The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 281 Affiliated Races of Quetzalcoatl

As soon as Ivita stepped onto the deck, she saw more than twenty humanoid creatures with scales standing on the deck of the Britannia. The lower body of these humanoid creatures is that of a python, with a large number of fins and fish spines on the back. At the same time, the upper body is in the shape of a human. There are no scales on the face, but more like a woman who has been soaked in water for a long time.

All such creatures are female.

Yvetta heard the Hearthstone Witch call them naga.

The weapons in the hands of these Nagas are harpoons or tridents. Unlike the poorly dressed sharks, they seem to still use some shell materials as jewelry to decorate themselves.

These Nagas seemed to hate humans very much. As soon as they got on the deck of their ship, they rushed towards the sailors and soldiers on the ship with weapons raised.

Although the Nagas look very scary, in fact, they seem to have no professionals, only their own racial talents. Their racial talents make them naturally strong.

These Nagas can fight well with the warriors.

But the three angry melons on the boat rushed into the group of naga and started hitting them wildly. Every time those terrible winter melons hit them, they would be smashed to pieces, with their internal organs ruptured and their abdomens dented.

Wilson grabbed a naga, opened his terrifying mouth, then bit her neck fiercely, and began to drink blood rapidly.

In just a few breaths, he quickly sucked the other person dry.

The Hearthstone Witch raised the flame in her hand, and then threw a fireball, causing a Naga snake-man to burn with crimson flames. Let the other party scream and fall into the bottom of the sea while burning.

Under these brutal attacks, the Naga group gradually became crazy.

"Damn land people, you are all devils, all devils, you should go back to your land, the sea belongs to us."

"I'm going to dig you up like fish! You lowly creatures who can't even dive to the bottom of the sea."

The next moment, the old witch appeared behind the Naga who shouted that humans and land creatures were inferior creatures. Then her fingernails suddenly grew longer, sharper, and harder, and she inserted them into the opponent's chest.

The Hearthstone Witch had a sullen face, "Seafood, who are you talking about as an inferior creature?"

Naga looked in horror as the other person's hand that penetrated her chest actually held her beating heart. She suddenly felt difficulty breathing and her limbs were weak. But before she could react, her heart was crushed by the Hearthstone Witch.

She died like this.

When the other Nagas saw this scene, they immediately felt the power, evil and terror of the Hearthstone Witch.

When the Hearthstone Witch turned to look at the Nagas gloomily, the evil gaze fell on them, and each Naga could only step back.

Ivita was a little confused. The other party's strength didn't seem to be very good.

At this time, Captain Sam told Ivita from a distance, "Sir, those Nagas are attacking the rudder at the stern of our ship in the sea. If the rudder is broken, we will not be able to turn. They are still attacking in the water." The bottom of our boat underwater!”

"They are not here to kill us, they just want to destroy our ship and let us die suspended in the sea."

Ivita said calmly: "If our ship is really broken, don't be afraid, I will catch those Nagas that cause trouble. Each of us rides a Naga, and we can still cross the suspended sea and find The instigator compensated me for seven ships.”

Captain Sam was stunned for a moment, and Ivita's confidence and calmness also infected him.

But what he was mainly thinking about was that six of Ivita's seven ships were snatched away. How could he ask others to compensate for the damage to the ships?

Ivita was going to see what was going on at the stern of the ship. As soon as he walked to the middle of the boat, he heard some kind of prayer coming from his ears. The prayer was powerful and very tempting, as if he was praying to an omnipotent and extremely partial god——

‘I ask the Sea Mother to come and eliminate their enemies for your race. Your blue sea waves drown countless humans. You are vast and turbulent, and you can kill anyone who dissatisfied you at any time. ’

'Please come to the sea mother, we are the children of the sea, please kill these children of the land...'

As the sound of prayers appeared, Ivita saw that the body of the Naga priest who had been hiding on the sea turned like a little giant. This huge Naga snake man, almost twelve meters high, was rising and falling in the sea. She kept saying prayers to pagan gods, and the snake scales on her body became sparkling, each scale as dazzling as a blue gem.

The sapphire scales all over her body are proof of the divinity of the [Mother of the Sea] in her body.

This guy exudes a second level of spirituality.

Ivita has seen priests. When he was fighting the Sons of the Forest in Ambrose, he had met priests among them.

If it were on land, Ivita felt that she could instantly kill these sea priests, but now it was the sea, and this was indeed not her home court.

At least ten Naga priests turned into giants and took out the capes from their waists, and then blew the capes.

As the melodious sound of the cape penetrated the air, tornadoes actually appeared on the sea. The tornadoes absorbed the seawater and turned into dragons to absorb water. Ten dragons absorbed water and connected to the sky and the sea. It was so spectacular that it completely inspired the levitation. The ferocity of the sea.

In addition, the uneven geographical features of the suspended sea caused the seven ships of Ivita's fleet to be forced to drift to different places, completely scattered, and simply separated, with no support for each other.

Therefore, Ivita and the others were temporarily surrounded by Nagas.

The Nagas, who had been suppressed by the senior professionals on Ivita's side, finally fought back, becoming more and more ferocious.

"Kill them! Kill the inferior landmen!"

"These land people already have a continent, but they want to greedily devour our oceans and kill them all. The abominable Varji family and the hateful land people! These people should be skinned!"

Except on the Britannia, Ivita and his men still had the upper hand. But the pirates on the other ships who were forced to join seemed to be intimidated. Many pirates even tried to escape the cruel Nagas by jumping off the ship to survive.

But this is a suspended sea. In a panic, they often fall into the sea from a height of more than 100 meters, and they fall half-dead in the sea.

Ivita turned around and saw that a water-absorbing dragon actually sucked up the smallest of her seven ships, the original smuggling ship of the Fulval family. The single-masted ship went vertically upwards along the dragon-absorbing water tornado. The pirates were all thrown down in fear one by one, and no one knew how many people fell to death in the ocean.

Davina clung to the railing of the smuggling boat, trying not to fall into the ocean.

Davina lowered her head and saw the Britannia, which was a hundred meters below the ground. She shouted to the Hearthstone Witch: "Teacher, help..."


Although the Hearthstone Witch's ears moved, there was no movement at all. She just sprinkled a handful of piranha seeds into the water. When those piranha seeds fell into the seawater, they quickly sprouted and took shape. Then they bit the bodies of the Naga snake-men in the water and dragged them with them. Go to the bottom of the sea and fall into the dark depths.

Seeing that the Hearthstone Witch clearly heard her cry for help but turned a blind eye, Davina's heart froze.

She looked up and saw that the upper half of the Berlin was already away from the waterspout. She couldn't help but become anxious and screamed at Ivita like a dead horse. "Master~ please help me~ I am your most loyal servant!"


The vampire Davina felt like giving up on herself because she felt that Ivita might not pay attention to her.

Since the Hearthstone Witch ignored her, she didn't think there was any reason for Ivita to ignore her.

But Ivita stood on the deck of the Britannia, looking in the direction of Davina. There were red and blue lights in her eyes, and fire magic and thunder magic intertwined at the same time, becoming more powerful.

Ivita said: "I know."

"Just wait a moment. I will find a way to rescue you."

On the waterspout, Davina, who was clinging to the deck of the ship, was immediately flattered, and for a moment she almost forgot that she was on a tornado a hundred meters high.

Ivita transformed into an eagle and flew up, but the little giant, Naga Priest, who had been staring at Ivita from the sea for a long time, wanted to stop Ivita. She blew the horn, and suddenly the water on the sea surface began to churn, attacking the peregrine falcon that was heading toward Ivita's incarnation like a water arrow.

But Ivita’s goal is not to reach [Davina] at all.

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita spoke to the Naga priestess who was attacking her and said, "Surrender. You have no chance of winning."

"I'll give you a chance to surrender."

"Ah?" The Naga Priestess seemed to have heard some joke. "We have no chance of winning? Land people, your fleet is torn apart by the floating sea and sky barriers."

"Your troops were attacked by us and were completely defeated."

"At this time, you want me to surrender to you?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I think you can't even save your subordinate, so let her be buried in the ocean!"

The falcon transformed by Ivita was indifferent, and at the same time, a black light suddenly jumped out from the cabin inside the Britannic, flying towards Davina like a stream of light.

That is Ivita's [Cloak of Destruction] magic.

After he was promoted to an official wizard, he usually only used the thunder snake magic, the lord's crown firebird magic, the war throwing magic and the gate of control magic, but he had not used the dragon palace magic and the cloak of destruction magic yet.

The elegant black-gold cloak of destruction was like a flying carpet, catching Davina who accidentally fell from the Berlin and was about to fall into a waterspout. Three black magic spells of destruction were lingering around the perimeter of the cloak. Ordinary sea water directly disintegrates and evaporates when it encounters the destructive ball.

Ivita summoned the three destruction spheres and turned them into an umbrella-shaped object, standing in front of her and blocking countless water spikes.

"You seem to have forgotten something."

The hottest sight appeared in his left eye, which was a red light. Powerful power radiated above the sea. Suddenly all the Nagas felt a fire power suppressing them, burning the surface of their skin, making them extremely Uncomfortable, combat ability and mobility have been severely affected.

This eased the Naga troops' attack on the pirates on his side, greatly reducing the pressure on the remaining pirates who had not jumped into the sea to escape.

The Naga priest's face changed drastically. She felt that the power transmitted from the 'Mother of the Sea' was so powerful, but the seemingly inexhaustible power was actually suppressed by a wizard.

The flame power is clearly located in the sea, but it has no intention of weakening at all.

It was definitely no ordinary flame.

Of course she could not imagine that it was the fire of the law.

The female Naga priest said in horror: "How can a second-level wizard, who has not even formed a [Soul Palace], just become a formal wizard, have such powerful magic power?"

"What kind of people are the Valji family fighting?"

In the sky, the peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita said: "You have always forgotten one thing. That is that the Valji family gave us a precious gift - a sea king-like sea monster."

As Ivita finished speaking, the Minotaur sea monster that was eight hundred meters below the deep sea but had been following their fleet was rising rapidly.

After the Naga priests were stunned by Ivita's words for about tens of seconds, they were shocked to find that their bodies were caught by the octopus's tentacles and they were unable to move.

The sea surface suddenly rose due to the Minotaur sea monster, like a fountain or a volcanic eruption, and the water was spewing out in all directions.

The Minotaur sea monster has third-level power, while most Naga priests are only second-level professionals.

At this time, they were all controlled for an instant and could not move at all in a short period of time.

"It's a sea monster. The Valji family said it escaped from the battlefield, and now it seems that it is controlled by the enemy. Those idiots, do they think no one can control a sea king creature?"

"Don't be afraid, our people are still attacking their ships. As long as the ship is damaged, these despicable land creatures will become our prey."

The Minotaur sea monster has many tentacles, and at this moment, these tentacles are wrapping around the hundreds of Nagas who are attacking the six two-masted ships, using the terrifying tentacles to kill them one by one as if they can eat people.

Red blood covered the sea.

Wilson took the opportunity to jump on the body of a Naga priest, then opened his mouth, exposed his fangs, and began to feast on the twelve-meter-tall little giant.

Countless blood mixed with the 'Mother of the Sea' entered his mouth and quickly restored the damage he suffered during the battle.

The Hearthstone Witch also summoned a blue flower that was between illusion and reality. The flower was also extremely ferocious. She opened her mouth and stretched her neck to bite the Naga priests.

The Hearthstone Witch was extremely proud when she saw these naga, who were like little giants on the sea, being bitten until they bled.

"This is a new magical plant [Sad Flower] that I discovered from the spiritual world."

"These sad flowers can be long or short, and they can attack anyone I want to attack at will. They cannot be blocked, because no one can stop the arrival of sad flowers. You, the second-level professionals, are not even in the ocean. What can be done?”

The Nagas felt that their advantage was gone in an instant, or that they had never had the advantage before.

The falcon transformed by Ivita sneered at them: "I told you before, you will lose. The moment you appeared, I began to measure the combat effectiveness of your troops. I originally thought that the Valji family's second attack , all those who came are their elite troops, but now it seems that they just sent you as death squads."

The remaining living seven-headed Naga priests are extremely angry, not against Ivita, but against the Valji family.

Because Ivita was right.

They themselves also knew what the nature of this operation was.

The Naga priests wailed, and even the ordinary Naga troops wailed. Everyone originally thought these were the desperate words of the Nagas.

But Iveta suddenly discovered that there were some common rhythms hidden in the wails of these guys, and there was power faintly gathered at the bottom of the ocean. That power seemed to connect the disparate and incompatible existences in a magical black forest.

Ivita quickly determined that this was a ritual.

A power that summons some kind of abnormal being.

It would not have been easy for him to discover this if he hadn't transformed into a falcon, high up in the sky, overlooking the sea.

Because these Nagas are extremely hidden.

But once they are allowed to complete this ritual, there will be a big problem.

Ivita suddenly snorted, and the thunder and lightning magic in his body condensed, and he used the Emperor Star Pulse. A thunder snake appeared from his right eye, and the sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and the thunder snake penetrated into the thunder clouds. When he appeared again, he had turned into a dragon.

In the eyes of the Nagas, and in the eyes of the pigeons who were supervising the battle, the terrifying thunder dragon emerged from the clouds, and the terrifying power of thunder magic stirred up the wind and clouds as soon as it appeared, making the sea start to become restless.

The Nagas soon discovered that the power transmitted by the 'Mother of the Sea' was so unstable in front of this thunder dragon.

If the environment on the sea was like this, the ceremony would not be able to proceed at all.

Gunara, the leading Naga priest, suddenly saw the shadow of the falcon cast by Ivita on the sea. It was neither the shadow of a human being nor the shadow of an falcon, but the shadow of a long dragon with six wings. shadow.

"That's not a human shadow, he's not a human being!" Gunara murmured to herself, frightened and confused. When she saw the shadow on the sea, she suddenly felt that she had seen a higher existence. The illusion is that it seems to be a truly powerful high-level existence in the sea.

It was as if she had only now seen the reality and the real ocean.

Gunara said: "He is the sea! He is everything, he is everything."

In the sky, Ivita also discovered that the size of the condensed thunder dragon seemed to be much larger this time, and a steady stream of power seemed to be pouring into his body.

But Ivita didn't think much about it, he just thought it was normal.

He didn't realize that under the stimulation of the sea and the battle, the balance of power in his body was losing balance.

The intensity of the thunder dragon's magic is not ordinary.

Just showing up has already disrupted the rituals of the Naga priests.

The falcon transformed by Ivita was about to lower the dragon, but at this moment, Gunara bowed her head toward the sky. "Wait a moment."

"Please give me half a minute to speak."

"Please wait a moment. The Valji family has captured the princess and leader of our Naga tribe. The princess and leader are the direct descendants of the Mother of the Sea and the bridge between us and the Mother of the Sea. So we have no choice. We can only obey their orders. But if you can... maybe you can let us get rid of the Valji family, or even get rid of... the princess and leader who have become puppets, so that after we escape from the Mother of the Sea, we will still be in the ocean. The right to survive in the world. I can see that you are not human at all... We want to become your subordinate race!"

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