The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 275 Declaration of War from Cross Island 6353

On the sea, a pirate ship with a black flag of skulls was chasing a single-masted smuggling ship. The pirates stood on the deck of the ship and shouted at the smuggling ship that had been chasing them.

"As long as you can stop the ship, we will only rob you and not kill you. We will exile you to some island."

"If you don't stop the ship and wait for us to catch up with you, the consequences will be to massacre your entire ship!"

"Stop immediately. You have no way to escape. As for your broken ship, we can drive over and smash it."

When the six crew members on the smuggling ship heard these words, their faces showed signs of despair.

Because they knew the ferocity of the pirates and knew that what the other party said was true.

But even if the pirates were promised to stop the ship, the other party might not abide by the agreement and give them hope of survival.

Especially since there were two female dependents on the ship.

The sailors and the captain all looked at the two girls hiding in the cabin below the deck of the smuggling ship. The two girls had similar facial expressions, but one was wearing a light goose-yellow dress and had no accessories in her hair. Expensive, but they are all shiny new tin hairpins.

The other girl was dressed in coarse clothes and linen, like a slave.

There is obviously a huge disparity in status between the two girls. One is a slave and the other is a rich lady.

But at this moment, no matter who is richer or poorer, the two girls, who are about twelve or thirteen years old, are in extreme fear.

The captain shouted to the girl in a light yellow dress in the cabin: "Miss, that pirate ship is getting closer and closer to us."

"We're finished. Completely finished. You shouldn't have sneaked onto our ship. Now I can't be responsible for you Fuvar family!"

"God, I can't imagine what would happen if you fell into their hands."

In the cabin, Juno Foval was also panicked. In addition to her fear, she looked at Arabi, the personal maid next to her, fiercely. She actually yelled and blamed all the blame on the maid.

"This is all your fault. You have to help me fix this."

"The dress, accessories, these things I will give to you now. Take the fine clothes and tell those pirates that you are Juno Foval."

Arabi's little slave looked at her in panic. "You know, this is not a matter of identity. In the eyes of those pirates, we all have the same identity, and we are all lambs to be slaughtered."

Both of them looked in horror at the pirate ship behind them that was gradually approaching them. In the next moment, the pirate ship even threw two iron chains with iron hooks, and these two iron chains hooked the people on their smuggling ship. The deck was violently damaged, and then pulled violently, causing their smuggling ship to risk rolling over backwards for a moment.

But when the ship stabilized again, the pirate ships chasing after it finally caught up.

The captain and another trainee knight on the smuggling ship waved their one-handed swords, trying to cut off the iron chains, but the iron chains emitted a faint light. The light was like a whirlpool in the sea, bottomless and very strange. Profound.

A cloud of dark gas appeared on the chain - 3.

The expression of the trainee knight sailor changed greatly. "This is a type 3 pirate ship component. The damn pirates actually didn't sell this kind of thing to the black market, but put it on their own ships. Also, this component is very suitable for capturing merchant ships at sea."

"Whoever gets it will not sell it casually, unless the person does not go to sea at all."

The captain said desperately: "It's over, it's really over. Wait... There is actually a two-masted ship over there without flying a black flag. They are not pirate ships. Let's jump into the sea and swim to the vicinity of that ship. Let's swim to the ship. The ship asked for help..."

"They are still driving towards us. They must want to come and save us. Great, we are saved."

The sailors and two girls on the ship also seemed to have found a savior.

The sailors tried to wave to the merchant ship that was speeding over from a distance and send out a distress signal. When they found that the merchant ship had arrived in front of them, their faces were full of surprise, thinking that the people on this ship could be very dangerous. How interesting.

They had obviously seen a pirate ship chasing them, but they actually dared to drive over directly.

Their original idea was that the other party would get a little closer, and then they would abandon the ship and jump into the sea to escape.

The captain was overjoyed. "We're here! Get ready to jump ship."

The captain pulled the young lady of the Fovar family over and jumped into the sea to protect her, but no one cared about the little girl named Arabi.

The little girl named Arabi, with a red face, was about to run to the edge of the ship's deck under her own power. Unexpectedly, before she could run a few steps, she bumped into a middle-aged man's sailor.

The sailor pushed her aside impatiently. "go."

Arabi fell on the deck. She wanted to open her mouth to explain something, but before she could speak, the sailors and the captain said in horror: "Wait a minute, why did that two-masted sailboat actually pass us? What are they going to do?" ?”

"Aren't they here to save us? They have already passed us..."

"Be careful, they actually fired directly at the pirate ship and rammed it!"

With a loud noise, Ivita's ship actually hit the pirate ship with its bow.

The pirates on the pirate ship, who had been chasing the smuggling ship, were all stunned.

They didn't expect that just when they were about to overturn the smuggling boat, just as a shark was about to bite through its prey, a strange boat suddenly hit their boat with its head. body.

This style of play is too cruel. Although this kind of fighting method also exists in naval battles, it is rare after all.

This style of play places extremely high demands on the helmsman.

The pirates on the pirate ship were still stunned for a moment, and then they let out angry and nervous shouts.

"We are attacked by the enemy! We are attacked by the enemy. Everyone takes up arms and fights."

"Quickly! We need to..."

The person shouting on the deck was a first mate who was learning the strength of a knight.

His arm was cut off in an instant. Before he could feel the pain from his wound, he was shocked to find a terrifying monster with fangs and bloody eyes standing in front of him.

This person is none other than Vampire Wilson.

The next moment, before the first mate could scream, Wilson grabbed his neck and stuffed it into his mouth. Then the vampire Wilson began to suck blood from his neck.

As a large amount of blood poured into Wilson's body, the spirituality lost before the volcanic island was quickly restored. His originally slightly dry cheeks became plump and his eyes were bright.

Soon, the first mate was transformed into a mummy.

Vampire Wilson looked at the pirates who were looking at him in horror, and showed a ferocious smile.

At the same time, the professionals on Ivita's side also took the opportunity to step on the bow of the ship and jump onto the pirate ship. Five warriors and two trainee hunters instantly took control of the opponent's entire pirate ship.

Ivita did not do anything during the whole process, but just watched from the sidelines. When Wilson killed the first mate and bosun on the pirate ship, and then found the other party's captain and drank the other party's captain's blood, Iveta observed that Wilson was The spirituality previously lost has been almost completely restored.

He coughed and used magic power to increase the range of the sound. "Okay, Wilson."

"Don't forget, we still need to rob ships and people. Let the pirates who are still alive surrender immediately, and the carpenters go to repair the other side's ships. Captain Duck Feather, that ship is assigned to you, and you command all the remaining pirates on that ship. .”

Ivita looked at the smuggling ship that was forcibly tied up by the two iron claw chains of the pirate ship. Then he said: "Let all the people on the smuggling ship over there put down their weapons, raise their hands, and walk to the deck of the pirate ship. We have also confiscated that smuggling ship."

"It's ours."

Under Ivita's order, the people on his side moved quickly and quickly arranged everything.

The pirates who resisted were all killed, and their blood replenished Wilson's nutrition. The pirates who were willing to surrender saved their lives after laying down their weapons.

Everyone on the smuggling ship, under the custody of the vampire Davina, surrendered one by one and walked obediently to the pirate ship through the chains.

The remaining four ordinary pirates and three pirates with the strength of apprentice knights all looked at the sudden appearance of the killing god in horror, and kept saying that they were willing to surrender.

The crew of the Fuvar family's smuggling boat looked at Ivita and others in shock.

They have the illusion that they have just escaped from a tiger's mouth and fallen into a pack of wolves.

When Ivita walked onto the deck of the pirate ship, the pirates could tell at a glance that he was in charge. They immediately said to Ivita with their whole bodies tied up: "Sir, we are willing to surrender, please give up." The vampires on your side stay away from us.”

"Sir, we are just an ordinary pirate ship. We have never meant to rob you."

"We were robbing other targets at the time, as you saw."

On the other side, the sailors of the Foval family shouted to Ivita. "Sir, the smuggling ship of the black salt merchant Fuval family in our Cross Island's [Deep Harbor], this batch of goods in our hands is to be sent to the transit port in the transit sea."

"We are deeply honored that you helped us from this group of stupid pirates this time. At the same time, we also have a distinguished guest from the Fulvar family on board..."

The Hearthstone Witch said to him with an unhappy expression: "Shut up."

"What about the Fulval family? Do you think we care? This trick doesn't work on the pirates, and you still want to use it on us?"

"If anyone makes any noise again, just throw it into the sea."

As soon as these words came out, the pirates and the sailors on the smuggling ship suddenly did not dare to make a sound.

There was a brief dead silence on the deck of the pirate ship.

After the inspection, the Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, the people on these two ships basically have no magic talent. However, that girl has a very powerful magic talent, but she is the only one who has it."

The Hearthstone Witch pointed at Juno Foval who was wearing a beautiful dress and said: "That's the girl."

"Look, are you going to choose her as your student?"

"She is the only one on this ship who has magical talent. If your compass is correct, then she is the person you are looking for."

The Fuvar family members were stunned for a moment.

Ivita expressed an action to the Hearthstone Witch that he needed to think about again, and then he said to Wilson and Captain Duck Feather: "Repair the ship immediately and collect these two ships. The pirate ship is in charge of Captain Duck Feather. That ship The smuggling ship is in charge of the vampire Davina.”

"Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed. They are all scum anyway."

"The pirate ship was renamed the Brandenburg, the smuggling ship was renamed the Berlin, and our flagship was named the Britannia. Starting today, we will form our own fleet in the Black Sea."

Vampire Wilson immediately gave an elegant salute to Ivita in the frightened eyes of the pirates, and then turned to help Davina, Carpenter and Captain Duck Feather assemble the two fleets.

The poor seven pirates were horrified to find that the other party actually came to annex the fleet and directly rob people.

The pirates were all extremely sad. People who had robbed others all year round were actually robbed, and now they seemed to be turning into crew members worse than slaves.

On the other side, the people of the Fulval family realized that Ivita was probably a wizard, and a wizard who needed to accept a disciple needed at least a formal wizard level.

Cross Island is a place for scum, so they often encounter wizards and witches on Cross Island, which are rare in other places.

The captain of the Fuvar family realized that this might be an opportunity to save the life of the eldest lady and the lives of their crew. He immediately said to Ivita: "Our eldest lady has indeed had very powerful magic since she was a child. talent."

"The Foval family is a small and medium-sized family in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Our family is specialized in selling deep-sea Neptune materials with some special spirituality in the Black Sea."

"Shenzhen Port is a super giant smuggling port located on Cross Island."

Although Ivita did not look at the captain who was captured by her, she still listened to his words carefully.

It seems that ports with deeply differentiated functions have appeared on Cross Island, such as deep ports, transit ports and central ports. Each port has a different main role.

The captain of the Fuvar family said to Ivita: "Mr. Wizard, our young lady has been found to have a very powerful witch talent since she was a child. There once was a great witch - [Green Teeth Witch] when she passed by our family's residence. , once said that our young lady has a terrible magical power hidden in her body, and as long as it is developed, she can reach the second level of wizard profession."

"He once wanted to take away my daughter, but because my daughter was only 3 years old at the time, our family owner refused."


Ivita glanced at him, and then looked at this so-called very talented young lady. In his spiritual sight, he saw that this girl's body was different from ordinary people.

Her spirituality is similar to that of ordinary people, but a second heart actually grows in her chest.

A heart is exactly like that of an ordinary person.

A heart is wrapped with golden spirituality.

Her second heart was as good as gold, and Ivita felt powerful power from that golden heart.

Ivita thought for a moment that this guy had an organ similar to the extraordinary organ of the knight system. But soon Ivita discovered that the spirit of the golden heart, which was still beating in the girl's body, was separate from that of the girl.

In other words, the heart is not the girl's organ at all. Although the spiritual beings of both parties are intertwined with each other, in fact, the golden heart can be regarded as a parasite living in the girl's body.

Juno Fulval looked at Ivita. Although she was full of fear of Ivita, she knew that if she was accepted as a student by Ivita, she would be able to escape danger.

So she turned entirely to herself, and began to chirp to Ivita: "I am the wizard you are looking for. I would like to be your pupil."

"If you can send me back to the Fuvar family's residence in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, my parents will definitely be grateful to you. They are very rich, and they can give you anything you want."

"They're really rich and can do anything."

Ivita frowned at her.

Because this guy's speaking style doesn't look like a girl from a wealthy family at all.

Since the Fuvar family is only a small and medium-sized family in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand.

This girl opened her mouth and said that she can do anything. There is a special kind of stupidity and ignorance in it.

On the contrary, the maid girl who has been following her has a unique temperament. Standing next to her, she actually feels more like a young lady from a wealthy family.

Ivetta took out the opportunity dial from her arms. This was the fifth time the opportunity dial pointed in the direction, but to be honest, Ivetta didn't have a good impression of the eldest lady of the Fulval family.

Students and teachers have a very close social relationship.

Ivita doesn't want to accept this student. After all, no matter how talented you are, it's not in vain if your personality doesn't work, and it's easy to raise a white-eyed wolf.

From his observation, the eldest daughter of the Fovar family has a very bad character, bullies the weak and fears the strong, and has no sense of responsibility.

Ivita took out the Compass of Opportunity and took a look, and her pupils suddenly shrank for a moment.

Because the pointer of the compass of opportunity happened to be... pointing at the maid girl [Araby] next to Juno Foval.

"Hearthstone Witch, come here and take a look at this situation." Ivita said, holding the Compass of Opportunity, "Are you sure there is only one girl on this ship who has magical talent?"

"I'm sure." The Hearthstone Witch looked at Ivita in confusion, making sure that whether she has magical talent can be seen with spiritual vision. People who are born with magical talent must have a spiritual part that is different from ordinary people.

She came over to take a look, and after seeing the pointer of the compass of opportunity, her expression suddenly changed.

The Hearthstone Witch looked up in surprise at the little Arabi maid standing next to Juno Foval.

"Did I make a mistake? No, no matter how you look at this guy, she is just an ordinary person, and she is also thinner than an ordinary girl. Her spirituality is mixed, and her qualifications are worse than ordinary people. Let her learn Magic will never make any progress in this life."

"But this type three component compass points to her..."

"The three-type component on the pirate ship, that iron hook chain, should be taken to our flagship Great Britain." Ivita put away the compass and thought for a moment. "That's very simple. I accepted all the two girls on the boat as students. In the process of learning magic, they will naturally show different learning talents."

The Hearthstone Witch thinks so. "Anyway, apprentices are all consumables. If you accept one, you will receive it. If you accept two, you will receive it."

"Since the compass points to that mortal girl, we might as well give her a rare and rare opportunity in her ordinary life."

"A girl who can have the same opportunities as a girl from a rich family."

Arabi looked at the conversation between Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch with a bit of confusion, "I...I can't compare..."

Juno Fovar was furious inside. She glared at Arabi, feeling that the other party had offended her.

The daughter of a mere maid can only do the work of a servant, so why should she enjoy the same treatment as her!

But Juno did not dare to say anything because she was afraid of Ivita.

Wilson discovered that the pirate ship they captured as the Brandenburg contained a total of 3 Type 1 Corsair components, 1 Type 2 Corsair component, and 1 Type 3 Corsair component.

The three one-piece pirate ship components are one sperm whale skin outer panel and two cannibal dolphin skin outer panels. The former component can enhance the strength of some ships, while the latter two components can reduce the seawater resistance of the ship and increase the strength of some ships. sailing speed.

A second-type pirate ship component is a dark elf sail made of dark elf leather and high-quality cloth.

This sail can speed up the Brandenburg's sailing in the dark night.

The Type 3 pirate ship component is a very rare component for capturing ships at sea, and its name is [Ship Capturing Iron Claw].

In fact, its body is two cannons. By igniting the cannons, it launches iron claw chains at enemy ships.

The pirate ship component of the Fulva family's smuggling ship had an outer panel of sperm whale skin.

This also made Ivita understand that these pirates' ships are far from being as simple as they seem.

If it was the large pirate fleet with several superior knights that we saw before, their ships might have been filled with pirate ship components, and the strength of those ships might have already surpassed that of ordinary sailing ships.

It may not be comparable to Earth's modern warships, or even modern warships.

It's no wonder that the cross sea area makes sailors and captains of merchant ships so fearful.

After capturing two ships, seven pirates, and seven sailors from the smuggling ship, in the afternoon, Ivita and the others captured a two-masted pirate ship, three pirates with the strength of a trainee knight, and seven ordinary pirates. pirate.

When they saw the ship, they released the [Ship Catching Claws], scaring everyone who saw it out of their wits.

For a time, the number of Ivita's ships actually reached four.

And just in the evening, Ivita began to think about teaching the two girls basic magic knowledge first, and by the way, she would supplement the basic knowledge during the teaching process so that both teachers and students could improve. A white dove Suddenly flew directly above their ship.

Then he crashed headlong into the Great Britain's observation deck.

Ivita walked out of the cabin and used her magic hand to remove the pigeon body on the observation deck, and then she was shocked to find that it was actually a magic homing pigeon.

Who sent the message to him?

He took out the letter on the pigeon's leg, opened it, and saw the message on it——

[This is a letter from the Ambrose Witch Cemetery. There is urgent news to convey to Mr. Ivita. I once gave you a viscounty on a cross island, and this act was recently discovered by the Valji, a smuggler family that occupied that territory, through divination. The Valji smuggler family belongs to a small and medium-sized black market chaebol group on Cross Island. They have a very powerful force and fleet in the Black Sea. They will definitely not let you get close to Cross Island and assert your territorial claims. Please be careful of attacks from this family at sea. 】

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