The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 266 Obtaining the Law of Volcanic Island! The new fire of law! The power from human civiliza

The phantom spider on the outside of the black woman has been completely burned into smoke by the flames. At the core of the inside is actually the face of an old woman floating in the air, but the wrinkled face is full of evil. And unbearable.

It is a worship object from the primitive matriarchal social tribe.

It has transgressed the name of God, and for thousands of years, it has been able to dominate the small land of the volcanic island in the sea. No one cares about it, so naturally it does not dare to leave the island. .

But today, Hei Po Zai seems to be facing its end.

The black woman with the face of an old woman, while wailing in the flames, actually asked for help from the god Leo, the enemy of thousands of years. "Help, help me. If you help me, you are helping yourself."

God Leo's cold eyes looked at the black woman in the flames, and the last trace of obsession was about to be turned into ashes by the fire of the law.

But he didn't make any move.

In his eyes, Hei Pozi is just a dying enemy, and death is the best thing.

As for help?

He does not need it.

The old woman's face of the black woman was full of resentment, with countless cracks appearing on the entire wrinkled face. It looked resentfully at the indifferent Leo God and let out its final roar. "I appeared in the offerings of humans on the volcanic island. I was born from an ordinary piece of wood. I am the black wood god floating on the sea."

"All humans on the volcanic island should belong to me!"

"Give me...give me...give me..."

The golden flame burning it vaguely formed the image of a giant flame bird with a flame lord crown on its head and nine feathers on its tail.

The Lord's Crown Firebird magic itself has been sublimated once, and it is extremely powerful. At this moment, Ivita used [Emperor Star Pulse] to strengthen this magic. The Aldebaran Emperor Star allowed Ivita to hide the new light ignited with a gold pound in her left eye. The flames of the Thousand Years Fire temporarily combine with the fire of law in the original fire bird magic.

As a result, the current fire of law is a new thousand-year-old fire that has not appeared in this world. It is a fire of new civilization ignited by money.

Extremely powerful.

The black woman looked at the figure coming out of the flames and yelled at Ivita: "Look at the indigenous people over there. Do they deserve to be out of my control? Do they deserve to be out of my leadership?"

"Don't these native humans belong to me?"

After being severely injured by Leo God, his body was wiped out, and he was burned by the magic of the sublimated Lord's Crowned Firebird, and almost all his strength was consumed. Hei Pozai used his last obsession to continue to forcefully exist in this world.

Ivita looked at the indigenous tribe not far away and found that the red-skinned old indigenous leader she had met before was leading thousands of indigenous people to kneel down to her.

So stupid...


Ivita looked coldly at the face of the old woman full of cracks and said to her: "It was the humans on the volcanic island who created you at the beginning of civilization and asked you to protect them and guide them. I thank you for accompanying them to the end. It's been a long time, but now the civilized world is going to accept them."

"you can go now."

"The humans here no longer need you."

"I will be the one who rules them. Although they are indeed very ignorant now, and their spirits are filled with the ugliness caused by your slavery and suppression, you must understand that no one or any existence can stop the continuous improvement of human civilization!"

"This island, which has been stagnant for thousands of years, must be included in the civilized world today!"

In the flames, the black woman laughed loudly, the sound was like an old woman making a mocking and ugly smile. She winked at Ivita and said, "What a loud tone~"

"What makes you think they can get rid of me, make progress, and integrate into the civilized world? These are just a group of wastes raised by me. They are hopeless. They can only stay in the world a thousand years ago!"

"I will impose a final curse on you. This is a curse from the evil god, a curse from God. It will drag you into the abyss."

"I curse you in the name of the evil god. You will die badly. Your body will rot. Everything you care about will disappear. Your power will be contaminated by me. You will discover your power at the most dangerous time. Strength cannot help you.”


The last power of the curse rose up all over Hei Pozai's body. This was the essence it gained from accepting the blood sacrifice of humans on the volcanic island for thousands of years. It was the basis of its existence in this world. This power of the curse turned into a jet-black light, and it actually hit Ivita made a circle and hit Leo God who had been watching the show.

Leo God's golden pupils were startled.

Because he was originally prepared to watch the whole show, but he didn't expect that the final curse of the evil god who was about to be killed by Ivita, the curse sent by the god, was not targeting Ivita, but him.

He was absolutely furious.

What's happening here? ?

A black mark appeared on the chest of Leo God, and within that black mark was a curse from the evil god's persona.

His golden eyes showed confusion, rage, and even madness after being teased.

This is the flaw of this magical being. Madness is the only reality hidden behind his external character.

Regardless of his image, God Leo bared his teeth and said, "Why? He killed you, not me!"

In the flames, the resentment in the black woman who completely lost her status as an evil god was actually burned away in the fire of law, revealing the kind face of an ordinary old woman.

The black woman said: "I originally wanted to curse this colonial boy from the sea. I am not willing to give this island and the indigenous people on it to him, but when I think about it carefully, it is you who I hate the most. .”

"And instead of letting you kill everyone on the island, let him get the island."

"In the final analysis, I, like you, were created by the humans on the volcanic island and led the early human civilization. I am outdated and can no longer grow, so I don't want humans to grow, and I want to drag them to stay with me. In the time of primitive tribes.”

"But now I'm going to die, and I have to fulfill my last duty as the guardian of the volcanic island, which is to kill you!"

The black woman has lost the status of the evil god. It cannot survive for too long under the fire of law. It looks at Ivita, and the evil wishes of mankind that have accumulated in it for thousands of years are shattered one by one.

Ivita could feel these evil wishes, which made him tremble with fear. Even just hearing them felt like they were polluting people's consciousness.

‘Why can the daughter of the tribal chief give birth to two big fat boys? I can only give birth to one son. God Black Wood, I will give you all the venison I got from the tribe. Just kill one of her sons for me. Just kill one of them, then we will be equal. ’

‘Why is my brother so strong and in good health, but I am not as good as him? I want to be like him, Black Wood God, I want fairness, please let my brother break his right hand while hunting, so that I can be like him. ’

‘God Black Wood, I want to marry beauties from ten tribes, please satisfy me. ’

‘God Black Wood, you are our guardian, you can do anything, please kill the chief, I want to be the chief. I promise you, whatever you want is okay, whatever you want is good, and whatever you want is allowed by me. As long as you make me the chief. ’

These wishes were shattered one by one in the golden fire of the law.

In the end, all that's left is some very pure wishes.

‘God Blackwood, this is the venison given to you. Please protect my grandma because she was injured last time she was picking fruits outside. She is really having a hard time, please protect her. ’

‘Grandma, my mother said you are the best god. I want to ask you to keep my brother safe. ’

‘Grandma, this is the venison given to you. I hope you will be happy. We are having a great year and there is nothing we need you to take care of. ’

The mutilated face of the kind old man suspended in mid-air amid the flames turned to look at Ivita.

Ivita said: "I didn't expect you would do this in the end."

The black woman said: "I am what the humans on the volcanic island are like. I am not completely evil, but I am not kind either. Human beings have too many evil wishes, which drown out the good wishes. But make a wish to me My good wishes are definitely not meaningless, nor are they powerless. When your flames burned away the evil wishes in me, I recalled my duty as a patron saint."

"In the final analysis, I just did what a dictator would do. Could it be said that tyrants among humans do not suppress technological development and are afraid that their subjects will escape from his control? Could it be said that the powerful among humans do not suppress their own people? Freedom, afraid that the free movement of their subjects will undermine their rule?”

"I am what humans are like. I am a mirror that humans create for themselves."

Grandma turned into a kind old man and said to Ivita: "Ivita, the god Leo will kill everyone on this island, so please kill him."

Ivita wanted to speak. He wanted to take back the fire of law. In this way, maybe this purified evil god could still survive.

But the next moment, a moon blade flew into the flames, hit Hei Pozai, and killed Hei Pozai, who had almost no strength.

Behind the flames is the evil face of Leo.

Leo God's golden eyes were cold. "It's really ridiculous. It's just a piece of wood, but there are so many things. If you die, it will be all over."

"Boy, for the sake of helping me leave the sealed land, I allow you to leave this island and go to the sea. But you are the only one."

"Everyone around you must stay and be buried with this island."

After the death of Hei Pozi, the fire of the law turned into a golden firebird and rushed into the sky of the island, lighting up the island at dusk and making the area near the indigenous tribe as bright as day.

Ivita lowered her head, stretched out her left hand, and put the pure spirituality produced by burning the evil god with the fire of law into her hand. The spirituality turned into a ball of light, and then sank into Ivita's hand.

Because the structure has been completely destroyed by the fire of law and the impurities have been burned away, this pure spirituality turns out to be a great tonic for Ivita, turning into a spiritual energy that enhances some of Ivita's mental power and magic power.

Ivita lowered her head, ignoring the boastful Leo god, and was thinking instead. "Using the fire of law to kill the evil god, you can actually get part of its pure spirituality. I have never encountered such a thing before."

"What the Fire of Law only does is purify spirituality. In other words, no matter who kills the Evil God, he can actually obtain part of the Evil God's spirituality."

"The Evil God is a great tonic for professionals."

"I'm afraid that as long as the church gives an order, countless professionals will launch a holy war against these evil gods. This kind of thing is good for everyone. Evil gods are equal to very scarce resources."

"No wonder the evil gods are almost extinct in the magical black forest. Only in the black sea under the laws of the Seven Seas Code are there some evil gods who are still alive."

Ivita lowered her head and stretched out her right hand. A fiery red palm-sized inverted cone emerged from the ashes of the flames and flew into the palm of Ivita's right hand.

Ivita had never felt such eternal power.

The overall power is not large, at most it is equivalent to the power of a third-level peak.

But it has a unique and timeless quality.

This power seems to exist forever, it is a rule, like the sun and the moon rising and setting, like the rise and fall of a kingdom. This power reminds Ivita of two words - 'Law'!

This is the essence of the law of this volcanic island. It is the law that the real Leo, who passed by this volcanic island nearly two thousand years ago, wanted to obtain, but failed to obtain because he was taken away by the black woman.

Iveta used his mental power to try to wrap the thing. As soon as his mental power touched the thing, it was actually integrated into it, but only less than one-third of it was fused, and he could not move forward.

Because the holder of the law has died, no one is in charge of the law, but someone must be in charge of the law, otherwise the land will be leaderless and enter a state of anarchy.

Therefore, as soon as Ivita's spiritual power comes into contact with it, there is a tendency to merge with it.

But it only stopped when it was integrated to a third of the way.

This shows that Ivita's control over this land is too weak.

This is just an island of several thousand square kilometers, most of which is volcanoes and mountains. Ivita believes that if it is the Thousand Years Fire, the Iron Crown, the Monastery Law and the Law of Turin, to control these laws, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

However, this is also an experience that can only be obtained by contacting the law and trying to control the law. Otherwise, it is impossible for one to know these things.

Ivita felt that through this law, he could not overlook and see the entire island. This was not something that the law could do.

But he felt that he had become the master here, and he could do what the ruler of the volcanic island could do.

"The volcanic island covers several thousand square kilometers. This is almost a barony. I wonder if the aristocratic law can recognize this kind of title."

"Probably not. After all, this island is not under the control of any country, and the laws of the Seven Seas have been broken. Strictly speaking, this is a truly unowned land. There is no way to ennoble it. We can only live in this kind of ownerless and kingless land. The land directly establishes the country."

Ivita sighed: "I finally saw what the law is. Now I want to exercise the due rights of the ruler of this volcanic island, and I want to stop the completely erupting volcano."

When Ivita thought this, the fiery red inverted cone that was constantly spinning in the air in the palm of her right hand emitted light, and Ivita felt that she was being pulled against the erupting volcano.

He did give it an order to stop the eruption, but how could a volcano that had already erupted be so easy to stop.

It was as if he was pulling a rope with the volcano, trying to pull the other side over.

It seems that even controlling the law requires the most basic strength, otherwise it will be useless.

Ivita looked at the volcano whose eruption had weakened and thought: 'The main function of this law is to control the eruption or non-eruption of volcanic islands. As for volcanic islands, this is indeed the most important law. ’

'But this law gives me a strange feeling. It seems to be incomplete. No, it is not incomplete. ’

Ivita realized that the body of the law in her hand should not be a law of a regionally independent legal level, but a subsidiary law of a regionally independent legal level.

In other words, there should be a very powerful body of regionally independent laws on the Black Sea.

But now there is only the law of the Black Sea Code. Could it be said that that law is the law that was grafted?

But, what kind of law is it?

It’s confusing.

Marco Anson once went to sea with Puss in Boots. They must have discovered something or encountered something at that time.

God Leo looked greedily at the law in Ivita's hand. Isn't that his true nature and something he has not found on this island?

Leo God said to Ivita: "Boy, how long are you going to ignore me?"

"I was talking to you, but you didn't hear me, did you?"

"Give me what you have in your hand quickly, and I can let you go to sea alone, otherwise I want you..."

Ivita finally looked up at him. Of course he understood why Leo God was suddenly kind and allowed him to leave the island alive.

He was afraid of the fire of law he had just displayed.

Iveta said in a straight voice: "Are you afraid of me?"

"But you should have heard what the black woman called me - colonist."

"Do you know what colonization is?"

Ivita said: "That is to say, I discovered this place on a boat, so everything on this island is mine, the land is mine, the law is mine, the indigenous people are mine, the people are mine, and the volcano It’s all mine.”

"You're mine too."

"So, why didn't you get out while I was thinking just now?"

Before Leo God could get angry, the firebird wearing the golden lord's crown suddenly fell down from the sky and swooped down, knocking Leo God off guard and flying into the air.

God Leo was horrified by the power of this golden fire bird. The latest version of the Chitose Fire could actually burn his divine power. Although it was not fast, it was indeed burning his divine power.

"More than a thousand years later, after the universal laws were broken, this strange flame was actually born among the complicated broken laws. The world in this era is really wonderful."

The endless wind of the volcanic island is gathering towards Leo God and turning into his divine power. He grabs the two claws of the golden firebird with both arms and wants to crush the fire of law with his terrifying physical power.

"What a pity. In the past era, the divine blood warriors crushed witches and wizards. We are the strongest..."

The next moment, the golden firebird he caught suddenly turned into a flame and lost its form, so that Leo God could not catch it.

The next moment, the flame appeared behind Leo God, transformed into a fire bird again, and hit him on the back with a claw.

The sparkling divine blood spread all over the island land.

Then, the golden firebird grabbed him with one claw, fluttered its wings, caught him high in the air, and then swooped down to the ground.

With a 'boom', the moment the golden firebird and Leo God landed, they exploded into a raging flame.

In the midst of the flames, God Leo lay on the ground and spit out a large mouthful of divine blood, protecting his divine power and burning rapidly under the latest version of the fire of law.

Ivita discovered that every time the Fire of Law was reborn, it seemed to be stronger than before.

It means that human civilization will become stronger with every change.

The golden flames after the explosion gathered again, and in the solemn eyes of God Leo, they once again condensed into a golden firebird in the sky wearing a golden flame lord's crown. The nine tail feathers at the end of its tail have a feather with an eye pattern. feather.

The magnificent firebird swooped down again, and with God Leo's frightened eyes, it rushed towards him. God Leo, who was almost falling out of the strength of a fourth-level professional, only had time to protect his chest with his hands.

The firebird hit his chest, and the flame power that exploded in an instant made him feel like a ball being kicked out, flying close to the ground at high speed and flying very far at low altitude.

Then, after he was knocked far away, his back hit a protruding rock.

The rock shattered instantly.

Then he stopped.

God Leo half knelt on the ground, coughing out divine blood. "This flame was born from the scattered laws."

"Although the absolute power has dropped a lot, the diversity of extraordinary power has been greatly increased..."

He looked in horror at the golden firebird that continued to attack him in a straight line. God Leo felt very troubled. He did not expect that several people from the sea were so powerful.

If he had known this, he should have agreed to join forces with the black woman.

Just from the first level to the second level, the power has increased so much. Could it be that the previous changes in the celestial phenomena were not just bells and whistles?

For the first time, remorse appeared in Leo God's heart.

He stood up and covered his chest with his arms, trying to protect himself. At the same time, he was thinking about how to deal with the fire bird. Suddenly, the golden flame on the fire bird suddenly trembled abnormally. The flame was between golden and ordinary. The flames switched between colors, and finally a golden flame flew back to Ivita's left eye out of thin air.

The color of the Lord's Crown Firebird also changed to the color of normal flames, and it seemed that its power was greatly reduced.

Ivita, who was preventing the volcano from erupting, knew in her heart that the power of the Emperor Star was temporarily exhausted.

So, the fire of the law returned to its original form.

Seeing this, God Leo seemed to be relieved, and the jack in his heart seemed to be removed.

He stood mid-air on the island again and had the courage to overlook the entire island. "It turns out you've reached your limit."

"But I'm not yet."

"Pirates and natives, you will all die in my hands today, just like that piece of wood that gets in the way!"

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