The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 236 Monastery Law: Failure of exorcism and an additional demon following

When Ivita and others took a boat and came to the lower reaches of the Lombardy Principality through the Po River, they found that the south of the Lombardy Principality was even more barbaric.

Here they actually saw people pulling heavy plows to cultivate the land on both sides of the river.

This should be what these serfs did voluntarily when they had no cattle or horses for farming. Most of the land they cultivated was the land of feudal lords.

Because the fertile land on both sides of the river is generally occupied by manor lords, while the land belonging to farmers and herdsmen is mostly located in the nooks and crannies of certain mountain ravines.

Occasionally, these farmers took advantage of the gap to raise their heads and look at Ivita and others in the boat. They showed longing in their eyes and fear of the unknown.

on board.

The Earthwalker ranger feels unjust about their situation. "It is also rare in the feudal countries in the north to use people as tools for plowing the land."

The soldiers and hunters made no comment on this. They only needed to worry about where they would go tomorrow to have a drink and a place to live.

Vampire Wilson said: "The Principality of Lombardy is not the most barbaric serfdom country. The farmers here have nothing."

"But at least freedom remains."

"Further south of the peninsula, after the republics and the city-states belonging to the pope, is the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. There are two kingdoms there, one is called the "Kingdom of Naboche" and the other is called the "Norman Kingdom" 】. The living conditions of the serfs living there are more stringent than here. The overseers will hold iron whips and stare at their serfs like livestock, and will not give the serfs in their country any time to breathe. "

"The law of the good king and the law of the evil king alternate in that country and rule over the land there."

"I heard that in the two most barbaric serfdom kingdoms, even the mills and waterwheels were pulled by serfs. When their lords went out, they even asked their servants to carry a Chairs and stools decorated with pearls, precious stones and silk, and then they sat on the chairs themselves and let the servants carry them away. The king there was so tyrannical that when he went out, he even had to make people kneel down."

The female ranger was obviously used to living a free life in the mountains and forests. She imagined that if she lived in such an environment, she would tremble from the bottom of her heart. She could not accept such a life.

Ivita said to the female ranger [Cecilia Landwalker]: "We can only help those around us."

“Because by doing your part, you can help everyone.”

What Ivita is pointing to is that when one day their power reaches an unprecedented level, they can easily change the lives of others.

By then, it would not be too late to think about the fate of the serfs in the Principality of Lombardy, and then consider whether the people of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies were living a fair life, and it would be more efficient than considering these things now.

Cecilia Landwalker obviously didn't understand what Ivita meant. She just thought Ivita told her to take care of herself and not cause trouble, so of course she could only listen to her employer, lower her head, and stop paying attention to the river. Things on both sides.

Soon, Ivita and others came to the end of the Principality of Lombardy again.

What stood in front of Ivita and the others was the green grassy land on both sides of the river, the burgundy clouds and the blue sky, as well as a small town composed of red two-story wooden houses that looked like they came out of a fairy tale. The roads are paved with neat bricks and stones.

At the border of the Principality of Lombardy, they also had to pay a head tax of 12 pence per person, but Ivita unexpectedly discovered that there was no tax collection at the border of this country.

There is an eternal peace that blends into the air, giving people inner peace.

It was as if they had suddenly entered the peaceful and sunny weather from the stormy weather with dark clouds. Everyone couldn't help but say that the air here is really good.

The female ranger said with bright eyes: "Is this the land of the church and the people of Ravenna? My God, this place is so beautiful. Even a small wild flower on the shore is more beautiful than the flowers and plants in other areas."

She picked a small wild flower and inserted it into her hair.

Tartax said: "Many people with respiratory diseases come here to nourish themselves. Most of them are nourished by Ravenna's air and their bodies heal."

"Although the church has done many wrong things in history, this is indeed the most beautiful territory for the church."

Ivita saw prosperous residents on both sides of the river. These farmers maintained the tradition of cultivating their own food.

He saw children playing in groups on both sides of the river, ducks and geese vying to cross the river, and even a teenager sitting on the bank holding a book and reading.

Iveta was speechless. She didn't expect that the two neighboring countries were so different.

Soon, Ivita also learned that the boatman who carried them did not mind taking them into Ravenna, so they did not need to change boats temporarily.

Everyone is happy in Ravenna, except the Hearthstone Witch.

When Ivita looked back to find the Hearthstone Witch, she found that she had been clutching her chest, as if she was sick and about to vomit and have diarrhea.

Ivita discovered something strange about her. "What’s wrong with you?"

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the farmhouses lining the river with disgust. "This place is simply poisonous. I am almost poisoned by it. The air here is poisonous. You see, Wilson is almost the same as me, and Davina."

Iveta turned her head and saw that Wilson was in low spirits, while Davina endured the discomfort and went to the river to take a sip of water, but the next moment she spit it out.

Davina covered her mouth in discomfort and said to everyone who was paying attention to her: "The water here smells so bad."

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

The hunter named Carter had already filled his water bag with a full bag of river water. He said to Davina in surprise: "No, I think the water here is very sweet. The water here is the best in my life." The best water I’ve ever had.”

The other warriors and hunters also agreed.

The female ranger stretched her upper body out of the boat, lowered her head and smelled the smell of the river carefully. The next moment, she took a sip of water from the river in surprise and said to everyone: "It's so sweet and refreshing."

Davina looked confused. "Am I the only one who thinks the water here is just like a smelly puddle in a garbage dump?"

Iveta also took a sip of the river water, and then he looked at Davina strangely, because the river water tasted even better than the purified mineral water he drank in his previous life.

The Hearthstone Witch tells the truth. "It's monastic law. Ravenna is a famous wine-producing place, and all the water here, from rivers to underground rivers, is special."

"Evil people are not used to drinking the water here. To them, the water here smells worse than the water in the stinking ditch."

"The Church and the People of Ravenna, a country not only a unique theocratic republic, but a country of a thousand churches, a country of a thousand monasteries, look at those monasteries we see on both sides of the river."

"Damn it, when can we leave this ghost place!!!"

"I'm going to be driven crazy by this place! I'm not mentally normal!!"

Everyone on the boat looked at the old witch in surprise. They wanted to stay in this country for a while, but the Hearthstone Witch was anxious to leave.

This is too unsociable.

Ivita nodded and looked at the scenery on both sides of the river. This trip really gave him a great insight.

Ivita said: "Is this country a kingdom-level or a principality-level force?"

Tartax lowered his head and said, "It's the principality level."

"[The Church and the People of Ravenna] The country fell within the sphere of influence of the Papal States, but of course the country maintained a strong independence."

"They never do anything that might harm the interests of the people of Ravenna."

"Generally speaking, this is a country that focuses on brewing wine and keeps aloof from the world. The church here in Ravenna is more aloof from the world than the church in the Papal State. It is even more like what a perfectly good being should be. church."

Soon, Iveta saw the monasteries on both sides of the river. The architectural styles of these monasteries were actually not uniform. Some liked to use domes to look grand, and some liked to use spires to look tall.

But the overall color is made of milky white marble.

Ivita guessed that this country must consume a lot of marble.

Ivita asked Tartax, the old witch and Wilson, the three most knowledgeable people on her ship, and said: "I have seen the essence of the Iron Crown law, but what is the essence of the monastery law? The monastery law What are the characteristics of law?”

The three looked at each other.

Tartax spoke first, because he was in the best mental state right now, and the Hearthstone Witch and Wilson were almost dying of discomfort.

"You have seen, my lord, the quality of monastic law."

"The land and water here are not accessible to evil people. Everything is the same thing, the problem is for those who enjoy the land and water. As for its identity, the story I heard is that the Church of Ravenna here is Promoted."

"Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the Holy Son once gave a glass bottle filled with his own blood to the church here, asking them to suppress the evil spirits in this once evil place. So the bottle of holy blood formed the law here. Law."

Vampire Wilson said: "This is not the version I heard. We heard that the laws here have the power to purify water. After the church came here, it used the spirit of the Republic to kidnap the people and laws here, and transformed them into became today’s monastic law.”

The Hearthstone Witch suppressed her nausea and said: "My teacher once told me that there are many demons sealed under the land of Ravenna. Because of the special effects of the laws here, the church will capture them Those demons are sealed in the churches and monasteries here.”

"So, I think the legend of the Holy Blood may be true, and it may also be true that there is a law before the church here."

"Anyway, the monastery here has a lot of experience in dealing with demons."

Ivita's eyes lit up, he was about to get rid of the [our] demon that was pestering him.

Right now, it's just right to deal with it through the monastery here.

Ivita looked at the already darkening sky, and then said: "Let's find a place to dock the ship. You can go to the shore to buy some Ravenna wine and water as a supply."

Everyone on the boat became excited, including soldiers and carpenters, and even jumped up happily.

The Hearthstone Witch and the two vampires showed expressions of great misfortune.

After Ivita, Tartax, and the Hearthstone Witch landed ashore, they quickly crossed two villages full of golden citrus and found a huge white monastery. After explaining their purpose, they quickly Received by the abbot of this mixed monastery.

They were received in the dining kitchen.

The abbot of the monastery wearing divine robes looked at Ivita with a smile, "I see. Baron, you are right to come to us for help."

"For thousands of years, the Church of Ravenna has been fighting against demons. Although we have never completely won, we have never lost either."

"The Church of Ravenna and our Albert Monastery are happy to help you. Anyone here who is not a pirate or a heretic can get our help."

Ivita sat in front of the old abbot and asked: "Does Ravenna hate pirates so much when she is not on the sea?"

The old abbot laughed and said: "That is all in the past. When I was still less than ten years old, Marco Anson's reputation was at its peak."

"They not only robbed ships of various countries at sea, but also used dhow boats to enter inland rivers and enter the Po River to rob us. When the pirates of the barbaric world gathered in groups, they turned into a country to rob all countries. It was the scariest time."

"All the cities near inland rivers were forced to be abandoned to avoid pirates. People would rather live twenty kilometers away from the river and walk a long way to fetch water every day than live by the river."

"But luckily, he died. The pirates could no longer be defeated, and their situation went from bad to worse. I heard that [the most noble Republic of Belisarius] was holding a parliamentary vote recently. If they went to war against the pirates, maybe the pirate world would He might even disappear."

The Hearthstone Witch sneered at this. "Then you are too underestimated. The pirate kingdom created by Marco Anson. The laws of the Seven Seas Code are still above the monastery laws, and they are kingdom-level laws. The pirate world will not be destroyed so easily."

The abbot sighed. "It's just a broken law. What's the use if there's no one in charge?! I don't see how pirates can benefit this world. An existence that's not beneficial to this world will die one day sooner or later. .”

He held out his hand to Ivita. "Let me hold your hand and the Holy Spirit will tell me which demon is possessing you."

"Don't worry, we just received a woman here a few days ago. She was possessed by the spirit of a demon, but it only took us three days to cure her."

"Don't be surprised. There are many situations of possession. Your situation is actually one of being possessed by a demon."

Ivita hesitated. "Dean, the demon that has been pestering me is not the Seventy-Two Pillars Demon King, but it seems that it is not an ordinary demon either."

The abbot of the monastery smiled gently, "Here, I want to give you a little common sense."

"In fact, when most people are possessed by demons, they are not really possessed by demons, but by spiritual bodies created by demons."

"Most real demons cannot come to the mortal world. They can only create spiritual bodies and influence the mortal world through some special items and rituals performed by cultists."

"So the demon possessing you is not the real entity, so you only need to use holy water and church scriptures to exorcise the demon."

Yvetta hesitated, then held out her hand to him.

The abbot smiled and shook it. "Don't worry, we are already very experienced."

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and breathed hard, and white smoke came out from where he and Ivita held their hands.

The old man's eyes turned white and he cursed. "You damn old man, get out of here!"

"You can't touch us!"


The next moment, the stool the old man was sitting on disintegrated in an instant, and he fell unconscious with his eyes turned white.

Iveta's expression changed greatly, and he stood up. "Fortunately, we didn't declare our home. Gather everyone immediately and we'll leave here early tomorrow morning."

Although the Hearthstone Witch was happy to hear this, she was still confused. "This monastery doesn't look like much, but why don't we find a bigger monastery."

Ivita shook her head and said, "I thought too simply before."

"It is very rare for a physical demon to come to the world."

"No matter how experienced the priest is in dealing with demons, he doesn't have much experience in dealing with the demon himself."

"But if we seek help from the higher-ups of the Ravenna Church, it may lead to new risks, that is, attracting attention from higher-ups. I don't want them to lock me in a dungeon."

Generally speaking, although I am being haunted by demons, it is very troublesome and needs to be solved urgently.

But in fact, this demon can only follow him all the time, but he can't do anything to him at all.

Even because of the Titanosaurus, it is still afraid of itself.

This means that resolving demonic possession is not your first priority.

If you attract the attention of the church's top brass and restrict your actions in order to deal with the demons, it will be a waste of more than you gain.

Ivita took the Hearthstone Witch and Tartax and quickly left the monastery.

When leaving the monastery, Ivita found that the walls of the monastery had cracked, and something was released with her arrival.

When he looked back, he saw a naked woman covered in black standing behind a wall, with her upper body exposed, smiling and waving her hands to him.

Ivita: "..."

It seems that the demon that haunted him, after coming to this monastery, untied the sealed things under the monastery, which means that the thing that haunted him is likely to increase by one.

When Iveta thought of this, she suddenly felt like she had no worries if she had more debts. Anyway, these demons couldn't do anything to her.

I don't even know what is in my spiritual world. If these guys go in, they may not be able to come out.

Ivita also waved to the black woman behind the wall. "Hello, new neighbor."

The smile on the latter's face stiffened.

The Hearthstone Witch looked at Ivita, "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Ivita said: "The things sealed under this monastery were released by [us] demons, and now they are also entangled with me."

"I should have known better than to enter these monasteries where many demons have been sealed away."

"We'd better leave Ravenna as soon as possible and enter the pirate world."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, I am about to complete the fusion of the Fire Element Flower and upgrade to a senior witch."

"Perhaps, at that time, I will have a way to help you."

"At least let us see the demon that has been following us!"

Ivita remembered that the high witch could borrow the power of hell.

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