The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 268 Fulfill the obligations of the ruler, disperse the law, and fight to the death!

The moment the throwing magic disappeared, Leo God rushed towards Ivita like a tiger, using his strong body to swing his fists and attack Ivita like raindrops.

His expression was distorted, and his golden eyes could no longer hide the unique flaw of a magical being - madness. He knew that he must seize this only chance to kill Ivita.

This may be his last chance.

The fist struck in the direction of Ivita like a storm, and the air was penetrated by his fist, making bursts of roaring sounds.

But at this moment, vampire Wilson used his body to block Ivita's back.

Leo God laughed ferociously and said to Wilson: "Get out. Do you think you are worthy of stopping me? I will kill you immediately."

He gathered all the power of his body, and as soon as his fist touched Wilson's body, the fist penetrated Wilson's body and made a bloody hole in his body.

Then, five consecutive holes appeared on his body.

In the blink of an eye, six bloody holes appeared on Wilson's body.

Poor Wilson was punched with holes all over his body, just like a sieve.

Wilson's pupils suddenly narrowed. The moment he faced God Leo, he seemed to see the other person looking down on him like a tall god overlooking a small him.

That's definitely a different level.

That is not only the power of the fourth level, but also the characteristics of a god.

This trait does not increase the power of Leo God much, but it gives non-god-blood warriors a kind of spiritual pressure.

Wilson felt an unusual fear in his heart, and for a moment he even felt stunned.

Has Ivita been fighting this enemy?

Didn't he feel scared the moment he attacked such an enemy?

Don’t you think there will be serious consequences?

Is this the enemy Ivita is fighting? !

God Leo kicked him away and kicked the vampire Wilson aside. He himself walked towards Ivita, "These so-called professionals from the civilized world that you brought from overseas are nothing more than that. They are no more than my enemy."

Ivita turned her back to him, immersed in preventing the eruption of a supervolcano.

He felt as if he were an animal tamer, a shepherd, a shepherd trying to calm the sheep, and he wanted to use his strength and authority to calm the volcano.

The raging volcano seemed to convey confusion as to why it was allowed to erupt half an hour ago and now it is being extinguished.

Even if you are a ruler, you can't be so willful and change your orders every day, right?

Leo God walked towards Ivita, but the vampire Wilson stood up from the ground, "Where are you going?"

"You haven't killed me yet!"

The amusement in Leo God's golden eyes completely disappeared in an instant. He turned to look at Wilson who got up from the ground in disbelief. The bloody holes and damaged internal organs that appeared on Wilson's body were actually recovering at a very fast speed. .

According to the injuries of ordinary humans, this kind of serious injury is enough to be fatal.

But the vampire Wilson stood up as if he had just finished eating.

Wilson left an afterimage in place, and the next moment, he ran between Leo God and Ivita again.

God Leo turned to look at Wilson as if he had seen a ghost, "It's impossible. With such a serious injury, ordinary potions, secret medicines and rituals cannot save your life."

"How can you still be alive?"

Vampire Wilson showed his fangs and his eyes turned into gold circles and ink.

God Leo looked strange, and his divine eyes noticed that the spirituality of vampire Wilson was different from that of ordinary humans. "Are you not a human? Or, are you a subspecies of humans?"

Vampire Wilson didn't mind talking to him in order to delay time. He twisted his neck and said, "Yes, I am a vampire and have an immortal body."

God Leo was shocked, because even in the ancient civilization period more than a thousand years ago, immortality was very rare, let alone an ethnic group with immortality.

Therefore, God Leo was not in a hurry to attack Ivita for the time being. Instead, he focused his divine power on his eyes and used his divine eyes to observe Wilson, the fourth generation vampire.

In his eyes, Wilson's spirituality was a blood-red pillar, which gradually extended in two directions at the top of the pillar. The final illusion displayed by his spirituality was a full moon in the sky and a dark and secluded place.

Leo narrowed his eyes. "You do have an immortal body, although this immortal body is incomplete and imperfect."

"The source of your power seems to come from two terrible places."

"A thousand years later, the world has become so wonderful."

"Unfortunately, immortal aliens like you [vampires] were born."

He looked down and watched as the spirituality on his body turned into a wisp of white mist, converging on the Seville female ranger hiding behind a pile of rubble. This is the core skill of the second-level ranger - [Energy Draining].

You can steal the opponent's physical strength during battle.

God Leo then looked at the old knight of the Persepolis family who was holding Tomon's holy sword. The muscles in his body were swollen, exuding an evil but powerful and crazy spiritual power. He looked very difficult to deal with.

God Leo couldn't help but his eyes darkened. "The power system in this era seems to be very complicated."

"So many troublesome powers were actually born."

"It seems that the absolute power of this era is not strong, just because most of the universal laws are broken."

"But out of the scattered laws sprang a further system of power."

"If someone reassembles the scattered laws, the strength of the universal law that reappears will be unimaginable. That universal law may reach a strength that has never been seen in history."

Leo God once again summoned his two moon blades that had been knocked to the ground by Ivita before.

"Forget it, I misjudged you. You are not ordinary ants. Before killing your master, I will kill you seriously."

He suddenly squatted down and assumed a sprinting posture. His body, which was flowing with powerful divine blood, left the place with all his strength and came to the female ranger's side. He then raised the moon blade and placed it on the female ranger's abdomen. A slash was made.

Suddenly, Servilia was dripping with blood.

But she used the ranger's first-level core skill [dodge] in time to avoid the fatal blow, and was not intercepted by the ruthless Leo God.

At the same time, the female ranger quickly used healing skills to stop the bleeding from her own wounds, and shot the arrows on her bow towards Leo.

It's a pity that the arrow was caught by Leo God with his left hand.

In front of the terrifying body of divine blood, the ranger's archery skills are nothing to mention.

When Leo God saw Wilson rushing over again, he immediately changed direction and rushed towards the old knight on the side. He could tell that the vampire Wilson was definitely the most difficult one among them.

As a third-level vampire, coupled with the vampire's advantage in speed, Wilson can keep up with Leo God, who has been continuously hit and cursed.

God Leo came to the old knight. The moon blade in his left hand collided with Tomon's holy sword in the old knight's hand. In an instant, the holy sword actually cut off the moon blade that had been melted in half.

Leo God's eyes narrowed, and he punched the old knight in the chest with his left fist.

The extraordinary heart formed by the Persepolis family's seed of life [Iris Ironwood] is providing the old knight with as much strength as possible. At the same time, the [Giant Muscle Fibers] and [Life Energy Spiritual Storage Cells] in his body are working hard to provide strength for the old knight. He provides the power to attack.

But despite this, he still couldn't keep up with Leo God's boxing speed, and his armor was punched with huge dents. However, because the life energy released by the spiritual storage cells of life energy has a certain defensive ability, it turned into Blood-red energy enveloped his body, so the old knight's bones and muscles were only broken, but not penetrated.

The old knight of Persepolis gritted his teeth, his eyes were covered with a layer of blood red, and he yelled: "Holy Sword, don't you want to punish sinners? Don't you want to bury all the wicked people in hell and let them be punished by you? Torture?"

"Move for me."

The hilt of the holy sword in his hand suddenly vibrated, as if in response to the old knight's words.

The old knight held the sword with both hands, and the sword actually followed Leo God's movements and blocked the opponent's fist.

At this moment, it is not the old knight holding the sword, but the sword controlling the old knight.

God Leo looked into the eyes of the old knight and found that his eyes were covered with a layer of blood red, obviously controlled by the sword.

At the same time, Wilson had arrived behind him.

The female ranger also took the initiative to give up treating herself, and actually used [Healing Technique] on the old knight from a distance to transfer her life force to him.

God Leo gritted his teeth and turned to look at Ivita, who was suppressing the volcanic eruption, and the Hearthstone Witch, who was preventing the lava from flooding the tribe.

‘It was obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a sneak attack, but it was blocked by a few scum. ’

'hateful. ’

'The scale of the volcano's eruption has begun to decrease. It would be a waste of time to continue wasting power on them. But if I don't deal with them, I can't get close to Ivita. ’

‘They should not have been led to this island in the first place. ’

Leo thought a lot, mostly regret and frustration. ‘It was the pirates who were supposed to be lured to this island by me, but those pirates were infected with the plague because they robbed others. ’

'I thought my clone was going to be trapped in the sea forever. After meeting people like Ivita, I went directly to their ship. I also guided him into the building where I was sealed in the middle of the night and gave him a magic book. . ’

'But if I had known this was going to happen, I shouldn't have gone to him. Now that things have come to this, I might as well have let my clone be trapped at sea. ’

‘These damn colonists! ’

Leo God had no choice but to rush forward and fight the two men. He decided to tear Wilson's heart out of his chest to see if he could survive. He wanted to kill the old knight with the power of thunder. , if this old knight is not too low in level, he may not be physically weaker than him.

This future generation has been advancing for more than a thousand years, and it is progressing too fast.

At this moment, God Leo remembered the words Hei Pozi had given him before he died - 'Now is no longer an environment suitable for a divine-blooded warrior. ’

On the other side, Ivita stood in front of the volcano, even though the volcano seemed to be yelling at him and didn't want to stop.

But Ivita still told it again and again that I am the ruler of the volcanic island!

I want the volcano to stop erupting!

The volcano must stop erupting!

The raging volcano was like a furious fire dog, but Ivita was not afraid of him at all. Instead, she looked at it very calmly and told it that she was its only master.

Gradually, the arrogant and bluffing dog gradually subsided. It began to feel scared and began to show respect to Ivita, and the volcanic eruption gradually stopped.

The huge geographical changes on the volcanic island finally began to disappear.

The volcanic eruption... finally stopped, leaving only thick smoke erupting from the crater.

Seeing this scene, thousands of red-skinned natives immediately knelt on the ground in front of Ivita, using various movements, dances and sounds to express their respect and admiration for Ivita.

At this moment, they think Ivita is the god here.

Ivita glanced at these tribal natives expressionlessly, shaking her head slightly. If she doesn't know how to respect her own people, she certainly doesn't know how to respect others, and she has no loyalty or honor at all.

What he wants are subjects who dare to love and hate, and are neither humble nor arrogant, not a group of natives who are like animals.

But this is not urgent, it requires education.

It takes time to slowly change them.

Since he has taken over the law of the volcanic island, he has assumed the responsibility of ruling here.

After the volcano stopped erupting, the pressure on the Hearthstone Witch to stop it suddenly decreased. She sowed a large number of seeds, and then summoned the Piranha Secret Garden, which finally completely blocked the surging magma.

The Hearthstone Witch quickly ran towards Ivita and said to Ivita: "My Majesty, I stopped you. But the Piranha Secret Garden is my natural magic, and I have used this magic here too many times."

"My spiritual thoughts have polluted the land here. The land in this area will be polluted by my spiritual thoughts for a long time, so piranha will grow here for a long time. I can't help it myself Lifted.”

Ivita nodded casually, it was just a small thing.

He walked to the other side of the battlefield.

The Hearthstone Witch looked over, and then her heart skipped a beat. Oh no, the Demon God was about to get angry.

Because the female ranger was lying in the rubble, badly injured, all the armor on the old knight's body was damaged. His face was congested and bloated. He could only open one eye and stood motionless on the ground.

Vampire Wilson's head was torn off from his body, and his heart was dug out. The heart was trampled into a pool of blood by God Leo, which was too horrible to look at.

But with the powerful immortality of the fourth generation vampire, he didn't even die.

Leo transformed his left hand into a sword, and wanted to give the old knight the final blow to the old knight who was standing there, unable to move due to serious injuries.

The old knight watched the shadow above his head fall, and sighed in his heart, is it the end?


The next moment, the old knight opened his eyes, was startled, and then found that the hand knife that Leo God dropped towards his head was actually caught in someone's hand.

The old knight looked at the owner of the hand, but saw Ivita hiding her anger in the shadows and lowering her head.

The old knight asked: "Has the volcano stopped erupting?"

"Yes." Ivita said, "Thanks to you, the volcano that Black Pooja triggered has stopped erupting."

"I'm late. Sorry."

The old knight shook his head slightly. Wrapped in horse leather, this was the fate of all their knights.

Ivita looked at Leo God coldly. "Hey, you have actually weakened to the third level of strength. It seems that you have consumed a lot of strength on these subordinates of mine."

"So I told you, don't underestimate anyone."

God Leo looked at the left hand held by Ivita in disbelief. How could he, a wizard, hold the hand of the divine blood warrior with his body? This was impossible.


God Leo's divine eye saw that Ivita's left hand was wrapped with powerful magic. By the way, the other party should have used the magic hand composed of weird gravity and repulsion to wear it on his own left hand.

Therefore, the other party could stop him with his physical body.

But no matter what, for a wizard to be able to catch the hand knife of a divine-blooded warrior, it is indeed a miraculous skill.

God Leo turned his head to look at the volcano, and couldn't help but panic for a moment, because the eruption of the volcano had stopped, and the other party moved so fast.

Even if the opponent has the law of the volcanic island in his hand.

But the other party's speed in mastering this law was a bit too fast. Could it be that he was too slow and was delayed for so long by three professionals who were far inferior to him and consumed so much power?

Leo God wanted to say something. The next moment, a huge train-like arm appeared behind Ivita. It hit him at a very close distance like a speeding locomotive, hitting directly on the ground. His nose, eyes and face.

The moment Leo God flew out, his face was extremely deformed like a bun that had been smashed through by a fist.

His whole body flew out.

Iveta's eyes were cold and she gritted her teeth and said, "I will let you bully my people."

"Die to me."

God Leo fell and flew out. After sliding more than fifty meters on the ground, a deep pit was made on the ground before he stopped.

Before he could get up, he saw Ivetta jumping into the air, and the two huge purple arms behind Iveta smashed into his face again.



He hit him twice in a row, each time hitting Leo God in the face.

The deep pit where Leo God was located was smashed into a depth of more than ten meters.

The power of Aldebaran's Emperor Star has long been exhausted, but the super-giant magic hand did not shrink back. In her rage, Ivita did not notice that the shadow at his feet behind him had turned into a dragon with wings and horns. dragon.

Leo God tried hard to climb out of the pit, but as soon as he climbed out, he saw a huge purple fist hitting his face.


Leo God was knocked out again.

His face had been swollen and completely deformed by Ivita's beatings.

But before Leo God could react, the two super-giant magic hands behind Ivita opened their palms. The purple light on the magic hands dimmed, and the red bracelet on the wrist became extremely bright, turning into two giant rays. The suction force actually sucked Leo God, who was knocked out more than fifty meters away and was still in mid-air.

With both hands, he held the guy's head and feet in the palms of two super-giant magic hands.

Iveta said: "You are the thing I want to kill most since I came to this world."

"Today you are...dead. There will be no more seals for you, only death that belongs to you!"

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