The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 254 Five special laws and decrees! ! Elf sails!

Ivita took the Wool Scroll Edict from the Hearthstone Witch.

He used fire magic to burn the parchment, but ordinary fire magic was unable to destroy the parchment scroll. The parchment scroll was not burned at all in the flames.

In the same way, neither lightning magic nor water magic can destroy this decree.

Ivita did not use the fire of law to burn this decree because he did not know what unknown consequences would result from the conflict between the two laws.

Now we are at sea, and there is no room for too risky behavior.

Captain Sam wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the decree in Ivita's hand with great horror, as if looking at some devil.

Ivita noticed that the knowledgeable sailors also looked at the decree in his hand with great fear.

On the contrary, because the professionals had lived on land for a long time and did not know much about this ocean, they looked at the decree in his hand with only curiosity on their faces.

Captain Sam said to Ivita: "Boss, what I'm going to say is just what I heard. It's what the sailors at the dock on the coast like to say everywhere. I'm not sure how accurate it is."

Iveta nodded to him and said, "You say."

Captain Sam said to Ivita: "Legend has it that the great pirate Marco Anson created the Code of the Seven Seas by cooperating with the current nine pirate counts. At that time, almost all pirates raised the black flag and marched together. Gather at Cross Island.”

"They established a port - Central Port - where the legal entities of the Codex of the Seven Seas are located."

"Next, the pirates built a smuggling city called Uptown around the Central Port."

Captain Sam said to Ivita: "Boss, if the Black Sea is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, then Central Port is a hell on earth."

"Central Port is the nominal capital of the Pirate World. But in fact, whoever gets the Central Port can become the nominal master of the Pirate World and obtain some rights under the laws of the Seven Seas Code. The special decree donation order just now is one of them."

"Legend has it that there are five kinds of special laws. Each of these laws must be enforced by pirates once they receive them. The ordinary laws issued by Central Port are to see whether the pirates are willing to implement them. They are not mandatory. of."

Ivita understood, nodded, and said, "What five special laws?"

Captain Sam said: "I heard that the animals conveyed by each special decree are different. This is the first time I am convinced that the animal conveyed by the special decree and donation order is a sea turtle."

"These laws are -"

"1. Donation order, forcing designated pirates to pay a designated amount of money."

"2. Ship Hunting Order, forcing designated pirates to attack a designated ship."

"3. Compulsory hanging order, forcing the captain of a certain pirate ship to hang himself and allowing him to choose his heir."

"4. Black market expulsion order, expelling a black market merchant on the island so that it cannot be accepted by the laws of the Seven Seas Code and cannot approach the island."

"5. The doomsday return order calls all pirate ships to return to the port to protect the upper city and central port."

"I heard that the Governor of Central Port, the nominal ruler of the pirate world, has to pay a lot every time he launches these decrees. But I don't know what they are. After all, these are just what I learned from the shore. I heard it from various pubs nearby.”

Captain Sam added, and said with a little pride: "But that's because I have known many people at sea, so I know this."

Ivita nodded. It turns out that Central Port cannot collect taxes from pirates. If it can collect taxes, it will be a ghost.

But they can pass the laws of the Seven Seas Code to force certain pirate ships to collect a certain amount of money from the pirates at a specific point in time.

Moreover, it seems that it has also mastered the ability to designate attacks on certain ships in a small area, target some pirate ships, and target black market merchants.

However, it seems that every time the other party issues a decree, it has to pay a huge price.

Therefore, after the death of Marco Anson, Central Port may have lost its ability to control pirate groups and smugglers.

Captain Sam said to Ivita: "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. I also heard from a friend. He said that there is a special behavior among the pirate group, which is [stationing], or [standing]. On the】."

"Because whoever controls Central Port is the governor of the pirate world and has the huge power to issue five special decrees. Therefore, many pirates are eyeing Central Port and believe that by seizing Central Port, they can obtain [Pirate World]."

"This is the pirates' unique view of the world."

Ivita nodded, that's it.

In this way, the Central Port on Cross Island is the most important area in the pirate world and the most serious disputes.

After hearing this, the Hearthstone Witch realized that she was in trouble. "The pirate world is an area that was only formed in the last fifty years. Of course I am not familiar with it. Damn it, then the pirate law cannot be broken!"

When the Hearthstone Witch was heartbroken, Ivita took out the compass in her pocket again and found that the direction pointed by the compass had changed, and the needle pointed to 123 degrees south.

Ivita quickly told Captain Sam, "My compass needle has changed. Change your course immediately and go to the position of 123 degrees south."

The Hearthstone Witch's expression suddenly changed. "Otherwise, if we wait where we are, we might be able to meet the original owner of the donation order - the fleet of the Bearded Pirates here!"

But Captain Sam paid no attention to the old witch.

Because he knows whose orders are really effective on this ship. On the sea, it is best to have only one authority on a ship.

Otherwise, things can get messy.

Captain Sam immediately shouted from the deck: "Change course! South 123 degrees!"

"Everyone move immediately! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

The helmsman at the stern of the ship quickly changed direction, while the sailors rushed to the deck and tightened the sail ropes one by one to adjust the sail's course.

Captain Sam yelled at the carpenter. "There are some less important parts of the ship that were damaged in the battle just now. You should repair them quickly."

"Sailor, please pay attention to the pulley. If the rope and pulley are derailed, your whole body will be bounced into the sky by the collapsing rope. It doesn't matter if you die, but if you damage the ship, I will definitely kill you. Feed your carcass to the sharks.”

The Hearthstone Witch could only sigh helplessly as she watched the team of sailors on the ship move and the ship slowly change direction.

About an hour later, Captain Sam suddenly took out an extremely crude and abstract map hand-drawn on a notebook and found Iveta who was enjoying the cool weather on the deck. He said to Iveta: "Boss, Something’s wrong.”

"This is a crude chart I drew the last time I entered this sea area."

"If you continue walking in this direction, you will see a sea area in front of you where the navigation compass fails."

"If we get in there, it will be very troublesome to get out."

Ivita glanced at him, and then looked at the compass of opportunity in her hand. This compass could point to nine directions in total. Ivita still didn't know if these nine directions were enough for her to find what she wanted.

But at the moment, the compass pointer has not changed direction, which means that they must still drive in this direction.

Although even if they change the direction now and avoid that sea area, they can find the right path again as long as the pointer changes direction again.

But this thing is just like mobile phone navigation, it will remind you one more time every time you change the direction.

But I only have nine reminder opportunities.

Don't waste even one time.

Ivita said to Captain Sam: "My compass will not lose its effect this time. As long as we keep walking in the direction it points, we will definitely be able to get out of that sea area."

"So... drive in."

Captain Sam hesitated and said to Ivita: "Okay, boss. You have the final say."

"But in fact, even without borrowing a compass, I can still identify the direction in that sea area. I can use the stars in the sky and the position of the sun during the day to identify the direction."

Ivita nodded. It seemed that the captain had really made no mistake.

The Hearthstone Witch was relieved upon hearing this. She no longer had to worry about the tragedy of losing her direction at sea and turning into a sea ghost.

Soon, the ship sailed into the sea area that Captain Sam said, but except for Ivita and the other three people, most people didn't know that they had entered a place where the navigation compass failed.

This is also to avoid causing panic.

It was very troublesome for the crowd to panic on this merchant ship.

Ivita saw that Vampire Wilson had gone back to sleep in the cabin below deck, and he told himself that he found sleeping in a cabin between the sun and the sea very comfortable for a vampire.

The female ranger was on the deck blowing the sea breeze and repairing her own equipment.

The two knight senior otakus were still staying in their bedrooms, not at all gregarious.

The soldiers and hunters were more extroverted. They didn't like to stay in the cabin, so they were chatting and laughing with the sailors on the deck. Ivita saw that some people actually brought dice on the ship and even gambled privately on the ship.

But Iveta saw that Captain Sam didn't care about this behavior, so he didn't say anything.

After all, this kind of entertainment is meaningful. They have been at sea for a week. During this week, they have only seen a few people every day. of sea.

This kind of loneliness will gradually make a person's mental state abnormal, so some entertainment activities are necessary.

This kind of entertainment seems like a waste of time, but in fact it has the effect of relaxing everyone.

It took about half a day of sailing. After lunch, the soldiers actually caught some seafood on the stern of the boat and added it to everyone's dinner. Ivita caught it with her magic hand on the floating sea. Two barrels.

Unfortunately, after he broke open the barrel, he found that it was all empty. There was no trace of half a gold pound.

Ivita sighed, "It seems I've been having bad luck lately."


Iveta looked back and found that the Hearthstone Witch had also fished out a wooden barrel from the sea. After she stepped on it, she pulled out an extremely thin, silk-like canvas from inside.

The Hearthstone Witch pulled the canvas out of the barrel, and unexpectedly pulled out a canvas more than ten meters long and wide.

The number 3 is written on the end of this canvas.

The Hearthstone Witch was stunned for a moment, "This seems to be a Type 3 pirate ship component."

The female ranger Servilia came over, held the canvas and said: "Ah, this is not made of ordinary cloth, this is a special elf silk fabric, made of the unique giant silk fabric found in the caves of the Principality of Brittany. The silk spun out by the man-eating spider is then made into an elven sail using special elven craftsmanship. This sail is extremely light and durable, and is difficult to damage. It can maximize wind power and increase the speed of the sailboat."

"It also has a mysterious power. Even the wind will try its best to help us and increase our speed by at least ten percent."

"Why can such things be found in this sea area?"

Captain Sam came over and looked at the canvas made by the elves with bright eyes. "As expected of a witch, you are so lucky."

"I'm going to lower the current mainsail right away and put this canvas up."

"Don't be surprised. In the future, we will often encounter wooden barrels floating on the sea in this area. This is also part of the laws of the Seven Seas Code. These wooden barrels are from some mysterious islands in the Black Sea that are not on the charts. spread."

"When we have time in the future, we can pick up more of these barrels. You can pick them up much faster than ordinary people like us."

"But usually there is nothing in the barrel, and there is even some garbage. The Hearthstone Witch must be very lucky."

The Hearthstone Witch was eager to invite you and said to Ivita: "Hahaha, Your Majesty, have you seen my luck? I picked up a good thing for you."

"I am completely different from those unlucky people. I..."

Ivita looked back at the two empty barrels behind her with a strange expression on her face. When had he been less lucky than the Hearthstone Witch?

That's all, that's all.

What the Hearthstone Witch picks up is her own, because she picked it up standing on her own boat, so all the profits that happen are her own.

Yeah, that makes sense, um...

At this time, the Hearthstone Witch saw the two empty barrels behind Ivita, and her words stopped suddenly as she realized something. "Your Majesty, it's not like you didn't pick up anything. Look, there is actually a crab in your barrel."

"That's crab! Crab can be added to your meal. Crab is also very expensive in inland areas..."

Ivita stared at the Hearthstone Witch with murderous eyes.

The Hearthstone Witch shut up.

Iveta was about to return to the cabin when suddenly he heard "Help~" shouted from a distance.

Iveta looked back and saw a three-masted ship in the distance carrying the flag of the Republic of Belisarius with a red cross on a white background. They were calling for help. It seemed like something had happened.

Captain Sam picked up the binoculars around his neck and glanced at the ship, waving white flags and shouting for help to the crew.

"It seems that there is a shipwreck ahead. There are not many merchant ships in this sea area, but some islands in the sea are rich in products that are not available in other areas, which can generate huge profits, so there are still many smuggling ships."

"Are they smuggling ships from the Republic of Belisarius?"

"That's not right. The draft is so shallow. It doesn't look like it's carrying cargo. There must be something wrong."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Since there is a problem, let's leave quickly. We are all adults and must be responsible for our own choices. We cannot rescue an unknown ship in such dangerous waters. Who knows Are they pirates in disguise?”

The female ranger Servilia said hesitantly: "But if they are really smuggling ships, they would be too pitiful if we left them here. They will be intercepted by pirates sooner or later. If we are in a dangerous situation, Do you also hope to meet a good person who can reach out and save us? We have to compare our feelings with our own."

Hearthstone Witches are unsympathetic. "The result of my comparison is that I seriously suspect that it is a pirate ship disguised as a pirate ship."

"If I were a pirate, this is what I would do if I noticed our ship in the distance. Let's get out of here."

Ivita nodded, he was more inclined to believe in the Hearthstone Witch's judgment. "This is the sea. We listen to Captain Sam first. He is an expert..."

He took out the compass from his pocket and took a look at it, and immediately frowned, because at this moment, the needle of the compass was pointing at the pirate ship that was calling for help from them.

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