The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 293 Tsarist Law and the One Orthodox Church of the East

Ivita frowned. "May I have your name?"

"My name is [Duva Gregorevsky], and I come from the Grand Duchy of Tver." Duva Gregorevsky said: "Thirty years ago, because I was in the Grand Duchy of Tver , confessed to the priests of the only Eastern Orthodox Church, and inadvertently revealed his dissatisfaction with the contemporary Grand Duke of Tver in front of the priest, and was hunted down by the priests of the only Eastern Orthodox Church and the special area shooting army of the Principality of Tver."

"While escaping, I killed several people, and I became a serial murderer with a lot of crimes in the Grand Duchy of Tver."

"Fortunately, there are still some places in this world that can tolerate felons like me. I came to the pirate world and became a quartermaster here."

In order to gain Ivita's trust, Duva Greglevsky was introducing himself to the people present.

Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch strangely, "What is the only Eastern Orthodox Church and the Special Precinct Shooting Army?"

The Hearthstone Witch bowed her head slightly to Ivita and said: "The church has a long history, and there are many differences over time. The differences accumulated in the church a thousand years ago have divided them into several factions."

"The mainstream church is the Western Church of God of All Things. The beliefs of the Western Magic Black Forest countries are led by the Western Church. The Pope is the head of the Western Church. The Pope-the Western Church constitutes a sacred international system."

"But there is still a part of the church that believes that the pope is just an ordinary archbishop. Only the emperors of ancient civilizations are the highest agents of the God of all things in the world. This part of the church has gone to the north of the Far East after many twists and turns. They took root there and believed that they were the only orthodox church, so they claimed to be the only orthodox church in the East.”

"The reasons for the split of the third part of the church are more complicated, and they still exist on the continent where the God of all beasts is the mainstream belief. They believe that there is only one God in the world - the God of all things, and [the only Eastern Orthodox Church ] and the [Western Papal Church] both worship the God of all things and the Son of the God of all things. Essentially, they believe that there are two creator gods in this world.”

“That’s why this church calls itself the [Coptic Church].”

The Hearthstone Witch shook her head and said: "Thus, the Church of the God of All Things is divided into three. But in fact, when we usually talk about the church, we are talking about the Western Papal Church, because the only orthodox church in the East is almost the Principality of Tver. As the state religion of the countries in the surrounding area, the Coptic Church can only survive in the corners of the continent on the other side of the sea, and the holy areas and holy cities have become other people's lands."

"The nominal head of the Coptic Church is still in the territory of the Mamluk Kingdom, and the original patriarch of the only Eastern Orthodox Church is also in the hands of the Seljuk-Roman Empire."

Ivita mused.

If the original universal church was divided into three parts, then it is no wonder that the current Western church headed by the Papal States does not have universal laws in its hands. Therefore, the universal church has been split into three parts. There may be other heresies, and there may be other heresies. In dividing the universal church.

Hearthstone Witch said: "The confession system was originally for people to confess to the God of All Things through the priests in the church. In principle, the priests cannot tell anyone the content of people's confessions, not even the superiors of the church."

"I heard that the ruler of the Principality of Tver would ask the priests to tell him the confessions of his people to the God of All Things on a regular basis, and then select out those who are dissatisfied with the regime of the Principality of Tver. I didn't expect it to be true. of."

“Compared with the Western Papal Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church is like a dog raised by a monarch.”

Dua Gregorovsky also sneered and said repeatedly: "After I saw clearly the hypocritical face of the only Eastern Orthodox Church, and after I learned that the priests betrayed the believers of the God of All Things to their king, I Know that God, morality, and the judgment of the afterlife are all false. People just need to live in this world and take care of themselves in this life."

The Hearthstone Witch marveled. "The monarch of Tver is so smart that he even made use of the church's secret confession system and turned it into the monarch's intelligence agency."

Duva Greglewski looked up and down at the Hearthstone Witch who sincerely praised this behavior, full of confusion, as if thinking about why the person in front of him could not sympathize with him. Because the priest told a third party the content of the believer's secret confession. No matter who knew this kind of behavior, he must be deeply disgusted. Why did the witch in front of him still look like he was very powerful about it.

Dua Gregorewski coughed himself. He couldn't be angry with his big client, so when he realized that the Hearthstone Witch really couldn't empathize with him, he could only put aside the topic and talk to Yi Vita said: "As for the Special Area Shooting Army, it is a special army affiliated with the laws of the Tsar. As we all know, although the Tsar's Law is only a kingdom-level law, it itself is one of the universal laws of ancient civilizations. an independent law directly separated from the

"Before the Principality of Tver obtained this law, it was just a small tax collector under the Golden Horde. However, the Romanov royal family of the Principality of Tver obtained the Tsar by marrying a princess of ancient civilization. The law realizes the transfer of the law.”

"Under the current rule of Catherine IX of the Principality of Tver, the Principality of Tver has successfully unified half of the Russian country, and has changed its name and calls itself the Tsarist Kingdom of all Russia. However, due to historical inertia, We still call their country the Principality of Tver. By the way, Lady Iveta, Catherine IX overthrew Grand Duke Ivan VIII who ordered my arrest at that time, so she is actually still my benefactor. "

There was obvious regret on Duva Greglevsky's face. "It's a pity that I am already a resident of the pirate world and have been abandoned by all countries. In my lifetime, I will never be able to set foot in my hometown, the land of the far north."

"Because the tsarist law is complicated, the special jurisdiction law is a subsidiary law of the tsarist law, and the shooting army is a subsidiary law of the special jurisdiction law. I don't know much about the shooting military law. I only know Under this law, some knights holding muskets seem to be blessed by special laws. They are extremely terrifying and are the minions of the tsar. They are one of the key forces in the tsar's establishment of a centralized and autocratic absolute monarchy. "

"I have heard about the [Fire Army] under the Tsar's law. Each knight has extremely amazing combat effectiveness. Their strength and speed are more powerful than ordinary knights. Moreover, the muskets in their hands have incredible power. Almost no one can use that musket." Survived the attack."

Ivita looked thoughtful.

Obviously, the monarchy of the countries in the Magic Black Forest is based on the feudal monarchy, while the Principality of Tver, or the Czarist State of all Russia, is an absolute monarchy.

The political system of the peninsula is more complicated due to the existence of the three major republics and the Papal States. Except for the feudal monarchy outside the Principality of Lombardy, it is not obvious.

Western Church of God of All Things,

The One Orthodox Church of the East,

feudal monarchy,

Absolute monarchy…

In Ivita's eyes, this represents the Western countries and the Eastern Rus countries, which are two completely different geographical and cultural regions.

And obviously in the land of more powerful laws, those laws can shape special legions under the laws. I just don’t know if there is a special legion unique to Alsace in the Kingdom of Alsace and under the law of Alsace.

Ivita asked Dua Gregorevsky, "Is there a special legion under the law in the world of pirates?"

Duva Greglevsky narrowed his eyes slightly. Because he knew that when Ivita asked this question, it was equivalent to showing that he had the ambition to go further and continue to advance to the Cross Island and launch an attack on the headquarters of the Valji family on the Cross Island.

And this was the biggest reason why he came specifically to find Ivita.

Duva Greglewski said: "Yes."

"In Cross Island and the central port of the upper city, there is a world of pirates. A special legion under the laws of the Seven Seas Code - [Gaoli Ghost Pirates]. They are invulnerable, experienced in hundreds of battles, and their bodies are like iron walls. Legend has it that there is a sea The power is protecting them."

"The Gaoli Ghost Pirates are the only army in the pirate world that is directly affiliated with the central government of the Pirate Republic."

"But those pirates are part of the Seven Seas Code and will only be commanded by the Governor of Central Port. You don't need to worry about them. The Governor will not care about your personal grudges with the Valji family."

"There are almost no rules in the pirate world, because it really depends on who has clean hands in the pirate world. Besides, no one is willing to sacrifice their own interests to supervise and protect others all day long."

Ivita nodded. He said to Dua Gregorewski: "I had a great time chatting with you, and I did not bring too many people with me when I came to the pirate world this time. Just the dozen of us want to eat Even if the other party offers us the property of the Varji family, it is just a dream and we cannot afford it."

Duva Greglevsky smiled knowingly. "The Black Sea is extremely dangerous. Unless we attack with the strength of a kingdom or a principality, we should not bring too many ships over. Because no one knows what is in the Black Sea."

“That’s what drives an industry like mine.”

Duva Greglevsky said to Ivita: "The so-called quartermaster is actually one of the three dominant classes in the pirate world. There are three main classes in the pirate world."

"One, pirates and pirate captains."

"Two, the smuggler family."

"Three, that's our quartermaster."

"You also know that pirates will lose money when they rob, and they can't go out to sea with money to rob, so they will become the targets of other pirates. Therefore, we have quartermasters to let them deposit their money with us. .”

"Smugglers provide pirates with a channel to sell their goods, and we quartermasters provide services to help pirates preserve their wealth and plan their heists to prevent them from losing money."

Ivita nodded, these are the two ecological niches of banks and markets centered around pirates.

Duva Greglevsky said to Ivita: "And I am the quartermaster who specializes in serving situations like yours now, so please believe in our business capabilities and our credibility.

"Unlike pirates, quartermasters live on credit."

"You can ask around and then you can relax."

"This is also our ID."

Dua Gregorewski pushed a bunch of things to the Hearthstone Witch next to Ivita. The Hearthstone Witch glared at him, did she think she was a maid?

Wilson flipped through the documents Ivita handed over, and then he nodded to Ivita. "Sir, I have heard of the Quartermaster, and his credentials are genuine. We can trust him."

On the street, Dua Gregorevsky smiled.

"We had a good chat," Ivita said to Dua Gregorevsky.

"I also believe in your professional ethics."

"But if you help us, how much commission will you take?"

Duva Greglevsky was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Because it is necessary to investigate the hidden property of the Vargy family and try to protect their existing property, which requires a large number of manpower. There must be many conflicts, and even It's a property rights dispute, a property dispute, and I need to use the energy that only a local snake has to solve these troubles."

"So, under normal circumstances, to do this kind of thing, I need to take a commission of 10 to 15 percent."

the Hearthstone Witch exclaimed. "Fifteen percent?"

"It's just crazy."

"You are just a bunch of liars. If you talk to us casually, you want to take away 15%? I think giving you one hundred gold pounds is already a lot."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes rolled up, and she suddenly thought of a very good idea. She turned around and said to Ivita: "Let Wilson undo the mental compulsion on Captain Duck Feather, and then you can free up a target for mental compulsion. Then we can use mental force to control this liar."

Dua Gregorevsky suddenly took a step back with sweat on his forehead. He looked at the murderous intent in the eyes of the Hearthstone Witch and finally understood that the person who could defeat the Valji family in one battle was definitely not a good man or woman.

Although he was mentally prepared, he never expected that the Hearthstone Witch was so vicious.

Duva Greglevsky exclaimed: "I also have wizards here who regularly check my mental state..."

Ivita stopped the Hearthstone Witch, "Let him finish first."

Wilson, a fourth-generation vampire, also thought she was too exaggerated. Although he was actually the one with the mental coercion skill, he never thought that he could operate in such an unscrupulous manner.

Dua Gregorovsky wiped the sweat from his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ivita: "I haven't finished speaking yet. If it were you, I would not charge a commission, as long as you give me six One hundred gold pounds. This money can allow me to pay for labor costs without losing money, and it can also be used for the medical expenses of future professionals who are expected to be injured."

Ivetta, the Hearthstone Witch, Wilson, and Davina all looked at him at the same time.

Ivita frowned. "Why? We must have never met, right?"

Dua Gregorevsky nodded and said: "That's true, but I have a grudge against the Vargy family, and I am happy to see them suffer misfortune."

"This family has harmed the interests of my employer and mine many times. It is extremely arrogant. Although it is not yet a large-scale smuggler family on Cross Island, it already has the style of other families, and they do things without regard for others."

"I once swore that if I had the opportunity to take revenge on this family, I would definitely do it."

"And now you're my chance."

Ivita nodded. After some discussion with the Hearthstone Witch and Wilson, he decided to believe him.

So, five minutes later, Ivita said to Duva Greglevsky: "I hope our cooperation can be pleasant."

Duva Greglewski snapped his fingers. "You and I have the same enemy."

"Our cooperation will be very pleasant. But after this incident, if you still want to use my team to help you annex other people's family properties, you have to pay according to the rules. I am just free this time."

Duva Greglevsky emphasized with some worry.

Ivita nodded.

About half an hour later, they arrived in front of a rectangular manor, which covered a fairly large area.

It is approximately the combined area of ​​three or four buildings on Earth in Ivita's previous life.

But the height is not high, and the tallest building is only two floors.

There were many little pirates surrounding the manor, and these little pirates seemed to want to see if they could eat any leftovers nearby.

But with the arrival of Ivita and Dua Gregorevsky, Dua Gregorevsky brought three hundred people, of which more than two hundred were ordinary people and more than forty were ordinary people. A first-level professional.

The arrival of these troops directly cleared out the small pirates nearby, and beat out all the small pirates who wanted a piece of the pie.

A middle-aged little pirate was pushed away by two strong men. But he seemed very unconvinced and said, "Anyone can come and walk around this place. Why don't we be allowed to walk around here a few times? This is too overbearing."

"It's too much."

"And the Valji family has so much property, can you afford it? You are so domineering, are you afraid of having children..."

The next moment, the man's head was hit hard on the back of the head by Dua Gregorewski's men with the stick of civilization. In an instant, a big lump bulged up on the back of his head, and the person fell into a coma.

That man was also roughly thrown into the sewer of the transit port city by two strong men of Dua Gregorevsky, and the sewer ran directly through the ocean!

The little pirates who were making trouble around them were all horrified when they saw Dua Gregorevsky's people acting so ruthlessly.

The rabble dispersed.

Dua Gregorewski, on the other hand, said to everyone: "I am Duva Gregorovsky, a professional pirate quartermaster."

"Everything in the Valji family now belongs to Lord Ivita. Those of you who are crows and vultures, get away from me. Those who don't will be killed and fed to the sharks in the sea."

All the little pirates were so frightened that they dispersed automatically.

Dua Gregorevsky looked up at the closed hollow iron door of the manor and laughed sarcastically. "Once upon a time, your family tyrannically took away the money that my customers had stored with me, which almost ruined my reputation. If I hadn't seized the opportunity to make a comeback, I would have almost starved to death."

"Today, I'm back again. This time, I'm going to take away all your family's property. Although it's not for me, it's for Mr. Ivita, but this can be regarded as tit for tat. Hahahaha..."

"Open that iron door for me."

"Those big pirates seem to have gone directly to rob the Vargy family's shops scattered in the transit port. They still understand the rules and leave the big part of the manor to Mr. Ivita, because it was Mr. Ivita who defeated the Vargy family. family."

Next, Iveta saw ten strong men on the quartermaster's side, taking out the large logs prepared in advance, and the ten people hit the iron door together, making the iron door creak. A few moments later, the door was knocked open and the iron lock fell onto the lawn.

Suddenly, the Valji family's manor was opened in front of Ivita without any protection.

This is what happens to losers.

The two young servants of the Valji family behind the iron gate were so frightened when they saw this scene that they turned around and ran away, exclaiming: "They are here, they are finally here."

"Those people are here, and the demon named Ivita is here."

The quartermaster's men swarmed in, and some were responsible for guarding the gate to prevent anyone from escaping with property. Even a servant of the Valji family manor could not be let out.

Some people picked up weapons to clear out the remaining resistance within the family, while others took paper, pens and account books to search the Varji family's property.

Duva Greglewski is very experienced. He shouted loudly: "Immediately find the place where they put the account books, and don't let them have the opportunity to destroy or tamper with the account books. Then immediately sort out their family's property, and don't even let me spare a hair!"

"The master of the manor will definitely disguise himself as a servant and try to escape. Keep an eye on those people with delicate skin and tender flesh."

"Try not to damage the buildings in the manor, especially the easily broken glass and the precious flowers and plants in the flower beds in the manor. These are now the property of Mr. Ivita."

It didn't take long for six strong men to capture four women dressed in fine clothes and looking frightened. There were also two strong men who captured a boy about eight years old and a girl about twelve years old.

When the girl saw Dua Gregorevsky and Ivita, she became extremely angry, went crazy, and wanted to kick Dua Gregorevsky. "You two devils! Gregorevsky, you were not even qualified to enter my house before. Who do you think you are?"

"Ivetta, you destroyed my family, you devil!"

Duva Greglevsky said to her sarcastically: "Then in whose hands are you now?"

Ivita said to the angry girl: "You blame me for destroying your family."

"But how many families have your family destroyed and how many parents have you killed?"

The daughter of McLaughlin Vargy fell silent.

Because she was wrong.

How a family of murderers and robbers blamed others for destroying her family.

Not long after, another one of Dua Gregorewski's men came over, their words filled with surprise and panic. He said to Dua Gregorevsky and Ivita: "Two gentlemen, we found a large number of imprisoned slaves in the basement of the Varji family manor."

"The Valji family has been secretly engaged in slave trade. They have been secretly selling humans to the orc countries who believe in the God of Beasts!"

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