The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 239 Coming! The taboo of not naming! Black Friday!

In this silent atmosphere, a sailor finally couldn't help but express everyone's thoughts. He stared at Ivita with resistance and said: "Don't mention that name here, don't you know where that place is?" ?"

There was fear in his expression.

A middle-aged sailor smashed a wooden cup full of wine in his hand and said, "No matter what kind of powerful captain he is, as long as he goes around that island, he will die without any body parts."

"That is a giant sea beast that can swallow up all ships. When others see it, they will run around. You actually want to go there."

Ivita nodded and said: "There are my things on Cross Island, and I want to get back what belongs to me."

"It is natural law that things should return to their original owners."

"That's why I hired a team of professionals to conquer there."

"Are you so afraid of that island? I see that there are many pirate corpses on your port for demonstration."

In the tavern, many captains and sailors were staring at Ivita as if they were a madman.

They murmured to themselves, and the timid people comforted and communicated with each other.

"No one has ever been able to get back the things that were taken away from that island. How could anyone be so reluctant to go to a place like that!"

"Anyone who sets sail would rather go around thousands of miles than pass by that island and that sea area."

A captain next to Ivita pointed to the hanging mummies on the port outside the store and said: "Stranger, those pirates are just offshore pirates, what are they? They have never set foot on that inaccessible island in their lives." Name the island."

"They pirates are nothing compared to the pirates on that island."

"If someone robbed you of something on that island, let him take it away, because you neither lost your life nor any part of your body."

"You should feel good about your luck!"

Iveta ignored his words and looked at the tavern proprietress.

There was a troubled look on the face of the tavern proprietress, and she said to Ivita: "If your goal is not that island, then it doesn't matter where you go in the Mediterranean. Even if you want to go to the sea Opposite the land of the God of Beasts - whether it is the city-states in the Atlas Mountains, the land of Phoenicia, or the land of the Seljuk Kingdom, you can find it in Belisarius Find suitable captains and sailors in the town of Lahainavu, the land of the Republic."

"But that's the only place where you can't find anyone."

The tavern proprietress whispered: "Besides, the crux of the problem is not here yet."

"Regardless of whether there is a team of captains and sailors who dare to follow you there, let's just say that the captains and sailors here are used to driving ships along the coast. Generally speaking, trade in the Mediterranean is within 400 kilometers of the land. Offshore range.”

"Not only can we avoid pirates, but we can also sail along the coast and replenish supplies at any time."

"And the captain you need is the kind who can sail in waters far away from the mainland."

"People like this are talents everywhere. It's so rare."

The captain on the side nodded quickly and continued: "And the sea near that island is very strange. Sometimes even pressing the map is useless. The sea there seems to get bigger at any time. Sometimes it looks like it on the chart It’s just such a small distance, but in fact the real sea area may be more than ten times larger.”

Ivita keenly captured the key information in their mouths. "You mean, all the pirates on Cross Island are talented people."

"Because they are all good at sailing on oceans far away from the mainland?"

The captain next to the landlady was the first to answer. He said to Ivita: "Yes."

“With knowledge of astronomy, you can judge the direction without any reference objects in the middle of the night; you can master various wind direction changes at sea skillfully, you can understand every structure of every type of ship, and you can manage hundreds of ships on the ship at the same time. Aren’t these captains of human beings outstanding talents? It can be said that as long as they can accept the recruitment and spend all their savings as a price to offset the punishment, each of them will be able to join the Republic’s navy and become at least one The captain of the ship.”

The captain laughed sarcastically. "But this group of wolves on the sea will not just put down their weapons and go farming."

"They want to find their own way to death, offend the Republic of China, and leave them with no way out."

"Young people, go back. You won't find anyone in this tavern who is willing to accompany you to death."

Ivita frowned. What he didn't expect was that Cross Island's reputation was so great.

He turned back through the door of the tavern and looked at the mummies hanging in the harbor in the distance.

Therefore, even pirates have a chain of contempt. The pirates who were hanged outside are not on the same level as the pirates on Cross Island.

Just when Iveta wanted to leave the tavern and visit other places, suddenly a middle-aged captain in the corner of the tavern raised his right hand and said weakly in the midst of ridicule: "I...I Maybe."

"I'm a captain, and I may be able to gather some sailors, but I'm not sure how many people I can call."

"After all, I haven't been to the sea in three years."

Ivita and his men all turned to look at him.

Ivita saw that he was a very slovenly man. His clothes were patched here and there. His profession as a captain was typical of the middle class.

It's not easy for this guy to be able to do this.

Ivita gave him a confused look. "you are?"

The captain and sailors around this man revealed his identity amidst laughter.

"He is the famous Captain Sam here. He was famous here before. As long as he is asked to be the captain, no matter what kind of dangerous seas or storms, his fleet will not be destroyed. But that was three years ago. Now he is just a loser here, a drunkard."

"Three years ago, a count asked him to be the captain of a fleet of ten merchant ships."

Ivita became interested. "Then what?"

Someone shouted: "The result was that the entire fleet was wiped out. Only a few sailors and him came back alive. Even the employer drowned in the ocean and became companions with fish and shrimps."

"He even shamelessly told everyone that it was because his employer found a mysterious island with the fountain of youth at sea that the entire fleet was flooded by a storm."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Isn't this a foolish dream?"

"He has become the biggest joke in this port, hahahaha..."

When the Hearthstone Witch heard the Fountain of Youth, her pupils suddenly narrowed.

"The Fountain of Youth exists." Captain Sam walked over, swaying from side to side. "You can't find the kind of captain you want in this port. Even if there is, the price is not something you can afford. There are very few people willing to accompany you to death. You should find me."

"I want to wash away the shame."

"How about it, can you use me?"

Ivita glanced at the old witch, and then said to Captain Sam: "It's very simple to know whether you lied. Wilson, use mental force on him."

Vampire Wilson walked up to Captain Sam, and his gold-rimmed ink-rimmed pupils were aimed at Captain Sam.

Due to the Turin Law, Vampire Wilson's almost instinctive [mental compulsion] power was only about 10%, so it took him a very long time to hypnotize an ordinary human being.

Moreover, it made him frown.

Ten minutes later, Captain Sam was in a daze.

Wilson said: "Tell me, have you ever seen the mysterious island with the Fountain of Youth?"

Captain Sam struggled for a moment, opened his mouth and said, "No."

"We were attracted by a mirage and redirected the fleet, but we encountered the scary ship - the Blue Lady."

The jeers in the entire tavern stopped abruptly.

It was as if they were being strangled by the neck.

Because the Blue Lady is the pirate Earl's ship and one of the seven legendary pirate ships.

Under mental compulsion, Captain Sam said: "We have been deceived by a mirage. There is no Fountain of Youth at all, only the Blue Lady behind the mirage."

"The entire fleet sank less than ten minutes after encountering the Blue Lady."

Wilson released his mental compulsion, and Captain Sam fell to the ground, looking confused at the people around him who looked at him in horror.

Ivita looked at Captain Sam in confusion and said, "Have you really seen the Fountain of Youth?"

Captain Sam immediately said to Ivita: "My lord, I swear to you, I have really seen the Fountain of Youth."

"At that time, the boss of our fleet ordered us to change course, and we sailed towards the Fountain of Youth. Then we encountered a terrible storm. The storm made us not know where we were and destroyed our fleet. But These guys, they all don’t believe me!”

He looked at the people in the tavern who used to laugh at him and show contempt for him in confusion. Why did they look at him differently today.

Vampire Wilson said to Ivita, who was looking at Captain Sam, "I think he may be a little confused. It may be because those experiences caused too much mental damage to him, causing him to forget what he knew subconsciously. Made up a set of things that he could live with.”

The Hearthstone Witch interrupted and said to Ivita, "I think he has a mental illness."

"Are we really going to hire this lunatic as captain?"

Ivita sighed and said, "Do we have any other choice?"

"He is capable, but his reputation is not good. As for the issue of mental state, it is not a problem. If something happens, just let Wilson use mental force to control him and turn him into a puppet who can only do things. "

Captain Sam, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face. "So, are you planning to use me?"

He seemed to not believe himself. "Is it me?"

Ivita said: "Yes, that's you."

"But due to your special situation, there must be some new rules between us."

"I will only give you 10 gold pounds as reward if you reach your destination. Is this acceptable?"

Captain Sam's own purpose is to restore honor, and of course he will seize this opportunity.

What's more, he hasn't been to the sea in three years.

Just as Captain Sam was about to sit up, the ground suddenly shook. The beer glasses in the tavern fell to the ground and were broken, and then there were shrill shouts from outside.

"Pirates are attacking the harbor!!"

"It's Black Friday! It's Pirate Earl!"


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