going."

The three of them just turned a corner and saw the end of a corridor, and Pan Shen, who was sitting there looking at this dead end with an unclear expression.

Ivita also saw a stone chair next to Pan, with a bronze mask placed on the chair.

The bronze mask was like a ghost's face and fangs, exuding an evil aura as a whole.

This kind of evil is also different from the evil of the devil. The evil of the devil is based on the chaos and distortion of moral values, and is based on the corruption and depravity of the human heart. The evil feeling of this mask is like being immoral. The barbarians are the evil power of ancient humans.

I have seen this mask myself.

Before, when Chitose Fire forcibly established contact with himself, he had seen the mask that communicated with him.

Ivita thought about who the bronze mask was. He thought about the identity of the person in the bronze mask, but what he didn't expect was that when he saw the bronze mask again, he really saw only one mask.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Does that mask have a soul and spirituality inside? I once saw that mask in the Thousand Years Fire, and it communicated with me, just like a human being."

The Hearthstone Witch looked left and right, unable to see why. "It seems to be just an ordinary mask."

"But I think a mask has to be worn to be effective. Why don't you find someone here to try on the mask?"

"Maybe if you put that mask on, something else will happen."

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch immediately looked at Vampire Wilson.

Among the four people here, he is the only one who is the most suitable.

Vampire Wilson is about to cry, is it him again?

Ivita said: "Wilson, I won't force you. If you don't want to, I can find someone else."

Wilson pursed his lips and smiled. "Sir, it's better for me to go up."

"I have an immortal body. It is very difficult to kill a fourth generation vampire. Those are the only things that can kill me."

"So, I am more suitable."

With that said, he walked towards the stone chair, was stunned for a moment, and then reached for the bronze mask.

When he first picked up the bronze mask, he felt strange because it was indeed an ordinary mask.

It felt cold to the touch, but nothing else happened.

Wilson looked at Ivita, "Sir, if something happens..."

Ivita said decisively: "If something dangerous happens to you, I will immediately take off the mask on your face. If you can't take it off, I will separate your body and head. Anyway, you are also a fourth-generation vampire, so Doing it won't kill you. You don't have to be afraid."

Wilson nodded. "Then I'll put it on."

He slowly put the mask on.

The moment he put it on, the mask seemed to be eager to fit him.

Almost instantly, the mask was along Wilson's cheek, completely close to the face.

Wilson, wearing a bronze mask, has flaming eyes behind him.

‘Wilson’ sat down on the stone chair. "So that's how it is."

"What a powerful aura of immortality."

"It is incredible that such powerful cursed creatures were born in later generations. Although those guys in the ancient civilization period were powerful, they changed too little. It is not like the universal laws are broken one by one now. The advantage of this is absolute power It becomes very weak, but the diversity of laws and the diversity of supernatural powers make it stronger.”

Ivita asked him cautiously. "Who are you?"

"We have met before." The bronze mask's eyes flashed with faint flames, "I am the collective consciousness of all those who have dedicated themselves to fire over the past thousands of years."

"You can call me...Shadow of Fire."

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, Ivita. This generation of Ambrose people is declining too fast. I can only look forward to you. You have not disappointed me. In fact, I thought it would take a long time for you to come. Here you go. So you overachieved."

The Shadow of Fire Bronze Mask said: "Next, I want to tell you the knowledge that will make Ambrose collapse once it spreads, but it must be passed down."

"That's what you light people and cemeteries for."

"The flame sacrificial site preserves the flame, and here the knowledge is preserved."

"For thousands of years, we have been using this method to select igniters who meet the standards to prevent conspirators with evil intentions from intervening. But today, you still brought Peter here."

Pan Shen stared at him coldly and said nothing.

The bronze man pointed at the wall at the end of the passage. Suddenly the wall disappeared, revealing a rolling sea of ​​corpses behind the wall.

It was a pool filled with soaked corpses.

The stench of corpses came from here, and Iveta thought that the hair monster was also born from here.

Iveta looked ugly.

Could it be that Frankska was right?

How was he going to tell Milani the truth?

Pan Shen was overjoyed. "I found it."

Then, he walked towards the pool of water and actually jumped in.

Seeing Pan Shen leave, the masked man continued to say to Ivita: "The irrelevant people have left. As for the pool you see now... I know that it is unacceptable for the moral values ​​of your era. But you don’t have to be in a hurry to be disappointed.”

"Because by the time you listen to me, you will understand that the things you see and the problems you see are not problems."

"The Chitose Fire is the fire of civilization. It was so in the past, it is so now, and it will be so in the future."

"The flame that represents human civilization in Ambrose determines the rise and fall of a country, and it will not let you down."

Ivita raised a brow. "Appreciate further details."

The bronze mask continued: "These secrets can only be told to people who can be believed. The witch next to you, can she believe it?"

"Do you believe her?"

Ivita glanced at the Hearthstone Witch and said, "Aren't the Three Witches of the East worthy of being trusted?"

A low laugh erupted from the bronze mask. "Of course they are respectable."

"I understand what you mean. Then I will say it."

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